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Only If You Dare (Falling For A Rose Book 3)

Page 16

by Stephanie Nicole Norris

“Always?” she said finally.


  “Always insinuates us being around each other longer than the duration of this trip. I think using that term is a little far-fetched.”

  I pulled her close. “Do you know something I don’t?”

  “What do you mean?”

  “You speak as if you know things I’m not aware of. Do you plan to ditch me after we leave Dubai?”

  “Ditch you?”

  Desiree looked affronted, then her face softened, and she laughed.

  “Ditch you,” she repeated shaking her head. “I’m sure I don’t need to remind you that our lives are two worlds apart. While you’re constantly on the move, I’m looking to settle down back in Chicago. We lead two entirely different lives, at most, we stay in contact through phone, but I mean, always?”

  She frowned and took a step back from me. We watched each other silently for longer than a minute.

  “I’m not willing to let you run, Desiree.”

  Desiree sighed. “Stop saying that,” she held her arms up.

  “I’m not Cameron, Desiree.” I wanted her to hear me, and believe me like her life depended on it. She folded her arms.

  “I’m not so sure about that,” she said.

  Her words stung, like a stabbing pain to my gut.

  “You’re not so sure…” my voice was thick and laced with darkness.

  “Julian, I don’t want to fight with you,” Desiree said. “What we shared here in Dubai was the best time of my life. I’ll admit, and I know I agreed to explore our attraction and we did. Now it’s over. Soon we’ll never see each other again, so why not start now.”

  “It sounds like you’ve got your mind made up.”

  “Am I wrong?”

  I grabbed her hand and pulled her into a large walk-in closet pinning her against the closet’s door.

  “You are absolutely wrong,” I said, standing so close I breathed in the oxygen she exhaled. “You’re going to stand there in my face and tell me, what I feel,” I touched my chest, “what you feel,” I touched hers, “is purely physical?”

  “Julian this is crazy…” she mumbled, trying to escape my gaze.

  “Yeah… that’s what I thought. What do you think happens when two people meet and fall in love? When they decide to be together, their lives, families, and friends join as one, also. It’s done every day, so don’t talk to me about leading different lives. That’s nothing that can’t be solved.”

  “So, what,” Desire folded her arms defiantly. “What are you saying, Julian?”

  I dropped my forehead down to hers and placed my hands on the wall on either side of her head.

  “I love you girl, and I want to be with you, always…”

  Desiree’s eyes widened and misted over with a glaze of fresh tears.

  “Those better be tears of joy,” I said.

  Desiree’s hand shielded her mouth. “Oh my God,” her voice was a high pitch whisper. “I love you, too,” she cried, and my arms fell around her. My heart knocked against my chest, and I kissed her temple, down the side of her face and across her tear stained eyes.

  “Stay with me, Bella,” I said.

  “I can’t,” she choked out.

  “Yes, you can.”

  “No,” she shook her head, “I can’t. I’m sorry.” Desiree moved but couldn’t make it past my stone barrier. My happiness was short lived, and I felt like a madman instantly.

  “Why the hell not?” I roared.

  “Because I don’t trust you.”

  I let out frustrating breath.

  “I saw Lila coming from your room Monday morning. It’s not my business what you do, but if you want to be with someone, you have to have the common decency not to entertain other women.”

  “I’m not entertaining Lila; she wanted to talk about her tardiness and attitude since the day she arrived. Nothing more, nothing less.”

  “At five a.m.?”

  I sighed again. “Yes at five a.m., it’s the usual time to be up moving around. We were inside the room for fifteen minutes at most before I asked her to leave so I could take a shower.”

  Desiree’s mind whirled, then she dropped her head into her hand.

  “I thought…” her words evaporated before they had a chance to make it into the air.

  “I’m not Cameron, Desiree. Let me build your trust back. I wouldn’t dare…”

  “Don’t!” she yelled. “Just don’t tell me what you wouldn’t do, okay?” Desiree ruffled her hair. “We still couldn’t, we’re practically brother and sister. Your brother is marrying my sister, remember?”

  I snatched Desiree up, and she yelped, shocked by my sudden movement. I crushed my lips to her mouth; sticking my tongue down her throat. I wanted to touch her soul and connect with her spirit. Desiree’s arms slid down my chest; her hands planted firmly against my torso. She moaned into my mouth, and a shudder flew through us both. I pulled up her dress and ripped her panties.

  “Would your brother touch you like this…” I snatched my zipper down and thrust into her savagely. Desiree screamed, but I swallowed her cries with my tongue. “Would your brother make you feel like this…” I pumped into her, steady with a violent thrust and made her come instantly. She didn’t even get the words out. There was no warning, just a temerarious vibration that struck her core causing her to whine like that of a stricken animal. With reckless abandon, we rocked, forgetting about anything else going on around us. The warm wetness of Desiree’s fountain brought me to a stark edge. Desiree whimpered, and tears streamed down her face. “Would you be afraid to love your brother like you’re afraid to love me…” I growled. I bit down on her neck and came inside her hard. We moaned together and Desiree’s nails sunk into my shoulders. “You’re mine,” I stated matter of fact. “All mine.”

  Chapter Twenty Four


  Every bone in my body seemed to go limp when my head dropped down on Julian’s shoulder. The heat that penetrated between us was a fire hazard; so much so, that any moment now we were sure to burn down the very room we stood in. I panted, and tried to gather my senses and pull it together. Julian had rattled my very core with all of his confessions. His affirmation gave me the strength I needed to rid myself of my own secrets. I was in love with him, too. I would cry if it weren’t so poetic. I loved this man as if I’d known him my entire life, with every fiber of my being. Why so strong? Why right now and how was this even possible in the short time we’d known each other? Truth of the matter was, I was still a broken woman. It wouldn’t be fair to him to knowingly enter a relationship when I could never trust him because of those past offenses. My emotions were high, and for a moment I thought my heart would beat right out of my chest.

  “Julian,” I said.

  “Yes, Bella,” his lips nibbled at my forehead and skipped down my face to my ears. His touch sent a tingle so strong my toes curled, and it stretched through my neck straight down to where we were still connected.

  “Baby, the kids…”

  Julian groaned then cursed sitting me on my feet. His withdrawal made me weaker, and I felt less than without him.

  “I’ll take Lacey and Antonio back to Forward Kitchen. I want you to go to your room and wait for me.”

  I shook my head. “I can’t do that. I need to take them back myself.”

  “Listen to me,” Julian put my chin in his hand to make sure I was looking at him head on. “I’m not taking no for an answer, and if you don’t answer the door, this time, I’ll use a key.”

  Another tremor fled through me at his vile threat. I didn’t have the energy to fight him, so I acquiesced. We reappeared in the eatery just in time to see Antonio and Lacey tilted to the side in their chairs.

  “Do you think you had enough?” I asked.

  They both looked at us and could barely form a smile with their belly stretched to the maximum.

  “Come on guys, I’m taking you back to Forward Kitchen. Say goodbye to Ms. Stevens,” Julian sa

  “Bye Ms. Steven’s,” they chimed.

  I pulled them both in for hugs. “I enjoyed spending time with you today. I know it’s early, but we’ll get together tomorrow, okay?”

  “It’s no problem, Ms. Steven’s,” Lacey said. Surprisingly, Antonio agreed.

  “We’re going to walk Ms. Steven’s to her car,” Julian informed them.

  They moved to their feet, albeit slowly, and we made our way outside where we hugged and repeated our goodbyes. Inside the backseat of Julian’s limo, I rested my head against the back of it. I needed a time out. Shifting gears was necessary, and it was time for me to head back to Houston.

  My phone beeped, with an incoming text message from Santana.

  Call me when you get a minute.

  I didn’t respond, deciding I would call her later. Instead, I sent a text to Julian.

  I need to get back to Houston.

  When my phone beeped I swiped my screen and checked the message.

  Pack your bags. We’ll leave before dawn.

  I thought about fighting him on that. I knew he had business here for a few more days and I didn’t want to be a distraction.

  I need to stay; I have an obligation to Antonio.

  I closed the phone, but it beeped seconds later.

  Listen to what I’m saying, Desiree. Pack your bags.

  He was so adamant. I sighed and made my way inside. In a daze, I gathered my items and packed them in the rollaway suitcase I’d purchased with Fredrick’s company credit card. Fredrick would fuss about the price later, but I’d be long gone by then. In the bathroom, I ran warm soapy water in the tub and removed my clothes to get in. There was a brief moment when I thought about catching a red eye and leaving for Houston on my own. But I needed to say goodbye to Antonio. The long goodbye.

  I’d fallen asleep in the tub when there was a light knock on the bathroom door. I flinched and opened my eyes.

  “I knocked on the door but didn’t get an answer,” he said.

  True to his word, Julian made his entry anyway. I sat up, and the water poured off my shoulders. I shuddered when a cool draft covered me.

  “What time is it?”

  “Six,” he said.

  My eyes bugged. “Oh my god, I’ve slept too long.” I stretched, and water sloshed over the side to the floor.

  “You’re good; you must’ve needed the rest. Running from me was wearing you out.” He smirked, and I twisted my lips. “I ordered you dinner. I’m going to pack my things and have them sent over to the jet.”

  “Julian, I don’t want you to leave, you still have things to do here.”

  “Have you forgotten, Desiree?”

  I looked bewildered.

  “I’m the boss. All the scenes have been wrapped. Kelsey is perfectly capable of handling things from here. These last few days in Dubai were purely for us to tie up loose ends, and rest before making our way back to the states. And,” he said before I could think of some other reason he should stay. “When I returned to Forward Kitchen, Donald informed me that Antonio’s parents were home and waiting for him. He was excited and told me to tell Ms. Steven’s, he’d miss her.” Julian smirked. “Lacey, too.”

  I warmed all over and pulled my knees up to my chest for a hug.

  “Thank you,” I said.

  “No thanks necessary. Now get dressed before I come over there and ravage you. It’s taking extreme willpower not to pull you out of that water and suck a slippery nipple into my mouth.”

  My stomach clenched, and my nipple tightened.

  “It’s the last, and only time, I’ll ever ask you to get dressed.”

  I hid my head in my knees, giggling and Julian left the room. I fell back against the ceramic tub and let out a contented sigh. Was this all a dream? Would I wake up in the morning and still be on the run from Julian? Had Julian really told me he loved me? Did I tell him, I loved him, too?

  The memory of that moment was still jarring, and the next morning when we boarded the flight, I was still pondering on them. Although yesterday had been more relaxing than ever, with Julian and I eating dinner, flipping through channels and laying in each other’s arms, the early morning flight still put me right to sleep. I’d had a croissant and coffee before I was in dreamland all over again.

  When I rose, Julian and I were pretty much in the same position we’d been in on the ride over; with me stretched out on the sofa with my head in his lap and he sitting up with both hands thrown over the top with his head back.

  I pulled to a sit and coached him into reversing positions. Surprisingly, Julian didn’t do much putting up a fight, but I could tell he was still sleeping. He positioned himself on his back with his feet crossed at the ankles on the edge of the sofa and his head in my lap. I stared down at his beautifully edged facial features. Thick eyebrows, perfectly carved nose, full lips and strong jawline. Could he belong to me? His words yesterday reversed through me.

  “All mine.”

  Was I incredibly dumb to fall for a man like Julian? I sighed softly and silently willed myself not to kiss his lips, going for the remote control. I flipped through the channels and settled on the Lifetime Movie Network. It wasn’t long before we’d made it back to Houston. And now that we were there, I was ready to get on with it. But there was still that lingering question. How could Julian and I move forward with any kind of relationship, when I was broken?

  The Houston Report was busy as usual. Phone’s ringing, conversations at the water cooler, and I could tell security had been beefed up since the incident with the crazy guy. I made a beeline for Fredrick’s office but was cut off by Santana.

  “Oh no you don’t pass right by me like I’m not here,” she said rising from her seat. “You look like a woman on a mission, where are you going?”

  I pulled my resignation letter out and waved it around.

  “This is officially my last day.”

  “No two weeks?” Santana said hopelessly. “I need two weeks, or I won’t get a letter of recommendation.”

  “Yes, you will.”

  Santana perked up. “And you know this because?”

  “Because I’ve got something he wants and he has something I want. It’s a simple trade off that would be in the best interest of the newspaper. And you know how much Fredrick’s always looking out for the best interest of the Houston Report,” I stated sarcastically, moving past her to Fredrick’s office.

  Again, I opened the door and strolled in without so much as a knock. It didn’t matter either way because Fredrick was busy fussing at a fellow reporter about something she’d missed. The girl was obviously new and looked like she had made the biggest mistake of her life.

  “Ms. Stevens!” Fredrick yelled. “I’m surprised to see you.” He checked his calendar and his wrist watch. “You’re a few days early,” he frowned, “There’s nothing wrong is there?”

  Fredrick was so paranoid that I’d ruin any chances for the Houston Report to get this story he almost pissed himself.

  “Dana, you can go, but remember what I said,” he reiterated.

  Dana fled past me like a freight train. In a few years, she’d be me. Fredrick turned his attention back to me when Dana left the room. I handed him the white envelope. His eyes pierced.

  “What’s this?” he said while simultaneously opening it. His eyes fled across the words and a frown appeared on his face. Fredrick looked up at me with an arched brow.

  “You’re retiring now when you’re in the height of your career?”

  “How exactly am I in the height of my career? I’m in the same position doing the same things I did when I first started, despite my credentials.”

  Fredrick swallowed, and he cast a look around the room nervously. I knew what that was about. He was afraid I’d take this current story and run. He should be. Even though I signed non-compete contracts, I was still brave enough to use it as a scare tactic.

  “I need a letter of recommendation from you. And I need it by tomorrow.”
r />   Fredrick sat back in his seat.

  “I also need a letter of recommendation for Santana. She quits, too.”

  Fredrick smirked and shook his head. “You have some nerve coming in here telling me what you need. I need that report from you, pronto, and I’m not sure if you and Santana deserve letters of recommendations. You’re Ms. Independent right? Get your jobs elsewhere using your own credentials. Fredrick tossed the letter at me, and it glided down to the floor right before my feet. I glanced to the fallen envelope then glared up.

  Taking a step forward, I placed my hands on his desk and leaned in so he could hear me good. “You will write letters of recommendations, and if you don’t, I will take this story to the Houston Chronicle. If you think I’m kidding, I want you to try me, Fredrick. I have no reason to bluff. I’ll only say this once you disrespectful mule. When I leave this office,” I glanced at my wrist watch, “Which will be in about thirty seconds, I’m taking Santana with me. We’ll go to lunch, and I’ll write this report up like the award-winning reporter that I am. And when I come back here tomorrow to deliver it, you, Fredrick Jones Carter, will have two finely written letters of recommendations waiting for me. At that time, we’ll trade.”

  I turned around and walked to the door. “Oh, and I know Mr. Rose never signed a contract or agreement that he would be giving you first dibs on this report, so the non-compete clause doesn’t work with this project.” I left his office and slammed the door behind me causing a few heads to turn my way.

  “Nothing to see here people, back to work,” I said approaching Santana’s desk. “Grab your things, we’re leaving,” I said.


  “Yes. You, and me. Now let’s go, unless you want to stay.”

  Santana glanced around her desk and gathered her things a bit too hesitant for my taste. “Santana.”

  “Hmm?” She turned to me hopeful.

  “You know I got your back, right?”

  Her face relaxed. “Yeah, I know it.”

  “Then come on. I’ve got to type up this report, and we’ve got some packing to do.”

  Santana tossed her bag over her shoulder and opened her large desk drawer pulling out what looked like a beach bag. I arched a brow at her, and she smiled sheepishly.


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