Book Read Free

Season's Meetings

Page 14

by Amy Dunne

  Catching the yawn, Catherine asked, “So what do you want to do now? Shall I open the champagne?”

  “You shouldn’t drink if you have concussion. And I’m running on fumes. I think maybe a shower and bed. I need to sleep.”

  Catherine masked her disappointment. In her head she’d envisioned champagne, cuddling in front of the fire, and then, well, maybe cuddling without clothes. Those visions were now dashed, but she was reminded of how tired she felt. “Okay. Should I put Kimmy to bed?”

  Holly gently moved Kimmy so she could get up. “She needs to be taken outside to do her business first. Can you manage or—”

  “Sure,” Catherine said. She was terrified at the prospect but didn’t want to lose face. “What exactly does it entail?”

  “Attach her lead, which is on the table. Then take her outside and she’ll go to the toilet. She should be quick.”

  Catherine nodded and headed into the kitchen. She picked up the extendable lead and called Kimmy. Holly stood in the archway with an amused expression.

  Kimmy trotted into the kitchen, looked up at Catherine, and then at the lead. Her backside jiggled as her tail thrashed.

  Catherine attached the lead and headed to the back door, but before she turned the lock, Holly tapped her on the shoulder.

  “Don’t forget these,” she said. She handed over some little black plastic bags. “If she does a number two you’ll need them. This is how you use them.” She gave a quick demonstration and then stepped away. “Then you tie the handles and throw it in the outside bin. Good luck. I’ll head for a shower.”

  Catherine’s hand felt contaminated from holding the bags and so she couldn’t consider the prospect of actually picking up dog faeces.

  Kimmy scratched at the door and Catherine had no choice but to open it. In a flash Kimmy disappeared into the blizzard, and for a terrible second, Catherine panicked she’d not find her. The lead tugged forcefully and Catherine followed the cord.

  Please don’t need a number two. Please.

  When she found Kimmy she was squatting. “Oh, God.” She moved closer, a bag already covering her trembling right hand. She braced herself and bent forward, but there was only a little yellow patch.

  “A number one!” Relief flooded through her. “Good girl, Kimmy.”

  She led Kimmy back into the cabin and dried her paws with the designated doggy towel. Once unclipped, Kimmy ran off, leaving Catherine alone to take off her shoes.

  When she went in search of the little canine, she couldn’t find her anywhere. Holly called for her to come into the bedroom. Hovering by the threshold, Catherine’s breath caught in her throat. Holly dripped wet from the shower and only had a towel wrapped around her body. Her damp hair looked darker and was tied in a ponytail draping over her shoulder.

  “Catherine?” Holly asked, as her hand flew to her chest. “Did you hear what I said?”

  Catherine hadn’t—she’d been too busy perving. “Sorry?”

  Holly pointed to the bed. Catherine reluctantly removed her leer and followed the direction of Holly’s index finger…to find Kimmy sprawled out in the middle of the bed. Her dark eyes were hooded and flickered idly between them.

  “Get off the bed, Kimmy,” Catherine said sternly. She was rewarded with a single wag of the grey tail.

  “Agnes’s instructions were very clear on the sleeping arrangements. Kimmy has always slept in her crate,” Holly said. She moved to stand beside Catherine. “I think she’s testing us.”

  “Testing us?”

  “Yes. She’s trying to assert her dominance. She wants to be top dog. And if we let her, she’ll be a nightmare. Well, that’s what Agnes’s instructions said. Do you want me to try to get her off?”

  Catherine felt something primal stir inside. She wanted to be top dog. “No, I’ll do it.” She marched forward and looked down at the little grey face. “Get out.” She pointed to the open door and waited. Kimmy didn’t move a muscle.

  No way she was going to let this little ball of fluff show her up in front of Holly. Not a chance. Taking a deep breath, she prepared herself. She was known for being a bitch in the office, and now it was time to use her skills in this bedroom. Squaring her shoulders and raising her chin, she said, “Out now!”

  Her tone had been sharp enough to cut glass. She sensed Holly’s surprise from the quick intake of breath. But her eyes remained fixed on Kimmy, who flew from the bed and out of the room like lightning. Trying not to show her smugness, Catherine turned to Holly and said, “Sorry if I came across as harsh.”

  “Not at all.” Holly returned to the bathroom door. She glanced over her shoulder. “I quite liked it.” The door closed.

  Striding purposely into the living room, Catherine wasn’t surprised to find Kimmy in her crate. She gave her a quick fuss and then locked the door.

  “Sleep well, Kimmy,” she said, stepping away. The sad little eyes pierced her and the little whine that escaped was heart wrenching. Regardless of what Agnes’s instructions said, the crate did look more like a cage. Feeling heartless, Catherine went into the kitchen and returned with a chewy treat and a toy bone. She sneaked the contraband through gaps in the bars as a peace offering. Kimmy pinned the chewy treat with one of her paws and chomped happily.

  Catherine suspected she’d been manipulated once again. Leaving Kimmy, she checked the locks, put the fireguard in place, and switched off the lights before joining Holly in the bedroom.

  “Do you want me to sleep on the sofa?” Holly asked. She was wearing one of the dressing gowns.

  “No, of course not. This bed is more than big enough for the both of us.”

  “And I should probably stay close to keep my eye on how you’re doing with your concussion.” Holly pulled back the duvet and climbed beneath it.

  “Yeah,” Catherine said. She was wondering about what she was going to wear as pyjamas. “So, you’re sleeping in the dressing gown tonight?”

  Holly nodded. “It’s the only thing I have.”

  “Me too.” Catherine unhooked her dressing gown and headed into the bathroom.

  She stripped, which took a considerable amount of time considering how many layers she was wearing. She kicked the garments into the corner behind the door. She was relieved to find a brand new toothbrush still in its wrapper was left on the side of the sink beside a little tube of toothpaste. She brushed her teeth and took great satisfaction in putting her toothbrush in the same pot as Holly’s. The brushes crossed each other as if in an embrace.

  Next she grabbed a fluffy towel and hung it outside the shower. She stepped inside the shower, closed the door, and removed her glasses. Blindly, she showered and slathered her body in the overly sweet-smelling floral body wash. She squirted shampoo from one of the tiny bottles on the shelf and massaged it deep into her scalp. The hot spray of water was almost too much to bear, but it soothed her skin and left her feeling toasty. Although her muscles ached and the lump on her forehead throbbed, there was no denying how amazing it felt to be clean. She fumbled her glasses back on, opened the door, and dried herself with the towel, soft as a cloud.

  She found the plastic comb Holly had used and removed the strand of blond hair caught in the teeth. After combing her hair, she put it into a bun, pulled the dressing gown on, and tied the belt. She checked her reflection in the foggy mirror before returning to the bedroom. She switched off the light on the wall and felt her way around to the other side of the bed. Butterflies soared in her stomach. Excitement coursed through her veins.

  She pulled back the duvet and slipped beneath it. The mattress was soft and welcoming, as were the pillows.

  “Holly?” she asked quietly. Her heart missed one, two, three, beats while she waited for a reply. A soft snore sounded from Holly’s side of the bed.

  So much for keeping an eye on me. What a wasted opportunity.

  Her disappointment quickly faded as her body relaxed. The important thing was they were safe now. They had plenty of time to get to know each other o
ver the upcoming days. Plus it had been years since she’d shared a bed with someone. Just knowing Holly was next to her was a huge comfort. The soft snores and warmth radiating over from Holly’s side of the bed were surprisingly welcome bedfellows.

  “Good night, Holly,” Catherine whispered. She knew her words wouldn’t be heard, but she needed to say them all the same. She closed her eyes and let out a deep sigh of contentment.


  Catherine was awake but found it impossible to move. Her body ached in various places and to various extents, but that wasn’t what was keeping her in the bed. Warmth and comfort held her captive.

  She couldn’t remember the last time she’d slept so soundly. She’d woken briefly because Holly had snuggled up against her, spooning her from behind with an arm draped around her waist as if to keep her close. It had been divine and Catherine had fallen back to sleep with a huge smile plastered on her face.

  Holly’s side of the bed was empty, and muffled sounds of life resonated from behind the closed bedroom door. Stretching her entire body out like a starfish, she tried to rouse her get-up-and-go. She put her glasses on first, then finally managed to persuade her body to crawl out of the bed. She slipped her feet into the large but comfy slippers, made the bed, and tried to make the dressing gown look presentable by smoothing it and retying the belt.

  As soon as she opened the door, a flash of grey appeared and assaulted her legs with scratchy paws and doggy kisses. Catherine had no choice but to stand still for a few minutes while Kimmy danced around her in tight circles. Catherine bent and tried to stroke Kimmy in the hope she might calm down. It didn’t work.

  “Okay. Enough now, Kimmy,” she said. Secretly, the loving reception pleased her. The little dog ran a few feet ahead of Catherine, rolled onto her back, and wriggled excitedly. Unable to resist, Catherine gave her belly a scratch.

  She looked around, but couldn’t quite place what was different. It took a few seconds to realise the Christmas tree was bare. All the decorations and ornaments were gone. Confused, Catherine’s gaze moved to the front door. A lopsided sign hung, reading Put Kimmy in crate before answering the door!

  Muffled Christmas music wafted out from the kitchen. She stepped carefully over Kimmy and snuck to the archway.

  Holly wore yesterday’s clothes, her attention focused on the cooker and totally oblivious to Catherine’s presence. She danced, hips swaying, feet tapping, and one hand waving a spatula around in time to the tempo. She belted out the lyrics to the cheesy song, and her voice was good.

  Catherine’s heart buckled in her chest. This felt surreal and yet so right. As if she’d somehow slipped into a little piece of heaven. Mentally, she recorded everything to memory. The desire to walk over to Holly, wrap her arms tightly around her waist, and kiss her neck was almost too much to bear. Her knees turned weak thinking about it.

  An incredible smell of freshly baked bread filled the kitchen and made Catherine’s mouth water. She spotted the golden circular loaf resting on the work surface. Something brushed her leg. She glanced down and watched as Kimmy sat beside her. She too avidly watched Holly, her head cocking from one side to the other as Holly sang.

  A moment later, Holly tried to reach a soprano note out of her range. Catherine grimaced at the out-of-key screeching. Kimmy’s hackles raised as she barked loudly. Her stocky body charged toward Holly, ears pricked and tail stuck up in the air. Each bark was punctuated by a low, menacing growl. Her head swung from one direction to the other searching for the imminent danger.

  Holly’s whole body lurched with surprise and she dropped the spatula. Hissing a swear word and clutching her chest, she turned and looked down at Kimmy. When Kimmy barked her high-pitched bark again, Holly pointed a stern finger and said, “No more barking.”

  Kimmy’s bark cut off midway and her whole demeanour changed in an instant. Her head lowered, her ears slumped, her backside dropped onto the tiled floor, and her tail gave a halfhearted wag. She looked guilt-ridden.

  “Everybody’s a critic these days,” Holly said. She bent to pick up the spatula and gave Kimmy’s head a quick fuss. “I thought I sounded pretty damn good.”

  Catherine tried to hide her laugh, but ended up snorting unattractively. Holly’s head snapped to the side and her gaze pinned Catherine where she stood.

  “You saw all of that, didn’t you?” Holly asked. She stood upright.

  Catherine nodded. “And I heard it all, too.”

  Holly pursed her lips, placed one hand on her hip, and used the other hand to point the spatula at Catherine. “If you’re referring to my singing, it was supposed to be a private thing.”

  Catherine held her hands up in defence. “I’m on your side. I thought you sounded great, and the last note was ridiculously high.”

  Holly’s gaze intensified before she broke out in a grin. “It was ridiculously high. Take a seat.” She indicated to the table, which was already laid out. “Breakfast is almost served.”

  “Maybe I should go get changed,” Catherine said. She was feeling underdressed.

  “I’m afraid your clothes are still drying.” Holly gave a little shrug. “They should be done by the time we’ve eaten.”

  “Oh,” Catherine said lamely. “You washed all of them?”

  Holly smiled. “Yeah. I was up early and figured I might as well be productive. Is that okay?”

  “Yes, of course. Thank you.” Catherine walked over to the table and sat. She watched Holly discard the spatula in the sink, switch off the radio, and miraculously manage to avoid tripping over Kimmy, who followed at her heels.

  The table was set for two, with cutlery, a little jug of milk, and a dish of sugar. Two glasses of orange juice were already poured, so Catherine took a sip from hers.

  Holly presented a plate in front of Catherine. Two poached eggs, crispy bacon, and sautéed mushrooms. It looked great. The only problem being Catherine’s utter dislike of mushrooms.

  “Everything okay?” Holly asked.

  “It looks wonderful. Thank you.” Catherine picked up her knife and fork.

  Holly’s shoulders relaxed and she smiled. She returned to the counter and began cutting some bread. “Would you like your bread toasted or as it is? It’s not long out of the oven and is still warm.”

  “I’ll take it as it is, please. It smells delicious.”

  Holly returned to the table with two side plates, both of which had two thick wedges of bread. “Go ahead, please. I’m going to get Kimmy her breakfast, otherwise she won’t leave us in peace.”

  Catherine smothered the soft, warm bread with butter, which immediately melted and soaked in. Licking some excess from a finger, she watched as Holly filled Kimmy’s doggy bowl. Kimmy eagerly glanced from the bowl, to Holly, and back to the bowl again. Her tail wagged and then she did a bizarre thing: her front legs drew out in front of her and she stretched her head and torso down to the floor, while her bottom stuck up in the air.

  “Was that some kind of trick?” Catherine asked.

  Holly placed the bowl down, washed her hands, and returned to the table. “It was a bow.”

  “A bow?”

  “Yeah, she’s bowing to me. My parents’ old dog used to do it. I think it’s a sign of respect or something,” Holly said. She poured some freshly brewed rich black coffee into each of their cups. “She keeps doing it.”

  Catherine glared at Kimmy, who was happily oblivious because she was wolfing down her food. “She’s not done it to me.”

  Holly’s eyebrows arched. “Maybe you didn’t realise.”

  “Maybe,” Catherine said, hating the sulky tone of her voice. She took a bite of her bread and groaned happily. “That’s so good.”

  “It is. Even if I do say so myself.” Holly took another bite of her own slice.

  They spent a few minutes in silence happily chowing down. Catherine did her best to eat the mushrooms. It was the squidgy texture and flavoured juice seeping out of them that put her off. In the end, she s
hovelled them into her mouth and washed them down with the coffee before enjoying the bacon and eggs.

  “Wow. You really like mushrooms.”

  “Err, yeah,” Catherine said weakly.

  “Here, have some of mine.” Holly picked up her plate and scraped more than half of her mushrooms onto Catherine’s plate. “Happy Christmas Eve, by the way.”

  “Oh, yeah. You too.” Catherine tried to prevent the yucky mushroom juice contaminating the other items on her plate.

  “I’ve made a list of things to do today. Shall I read it to you?”

  Catherine nodded, amused by Holly’s organisation. Holly pulled out a neatly folded slip of paper from a pocket. She opened it up and started to read it.

  “Once you’re dressed we’ll take Kimmy for a walk. It’ll give us a chance to explore Athegither and get our bearings. At lunchtime, the car is being towed back and we can get our things. After that, Angus will take the car and me to the local mechanic.”

  Catherine nodded, wondering when Holly had spoken to Angus to arrange all of this.

  “Then we’re going to decorate the Christmas tree.”

  “I wondered what happened to the decorations.”

  Holly blushed. “Well, we said we’d make this the best Christmas ever, and part of it is doing the little traditions. I want to mix my traditions with yours. We’ll decorate the tree and then build and decorate the gingerbread house.”

  Catherine bit back her retort. She knew Holly had wanted to build the gingerbread house with Florence, but this was her decision and Catherine wouldn’t argue.

  “This evening there are carols in the church. Afterward, Fiona is insisting we go and have a festive drink in The Inn. Then I thought maybe we’d collect a Chinese takeaway and come back here to celebrate the rest of Christmas Eve alone.”

  Catherine wiped her mouth on her napkin. Excitement bubbled in her stomach for the first time in years. “I can’t wait. It all sounds wonderful.”


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