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Hearts on Fire: A Biker Erotic Romance

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by Kristin Fletcher

  This is a work of fiction. Any names, characters, places, and incidents are products of the author's imagination or are used fictitiously and are not to be construed as real. Any resemblance to actual events, locales, organizations, or persons--living or dead--is entirely coincidental.

  Hearts on Fire copyright @ 2014 by Kristin Fletcher. All rights reserved. No part of this book may be used or reproduced in any manner whatsoever without written permission except in the case of brief quotations embedded in critical articles or reviews.



  Annie's first impression of Manny's house, as they came through his front door was, better that I expected. Her next thought was a sincere hope that he wasn't going to do something silly, like offer her a tour of the two-bedroom, ranch-style home. For one, she was fairly certain she could see everything from where she was standing. Second, she was far too interested in the bedroom to find anything else appealing.

  "Want a beer?" Manny asked her.

  "Sure," she said, though another beer was probably not what she needed. "Can you bring it to me in bed?" she added, as she wrapped her arms around his neck and kissed him.

  At least he picks up on my hints easily, she thought with satisfaction. Manny embraced her. He parted her lips and poured enough passion into their kiss so the rest of her thoughts reeled into a hurricane of pleasure. Her eyes were closed and her heart went wild, as his body enveloped hers. Her thoughts flew off into the storm of passion. For a moment, she wondered if any of them were important.

  His large hands pushed her light jacket off her shoulders. She helped him pry it off, without leaving his lips. Then, she pulled at his leather jacket. He shrugged it off and onto the floor. With a growing urgency, both of them continued to grasp and pull at the other's clothing.

  When her bra came off and landed on her jacket by the door, he broke their kiss long enough to say, "You really don’t want a beer, do you?"

  She smiled around his lips and said, "I do like smart men." Then, she pulled at his belt.

  "If I was smart, I would have you in bed by now," he murmured. He bent slightly and lifted her into the cradle of his arms.

  She giggled. Then, she kicked her feet a little and slipped off her heels, toppling them to the floor.

  The giggle felt good. Annie couldn't recall the last time anything close to a giggle passed through her lips. Certainly before Dad's decent into Alzheimer's. Dad’s condition began its nosedive near the beginning of the year. Not much giggling since Chad, her brother, moved in with her, either. Chad lost his job and had not found another. He wasted most of his time creating new, messy problems in his life, and now, in hers. So, at least two years of life without a giggle.

  "You're getting smarter all the time," she laughed, as she kissed his neck.

  "I'm a fast learner. Always have been," he told her.

  "I like learning new things," she mused.

  "I'll take that to heart," he chuckled.

  "Think you have something new to show me," she teased.

  "Show? No. No third arm or sixth toe. Experience? Definitely going to give you an experience. Oh yeah," he said confidently.

  Annie bit her lip at the thought of what he offered her. His words filled her with both excitement and apprehension. It was possible that Manny didn't fully grasp just how intimidating he was to a nearly naked woman. She was currently helpless, while he held her in his arms, as well. She let her hand caress his shoulder and felt the strength in it. She resolved to let go of the apprehension. "Whatever you want," she whispered.

  "Yeah?" he said, as he searched her eyes.

  "You don't want to hurt me, do you?" she asked.

  He blinked in surprise, "No, I'm not going to hurt you, Annie. Not into that at all." His voice was warm and calming. More than anything else, it was reassuring, too.

  "Then, I'm all yours," she nodded.

  Manny strode through his house. He carried her with ease. She found his strength arousing. She could tell he was strong, just by looking at him in the bar. He had great shoulders and thick biceps. His forearms were well-defined ropes of muscle. In the muscle department, there was a lot to browse and enjoy.

  He had good hair, too. She ran her fingers through his nearly black mane. It was thick and just a little too long. It had a messy look about it that gave him an almost wild appearance. His clean-shaven face was smooth. When she caressed his cheek and jaw, she decided he must have shaven before he went out for the evening. A nice touch, considering what she hoped might happen soon.

  After setting her down on his bed, he made short work of removing her blue jeans. Then, he pulled her panties down her long legs. Annie stretched out on her side when he stood back and began taking off his own pants. This was a scene she hadn't been a part of for a very long time, either. She planned on fully enjoying the moment.

  Once his boots were off and his was zipper down, Annie said breathlessly, "Rosie was right.”

  "Rosie?" he asked.

  "My best friend," she offered. "She's the one who slapped my ass tonight and sent me out to have a good time."

  Manny pulled down his blue jeans, shucking them off his legs. He smiled and said, "I'm very fond of Rosie right now."

  Still reclined on his bed, she let her gaze wander over his well-defined, muscular body. She allowed her eyes to indulge in his chiseled chest. Her gaze made its way down to his thick thighs and slightly intimidating, hard cock. "Hmm," she purred, "so am I."

  Annie didn't really set out to have a good time tonight. She wasn't that optimistic. She left the house with the idea of having a few drinks in a bar. Perhaps, she would relax a little, if she was lucky. Just the prospect of being away from Dad's mental deterioration, Chad's constant whining, and the ever increasing problems with her business, was enough. She felt grateful for a few hours of adult time, once Rosie got her out the door.

  Manny was an interesting diversion. He leaned against the bar beside her and engaged her in easy conversation. Wearing blue jeans, a black t-shirt under a black leather vest, and black leather boots, she placed him with the group of bikers near the back of the bar playing pool. They were having a good time, judging by the amount of laughter coming from back there.

  At first, she talked to him about her printing business. That was the only thing she had to talk about. There wasn't much else in her life that she wanted to discuss in a bar with a handsome, rugged man. Kind of pathetic, she frowned, when she discovered she really didn't have anything else to bring up as a topic. There wasn't any time for anything else.

  He listened, even though it was obvious he was more interested in her breasts and the blouse she wore. There was plenty of cleavage to enjoy; yet, he did listen. And then, he eased her into other areas of conversation. He opened her up with his causal humor and his effortless expression of life-beyond-labor. Maybe it was the second drink, but she found herself laughing with him. During her third drink, he moved them from the bar. He slid in beside her at a booth. In the booth, she discovered to her amazement that she was, in fact, having a good time.

  His first kiss was strong, bold, and full of passion. It caught her off-guard. By the time they parted, she wasn't interested in guarding herself anyway.

  Once the initial shock was over, she enjoyed his hand on her thigh, too. She kind of liked that initial shock, as well. When he suddenly claimed her, it thrilled her. There was an instant of alarm, at first. No one had claimed her thigh like that. Not since her boyfriend in college. Her ex’s hands didn't really claim her; but, just touched her, as if he needed to ask permission every time. Manny's hand, large and strong, left no confusion about his intent or meaning. She
was his.

  "This is going to end with disappointment," she told Manny, once she found her voice.

  "Not from where I'm sitting," he said, as he smiled.

  "I'm not exactly well-tuned. It's been a while. A long while," she admitted.

  "Real shame to have to say that again tomorrow then," he pointed out. "Personally, I'd rather have a mistake to look back on than nothing to look back on."

  She was about to tell him she already had plenty of mistakes to look back on. Then, she realized she had a lot more nothings filling up a long stream of nights alone.

  Annie already decided she was going to sleep with him by that time. She was just offering him fair warning that her enjoyment was going to exceed his. The image of several years’ worth of empty nights sealed the deal though. So, she leaned closer to him. She encouraged his claim on her thigh and offered other areas that he could claim, as well.

  Watching him come towards the bed, the same thrill of being claimed rose inside her. The feeling was a little unsettling and even fearful, at first. He was a formidable man. Even amongst the other bikers, Manny stood out. It wasn't just his size that set him apart, either. There was a solidness about him. His solidness warned others that he was capable of violence, if pushed. She saw nothing violent in his eyes or manner. She doubted he had much of a temper, since he had such an easy-going personality. The potential was there, however. Someone who dug for it long enough could potentially find it. God help them when they did.

  She felt that solid, non-negotiable, claim on her body through her belly. It was a thrill. A jolt of sudden reality. An awakening to the fact that she wasn't out with a college boy. If she chose to continue with this ride, it was non-stop from here. Last call.

  "You look like you have a lot on your mind," Manny observed, as he came into the bed with her.

  "I do," Annie admitted. "Make it go away."

  "I can do that," he said. Imbedded within his deep, powerful voice was a commitment to do exactly what he promised.

  As he enveloped her in his arms, she mused on the benefits of being claimed by a man like Manny. For the last several years, her obligations grew, but her resources did not. In Manny's arms, she experienced a profound release from all of her burdens. She didn't worry about the weight that rested on her shoulders. He took it now, along with everything else. All she had to do was exhale and let go.

  Held within his strong embrace, Annie didn't fear submission. She elatedly moaned her surrender and snuggled into his massive chest. She felt years of dead weight slide off her back. "I'm really going to enjoy this now," she breathed, as she rubbed her cheek against his chest.

  She basked in his brawn, as he caressed his hands down her body. She purred and clung, as he indulged himself with her breasts. His mouth suckled her nipples, while his hands released tensions from her body she wasn't even aware she horded. He energized her and released her from strain and worry.

  Manny’s hands and mouth claimed her. He moved down her body, pressed across her abs, kneaded her ass and thighs, and opened her up. The more she gave, the more he took, and the more her burdens eased.

  When Manny reached her mound with his mouth, he took her completely. His tongue parted her excited lips from bottom to top with long, consuming strokes. She had never felt so taken before. Her only desire was to give more of herself. As her burdens fell away, energy and strength filled her. She felt revived. "Oh god, Manny, what are you doing to me?" she pleaded, as her hips moved against the strokes of his tongue.

  Her clitoris became his focus. He pulled the hard, excited nub in with suckling lips. Then, he teased it with the hard, spear-like tip of his tongue. Annie gasped at the spasms blooming inside of her. Her hands gripped into his dark mane, unsure whether to pull or push. At first, she thought it was her long absence from oral sex that caused her to react so strongly. Then, she realized she had never experienced it like this. Mercilessly and exquisitely, he stimulated her with his tongue.

  With her hands clawing at the bed sheets, Annie was faced with a decision. Should she pull away from his increasing demands or give in to him even more? With a cry of submission, she pressed herself into his devouring mouth. In that moment, she released everything to him.

  The reward for her surrender came fast. She trembled and gasped in disbelief. The magnitude of her rising orgasm unveiled itself and overshadowed her. For a brief moment, she was able to utter an inarticulate and fearful denial. Then, it engulfed her.

  Her hips twisted and pulled. Then, Manny's arm came around her thigh and crossed over her mound. He trapped her down to the bed with alarming strength. His claim on her was complete and unyielding. He then proceeded to bring her climax up even further, as he prolonged her blissful agony.

  Annie's heels plunged into the mattress. She used her thighs to get away from his devouring attention. Her attempt had no effect at all. Manny was simply too strong. Now that she submitted to him and acknowledged his claim, there was no getting away. Last call was a long time ago.

  The more she fought to get away, the more he seemed to enjoy the struggle. When he finally let her climax crash down on her, a profound release washed through her. Whatever stress still clung to her soul was swept away.

  As she lay panting, her abs quivered with aftershocks. She was aware that only Manny remained. No other claim on her existed. Nothing else could touch her. Not while she belonged to him.

  While she trembled from her release, Manny spread her thighs open. Then, he brought the head of his cock towards her opening. She wasn't ready, yet. Shaking her head wildly, she opened her mouth to plead for clemency.

  When she first saw his aroused cock, she was very pleased with its size. It was intimidatingly larger than any of her previous lovers’. She was aroused simply looking at it. As he pressed it into her, his width stretched her open. She doubted her ability to take him fully inside her.

  She initially climaxed when he stretched her open and entered into her. She bucked and twisted. As she did so, Manny continued to press into her. At last, she was writhing uncontrollably around his cock.

  "Fuck, Manny! Oh, God! Fucking take me! I'm yours! Jesus!" she heard herself cry.

  Amazed by her verbal cries of submission, she strove to back them up with her body. Annie gripped his shoulders and wrapped her legs across his lower back. Then, she forced herself to stretch and spread enough to take him with a frenzy that frightened her.

  "Holy shit!" Manny expelled with surprise and deep pleasure.

  The excitement in his voice drove her to higher extremes of fervency, "I'm yours! I've always been yours! Fuck me, Manny! Please!"

  With his cock fully inside of her, she ground her hips around him. She loved the fullness and exotic pleasure. When she saw lust filling his eyes, she understood the level of pleasure she gave him. That knowledge sent her over the edge and into another climax. "Fuck me!" she begged. Then, her convulsions turned her words into animal-like noises.

  With deliberate, powerful strokes, Manny pulled his hips back and plunged them forward, again. As his hips smacked into her, his driving force astounded her.

  Annie, in a moment of clarity, wondered at the wisdom of inciting a man like this into action. She flashed back to the way he held her as he ate her pussy. She thought of how he kept her from breaking away from him after her first orgasm. She reflected on how her screams and struggles only brought him more pleasure. Now, he had her in his full embrace. His intimidating cock was buried inside of her, stroking her. Willingly or not, she was about to get fucked, hard. Should she really encourage him?

  Her answer came from the deep within her soul. She felt an overwhelming sense that she belonged to him. She was proud that he claimed her.

  Her hips thrust against his. The muscles inside her pussy squeezed and massaged his arousal. She not only encouraged him, she demanded him to use her as he willed.

  Manny's lust for her doubled. She saw it and felt it in the surging power of his muscles. He came unbound, fully unrestrained.
"Oh fuck, Annie!" he cried. Then, he began to hammer into her.

  He rode her hard. His primal power drove him with an animal-like urgency. She rode him back with a frenzy that bordered on insane. She screamed in defiance and pride when his rhythm faltered and his body convulsed. Then, his climax took him. His hips ground her into the mattress, as he buried himself into her. Finally, he collapsed into her arms.

  Her body continued to fuck his cock for long moments, as the convulsions from her own orgasm washed through her. With a groan, he pushed off of her. Then, he rested beside her.

  She crawled up and lay across his chest, kissing and licking. She ran her hands down his body and across his abs. As she soothed his spasms, she made happy sounds deep in her throat.

  "Holy fucking shit," he breathed. The sound of his satisfaction made her purr.

  Gathering her in his arms, he absentmindedly rubbed her down. He calmed her own exhilarations with each touch.


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