Book Read Free

Country Boy vs. City Girl

Page 13

by Shanna Hatfield

  “Oh, I know, there is a position for a Human Resources Specialist opening up in a few weeks. Frietag is transferring to the Salem office because her husband got a new job and they are moving. I just heard that one this morning, so the vultures haven’t started circling yet. You should absolutely apply for it. You wouldn’t have the glamour and unlimited power of your fabulous new position, but you get to work consistent hours and sleep in your bed every night.”

  “So how do we get me that job?” Jenna asked, sitting forward and steepling her fingers on top of the desk. “And when do I drop the bomb that I am all done with the traveling trainer position?”

  Barb laughed as she sat back in her chair. “Let’s play this right. Your current supervisor likes you, respects your work and thinks you have ambition and talent to burn. She is your best ally. So you need to tell her right away that your marriage and your health can’t keep going with the current position but you love your job and working here, blah, blah, blah. Then drop in how you really wished there was an opening that would be a good fit for your skills. Let her come up with the idea for you to apply for the position that is opening up, since it is under her supervision as well. When she does, you act somewhat interested, let her talk you into it and then she’ll make sure you get transferred over. Voila! How hard is that?”

  “Well, not hard at all if it goes according to your evil plan,” Jenna said with a smile as she leaned back in her desk chair. “The part you forget is that I’m not good at playing games, I tell it like it is and have very limited patience in waiting for people to get to the point.”

  “You are just going to have to suck it up girlfriend if you want this to work,” Barb said, hands resting on her lap as she crossed one leg over the other and swung it in smug pleasure at her brilliant idea. “Come on, Jenna. You can do this. You are trained to do this. So go do it.”

  “Well, there is one other teeny little thing that I probably should mention,” Jenna said, unsure whether it was wise to tell Barb all her secrets, but knowing she needed to confide in someone.

  “Go on,” Barb encouraged, waving her had dramatically for emphasis. “The teeny little detail would be?”

  “I’m pregnant,” Jenna said, looking Barb straight in the eye.

  Barb jumped out of her chair and screamed. “You are not! Say it isn’t so?” Running around the desk, she yanked Jenna to her feet and gave her a hug as she bounced around wildly.

  Just then, a knock sounded at Jenna’s office door at the same time it swung open and a coworker looked at the two of them like they’d gone mad. “Everything okay in here?”

  “Everything is just fine, Bill,” Jenna said, grabbing Barb’s arm and giving her a small pinch.

  “Yep, all is good,” Barb said, coming back down to earth and putting a serious expression on her face. “I thought there was a spider on Jenna’s sleeve, but it was just a piece of lint.

  “Okay,” and with that the door closed.

  Barb resumed her bouncing. “Jenna, I’m so happy for you. This is great news.”

  “I’m glad someone is happy, because it wouldn’t be me. It is terrible, earth-shattering, life-altering news,” Jenna said, sinking back into her chair. “What am I going to do?”

  “How far along are you?”

  “Eight weeks.”

  “That’s why you are tired. That’s why you have to change jobs, isn’t it?”

  “Yes. Now help me figure this out,” Jenna pleaded.

  “You are going to do just exactly what I told you to do and you are not going to mention being pregnant to anyone. By the time you start to show, they’ll be mesmerized by your talent and competency in the new position and will be more than happy to keep it open for you while you are on maternity leave. I’d hold out for working part-time from home after the baby comes if I were you. That position could totally be tele-commuter but they won’t go for it on a full-time basis. Just dazzle them with your talent, girl, and they’ll be putty in your hands.”

  Jenna laughed, for the first time in what seemed like days. “You make it sound like a recipe. Here are the ingredients, stir this, mix that, bake for 20 minutes and the perfect life pops out of the oven.”

  Barb pointed to Jenna’s stomach and smiled. “That is exactly right. A perfect little life will be popping out of the oven.”

  Jenna looked up at her friend. “You have no idea what this is doing to me.”

  “Oh, I think I do. You forget I have three children. I was once right in your shoes. I was the career woman, perfect job, perfect husband, perfect life. Then a weekend at the beach with Romeo and life changed forever. But it changed in the very best way Jenna. Don’t fight it, embrace it. Your career means nothing if you don’t have a life. I bet Josh is barely able to contain his excitement, is he?”

  “Well, about that. I may have put a bit of a damper on his enthusiasm. I sort of blamed him for ruining my life and ran out on him last week. Aunt Amelia is letting me stay with her for a while. I haven’t told her why, just that I needed some time to think.”

  “Have you lost all your good sense? Don’t shut Josh out, Jenna. You’ll be making a mistake you’ll regret for a lifetime if you do.”

  “I know. I just need a few days to absorb all this. We just found out Tuesday.”

  “Okay. Fine. Let’s rehearse what you are going to say to Mrs. Gordon and then you are going to go make nice and get that job. Got it?”

  “Got it.”

  After half-an-hour of role playing and coming up with every possible scenario, Jenna walked to her supervisor’s office and knocked softly on the door. Mrs. Gordon looked up from her desk and smiled.

  “Jenna, come on in. I was hoping to see you today. I’ve heard nothing but glowing reports about what a fantastic job you are doing. I’m very proud of you.”

  “Thank you very much. Actually, I wanted to schedule an appointment to come speak with you about my position,” Jenna said, standing just inside the door.

  “No time like the present. Have a seat,” Mrs. Gordon said, motioning to a chair across from her.

  By the time they were done talking forty-five minutes later, Jenna was assured of her placement in the position that would soon open up and in exchange for that, she was to leave tomorrow for her final road trip. As exhausted and tired as she felt, she wasn’t sure how she would make it through, but decided she could do anything for two weeks.

  Returning to her office, she gave Barb two thumbs up as she passed her door, before slumping into her own office chair. She wished now she hadn’t run away from Josh. Wished she could go home tonight and see him, but knew it would save her time and give her more rest if she stayed at Amelia and Phil’s. She would call Josh as soon as she was off work and let him know what was going on.

  When she tried his cell that evening, her call went straight to his voice mail. She tried three more times throughout the evening. Well, she couldn’t blame him for not talking to her. On the last call, she left him a lengthy message and asked him to call her back as soon as possible.

  The next morning, she ate breakfast, took her handful of vitamins, said goodbye to her aunt and uncle and was waiting outside to cross the street to her car with her suitcase in tow when the phone rang.

  “Babe, it’s me. I just got your message. I’m so sorry. We went to Clay and Callan’s for dinner last night and I forgot my phone in my dirty jeans. I didn’t even think to check it when I got home,” Josh explained as Jenna answered the phone. “Are you really leaving this morning for another two weeks?”

  “Yes, I’m not thrilled about it, but I have some things I want to discuss with you when I get back. I’ll be coming home then, is that okay?” Jenna asked, hoping Josh would be as wonderful as he always was and ignore her bad behavior of the past week.

  “More than okay,” Josh said, letting out a sigh of relief. “I miss you so much, Jenna, and I love you.”

  “I love you, too, more than anything, even my career,” Jenna said, with a shaky laugh as she op
ened her trunk and struggled to hang onto her phone and put the suitcase inside. Slamming the trunk, she climbed behind the wheel and buckled herself in. “I’ll call you tonight. Have a good day.”

  “Be careful driving, Jenna. If you get tired, pull over somewhere and rest. And if you get to the point where you can’t keep driving or you need help, call me, okay? I would drive all over God’s green earth for you so don’t forget it,” Josh instructed.

  “I won’t. Thanks, Josh.”


  Josh was feeling in much better spirits after his call with Jenna that morning and was whistling as he loaded ton hay bales onto a semi-truck trailer with the loader tractor. He was setting on the last bale when his phone rang. Placing the bale and backing up the tractor, he looked at the caller ID to see it was Jake. He would finish up with the hay buyer then give Jake a call back.

  In a matter of minutes, Josh had a check in his pocket and was waving to the driver as the truck pulled out onto their road from the stack yard.

  It didn’t take long for Jake to answer when he called. “Hey, Jake, sorry I was finishing up with a hay buyer. What can I do for you?”

  “Josh, I need to take this afternoon off. I just got called in for a job interview at the lab that I’ve been trying to get into for months. Do you mind?” Jake asked, sounding anxious.

  Josh knew this interview was really important to Jake and his future career. “No problem, Jake. I hope you nail it, although I will be sorry to lose the best hired hand I’ve ever had.”

  Jake laughed, “You mean the only hired hand you’ve ever had. Thanks, man, I really appreciate it.”

  “Knock ‘em dead,” Josh said as he disconnected the call.


  Evidently Jake did exactly that because two days later he was offered the job as an intern. He would start work a week from the following Monday. That left Josh very little time to find a replacement for Jake. As obnoxious as Jake could be on occasion, Josh trusted him and appreciated his ability to do whatever was asked of him without any complaint. Jake was a good friend and in many ways, like a younger brother. Josh was really going to miss having him around.

  To celebrate Jake’s new job, that night Josh grilled steaks and broke out his last few brownies.

  “Congratulations, man,” Josh said, thumping Jake on the back as they sat down to dinner. “I’m proud of you.”

  “Thanks. That means a lot to me. I appreciate you giving me a job and a place to live this summer,” Jake said, being serious for a change. “It’s been really nice to get to know you and Jen better.”

  “Well, I appreciate all your hard work and help this summer. You’ve done a lot of things that weren’t expected of you and I’m grateful for the gentle way you’ve treated Jenna this summer,” Josh replied.

  “Other than the snake in my bed and the, um, mistaken identity issue in the kitchen, it has been awesome,” Jake said, cutting into his steak. “And no, I still say I didn’t see anything.”

  “Good answer,” Josh said, shooting Jake a grin. “Anytime you want to work for me, I’d be happy to have you.”

  “Thanks. If I ever get tired of the city and decide to move back here to the sticks, I’ll let you know.”

  Josh laughed. “Bright lights can make you bleary eyed before you know it. I stuck it out through four years of college and eight years at the dealership.”

  “Do you ever miss it?” Jake asked. “The excitement and the fast-pace? The sounds, the food, and the adventure around every corner?”

  “Honestly I don’t. I’ve got about all the excitement I can handle right here and as for adventure, being married to Jenna is better than anything I could ever imagine.”

  Jake turned and looked at his friend and employer, a warm smile lighting his face. “Well, if you and Clay hadn’t snatched up the only two girls fit to marry, then maybe I’d be more inclined to head that direction. But unless I find someone as special as them, I think I’ll just enjoy the life of being single and unattached.”

  “You’ve got plenty of time to think about settling down,” Josh said, taking a bite of his steak, chewing thoughtfully. “Just be careful you don’t end up in a situation that forces your hand, if you know what I mean.”

  Josh noticed a few times this summer when Jake had an overnight guest of the female persuasion. He also noticed that it was never the same girl. Jenna was unaware what was going on in the house down the road or she would have had a full-blown hissy fit. Josh figured it really wasn’t his business what Jake did in his spare time, but hoped he at least kept safety in mind. He wouldn’t want to see Jake get yanked down the road to parenthood or matrimony before he was ready or suffer from any of the other problems that could arise from such casual dalliances.

  “I know what you mean,” Jake said, looking down at his food, avoiding eye contact. “Thanks for being cool about, you know, my houseguests.”

  “Yeah. Just don’t mention it to my wife. She doesn’t have a clue and you wouldn’t want to be around if she did,” Josh said, raising an eyebrow at Jake when he looked up from his plate. “I guarantee more than just your ears would smart for a good long while.”


  Jenna was exhausted beyond anything she had ever felt before. She was supposed to drive home tonight and had no idea how she would make it. She was nearly six hours from home and knew without a doubt she could not drive herself.

  After driving for another hour before giving up, she sat in a hotel room and cried pitifully for a good ten minutes before she finally got herself under control. Exhaustion and fear of the unknown were undercurrents that kept pulling her off balance. Jenna could barely keep her head above the surface of her roiling emotions, let along focus or function normally.

  Admitting defeat and her need for help, she finally phoned Josh.

  “Hey, Babe,” Josh said, sounding happy she called. “I’m so excited you will be home soon. I can’t wait to see you.”

  “I’m glad, Josh. I’m looking forward to seeing you as well,” Jenna said, trying to muster the nerve to ask Josh for a huge favor.

  “You don’t sound well, Jenna. Are you feeling sick?” Josh asked, worry evident in his tone. She could hear Josh shut off the tractor as the background noise died into silence.

  “Well, honestly I’m done in. I … I’m not going to be able to drive myself home tonight or even tomorrow. I just can’t,” Jenna said, hesitantly. “Do you think you can possibly come get me? I know you are so busy and I hate to ask, but I don’t know what else to do.”

  Josh could hear the fear and worry in Jenna’s voice. As strong-willed and independent as she was, she must be on the verge of a complete breakdown to even ask him.

  “Do you have anything you need to finish up there?” Josh asked, starting to make plans as he climbed on the four-wheeler and headed toward the house.

  “No. I just want to be home,” Jenna answered, sinking down onto the hotel bed and trying not to cry. She hated feeling weak and useless.

  “Okay, Babe. Here’s the plan. I’m going to find someone to come along with me and leave as soon as possible. We’ll be there as quick as we can then we’ll all come back tomorrow,” Josh said, thinking of the work he needed to be doing at home, but knowing right now nothing was more important than going to get Jenna. That she would even call and ask him to come let him know just exactly how badly she really did feel. It was probably about to kill her to have to admit she needed help. “I’m almost to the house. Hang on a minute and then give me directions to your hotel and the room number.”

  Jenna gave him the information then started to cry. “I’m so sorry, Josh. I hate this. I hate being a burden to you, especially when you are so busy with farm work. I’m really sorry.”

  “Jenna, there isn’t anything in this world more important to me than you. The whole farm could burn to the ground and it wouldn’t matter as long as you are safe. Got it?”

  “But I’ve been so awful to you. I don’t deserve for you t
o be so good to me,” Jenna said between sobs. “Thank you.”

  “You’re welcome. I love you. Always have, always will. Now, get some rest and eat something and I’ll be there before you know it.”

  Josh disconnected the call and immediately dialed Jake. He should just be finishing up some custom baling a few miles down the road.

  “Hey man, what’s up? I’m just pulling out of the field and should be back pretty quick,” Jake said, the sound of the tractor nearly drowning out his words.

  “Jake, I’ve got a small emergency. I’ll fill you in as soon as you get back. Just pull the tractor in here at the house,” Josh said, hanging up. Yanking off his work boots and clothes, he ran into the bathroom and took a quick shower. By the time Jake came in the back door, he was dressed and pulling on his boots.

  “What’s up? Is Jenna okay?” Jake asked, growing concerned.

  “Jenna is too ill to drive home and I need to go get her. Someone needs to come with me so we can get both vehicles home. Would you be willing to go? We’d need to leave right away. It means about a five-hour drive one way then turning around and heading back in the morning.”

  “Of course I’ll go. Can I run home and take a quick shower?” Jake asked.

  “Absolutely. I’ll throw a few things together,” Josh said, plugging his cell phone in to charge as Jake turned and ran out the door and jumped on the four-wheeler. It was almost five. If they got on the road soon, they should be there around ten. With any luck, they could all get some sleep then hit the road bright and early in the morning.

  Jake was back in twenty minutes with a small duffle bag. Josh came out the door as he pulled up, also carrying a small bag along with bottles of water, some jerky and a couple of candy bars.


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