Book Read Free

Country Boy vs. City Girl

Page 20

by Shanna Hatfield

  Jenna’s overstuffed navy rocker from Josh sat in one corner by the windows with the play table centered beneath the middle window. A small oak bookshelf sat beneath the third window, holding storybooks and a few cute farm-themed toys. A toy chest, painted navy blue with a tan and red stripe sat in the next corner. The stuffed horse and cow Josh had purchased last fall peeked out of the open lid.

  Two oak cribs with navy and tan bedding sat against one wall near the rocker. Dangling above each crib was a farm animal mobile. One the wall between the two cribs was a saying, applied in navy vinyl lettering with red stars accenting the words:

  Little boys, with grubby hands,

  Sticky kisses and pockets full of surprises,

  Are God’s way of reminding us

  Miracles come in all shapes and sizes.

  Across the room on the opposite wall sat a tall oak chest of drawers and a sturdy changing table. Two oak shelves above the changing table provided additional space for necessities while a huge basket on the floor would hold diapers. A navy diaper pail sat to the side. Several wooden pegs decorated the wall by the door in a seesaw pattern and the two little John Deere ball caps hung there. The cute bouncing chairs Josh purchased sat beneath the pegs, waiting to be used. A closet had plenty of room for additional supplies, clothes and linens.

  “Callan, I don’t know what to say,” Jenna said, hugging her sister-in-law and dear friend. Wiping at her tears, she gave her a watery smile. “This is beyond wonderful.”

  “I’m so glad you like it,” Callan swiped at her cheeks and hugged her back.

  “If you like it, why are you both crying,” Emma asked, confused as she looked up at both women.

  “Sometimes when women cry, it means they really like something, and I think your Aunt Jenna especially likes the room,” Clay said, picking up Emma and giving her a reassuring hug.

  “Oh. Should I cry, too?” Emma asked, getting ready to work up a pout.

  Josh and Clay laughed. “That won’t be necessary Sweet Pea. How about we go get washed up for lunch?” Clay suggested as he took the girls and went back downstairs.

  “Callan, this is really wonderful. Now we’ll just have to be patient until we can put the room to use,” Josh said, hugging his sister.

  “Those two boys of yours will be here before you know it. You’ve got two months now and it will fly by,” Callan said, adjusting a picture of farm animals that hung by the door.

  “I love the saying on the wall, Callan. It is absolutely fantastic,” Jenna said as she walked over to the cribs and stared at the words. “Everything is perfect and I can’t thank you enough.”

  “You already have,” Callan said as she stood in the door. “Now we can focus on your baby shower next weekend.”


  Callan decided it would be easiest to not have to pack up the plunder after the baby shower and suggested they hold it at Jenna’s. Liking the idea, Jenna was also excited to be able to show off the nursery to those attending.

  Saturday afternoon the sun was shining, the roads were clear and they couldn’t have asked for the weather to be more cooperative than it was for this particular January day.

  Although Jenna’s mom and sisters were unable to come, Jenna brought her laptop into the room and Skyped them in so they could “attend” the shower virtually. Callan invited all of their family and friends as well as several of Jenna’s coworkers. Callan enlisted Bobbi’s help to get the food ready and games set before all the guests arrived. Josh helped Jenna clean house the evening before and everything looked welcoming and nice.

  Although Emma and Audrey begged to attend, Callan knew the girls would be bored by the time it was over and instead Clay took them out for lunch and to a movie. They were thrilled to get some special daddy time. Josh disappeared when the first carload of women arrived and promised to stay away until all the cars were gone. Jenna assumed he would wander over to the heated shop and hang out for the afternoon.

  By the time the last of the guests departed three hours later, Jenna was exhausted and happy beyond words. The gifts included oodles of diapers and baby clothes, bottles and pacifiers, baby washcloths and towels, cute farm animal toys and several blankets.

  Bobbi and her sister Maggie, Jake’s mom, went together and purchased a twin-sized cradle for the babies to use when they first came home from the hospital. Jenna nearly wept when she saw it. It was so lovely and such a wonderful gift. She kissed both their cheeks and thanked Bobbi and Maggie repeatedly.

  Callan helped Josh pack all the goodies up to the nursery and put everything away under Jenna’s direction. She sank down into the rocker and held a set of blue sleepers on her lap, thinking about the babies who would soon be dressed in them. It was almost too much to take in.

  “You okay, Babe?” Josh asked, squatting down by the chair and looking into her face. “You got awfully quiet.”

  “Yes. I’m fine. Just thinking about how these two boys will be here soon and life will be different,” Jenna said thoughtfully.

  “But different in a good way, right?” Josh asked, hoping Jenna was still not harboring some deep-seated resentment toward the babies.

  “In an absolutely wonderful way,” Jenna smiled and pressed her hand to his cheek. Setting aside the sleepers, she held her hands out to him. “Now, if you’ll help this walrus up, I want to go downstairs and find a place for that beautiful cradle in our room. Callan, I just can’t believe Bobbi and Maggie would buy that for us.”

  “Well, why wouldn’t they? They said they wanted to get you something nice and it was something you needed. They knew how much you loved it Jenna. Besides, we’re all like family, aren’t we?”

  “Yes, and that is another blessing to be grateful for. I’m so glad my mom and sisters could at least see the shower today. Thank goodness for technology.”

  “It was pretty awesome, wasn’t it,” Callan said, walking behind Josh and Jenna as they slowly went down the stairs. Jenna was getting more and more tired these days and she seemed awfully big to Callan for still having two months to go. She hoped the babies didn’t get in a hurry to arrive.

  Later, when Josh and Jenna were in their room admiring the cradle from their spots on the bed, Jenna released a contented sigh. Josh placed a hand on her belly and waited for the kicks that would soon begin. He didn’t have to wait long before his hand started bouncing.

  Grinning, Josh left his hand on her stomach but moved his head closer. “Hey babies, its Daddy. Don’t you know it is bedtime and your Mama needs to rest? You two are strong kickers aren’t you? We’ll have to get you a football and a soccer ball so you can kick all you want. But not at Mama’s windows, right?”

  The kicking grew in intensity and Jenna laughed. “I guess they are answering. Keep talking to them. They hear my voice all day, but they seem to get so excited when they hear you.”

  Josh gave Jenna a smile that warmed her from the inside out and kissed her softly. “Thanks, Babe. I really want to be a part of all this, but sometimes I don’t know how exactly.”

  “Well, you are doing a fantastic job. I don’t know too many men who would want to be as involved or take as much interest in their bloated pregnant wife and the brood she will soon be hatching as you have,” Jenna gave Josh a teasing grin. “You are amazing Josh Carver and I love you.”

  “Love you, too, Babe. Always have, always will.” Josh kissed her again and turned his attention back to the babies. “And I love you guys. Mama and I just need to figure out what we are going to name you. What names do you like? Axyl, Tron, Skyler, or Skeeter? Any of those names ring your bell?”

  The babies suddenly stopped kicking. Jenna laughed so hard she could hardly catch her breath. “That will teach you to throw out awful names. Even the babies know they are bad.”

  Josh shrugged his shoulders and continued gently rubbing her belly. “Whatever. But we are going to have to figure out what to call these boys pretty soon. Did Callan bring you a list of family names?”

�She did, but there isn’t a lot to choose from. Well, I guess there are a lot of names, just not many I like. I seem to have the same problem with the names from my side of the family as well. Who names a kid Horace?”

  “We’ll get it figured out,” Josh said, turning on his side and studying Jenna.

  When she caught him staring at her she suddenly felt self-conscious. “What?” she asked, pulling the covers up to her chin.

  “You just get more beautiful every day,” Josh whispered, stroking his thumb across her cheek.

  “Josh, you are clearly losing your eyesight. I think we better call the doctor on Monday.”

  “My eyesight is perfectly fine.” Josh leaned close and kissed Jenna tenderly before turning off the bedside lamp and pulling her close to snuggle into the warmth and comfort of his arms. “Maybe never better.”


  Jenna hadn’t felt well when she got up that morning, but decided to go to work anyway. At thirty-one weeks pregnant, she frequently found herself short of breath, with raging heartburn and fatigue. Her blood pressure had been running a little on the high side and today her back was killing her.

  As she sat at her desk and tried to focus on her work, she suddenly felt her stomach tightening and had a horrible cramping sensation rip through her. Frightened, she took a few deep breaths and waited for the pain to pass. When it did, Jenna was convinced all was well until another one hit her a few minutes later, followed by a third.

  Contractions? She couldn’t be having contractions. It was way too early.

  Frantic, Jenna picked up the phone and called her friend Barb’s office. Barb answered immediately.

  “What’s up girlfriend?” Barb asked, a smile coloring her voice.

  “I think I’m having contractions,” Jenna said heavily. “Can you take me to the hospital?”

  “I’ll be right there.”

  Jenna heard Barb slam the phone down. She managed to get up and put on her coat before Barb burst into her office.

  “You look terrible. Do you want me to call an ambulance?” Barb asked, putting her arm around Jenna as they walked to the door.

  “No. You can get me there faster than waiting for an ambulance to come. Please.”

  “Okay,” Barb said. She motioned to the front office receptionist to walk with Jenna to the door while she ran out to the parking garage and got her car. Squealing to a stop in front of the door, she opened the passenger door just as Jenna came out leaning heavily on the receptionist.

  “Can you please let Mrs. Gordon know we are heading to the hospital,” Barb asked, as she shut Jenna’s door and hurried to the driver’s side.

  The hospital was about 10 blocks away, so Barb was soon pulling up to the emergency room door and quickly had Jenna inside.

  “Well, what do we have here?” a nurse asked as she approached them with a wheelchair.

  “She’s at 31 weeks with twins and thinks she is having contractions,” Barb said as they placed Jenna in the chair and wheeled her down a hallway.

  “Are you a relative?” the nurse asked.

  “Just a friend, but I’ll call her husband and let him know to come if you think I should.”

  “I think that would be a very good idea. You might want to tell him to hurry.”

  Barb called Josh and he answered on the second ring. “Josh, this is Barb. I just drove Jenna to the hospital. She seems to be having some pretty intense contractions. Can you come, please?” Barb was trying to keep her voice level, but couldn’t help a bit of fear from sneaking in.

  “I’ll be there as quick as I can. Thanks, Barb.”

  Josh, who had been out in the barn, quickly turned off the lights, shut the door and ran to the house. He didn’t take time to clean up or change, just grabbed his keys and ran out to his pickup. As he raced down their lane to the road, he kept sending up the same prayer of “Please, God, please, take care of Jenna and the boys.”

  Pulling into the hospital parking area forty minutes later, Josh sprinted in the emergency room doors and said his wife had been brought in about an hour earlier. A nurse led him past a waiting area where he saw Barb sitting anxiously. He waved at her and kept walking, following the nurse into a curtained room.

  Pushing the curtain aside, Josh walked into the room to see Jenna in the bed, looking pale and weak. Rushing to her, he picked up her hand and kissed her cheek.

  “Babe?” he asked quietly and she opened her tear-filled eyes.

  “The doctor said she’d be right back and then we’d talk. I’m so scared, Josh. It’s way too early for the babies to come.”

  Putting his arm around her, he pulled her head to his chest and rubbed her back soothingly. “It will be okay, Jenna. Everything will be okay.”

  Just then Dr. Meliah came in with a clipboard. Her usual calm façade was absent, replaced by a concerned look.

  “Josh, I’m glad to see you here,” she said, pulling up the rolling stool by the bed and taking a deep breath.

  “You were smart to come in when you did, Jenna. Those were real contractions and I think we’ve got them stopped for now. Those babies of yours are getting anxious to come meet everyone, but their little lungs aren’t developed enough to make a healthy appearance yet. We could let you deliver now but I think we’re looking at too many health complications for the babies that I just don’t want to risk. You and the boys would be better off if we can postpone their delivery a few weeks. If you can go even another four weeks, then I’d feel much better about these two making an appearance. I’m also worried about your blood pressure. I hate to tell you this Jenna, but you are going to have to go on bed rest.”

  “So what does bed rest mean?” Josh asked, wondering how Jenna was going to deal with the answer.

  “Just what it sounds like. Complete bed rest. No working. No walking around more than is absolutely necessary. No physical exertion of any type. Nothing. Nada. Bed rest.” The doctor looked intently at Jenna who stared at her wide-eyed and afraid. She then turned to Josh who gave a small nod of his head. He would make sure Jenna followed the doctor’s orders if he had to tie her down to the bed.

  “So here is the choice, Jenna. You can get bed rest here at the hospital or we can try it at home. But if I let you go home, you have to promise you won’t do anything. I mean it. I know you will be bored silly, but it’s either that or you stay here. Now what will it be?” Doctor Meliah stood up and wrote something on a prescription pad then raised an eyebrow at Jenna.

  “I’d prefer to go home, please,” Jenna said quietly. “I promise I won’t do anything to jeopardize the twins.”

  “Good. Now, I’m going to give you a prescription to take so we can hopefully stall those contractions. One of the side effects is that it lowers your blood pressure, which in your case, will be a good thing. I will want to see you again next week, preferably in my office and not here. Okay?” the doctor asked, finally sharing a smile with Jenna.

  Jenna nodded as Josh took the prescription. “Josh, why don’t you come finish up the paperwork while Jenna gets dressed then I’ll have a nurse bring her to the door? If you can pull the car around, you can take her home and get her started on that bed rest.”

  “Yes, ma’am,” Josh said, following the doctor out the door. Josh stopped to speak with Barb and thank her for bringing Jenna to the hospital. He promised to keep her updated and said he’d have Jenna call her later.

  A nurse came and helped Jenna out of bed, then brought in a wheel chair as she finished dressing. By the time she rolled her to the door, Josh was waiting with the pickup.

  Looking from the pickup to Jenna, the nurse started shaking her head. “She can’t climb up in there. Are you nuts?”

  “I’m guessing her car is still at work,” Josh said as Jenna nodded in affirmation. “We’ve got this. No problem.” Josh scooped Jenna out of the wheelchair and gingerly sat her down in the pickup. He pulled the seat belt out and handed it to her then carefully closed her door.

  The nurse stood
beaming at him. “I’m glad to see she is married to a thoughtful He-man kind of guy. You take good care of her, you hear.”

  “Yes, ma’am. I plan on it,” Josh said, smiling at the nurse before climbing behind the wheel. “Babe, I’m going to take you home then I’ll run into town and get the prescription filled. Will that be fine?”

  “Yes,” Jenna whispered, grasping his hand in both hers. “I’m so sorry. Thank you for coming to get me.”

  “You’re welcome. I’m just glad you and the boys are okay.”

  “But Josh, what if I … what if we…” Tears began pouring down her face. Jenna had been so terrified when the contractions started coming faster and faster. What if the doctor hadn’t been able to stop them? What if the babies had arrived this early? She was nearly drowning in a sea of “what ifs.”

  Turning her chin so she was looking at him, Josh smiled, his eyes warm with love. “Jenna, you got to the hospital in time, nothing happened. We’ll deal with this and in a few weeks, when they are big and strong enough, those boys will let us know they are ready to meet us. Everything is going to be just fine. You didn’t do anything wrong, Jenna. It just happened.”

  “But I’m the one who didn’t want them in the first place. I’m the one who keeps pushing myself. I’m the one responsible for them and look what happened.”

  “Do you want these babies?” Josh asked, his voice low.

  “Of course I do. You know that I’ve wanted them for months,” Jenna said, shocked that Josh would even ask her that question.

  “Are you deliberately doing anything that could harm them?”

  “Josh, how can you even ask that? You know I wouldn’t ever do that.”

  “Exactly, so why are you beating yourself up for something beyond your control,” Josh said, making his point. “Quit fussing Jenna and just trust God. I prayed all the way to the hospital that you and the boys would be fine, and he answered that prayer. Let’s just trust Him and take one day at a time.”


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