More than ‘JUST’ Friends

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More than ‘JUST’ Friends Page 4

by Ford, Mia

  “Well, of course I find him attractive.”

  “Just attractive?”

  “OK, he is hot as can be. I can’t think of a guy that has ever turned me on more, but it wasn’t the right time.”

  “I’m not sure you will ever find a right time. Sometimes you have to stop waiting for everything to line up perfectly and just go for it.”

  Heidi was right. I probably should have slept with Jay, if for no other reason than to prove the point to myself that I didn’t have to be emotionally involved with someone to enjoy some adult fun in the bedroom.

  But I knew myself so well and the second that I allowed something like that to happen, I knew that I was going to have heavy feelings and then when something went wrong (as it always had) I was going to be devastated and heartbroken. If I made that choice then I’d better make another choice to stock up on chocolate ice cream in my freezer.

  We finished up our lunch and went back to work. I had a few easy patients in the afternoon involving a dog with a bad tooth infection. I prescribed antibiotics and scheduled a time to have the teeth extracted and the other teeth cleaned. It amazed me how often people neglected the dental health of their pets. I guess if you see a dog eating its own feces a time or two you automatically assume that its mouth can handle just about anything.

  My last patient was a cat who unfortunately had a tumor in its stomach. I had to tell the patient’s owner that the cat would probably not live more than a few months even with surgery. I hated to see that happen, but in my line of work the first thing you had to learn and make peace with was the fact that you could not save everybody. Some things were just out of your hands. This sobering fact still didn’t make it any easier.

  I left the office at the end of the day, tired, but feeling good about the work I’d done. And I was feeling a bit more optimistic about possibly spending time (even romantic time) with Jay without letting my emotions get the best of me.

  When I got home my dog Brutus greeted me. He was a shepherd mix that I’d rescued from the pound about a year before. The dog was big and strong with a loud, aggressive sounding bark, but he was the biggest pussy cat anyone ever met. He was much more likely to lick someone to death than ever attack them. Half the time he felt like my child. He was such a baby in every way and I loved him dearly.

  After greeting Brutus I grabbed his leash and took him for a walk. The last remnants of sunshine were still painting the sky various shades of pink, red, and yellow and the scent of the approaching darkness riding on the soft breeze that blew across my face invaded my nostrils and filled me with a rush of contentment. I usually felt great after taking Brutus for a walk. It wasn’t just great exercise for him, but for me as well.

  I had my morning jog of course, but sometimes in the evening I was prone to letting myself get lethargic and just lay on the couch; since I’d had Brutus he’d gotten me out of that rut and it had been the best thing for me, especially in the last six months since my break up.

  When I returned home I gave Brutus his after walk snack and unleashed him, removing his collar. I was just about to settle in to catch up on some television shows when my phone rang.

  I didn’t recognize the number right off, but it was a local area code so I picked it up on the third ring.

  “Hello?” I asked.


  It was Jay.

  I was instantly excited and nervous all at the same time. I hadn’t expected him to call, let alone this soon, but there he was calling me. Now hearing his voice on the other end of the line I was speechless. My tongue was tied into about twenty different knots and I felt nauseous. What in the hell was wrong with me? What happened to that flirty, fun girl from last night? Where the hell did she go?

  “Are you still there?” Jay asked.

  “Yeah,” I blurted out. “Sorry, I was clearing my throat. How’s it going?”

  “Oh, not too bad,” Jay said. “Listen, I know this is super short notice, but I was wondering if you had any plans tonight.”

  My thoughts rushed through my brain searching the outer limits of my imagination to come up with a plausible lie. I couldn’t let him think that I had nothing in the world going on and that I was free at his beck and call. That would make me look like a loser.

  But then again, I wasn’t interested in dating him. Why was I trying to impress him? I began to remember some of the things Heidi had mentioned. As much as I hated to ever admit it when she was right, I tried to think about what she would have me do and say if she were there.

  “Um, not that I know of,” I said. “Why? What’s up?”

  I hoped that I was coming of cool and nonchalant, instead of the nervous ball of stress that I felt like.

  “One of the players on my softball team can’t make it tonight and we are going to be a person short. They asked me if I knew anybody. Would you like to play?”

  “Oh, um… sure,” I said. I hadn’t played softball in a while, but it sounded like a blast, plus I’d be able to see Jay again.

  “Great,” Jay said. It’s going to be at Garden fields at eight o’clock. It should be an awesome evening for it. Want to meet me there, or I can pick you up if you prefer.”

  “Pick me up,” I said.

  After I ended the call I went into the garage and searched until I found my glove and bat. I’d played a bit in high school, and I’d joined a league a few years ago but when work got hectic I just kind of slid out of doing it. It was fun and I realized holding my mitt how much I actually missed it.

  “Let’s play ball,” I said with a smile.

  Chapter Five


  When I called Naomi, I wasn’t sure she would say yes to my softball invitation. It was a very last minute thing, but one of the ladies who played on the team twisted her ankle hiking over the weekend and she couldn’t make it. I’d only just been invited to play myself, by Lacy’s brother. Apparently, his friend got a job in another city and had to move fairly quickly, so that left a vacant spot on the team. I jumped at the chance to play. I’d always loved sports of any kind, and I got such a thrill being part of a good team, even though I was fairly certain this was recreational league softball. My competitive nature never turns down challenges, so I was geared up and ready to go.

  When I picked up Naomi I was pleasantly surprised to see her wearing a very official looking uniform. I was wearing my own as well from a team I’d played on when I was running basic training in Fort Dix.

  “So, you are just full of surprises,” I said as Naomi slid into my car. “I could tell you were an athlete. I bet you would have made a fine soldier.”

  “Oh, really? Well, it’s in my genes, I guess.”

  “Oh, you have family who has served?” I asked immediately intrigued.

  “Actually, my grandfather, great grandfather, and two of my uncles. My great grandfather actually died in World War two. He was a general.”

  “Ah, I’m sorry to hear that. Sounds like a great man.”

  “Yeah,” Naomi said quietly. I got the sneaking suspicion that the military was not something she ever really wanted to talk about. I made the wise decision to change the subject.

  “So, that is a nice uniform you have there,” I remarked.

  Naomi laughed. “Yeah, it’s from the summer after I graduated from college. I played in high school and college actually. Then I continued into adulthood for one season, before I just got a bit burned out on it.”

  “Burnt out? I don’t know the meaning of that,” I teased.

  “Well, truth be told my boyfriend at the time was on the team and when we broke up I didn’t really want to be around him all the time, so that took some fun out of the game. I quit and then got busy with life and never joined another team. But I do miss it.”

  I nodded. “Don’t you hate when relationship mess things up?”

  Naomi looked at me; we locked eyes, and shared a smile.

  We got to the field and I introduced her to everyone. Lacy introduced me to everyo
ne else and I could have sworn when Lacy and Naomi met each other that I could actually hear both of them roaring inside as if two wild animals were locked in a cage together. They both did that thing girls do when they can’t stand each other, but instead of actually saying it they act “phony friendly” and use a lot of eye rolls and offhanded backwards compliments that are actually insults.

  I’d been around the world for thirty years and I was no closer to understanding women then I had been in first grade when I couldn’t understand why Marcy Krieger was mad that I tore the head off her Barbie doll to show her how much I liked her. I mean, if I didn’t like her then why would I have bothered?

  The game was pretty close but our team eventually came out on top by three runs. I was impressed with Naomi’s skills on the field. She played second base and made several diving catches that would have been base hits if anyone else had been in that spot, plus she batted four hundred and drove in several runs, including the runs that secured our victory.

  Watching her move on the field, catching, throwing, running---it was all like my sexiest fantasies coming to life right in front of me and they were all wrapped up in one, beautiful woman.

  “Wow, what a game,” I said when we got back to my car.

  “You were awesome,” Naomi said. “I’m pretty sure you hit home runs that landed somewhere in Canada.”

  I rolled my eyes. “Yeah, I got a hold of a few. But I was very impressed with you. I’ve never seen someone make great plays look that great, or sexy.”

  Instantly I felt that adding the word “sexy” to my statement was a mistake, but I tried not to notice. I’d said it and I couldn’t take it back. In fact, the longer it lingered in the silent car between the two of us, the happier I was that I’d come out with it. I needed Naomi to know how I felt about her.

  “You know,” Naomi said. “It’s only a bit after nine. I realize we both have work tomorrow, but I was wondering if you’d like to come back to my place, have a few beers, and watch a movie? Maybe order a pizza?”

  I smiled.


  * * *

  Naomi’s mouth was on mine, her tongue pressing harder and tighter against my own. Her hot breath was invading my body and turning me on to new heights I’d never before experienced. I’d been with a lot of women in my time, but I could honestly say that this was the first time I’d ever been so excited that I could hardly relax with the foreplay. I just wanted to get inside of her. Any delay at all seemed to exist only to delay our pleasure and there was nothing in the world I wanted more than to eradicate anything that would stand in the way of the total bliss that awaited us.

  When we arrived back at Naomi’s place we ordered a pizza, cracked open some beers, and then proceeded to start watching the new Will Ferrell movie. We were only about ten minutes into it when I realized Naomi was resting her head on my shoulder and her face was turned towards mine. I couldn’t resist it any longer, so I kissed her. And she kissed me back.

  Soon we were sitting on the couch both shirtless, her mouth pressing hard against mine and her hands moving down inside my pants to grab my raging hard dick. I wanted her to just undo the pants and let me fly open into the air, but she seemed to think it was more fun this way, and I couldn’t really tell her that she was wrong.

  Suddenly, Naomi pulled back. “Wait; there is something I need to tell you.”

  I tried to focus on what she was saying and put a hold on my desires. This was a surprise.

  “What’s wrong?” I asked.

  “I just don’t want to lead you on,” Naomi said.

  I nodded. “OK…”

  “Well, I just got out of a bad breakup recently and I’m really not looking for anything long term. I just didn’t want to give you the wrong idea.”

  Naomi shrugged and looked down as if she was embarrassed by saying this to me. I was a bit caught off guard and if I had to admit it to myself, a little bit disappointed, but as ready as I was in that moment I let myself say the words, “That’s fine. No problem.”

  And I really meant the words when I said them. I thought this would just be a fun, casual thing. Little did I know that those words would soon come back to haunt me…

  Naomi had taken her shirt off and was wearing only a bra now to cover her beautiful, luscious breasts. They were large, soft, and full. Not able to wait another moment I quickly slipped my hand behind her and slipped my finger under the strap. In one quick well-practiced motion the bra unhooked and fell off her shoulders revealing her wonderful assets to me. I stared at her perfect breasts almost in shock for a few seconds before her hard kiss snapped me back out of it.

  Her hand was now wrapping around my dick. Those soft, slender fingers were agile, cool to the touch, and stronger than I would have thought. Instinctively she squeezed my cock in her hands, pulsating the movement. I groaned with pleasure. It felt perfect.

  I quickly reached down to undo my pants. I had to get some air on my secret parts and I wanted to see as well as feel Naomi’s handy work. She squeezed my cock harder then, almost too hard and I gasped.

  “Not yet… you wait until I say…” Naomi said.

  “Yes…” I replied. Oh, I loved it when a woman wanted to dominate a bit. It was sexy and fun. Most of the women I’d been with needed a bit of guidance and nurturing to get to that place, but then there were a few I’d met who surprised the hell out of me.

  Naomi was definitely one of those. And it was amazing.

  “What do you want me to do with this?” Naomi hissed softly in my ear. She was jerking and squeezing my cock. The sack cupping around my testicles became taught and rigid as my cock continued to grow and engorge with blood, ready for the pleasure it was about to receive.

  “Whatever you want…” I replied.

  Naomi giggled, seductively. It was almost an evil giggle, but I found it titillating.

  Naomi unfastened my pants and pulled them down. She then took my cock in both hands and squeezed the bottom while she rubbed the top with the palm of her other hand. I was going to come soon. There would be no way to help it, but I was certain that I had reserves in the chamber and I would be able to continue. This woman was doing wild things to me and I was ready.

  In fact I’d been ready my whole life. I could not recall a time when I was as horny and full of lust as I was with Naomi in that moment. She had this special touch that just sent riveting tingles of pure bliss unfolding throughout my body and my entire being.

  Naomi leaned over and kissed my cock, just a quick peck on the tip. My engorged member moved in response to it. I was getting even harder now, my whole body flooding with tension.

  “Oh, he likes that…” Naomi purred softly.

  “Yeah… please keep going…” I replied, my voiced coming out as more of a shocked gasp than actual voice.

  Naomi smiled and kissed the head of my dick again. This time she let her lips remain on it longer, moving them from side to side with her mouth closed, almost snuggling my cock. Then she opened her mouth and let her tongue glide over the tip, just doing a slow circle around the edge and finally overlapping the hole where she let her warm breath flow out over me softly.

  I shuttered with anticipation.

  Naomi sensed it and teased me a bit more, making me beg silently. I would have gladly begged out loud, but my body would not let me speak. I was totally paralyzed with pure pleasure.

  At long last Naomi opened her mouth and enveloped the head of my cock, allowing her warm mouth to linger over it as she lapped at the tip with her tongue before finally moving her full mouth down over me and engulfing the whole length of my shaft into her.

  “Shit…” I groaned softly.

  Naomi’s head began to rise up and down over me repeatedly, moving slowly at first, and then a little faster until she was going at a steady pace. I couldn’t resist bucking my hips slightly to move myself into her mouth at a slightly faster pace.

  It had been a while since I’d been with anyone. I had to wonder if I
was breaking my own vow to myself about searching for the one. The feelings I was beginning to have for Naomi were real, but we’d only just begun and already it was moving at this pace. She said she didn’t want anything real, and I respected that, but at the same time I had to wonder if she felt what I was feeling and if it would continue to grow with time.

  Would there even be time for us to grow? Or would tonight be the only time we ever did this? I tried to quiet the thoughts rolling around in my head and just enjoy the pleasure of the moment, but those thoughts continued to linger like a parade of voices in the back of my mind that kept jabbing at me to remind me that they were still there.

  Naomi stood up then and looked down at me with the sexiest smile I’d ever seen. I wasn’t sure what was about to happen next, but I was so ready for it. The fact that I hadn’t come yet was shocking to me. It felt like I was going to burst out of myself any moment and I damn sure wanted to come hard inside of her when it did happen.

  Naomi stripped her pants off and then bent over in front of me to remove her underwear as she showed me everything I was about to receive.

  “Yes, please give it to me…”I moaned as I reached out to grab her ass and pull her back towards me.

  Naomi giggled and moved away just out of reach.

  “I want to hear you beg more for it…” she teased.

  “Please…” I begged, which was not something I was used to, but I had to have her so badly.

  Naomi moved back towards me and sat down on my cock with her back facing me. I slid into her tight, wetness slowly. My body tried to gasp but my voice had left me. I expected Naomi to pause a moment to let me slowly adjust to her, but she didn’t. The moment she sat down she was moving up and down riding me in the reverse cowgirl on the couch.

  I placed my hands on her hips to guide her up and down on me so I wouldn’t slip out. She was so wet, but tight as well. It was the perfect combination of friction, suction, and sweet moisture.

  “Fuck…” Naomi purred.


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