More than ‘JUST’ Friends

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More than ‘JUST’ Friends Page 5

by Ford, Mia

  She leaned her head back letting her long hair fall down into my face. It smelled of a fruity fragrance that I found intoxicating. I grabbed her hair and pulled on it slightly giving her just a little bit of anger in the sex.

  Naomi moaned with delight.

  She was now bouncing up and down on me. It was incredible. I’d been with a lot of women in my time, but Naomi was by far the most amazing lover I’d ever been with. I’d never believed that there was one perfect person for anyone out there, but that evening with Naomi changed all of that. The way our bodies fit together, as if our very souls were mingling and making love to each other, was epic on another level of intensity.

  I suddenly had an urge I had to fulfill. I grabbed Naomi’s legs and raised them up so I could spin her body all around the entire time staying inside of her. We were now facing each other and I let her ride me face to face for a few moments. Her large, beautiful breasts were bouncing in my face daring me to take one of her nipples into my mouth. Instead I began bucking into her harder and harder with my hips.

  The orgasm was rising inside of me. I couldn’t hold it back anymore.

  “I’m coming!”

  “Give it to me!” Naomi cried.

  And I did. My knees shook with violent force as the orgasm ripped through my cock and flung a huge load of my cum deeply into her waiting body. Naomi grabbed the back of my neck to make sure she didn’t bounce off me at this key moment and if anything she began to writhe and ride me even harder.

  If I’d been standing I would have fallen over. My knees wanted to buckle even though I was still sitting on the couch.

  “God…”I groaned as my climax came to an end, yet Naomi continued to grind on me. My dick was finished, and it was hypersensitive. It was almost painful for anything to be touching it at the moment, but I could tell that Naomi was getting close and there was no way that I was going to pull out of her. I don’t think I could have if I’d tried, not the way she was hanging on to me and the force by which she continued to grind up and down on me.

  “Shit!” Naomi screamed.

  And then she came hard on my cock. I suddenly felt a sudden rush of extra wetness pouring over me, dripping down my stretched out, ultra-sensitive skin.

  After it was over we held each other on the couch and continued to kiss each other gently. As strange as it sounds, the cuddling afterwards was just as wonderful as the lovemaking had been.

  When I woke up the next morning I knew that my feelings for Naomi were already deeper than they should have been.

  I knew without a doubt that I was not going to be able to keep things as casual as I’d agreed to.

  Chapter Six


  When I woke up the sunshine was pouring into my bedroom. I’d slept through my alarm somehow and there was as sheer moment of total panic as I quickly reached out to grab my phone. I was relieved to see it was barely a quarter past six. The clinic didn’t open until nine on Fridays. I still had plenty of time.

  My thoughts quickly returned to the evening before. It was such an evening… What had started out as a quiet evening at home with Brutus and the television had quickly turned into a wonderful, fun softball game and then a perfect evening of sex. And it was perfect… wasn’t it?

  “Yes, it was,” I whispered quietly.

  Jay was---?

  Wait… where was Jay?

  He was not lying beside me in the bed and the house sounded as quiet as it normally did when I woke up in the morning. I was pretty sure that I was alone.

  Turning over in the bed I noticed the handwritten note lying on the pillow. I read it quickly positioning the piece of notebook paper so that the glare from the daylight invading my room wasn’t obscuring the written message.

  “Had a wonderful time last night. I had to get to work early. I’ll call you. Jay.”

  I put the note aside and smiled. I still didn’t know what had come over me. There was something about the rush of the softball game and then spending time with Jay on the couch where I quickly lost focus and my instincts took over. Heidi’s voice in my head about taking things too seriously and just having some fun for a change had finally won out, and I was so glad they did. Maybe I should have listened to my hyper friend a bit more often.

  And Jay was fine with keeping things casual. At least that was what he said. Looking back on it though as worked up as we both were could I really trust that he was thinking with his logical brain? Either of us for that matter?

  As I thought back about the evening and replaying it all in my head I couldn’t help but smile and embrace the returning tingles below my waist. Jay was a phenomenal lover. It might have been too early to tell after only once, but as far as I could recall I’d never had someone with his large physical attributes, or his enthusiasm who just knew his way around my body. Every time I did something he would feed off it and do the exact right thing to take it all to the next level.

  And I couldn’t wait to be with him again. I wished he was still there. Oh, the fun we could have had that morning. Instead of my morning jog, a bit of sex calisthenics would have done the trick.

  I laughed as I pulled myself out of bed and put on my jogging suit.

  A few minutes later I was off and running through our little town. It was usually just after dawn when I went out running. I loved to watch the sunrise as I headed out the door and see it slowly illuminate the rest of the town. I could almost hear everyone else just starting to wake up and go about their routines.

  On the way back I decided to stop at Mel’s café and grab a coffee. I often stopped there for coffee during my jogs. It was a nice way to reward myself in the morning. And Mel’s made the best coffee I’d ever had.

  I was just leaving with my large, black coffee when a voice called my name from behind me.

  Turning to look I couldn’t believe what I was seeing, or rather who I was seeing. Tucker Worthington.

  “I can’t believe it!” Tucker said walking towards me, arms outstretched.

  I was still getting over the shock of seeing him of all people in the coffee shop I frequented almost every morning to really react to the hug.

  “Me either!” I exclaimed getting excited now. “It’s been too long.”

  Tucker and I were good friends during our senior year of college. We’d been teamed up on a science project and just kind of hit it off. In fact there had been quite an attraction between the two of us that we were both afraid to admit, mostly because Tucker was engaged at the time to a pretty girl named Darlene Madigan. They were the golden couple and everyone thought they would be together forever.

  However, I noticed almost immediately that Tucker was not wearing a wedding ring.

  “So, how are you?” Tucker asked.

  “I’m great.”

  “What are you up to?”

  “I’m a vet at the animal clinic,” I replied.

  “That’s fantastic. I’m glad to see you’ve accomplished your goal of being a veterinarian. I remember you used to talk about it all the time.”

  I smiled adding a little blush. “Well, I was a biology major. I’ve always known what I wanted to do.”

  “Well, congrats,” he said. “You look fantastic, by the way.”

  “So do you. What brings you to town?”

  “I just got hired at Goldwyn Wallace.”

  “The law firm? That’s great. Louisville… The big city. Surprised to see you out this way. It sounds like we both stayed true to our dreams,” I said with a big smile. I was very happy for him. God, it was great to see him again. I could hardly believe that he was standing right in front of me. Oddly enough, I hadn’t thought of him in a while. His fiancé Darlene had always been jealous of how close we were and had actually forbade Tucker from having any other contact with me after college was over. It broke my heart to hear that, and it broke my heart farther to hear that Tucker was going to go along with it. So, we hadn’t even spoken on social media since that time.

  “Yeah, it’s a big oppor
tunity for me,” Tucker said. “I just happened to be meeting with a client in the area and stopped in here to grab a cup of java.”

  “Wow, I guess the world is even smaller than we thought,” I joked. “How is Darlene these days? What’s she up to?”

  Tucker sighed and rubbed his hands together slowly.

  “Darlene and I actually broke up,” he said.

  “Really? That’s a shame. I thought you two would be together forever.”

  “Yeah, I thought so, too. But it turns out that she loved dancing more than she loved me.”

  “What do you mean?”

  “Well, she was offered a program to study dance at some big school in France. So, while she was there I was at Law School and we kind of drifted apart. After about six months of that we just called it quits. I hear she is doing well though.”

  “I’m sorry to hear about you two,” I said immediately wondering why he hadn’t reached out to me after this happened.

  “Yeah, it’s ok,” he replied. “I mostly just focused on my career. Speaking of which, I’ve got to run, but let’s exchange numbers and have dinner this week.”

  “Sure,” I replied.

  We swapped information and then said our goodbyes.

  As I finished my jog back home, I had to admit that I felt good about running into Tucker, but also a bit strange by it. I found myself thinking about Jay and somehow feeling that I was cheating on him or something. I’d just agreed to go out with another man. And true we were old friends and nothing had ever happened between Tucker and I, it still felt awkward.

  I had to keep reminding myself that Jay and I were keeping it casual; we weren’t a thing.

  I knew that. I’d told Jay the same thing right up front. And he’d agreed to it.

  So why did I feel guilty?

  * * *

  “That’s ridiculous! You have no reason to feel guilty,” Heidi said when I told her everything. She had listened to every single word I’d said about the evening before and after it was all over I found myself wondering why I always felt compelled to explain every facet of my life to her. It was true that we were best friends, but did best friends really share everything? After adulthood anyway?

  “I know, but it’s like this weird nagging feeling in my gut and it won’t go away. I told you this was going to happen.”

  “What? You are not falling for this Jay guy. I mean, you only got together once, right?”

  “Yeah,” I replied. “But I told you from the start it was a mistake and that I wasn’t like you. I can’t just keep things like this casual. I want to but I can already see it’s going to be a problem.”

  “So, tell me more about this Tucker guy. You have never mentioned him before.”

  I shrugged. “There hasn’t really been a reason to. I haven’t thought about him in a long time.”

  Which was not totally true; I did find myself offhandedly thinking about Tucker at very random times and wondering what he was doing now. It was exciting to finally have an answer to that question. And he was in town now. That made me very happy.

  But it also stressed me out because of Jay.

  “Now, Jay said he was fine with no relationship, right?” Heidi asked.

  “Yes,” I replied. “He did say that.”

  “Do you think he was lying?”

  “I don’t know. I mean, I don’t think he was intentionally lying, but he is a man and we were just starting to get into things.”

  “Well, I agree that was a bad time to have that talk,” Heidi said. “But you have that in your pocket in case he ever acts hurt or anything. You can just tell him that you told him from the beginning that you weren’t looking for anything.”

  “Yeah, but if something happens with Tucker then that all makes me out to be a liar, right?”

  Heidi pursed her lips and squinted her eyes as if she was dissecting something very serious.

  “Wait… so you're telling me that you might want something serious with Tucker?” Heidi asked.

  I thought about the question and tried to think of the right answer. Truthfully, I wasn’t sure.

  “I don’t know,” I said. “Maybe. Tucker and I have a bit of history. It’s not something new, really. It would be more like revamping something that already exists and seeing where it goes from this focal point.”

  I nodded proud of the pseudoscientific answer I’d provided.

  Heidi seemed confused.

  “That’s the weirdest thing I’ve ever heard,” Heidi said. “I can kind of get where you are coming from but if you want something with Tucker then you are free to pursue it. Jay’s feelings have no place here since you two agreed together that this was not going to be anything serious. You are sex buddies, basically. Friends with benefits, right?”

  “I guess. Is it odd that I find both of those terms fairly vulgar and off putting?” I asked with a smile.

  “Yes, it is,” Heidi replied rolling her eyes.

  I couldn’t help smiling as I went to exam room number one to see the first patient of the day. Friday’s were short days where the clinic was only open from nine in the morning until three in the afternoon. I was ready for the weekend and mostly I was hoping that Tucker would call so we could have a great dinner and really catch up on everything. I couldn’t stop thinking about how good he looked. He was even more muscular than he was in college (he was always very athletic) but he still preserved the suave, businessman look that I had always found very sexy. Plus he had a dash of the bad boy in him. He was like a devil that pretended to be a preppy. That was just one of those things that had always driven me wild, kind of like guys with the sexy librarian fantasy.

  And I kept thinking about Jay. I had two men in my mind that I couldn’t get out. How had everything become so complicated within a few days? It was fun, exciting, and also distracting. I found that I had a difficult time that day really concentrating on my patients and my work.

  But somehow I got through it. When three o’clock came around I was ready to get out of the door.

  I had just walked through my door ready for a relaxing evening with my dog and a glass of wine when the phone rang. The ringing sounded out in my quiet house for three long rings before I finally walked over to the kitchen island where I’d set my cell phone when I first came in.

  The caller ID said it was Jay calling. I froze up for a moment. I started to answer almost out of instinct, but then a voice inside of my head shouted “NO!” loudly.

  I grabbed my right hand with my left hand and jerked my body away from the phone so violently that I almost tripped over Brutus who was relaxing on the floor licking his paws.

  “Should I answer it? Why is he calling so soon? I know he said he would, but isn’t this kind of soon?”

  I realized it was odd to be asking myself questions out loud, but sometimes I do that when I’m stressed because it seems to help me think.

  I decided to let the phone continue ringing and go to voicemail. It was important that I establish early on that I really did mean what I said about us being very casual. I wasn’t looking for anything serious at the moment, well, at least I wasn’t looking for anything serious with a military man.

  I felt guilty as soon as that thought pushed through my brain. It made me sound like a terrible person. I was really not going to pursue what could be an awesome relationship with a great guy because of what he did for a living? Because I was scared of getting hurt?

  I knew it was wrong and perhaps even foolish, but I couldn’t pretend that I didn’t feel that way. It wouldn’t have been fair to Jay or myself.

  After a few moments the phone stopped ringing. A minute later my phone beeped with a voicemail message.

  I listened to the voicemail hoping it would make me feel better, but it kind of broke my heart.

  “Hey, Naomi. It’s Jay… I was just calling to see what you are up to. Last night was great and I was hoping we might do it again sometime soon. You have my number, so give me a call. Take care.”

sat my phone down on the coffee table as I slumped myself down into the couch. Jay’s voice sounded a little bit disappointed, but he still retained that strong, alpha male, commanding tone that I loved so much. With the way he presented himself most people would never get close enough to him to see the sweetness that he actually had inside. I felt a bit special that I was able to be one of those people.

  I wanted to pick up the phone and just call him back, invite him over. It was Friday night after all. We could snuggle in the morning. Maybe even go out and get some breakfast. (And all of the things that brand new couples do when they are falling for each other)

  Ugh. Why did my brain keep throwing those things out there?

  I leaned back and turned on the television, trying to forget about everything. I just wanted to relax and not think about relationships, or Jay, or Tucker. Was it too much to ask to just spend the entire weekend alone and happy? Maybe I’d call up Heidi to go shopping tomorrow. I didn’t really need anything, but then again when did a girl need a reason to shop? Maybe I’d talk her into going into the city (not that she ever needed much convincing) and we’d have a nice day of it.

  Still the longer I sat there, the more I wanted to call Jay, needing to hear his voice again. I found myself fiddling with my phone and then replaying his voicemail several times over. What was wrong with asking him to come over? It still didn’t have to mean anything did it? No, surely not. I could still stay strong and tell him that what we had was never going to amount to anything more. That would still be very clear.

  I just had to stay strong and I could still enjoy another amazing experience with a fantastic, sexy man.

  I knew exactly what Heidi would tell me. Go for it.

  * * *

  It didn’t take long for me to get Jay over to my place again. One phone call was all it took and he was walking through my door fifteen minutes later looking as hot and ready for me as ever.

  We didn’t bother with any chit chat or pleasantries. He was there for one primary reason and after that we could do the “friend” thing and maybe watch a movie or just hang out with a few beers. That would be a perfect way to cap off a Friday night in my opinion.


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