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Storm to the Past: A Time Travel Western

Page 2

by Gager, Dennis

  “Come on man, you can get all that crap on eBay. And as for his speech, anyone can talk like a Hill Billy. Let’s just get to town, then get the hell out of here.”

  They walked for what seemed like forever down the old cattle trail if you could call it that. It was so full of holes and rocky that they really had to watch their step. They made it to the end of the trail that had a slight incline where they saw smoke. Excited they started running until they reached the top. When they looked down their faces had a look of shock on them? Yes, the town was there, just like Paul said, but it looked like something out of an old western film. The town was basically a bunch of old clapboard houses and shops on a dirt road. There was a church at the end of town on the right. A saloon and men riding horses and there were carriages. The people were all dressed in old style clothing and there weren’t any power lines or phone lines.

  “What the heck is going on man?” Nate asked, astonished.

  “I don’t know, maybe they’re a Mennonite or Amish Community? But wait a minute, they wouldn’t have a saloon?”

  “I don’t care anymore. Screw this, I’m going to find out where the hell we are and get the hell out of here. Come on, let’s go down there.”

  They headed down the trail until they reached the town limits and saw a sign saying “Welcome to Walton Town.” As they walked down the street, they noticed how everyone kept looking at them like they were aliens from another world.

  Adam tried saying hello to them, but the people turned their heads and walked away.

  “So where should we go?” asked Adam.

  “Let’s go to the sheriff’s office. It’s straight ahead. Maybe he can help us.”

  So the two men headed to the sheriff’s office, but there was a sign in the window saying, “Out to lunch, be back later.”

  “What the heck is this? They shut down for lunch?”

  Let’s check the lawyer’s office next store?” said Adam.

  Adam knocked on the door and heard a voice say, “Come in. The friends started to go in, but Adam turned to Nate and said, “Do me a favor. Let me do the talking. I don’t want another person to freak out like Paul did. We’re already getting weird looks from everybody.”

  Nate agreed, and the men entered the lawyer’s office. They looked around and saw a surprising simple set up. Nothing like the fancy law offices like the ones Adam had helped build over the years. It was a one room office with an old wooden desk, a few black and white photos and an old cast iron stove in the corner. There were two wooden chairs in front of the desk and a man in his early sixties was sitting behind the desk shuffling some papers. He was dressed in a black suit with a white shirt. He glanced up from his work and looked at Adam and Nate, giving them a funny look.

  He said, “Hello Gentlemen. My name is Owen Long, but you can call me Jared. What brings you to my office? Do you have a legal matter? I’ve never seen anyone in those types of clothes before?”

  “Hello Sir,” Adam said politely. “My name is Adam Grainger, and this is my friend, Nate Black. We don’t mean to bother you, but we stopped by the sheriff’s office and the sign said he was out to lunch.” He continued, “We were caught in a bad storm on our boat and got lost. We’re trying to get back to the dock at Sheppard Lane?”

  “I’m very sorry for your misfortune, Gentlemen, “The lawyer said. “Yes, the storms at sea can be very treacherous. I’m sorry, but I never heard of this Sheppard Lane and the only docks I have ever seen was in New York.”

  “Could you please tell us where we could get to a telephone?” Asked Adam, “Then we can find someone who help us figure out where we are?”

  “Telephone? There’s no telephone hear? The only place I ever saw a telephone was in a cataloguer I got in New York when I visited there. However, we do have a telegraph office at the end of town at the train station.”

  Please Sir, we just want to get home. That’s all we want. This whole mess is insane; I feel like we’re in an episode of Twilight Zone.”

  “Calm down, Son. I can see you boys are upset and you’ve had a bad experience. I feel bad for you, but I don’t know anything about this place you’re talking about. I grew up here and I can assure you I’ve never heard of Sheppard Lane. I do know where Sheppard Crossing is. It’s next to a lovely beach and bay area. Why don’t you come with me across the street? There’s a nice restaurant and we’ll can get you some food. I promise after you eat, I’ll help you anyway I can.”

  “That sound’s good, Sir. I can’t speak for Nate, but I definitely could go for a nice meal.”

  “Yeah,” Nate said. “I definitely could go for some good food.”

  “Then it’s settled,” said the lawyer. “Let’s go. I know the owner personally and they make the best steak in Town.”

  Mr. Long closed the door as they exited the office. As they crossed the street they saw a sign that read, “The Prairie Run Inn.”

  Mr. Long opened the door and they went inside. Adam and Nate glanced around and saw it was just a quaint rustic Inn with small tables and chairs. There was a small counter in the front, with a man behind it talking to a young lady. Adam noticed the man and woman were dressed in attire that he had only seen in history books and movies.


  “Why don’t you take a seat right here at the first table?” said Mr. Long. “I want to say hello to the young lady. I’ll be right back.”

  Looking around, Nate stated. “Oh my god. This is insane. It’s like something out of the history books. Did you hear what Mr. Long said? The only telephone he ever saw was in a paper in New York.”

  “Yeah, Man,” Adam said. “I agree, but let’s make the best of this. Mr. Long’s really nice. Let’s enjoy the meal, then try to figure out where we are.”

  Just then they heard the man at the counter raise his voice. He was yelling at the young lady and threatening her. Mr. Long came to her rescue.

  Nate said, “Adam, stay out of it. We’ve got our own troubles.”

  Mr. Long was speaking calmly, “Liam, don’t speak to Abagail like that. She has told you repeatedly that she’s not interested in you, yet you keep approaching her making advances at her. Now for the last time, leave her alone.”

  “You shut up, old man,” shouted Liam. “If I want to hear anything out of you, I’ll beat it out of you. Now get out of my face.” Then Liam sucker punched Mr. Long causing him to trip over a chair and falling to the floor

  Abagail screamed and Liam laughed.

  Adam jumped out of his chair, went to Mr. Long and said, “Are you okay?”

  “I’ll be okay.” He said.

  Liam said loudly, “Yeah, he’s fine now. You need to mind your own business and move on, before the same thing happens to you?”

  Adam helped Mr. Long to his feet, ignoring Liam. This made Liam even angrier and he said, “Didn’t you hear me?” And grabbed Adam by the arm, but Adam caught Liam’s wrist and squeezed, putting Liam to his knees.

  “Don’t ever put your hands on me or this man again and don’t bother this woman, do you understand me?” Liam shook his head and said, “Okay, I won’t. Please let go of my wrist.”

  Adam released Liam’s wrist and the man stood, rubbing it.

  “You’ve got quite the grip stranger,” Liam said still rubbing his wrist. “You’re strong, but let’s find exactly how strong.”

  Liam unbuttoned his jacket and slid it off to reveal a gun belt on his right hip. Adam couldn’t believe what he saw.

  “Now,” said Liam. “Let’s see how fast you are.”

  “You’re crazy man,” said Adam. “What are you doing?”

  “What’s the matter, Stranger?” Boasted Liam. “A few seconds ago you wanted to play hero. Well, I’m ready to play.”

  “I don’t know what’s going on around here,” said Adam, “But where I’m from, men settle their differences by talking, not with guns.”

  “Are you a coward?” shouted Liam. “I’m gonna count to three. I recommend you draw or you’re
a dead man.” He started counting, One. . . Two. . .”

  Adam looking and feeling very much afraid, said, “I’m unarmed, look.”

  That ain’t my problem, now is it?” Liam laughed and reached for his gun as he said “Three.”

  Just before he said three, Nate hit him over the head with a chair knocking him unconscious. He fell to the floor hard.

  Adam looking relieved said, “Thanks man.”

  “I couldn’t let him shoot my best friend, now could I?” exclaimed Nate. “Besides, while he was playing crazy gunmen with you, I snuck up behind him. What a nut.”

  Mr. Long said excitedly, “Thank God you’re okay Adam. I’m so sorry you got dragged into this. Thank you for what you did, and Abagail my daughter thanks you also. Are you sure you’re alright?”

  “I’ll be okay as soon as my heart slows down a bit,” said Adam. “I think we should get the sheriff. I want to press assault charges and attempted murder charges against this man.”

  Abagail speaks up, “The sheriff is a coward. He won’t be any help at all. Liam doesn’t answer to the law. He has a gang of thieves that follow him. I appreciate what you did for my dad and me, but you should probably leave town now, while you can.”

  Nate says, “I’m not going to argue with you Miss. Adam, I agree with her. Let’s get back to the boat and we’ll sail out of here and leave this crazy place. This is insane, people playing cowboys and gunslingers.”

  “We can’t just take off. We’ve no idea where we are?” said Adam. “Help me Tie this guy up and we’ll take him to the sheriff’s office. How would that be, Mr. Long?”

  Mr. Long tells them, “I’ll help you. It’s about time someone made a stand against these thugs and by the way call me Owen.”

  Abagail grabs her father’s arm, “No, Dad don’t. It will just make it worse.”

  “We have to do the right thing, sometime, Darling.”

  Nate and Adam tied Liam up and Adam removed his gun belt, handing it to Owen. Then they headed across the street to the sheriff’s office. Liam was still out cold, so Adam carried him over his shoulder. When Owen opened the door and stepped inside, Adam and Nate followed him in. The sheriff was sitting behind a desk.

  “Hello Noel,” said Owen. “We have an issue we hope you can help us with.” Owen explained what had happened to him and introduced the sheriff to Nate and Adam.

  The sheriff listened, then stood and said, “Okay, follow me and put him in the back cell, and while you’re at it, untie him.”

  Adam laid Liam on a cot, then untied him. He stepped out of the cell and Noel locked it.

  “Okay,” said the sheriff. “We’ll let him sleep it off, then in the morning, he’ll calm down and I’ll let him go.”

  Adam yelled, “What’d you mean, let him go? He tried to kill me and he assaulted Owen?”

  “Son,” the sheriff told him. “You need to calm down. If Liam really wanted to kill you, you wouldn’t be here, you’d be at the undertakers. He was only playing with you.”

  “Oh my god,” exclaimed Adam. “I can’t believe this. What kind of sheriff are you?”

  The sheriff with fire in his eyes said between clenched teeth, “The kind that will pistol whip you and leave you for dead. Now all of you, get out of my office.”

  Owen said, “Come on boys, let’s go. I’m sorry, but just like Abagail said, He’s worthless, but he’s all we have for the law.”

  “I don’t understand any of this,” said Nate. “I just want to go home.”

  “Why don’t you boys come back to my house,” Owen said. “Since it’s getting so late? In the morning I’ll help you try to figure things out. We’ll go to the library and check maps and charts. I’m sure will find something?”

  “You’re very kind, Sir. Are you sure it’s okay?”

  “Of course it’s alright, Owen explained. “Plus, I told my daughter to order some steaks for us and she’ll bring them with her when she comes home. Then you’ll get that meal I promised you earlier. Before the trouble with Liam.”

  “Sounds good to me,” said Nate.

  “Then come on. I live just a little way out of town.” Adam and Nate followed Owen to a Victorian style home.

  “Wow!” Exclaimed Adam. “Your home is beautiful. You don’t see homes like this anymore.”

  “Thank you Adam. It was built by my father. Are you a carpenter?”

  “Yeah.,” Adam answered. “I’m really just a handyman, but I’ve had all kinds of jobs. What I truly love to do is work with my hands.”

  “Nothing wrong with that. What do you do for a living Nate?”

  “I’m a stock broker. I help clients invest their money in businesses and stocks.”

  “Is that something like a banker?” asked Owen.

  “No sir. I’m a stock broker. There’s a big difference.”

  Adam could tell Nate didn’t like the way the conversation was going, so he said, “Nate’s very good at what he does. Anyway, thank you again for taking us into your home.”

  “It’s no trouble,” Owen told them. “No trouble at all.”

  The friends followed Owen into the house they noticed it was a beautiful Victorian home with simple, rustic furniture like you could see in a museum. They felt as if they had stepped into a home from the past, yet everything looked new.

  “But,” thought Adam. “It couldn’t be new. It had to be old.”

  Owen gave them a tour of the house and then they went to the dining room where Abagail had the table set and the food was prepared.

  “Thank you my darling daughter. You’re such an angel,” he gave her a peck on her cheek.

  “It was nothing, please, all of you take your seats and enjoy the meal.”

  “Thank you Miss, said Adam. “This looks wonderful. Isn’t it Nate?”

  Nate shook his head in agreement.

  Nate and Adam were so hungry, they gobbled the food down. After dinner, Owen said, “Let’s go to my study and relax.” He offered them some brandy, which Nate accepted, but Adam said, “No thank you.” He was looking around the room and was very impressed with the book collection.

  “Owen,” he said. “I love your collection of books. Your selection of all the great writers is very impressive.”

  “Thank you Adam. You should check out my latest book. I got it at a seminary I attended in New York two years ago. It’s called The Adventures of Tom Sawyer. The author’s name is Mark Twain, and he even signed it for me. Take a look.” and handed the book to Adam.

  When Nate heard what Owen had said about the book, he almost choked on his brandy and his face turned white as a ghost.

  “Owen! You said you met him two years ago?”

  “Yes. He signed that copy for me. I even have a photograph of us together, there on the wall.”

  The boys walked over to the photograph. Adam opened the book and it said, “To my good friend Owen and it was signed Mark Twain.

  Owen concerned by the expressions on their faces asked, “Are you boys okay? You aren’t looking too good.”

  Adam and Nate swallowed and said, “We’re okay. It’s just been a very long and very strange day.”

  “Why don’t you turn in? As you said, it has been a long day. Come, I’ll show you to your room.”

  He led them to the end of the hall and said, “There you go. There’s extra blankets in the closet. Get some rest. We’ll talk in the morning.”

  Adam and Nate thanked him and Owen pulled the door closed as he left the room.

  “Nate,” Adam said, “I don’t understand what’s going on, but we must have somehow traveled back in time.”

  “Before all this, I would have said you’re crazy, but there’s no other way to explain what’s going on here? That Paul guy wasn’t crazy, after all.”

  “It had to have been the storm, remember that weird fog and the motor conking out and the power went out? Then, when the fog cleared everything came back on, but our phones wouldn’t work and our GPS because they run off satellites, whic
h they didn’t have in 1882. The reason we can’t find the dock is, it doesn’t exist.

  “I can’t argue with you, but I’m praying we wake up soon and this is just a bad dream.”

  “I say we get some rest and try to figure this out in the morning.”

  “Sounds good to me, but you do realize we’re in the old west and that Liam is a real gunslinger and we knocked him out. We need to be on our toes and get the hell out of dodge as soon as possible.”

  “Those are just movies and dime store novels. I’m sure he’ll forget all about it. I’m done thinking. Let’s get some rest and talk about it in the morning.”

  They were so exhausted, within minutes, both men were fast asleep.


  Adam woke first and for a second, he thought, “Thank god, it was just a dream.” Then he saw Nate looking out the window.

  “Damn man, I thought it was just a dream. Then I see you looking out the window and I realized, nope it’s real.”

  “I thought the same thing too, then I looked out the window and remembered where we are.”

  “What’re you looking at outside man?”

  “It’s raining. In fact, it’s raining very hard. You know, I was thinking and I remember hearing strange tales of ships and planes disappearing at sea during storms. I’ve always thought they were just stories, but now I’m beginning to wonder. Were they just stories?”

  “I don’t know man. Maybe they’re not just stories.”

  “Maybe storms generate so much raw energy that they create a rift in time and open a doorway. The storm that hit us was so powerful, there’s no telling where it came from or what kind of changes it could have made.”

  “Yeah. It was a strong storm and nearly capsized us.”

  “Well, that may be out ticket home.”

  Adam looked at him curiously.

  “Wait. Hear me out. If a big storm could open a doorway once, maybe it can do the same thing again and open that door and we can go home?”


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