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Doctor D: A Single Dad Romantic Suspense Novel (Doctor's Orders Book 2)

Page 7

by Lilian Monroe

  He stands at the edge of the bed, admiring my naked body. I’ve never felt so beautiful, so desirable as right this minute, watching the way he’s looking at me. I bring my hands up my sides and onto my breasts, playfully pinching my nipples. He groans and leans over, putting a hand on either side of my head. I grab his underwear and push it down his legs. Finally, his cock springs free and I gasp. It’s much, much bigger than I’d anticipated. Elliot growls and grabs his cock in his hand before leaning down against me.

  The feeling of his rod pressed up against my hip is sending me wild. The wetness in my folds is just one sign of my frantic desire. My heartbeat, shortness of breath, tingling throughout my body - it’s all screaming for him. His head dips down and he takes one of my nipples into his mouth. It sends a thrill straight down between my legs as he nips it and swirls it in his mouth. I groan.

  “I want you,” I whisper breathlessly into his ear. He lifts his head and holds my gaze with his icy blue eyes. In them I see the electric heat of desire. Without a word, he leans down to his pants and pulls out a condom. In a smooth motion he has it out of the crinkling packaging and slides it onto his hard cock.

  With one hand on my waist and the other gripping his huge cock, Elliot places himself at my entrance. Then, as I spread my legs and tilt my hips to accept him, he pauses. I open my eyes and look up at him, wordlessly pleading him to give me what I need.

  Instead he moves his hand from my waist to my mound and finds my bud. His thumb circles it slowly, making the pressure behind it build with fierce intensity. He circles and flicks his thumb and he grinds the tip of his cock up and down my slit. I moan, the heat in my core building and building with every movement. I can hardly take it anymore.

  Without warning he plunges his sheathed cock deep inside me. My back arches and my eyes close, seeing fireworks explode behind my eyelids. The heat that was building inside me grows even hotter. He cock stretches me, pushing deep inside until my walls stretch to accept him. I moan as he pulls his cock out and then dives deeper inside me. I can feel myself inch closer and closer to the edge.

  His thumb finds my bud again and my hands reach down to grab his hips, his thighs, his ass, anything I can grab onto. I’m frantic, pleading, delirious with pleasure. His hand works in tandem with the grinding of his cock until the ball of heat inside me becomes too much.

  My orgasm explodes through me and in an instant I’m hurling into the abyss. My body is no longer my own. My walls are convulsing around his thick cock as my back arches and a scream leaves my lips. I’m screaming his name, over and over and over again as he drives his hard cock deeper inside me.

  The sparks flying off my skin are unlike anything I’ve ever experienced. His cock is hard, hot, insistent as he plunges it deeper and deeper into me, driving me further and further into my orgasm. I grab at the sheets, at the pillows, I bite my lip and feel myself contracting around him. My legs squeeze his waist until he’s deeper than he was before. I feel him get even bigger than he was and he drives into me one more time, letting out a guttural, animalistic grunt.

  I can feel his seed pumping into the condom inside me and I moan in satisfaction. He looks at me with fire in his eyes as he thrusts into me again. I grab his hips and pull him deeper as he grunts and shivers. Finally he stops, closing his eyes and letting out a sigh. Elliot collapses on top of me, his skin colliding with mine. A thin film of sweat covers us both as we lay there unable to speak. All I can do is pant, breathe, recover.

  Chapter 23 - Elliot

  Emma’s chest is rising and falling as she sleeps in a peaceful, rhythmic motion. Our legs are intertwined and her head is resting in the crook of my shoulder. It feels natural and serene to be here like this with her. I haven’t had a woman in my arms since Chloe, and I never thought I’d have one until Gracie was all grown up.


  A pain passes through my heart when I think of her. I feel like I’m doing her wrong, like I’m going behind her back or hiding something from her. I haven’t even thought of her once since I left! What kind of father am I?

  I came here and not only did I indulge in my lust for Emma, but I acted on it. It’s so beyond inappropriate, on both a professional and a personal level that the shame starts growing in my stomach until my cheeks burn. I’ve broken every rule I’ve set for myself, and for what? To jeopardize my place at the practice and get involved with a coworker? For one afternoon of fun?

  But then, Emma moves and shifts her weight, putting her arm across my chest. She makes a delicate sound and I wonder what she’s dreaming of. The panic inside me subsides and I place a gentle kiss amidst her curls. I can’t help but relax and breathe in deeply, basking in the warmth of her embrace. It’s so comfortable, so natural to be here with her. There’s a battle raging inside me but I wonder if I have to feel this way? Gracie herself was asking me about having a girlfriend. Maybe she’s ready now. Maybe I’m ready now.

  Gracie’s only eleven. Not even! She’s still ten, although she loves reminding me how close to eleven she’s getting. I need to separate my own urges with what’s best for my daughter. And it’s definitely not bringing another woman into her life that may leave her on her own again just like her mother. I can’t go through the pain of seeing Gracie lose someone else she cares about.

  Emma’s breath is steady, calm, and rhythmic as it washes over my shoulder. It’s like a healing balm for my chaotic thoughts. It feels good, it feels right to be here with her. I know Gracie would like her, they’re just as feisty as each other. Surely it wouldn’t be a bad thing to have a female role model for her?

  How do I even know that Emma would want to see me outside the office? This could just be a one time thing for her. I’m getting way ahead of myself here. She could just have wanted a little bit of fun during her time away from the city. I don’t know anything about this woman!

  But as soon as the thought crosses my mind I know it’s not true. The way she looked at me when we first kissed at the conference centre, that was more than a one time thing. It has to be more than a one time thing. It feels too good to have her in my arms for this to be the only time I get to hold her. Our bodies are made for each other.

  I place another kiss on her head and gently disentangle myself from her limbs. She moans softly and rolls over, but doesn’t wake up. I sit up and rummage through my pants on the ground to find my phone. I scroll through until I get to Mabel’s number and head to the bathroom to make the call.

  The old woman answers the phone on the second ring. Her clear, wise voice comes through the earpiece.

  “Elliot, dear. I was wondering when you’d call.”

  I try to speak in a hushed voice so I don’t wake Emma: “The conference went a bit later than expected,” I explain, cringing at my lie. “Is Gracie still up?”

  “We just finished dinner, I’ll put her on.”

  I hear my mother-in-law, well, ex-mother-in-law call out to Gracie and within seconds my daughter’s voice comes on. I can’t help but smile as she jumps on the phone, breathless and happy as usual. How that little girl has this much energy is beyond me.

  “Dad! How was your speech? Was it great? Nana and I made a cake!”

  I chuckle. “A cake! First cookies and now a cake, she’s spoiling you,” I reply.

  “She says you must not be feeding me enough because I’m thin enough to blow away in the wind,” Gracie responds. I can hear the grin in her voice. “So I guess I should be eating more cake, right?”

  “Tell your grandmother I’m feeding you plenty,” I respond, trying to hide the smile in my voice. “How was school today?”

  “It was great! We started rehearsing for the play. Dad it’s going to be so much fun!”

  I laugh gently and lean against the bathroom counter. Suddenly my heart feels lighter. Gracie is OK, she’s resilient and intelligent, and maybe it would be a good thing to have someone like Emma around. Soon, puberty will come and that’s a whole other kettle of fish that I’m entirely unprepared for.
Gracie is still talking about the play and all her lines and how excited she is and I sigh contentedly. I don’t remember the last time I’ve felt this happy.

  Chapter 24 - Emma

  I wake up gently, still recovering from the orgasm that rocked through my body. I moan gently as I open my eyes and look over at the clock on the bedside table: nearly 6pm. I turn around to reach for Elliot and realise I’m alone in bed. I frown. I remember his arms wrapped around me, his legs crossed between mine. Our bodies were completely fused as we fell into a deep sleep after coming together.

  Maybe he’s gone to get some food, or just in the bathroom. I stretch out on the silky sheets, loving how soft the pillows are. This is definitely nicer than my apartment at home. At least there are some perks to working at a prestigious plastic surgery office - business class flights and luxury hotels are definitely something I could get used to.

  I sigh, completely content. I don’t remember the last time I came that hard, or the last time sex felt so… intimate. It’s crazy, because I hardly know him. But it was like we knew where to touch each other, where to look, what to say, what not to say. His eyes devoured me and made me feel like a goddess, his hands were hungry as they roamed all over my body. And his cock, well. I sigh again.

  Elliot’s voice drifts through the thin wall separating the bathroom with the bedroom. I get up lightly and take a few steps towards the door. His voice filters through a bit more clearly and his words make my heart sink like a rock.

  “I love you babygirl, you know that right?”

  What did he just say?!

  “I’ll be home soon and I promise we’ll go have a fun night out together. I know how much you like ice cream.” He chuckles. He chuckles?! The ice king, the jerk, the impenetrable fortress of non-emotion… he loves her?! She’s making him laugh?! Ice cream dates?!

  The jealousy rips through me like a freight train. Melodie’s face pops into my head and I wonder if it’s her on the other end of the line. I feel dizzy and weak, like my limbs are suddenly full of pins and needles. My dress is still near the door. I slip it on quietly and gather the rest of my things. Thank goodness my room is on this floor, only a few doors down. I take a quick look around the room and slip out the door, closing it quietly behind me. Almost running barefoot down the hallway, I make it to my own room and rush inside. I drop the shoes and purse and underwear in my hands and let out a massive sigh.

  The tears are already welling up inside me. I knew I shouldn’t trust him! Of course he would use me, he’s been nothing but rude to me ever since I met him. And now we’ve gone away together and the first chance he has he tries it on with me. Like a fool, as soon as he changes his tune I’m all over him. I feel so much shame, embarrassment, I feel… pathetic. The new girl who just couldn’t resist spreading her legs at the first opportunity. Great.

  How could I be so stupid. I actually thought he was different, there was more to him. I thought the asshole thing was just an act. My sobs start in the depths of my stomach and erupt through my throat. I’m not the girl that gets played. I’m not the girl that gets attached. How could I put myself in this situation?! I’m the one who makes guys come to me.

  Suddenly I’m on my knees, hands over my face. I’m crying like I’ve never cried before. The stress of the past few months is hitting me all at once and wave after wave of despair washes over me. I did this to myself. This job was the one chance I had of making my debts legitimate, of taking away the threat of scar-faced Victor coming after me and I’ve ruined it. I’ve made a fool of myself and if the whole office doesn’t already know, I’m sure they will soon.

  I think of Dave, who got me the job. He vouched for me in front of his boss and now not only will I be the office fool but he will too for bringing me in. I’m still on my knees and I fall to the side, letting my back rest on the wall as my tears drop down my face to the floor.

  He’s made a fool of me. Me. The silly girl who just wanted a bit of attention. Oh God, I’m so embarrassed. What a dirty, cheating, lying, son of a bitch! The minute he leaves New York, leaves his girlfriend or wife or whatever, he’s all over me. I can’t believe he played me like that. And I ate it all up, like an idiot. I loved the attention, loved the way he looked at me and touched me. As if I was special, as if he cared about me.

  My chest feels like it’s splitting in two and my body feels weaker than it’s ever felt before. I don’t know if I can even get up off the floor, so I stay there, collapsed. I’ve been a fool.

  Chapter 25 - Elliot

  I hang up the phone with Gracie and sigh contentedly. It was so nice to hear her voice, and for the first time in seven years I didn’t mind talking to Mabel. I turn around and look at myself in the bathroom mirror. Splashing some water on my face, I try to wipe the sleep from my eyes.

  I hope Emma is still asleep when I walk out, and I can see her peaceful face and then climb into bed next to her. Maybe we can order room service for dinner and just stay in bed until tomorrow. We can skip all the networking bullshit at the conference and just spend all night in bed. I turn the doorknob and step back into the bedroom, with my steps feeling lighter than they have in years.

  Turning the corner, my brows stitch together. The bed is empty. My eyes scan around the room and my heart, so light a second ago, drops to my stomach like an anchor. She’s gone. Maybe she’s just gone to get some food, or….

  No. She’s gone. She took all her things and left while I was in the bathroom.

  She’s gone.

  I feel the heat of anger and embarrassment well up inside me. I spin around the room again, checking and re-checking that she’s taken all her stuff and left. All that time I was convincing myself that she felt just as I did, that she thought this was something more than a one time thing I was kidding myself. One and done, and then sneak off as soon as she gets the chance. She probably wasn’t even sleeping earlier.

  The heat of my anger floods my veins. I can feel my neck getting flushed, strained, tense as I look around the room one more time. I can’t see, my vision is blurry. I stumble forward towards the bed and hit my foot on a chair. The pain shoots up through my leg but it only serves to intensify my anger.

  How could she! I opened up to her, I trusted her. And she just used me to get off and then leaves when my back is turned. The least she could do is say goodbye and treat me like a fucking adult.

  I spin around in a circle, not knowing what to do. My hands are on my face, running through my hair, grabbing at my chest. My breath comes in short, sharp bursts. Every struggling breath shoots pain through my chest. I turn towards the door to the room and rush to it.

  I’m going to walk straight to her room and ask her what the fuck her problem is. I make it to the door and put my hand on the doorknob before stopping myself.

  What would I do? Stomp up to her room and demand she like me? Tell her that I’m broken and damaged and I haven’t been with a woman in years and now I’m attached to her? That’s a great way to get a woman to like you. I may not have dated anyone in years but I know that being desperate isn’t attractive.

  My chin drops to my chest and the breath leaves my body. My anger fades and I’m deflated, numb. I’ve made a terrible mistake.

  I drag my feet back towards the bedroom and sit on the edge of the bed, head in hands as I try to take deep breaths. How could I be so stupid! I let myself get dragged along by my lust. I was weak. I knew I shouldn’t have pursued her.

  What kind of man am I? A woman pays a bit of attention to me and all of a sudden I’m fucking attached to her like a lost puppy?!


  This is for the best. I’ve always told myself that Gracie comes first, she’s the most important thing to me. Always will be. I got carried away with Emma and without knowing it she’s done me a favour. She’s made it that much easier for me to stick to my rules. No relationships, no women, nothing until Gracie is older.

  Still, I think of the way Emma looked at me, how comfortable I felt with her in my arms and it f
eels like a dagger is being driven into my chest. I got a glimpse of hope, a tiny little sliver of what life could be like if I let myself open up to someone else. And… I liked it. A lot.

  I take a deep breath and sit up on the bed. This is for the best. We’ll just keep it professional from now on. I glance around the room, at my discarded clothes, at the messy bed and I know I need to get out of here. I’ll go get a drink, or some dinner, or go for a walk. Something to take my mind off Emma Thompson.

  Chapter 26 - Emma

  I wake up groggily and groan as my alarm goes off. My eyes are puffy and I can hardly open them. Stumbling out of bed, I make my way to the bathroom. I look at my face in the mirror and barely recognise myself. My face is blotchy, swollen. I never bothered to take my makeup off last night and the remnants are smeared all over my face.

  I look away from the mirror with a sigh and turn on the shower. My body is working on autopilot. I don’t want to think about anything, not Elliot, or last night, or today, or tomorrow. I just want the warm water to wash me clean.

  The water runs over my body for ages. I just stand there without moving. Then, my mind betrays me. Elliot’s face pops into my head, when he was inches from mine in the empty conference room yesterday. His eyes had a spark in them, a depth I’d never seen before. And then I catch myself - I’m looking for meaning where there is none.


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