Doctor D: A Single Dad Romantic Suspense Novel (Doctor's Orders Book 2)

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Doctor D: A Single Dad Romantic Suspense Novel (Doctor's Orders Book 2) Page 9

by Lilian Monroe

Her bright red lips open up into a small ‘o’ and wrap themselves around the tip of my cock. I grunt loudly as she pushes her head down further and further. Fuck, it feels incredible. Her mouth is warm and wet and she’s taking my cock deep down her throat, inch by inch. My hand finds the back of her head and my fingers tangle themselves into her chocolate curls.

  Emma starts working her lips up and down my shaft and it’s almost too much to handle. Her red lipstick starts smearing as she gets messier, moaning as she takes my cock in her mouth over and over. I grab onto her hair tighter, clenching every muscle in my body as I try not to explode right away.

  Her hand crawls up my abs and then back down to wrap around the base of my shaft. She moves faster, up and down until the pressure building in the pit of my stomach reaches a peak. I feel my balls tighten up towards my shaft and my cock throb more and more.

  “Emma, babe, stop,” I pant. “I’m going to come. Stop.”

  But she doesn’t stop. She goes faster, moving her head and her hand up and down my cock until the pressure finally explodes. My cock is harder than it’s ever been before and then I feel the release as I come. She moans as my seed fills her mouth, still stroking up and down. Electric tingles travel from my cock to every extremity of my body. My body contracts violently and I shudder, grunting and groaning without control.

  Finally my orgasm subsides and I relax, hand falling away from her head. She lifts her head up and looks at me, swallowing my cum and licking her lips. I’m panting, trying to catch my breath. I’ve never seen anything as sensual as the way she’s looking at me right now.

  I grab her and flip her over so that her head lands on the pillow. She yelps and laughs, flopping back onto the bed. I crawl down and spread her legs so that I can see her slit. It’s dripping wet. I can smell the sticky scent of it and it drives me wild. My finger finds her bud and circles it gently, feeling how slick with desire she’s gotten from sucking me off. I groan again, letting my finger dip down to her opening.

  I slide a finger inside her and she opens her mouth to moan softly. Her eyes are closed, head back on the pillow. I want to make her come harder than she’s ever come before.

  I look down at the slit in front of me and close my eyes, dipping my head down until I finally taste it. The salty sweetness of her pussy fills my mouth and I lap it up. It’s her turn to moan and grab my head as my tongue circles her bud, flicking over it gently as I lick and suck her most sensitive spot.

  It’s unbelievable how hard my cock is already, even having just exploded. The taste and smell of her is driving me wild. I eat her, I devour her. I can’t get enough of her. My fingers find her entrance and I slide two of them in smoothly. She moans and arches her back slightly, tilting her hips towards my face.

  I work my fingers and my tongue together, rubbing the little rough spot on the front wall until Emma’s legs are shaking. I can feel her walls flooding and her desire is driving me wild. I’ve never been so turned on in my life. The thought of making this beautiful woman come makes my cock pulse and throb.

  My fingers work faster and I put my whole mouth over her clit. She moans and pushes my head down. I can feel her getting closer and closer until suddenly her legs fold up and her back arches. She’s moaning, almost screaming. Her hands are gripping my head and she convulses on the bed over and over. I don’t stop licking, sucking, tasting, eating. My cock is rock hard as her walls flood and I feel her body release into her orgasm.

  Her hand comes away from my head and her legs fall open. I lift myself up slowly and meet her eye. She looks dazed, dizzy, like she’s existing in another dimension. I grin and shift upwards so that I’m beside her.

  Emma’s head fits perfectly on my shoulder and we lay there for a few moments. She’s breathing heavily, a thin sheen of sweat covering her whole body. Her finger trails across my chest and I shiver in satisfaction.

  Chapter 30 - Emma

  My body is still tingling from the orgasm that Elliot gave me even minutes later. Small shocks go through my body, surprising me with their intensity. I shiver and move closer to Elliot. My head is resting in the crook of his shoulder and my fingers are trailing across his chest. I look down and notice his cock, throbbing slightly against his stomach.

  I move my hand down, feeling the muscles in his chest and then every bump of his abs on the way down. I touch his cock with the tip of my fingers, feeling all the way down the length of it. The skin is so soft and warm, and his cock jumps up towards my hand. He groans.

  “You’re still hard,” I breathe, knowing he just came a few minutes ago.

  “Hasn’t gone away. The minute I started eating you out I was rock hard.”

  I smile. I don’t think I’ve ever had a guy genuinely enjoy going down on me like Elliot just did. My fingers wrap around his cock and I stroke up and down feeling its girth in my hand. He’s thick, and his cock feels almost hot to the touch.

  Elliot bucks his hips slowly as my hand moves up and down. I moan slightly. Having his cock in my hand is making my heart beat faster. I can feel the warmth spreading between my legs as the wetness gathers there. I haven’t been this turned on by someone in months, maybe years, maybe ever.

  We stay like this for a few moments, Elliot moving his hips to the motion of my hand. Then he turns his head and I see the heat in his eyes. He looks at me for a second and then uses his hands to turn me onto my stomach. He kneels behind me and kicks my legs open, positioning himself between them. His hands are around my waist, he’s pulling me up to my hands and knees.

  I’m like a ragdoll in his hands. He positions me exactly how he wants me, on my hands and knees with my knees wide and my back arched. Then he uses his hand and feels my wetness, letting his thumb slip inside me. I groan, dropping my head at the sensation. Even that feels electric.

  I hear the crinkling of a condom wrapper and then his hard cock is pushing against my opening. This is all happening faster than I expected. His hands are on my waist, on my ass, he’s pushing himself into me inch by inch. He moves his hand up my back and grabs onto my shoulder, thrusting himself deep inside me with one long push. I moan, feeling him deeper inside me than he’s ever been before. My back arches and my walls spread for him, allowing him to enter me deeper and deeper.

  Elliot groans and keeps pushing. Then, without warning, he drags his cock out of me and rams it back in. Thrust after thrust drives into me, making me shake and buck all over the bed. I can hardly breathe. I can hardly see. I grab onto the headboard with my hand to brace myself and push back on him with every thrust. Fireworks are exploding behind my eyelids every time his cock plunges into me.

  His grunts are guttural, animalistic, wild. His hand comes down on my ass hard, and the cracking sound of skin on skin fills the room. I grunt, savouring the pain that explodes from his touch. It only makes my desire heighten, my wetness increase, my hips move faster.

  His cock drives into me harder, faster, deeper. I’m screaming, yelling, moaning, panting. I can’t do anything except push myself back towards him. I’m completely filled. His cock stretches me and thrusts into me as his hands grip onto any part of my body he can find.

  The warmth between my legs is burning, my body is screaming and finally I feel the release. My orgasm explodes through my entire body all at once, like every nerve ending is suddenly a million times more sensitive. My skin is on fire, trailing sparks wherever he touches me. My blood runs through my veins and carries the heat of my pleasure to every corner of my body.

  My walls contract around him as my body struggles to stay upright. I feel his cock throbbing and getting harder and harder until he moans with me. His seed fills the condom inside me as my walls grip him even tighter. We come together, bodies convulsing and twitching and arching as one.

  We collapse together. I’m seeing stars. My voice is gone. My breath is gone. My vision is blurry. I move my hand towards him and feel his chest move as he pants to regain his breath. He moves his own hand and intertwines his fingers in mine. I close my
eyes and listen to my breath, to his breath, to my heartbeat and his heartbeat. I’m in ecstasy.

  Chapter 31 - Elliot

  As much as I didn’t want to, we had to tear ourselves away from each other and clean up to at least make an appearance at the conference before flying out tonight. The entire time I tried to steal glances from Emma. Anytime our eyes met it was like a shock straight down my spine to my cock.

  I don’t know if anyone noticed, and frankly I don’t care. We made an appearance for two speakers and then rushed back to the hotel. I don’t remember the last time I’ve wanted someone this badly. My hands want to be on her, I want to be near her all the time.

  Emma’s in the shower, so I lay back in bed and pull out my phone to call Gracie.

  “Hey kiddo,” I say when she picks up. “How was school?”

  “It was great! We rehearsed more for the play, I can’t wait to show you!”

  “And I can’t wait to see it. I’m flying back tonight but I’ll be home late, so you have to stay at Nana’s again tonight, OK? And I’ll pick you up from her house tomorrow morning.”

  “Ok, Dad. See you tomorrow, love you!”

  “Love you too, Gracie.”

  I hang up and put the phone down, sighing contentedly.

  Emma comes out of the bathroom and steam billows out behind her. She’s drying her hair with a towel and looks at me with a smile.

  “Well, this isn’t how I thought a business trip in San Diego would end up,” she says with a laugh. “I thought I’d actually get to see the city, maybe even go to the beach.”

  I grin. “All you got to see was the inside of a hotel room.”

  She jumps on the bed and straddles my body with her legs, leaning down to kiss me. Her wet hair drapes down on either side like a curtain, tickling the sides of my face.

  “I’d better go back to my own room to pack. I’ll see you downstairs in a half hour and we can head to the airport?”

  For the next few hours, my whole body is buzzing. Just having her near me is a rush. Waiting at the airport is fun - I haven’t laughed or smiled this much in years. I feel good.

  We get on the plane and this time she’s seated next to me in business class. There’s a wide armrest between us, so I put my arm on top and open my hand towards her. She places her hand in mine and looks over at me, smiling.

  This is happening so fast but I don’t want it to slow down.

  I don’t want to think about it, don’t want to ruin this moment with my doubts. I just want to enjoy this feeling and not worry about tomorrow. When the plane has taken off I turn to Emma.

  “Hey, so I’m not picking Gracie up until tomorrow. Do you want to stay at my place tonight? You know, save the cost of taking two taxis.”

  “Oh yeah I was worried about the taxi,” Emma says with a smirk. My cheeks flush and my lips crack into a smile. “I’d love to,” she adds.

  I nod and turn back towards the screen in my seat. Her hand is woven in mine and we sit there like that for the majority of the flight. I don’t remember the last time I’ve felt so calm. It’s like my brain has finally stopped jumping, buzzing, running around in circles. Her presence brings a lightness and a calmness to me that I didn’t know I could have.

  Chloe’s face pops into my head and I feel a pang in my heart. I grip Emma’s hand a bit more tightly and she grips mine back in response. She looks over at me, brows furrowed slightly. I meet her gaze and take a deep breath. Is this wrong? I can’t replace Chloe. No one can replace her. I’ve only known this woman for two weeks! But surely it can’t be wrong to feel this good?

  I lean back in my seat and close my eyes. My thoughts drift back to my life when Chloe and I were together. The joy when Gracie was born all the way to the complete destruction of my happiness when Chloe died. I don’t know if I’m tarnishing her memory by being with Emma, if this is a betrayal. Emma has the same spark, the same love of life that Chloe had. I shouldn’t compare them but how can I help myself?

  Chloe was my everything, and then cancer took her away from me. I feel my eyes prickling with tears as my thoughts drift back to those weeks and months of seeing her slip away from me. Her body deteriorated long before her mind. I watched her waste away and then finally her light was extinguished. The pain is still real, but now it feels somehow more distant. As if she can sense something, Emma squeezes my hand again. Behind my closed eyelids, Chloe’s smiling face appears. She was so beautiful and I loved her so much. She nods and then her face fades from my mind.

  I open my eyes and look over at Emma. She squeezes my hand again and nods her chin down slightly, and I feel a wave of peacefulness wash over me. I lean back again, closing my eyes without letting go of her hand.

  Chapter 32 - Emma

  “So yeah, I’m not really sure what’s going on,” I say to Valerie as we wait for our food to arrive. Saturday brunch has always been sacred for us.

  “So, hold on. Back up.” She looks at me and takes a deep breath, trying to process everything I’ve just told her. I shrug.

  “Like I said, I don’t know what’s going on.”

  “Did you meet the kid?” she asks.

  “No, I left this morning before he went to go get her. He talked about her a lot, he obviously loves her to bits.”

  “Wow, Em. Single dad. Hot doctor. Brooding and mysterious. You’re hitting a lot of categories here,” she says with a smirk. I laugh.

  The waiter arrives and puts a big plate of pancakes down in front of me and eggs for Valerie.

  “Is that like, a carb refeed after your marathon sex session these past few days?” Val asks with a laugh.

  “Something like that,” I respond before stuffing myself with a mouthful of syrupy pancake. It’s nice to be back in New York. Val and I have always been there for each other, and it’s feels good to tell her about the past few days with Elliot. I look at her, sitting across from me. She’s completely different from me. Thin and willowy with long blonde hair, nothing like the curves and curls that I have. She’s quiet and reserved where I’ll be the first one with a snarky comment. Somehow though, we get along and have always been there for each other.

  I wonder how she’d react if I told her about my problem with the debts, and with Victor. She’d probably tell me to go to the police. But I can’t do that, not without exposing my father’s past to all kinds of investigation. Plus, Victor was very clear that there would be consequences for me if the police found out. No, for now it has to be my burden to bear and mine alone.

  We finish our food and head out of the restaurant. Val gives me a big hug.

  “It’s nice to see you laughing again, Em. I was worried for you after your dad passed away. You haven’t smiled this much in a long time.”

  “Just needed some Doctor D,” I respond with a grin. She laughs and we say goodbye before heading off in different directions.

  I wander through the streets slowly, deciding to walk back to my apartment. It’s nice to have a bit of time to clear my head. This - thing - with Elliot, whatever it is, it can’t distract me from my goal. I need to get a legitimate loan to pay off this debt to Victor and get him out of my life.

  Step by step, I let my thoughts drift from Elliot to Victor. It was so nice, so peaceful to be in San Diego without a worry in the world. Being with Elliot made me forget all my issues over here. It was so natural to be with him. I want to keep seeing him, but I can’t let him know about this debt. Hopefully it’ll be paid off and Victor will be out of my life before I even have to bring it up.

  He’s busy tomorrow with his daughter, so I won’t see him until work on Monday. We’ve obviously decided to keep it quiet, but still my heart skips a beat when I think about seeing him again. I can’t wait to see those eyes, to feel those hands on me again. I’m lost in thought, thinking about Elliot’s body and the way he touched me, smelled me. The way his eyes looked bright every time he looked at me.

  I’m so distracted that I nearly bump straight into Victor’s leather jacket-clad c

  “Better watch where you’re going, girl. The streets aren’t as safe as people think,” he snarls. I can smell his putrid breath and notice his rotting teeth. His jagged scar gives his face an ugly, menacing look.

  “What do you want, Victor.” I take a step back and cross my arms, determined not to let him see my fear.

  “Word on the street was that you skipped town. I just wanted to come make sure you hadn’t forgotten about your obligations.”

  “I’ll have your money by the deadline. There’s no need to harass me outside my home.”

  “Harass? I’m not doing anything of the sort. I’m just scoping out the neighbourhood. I wouldn’t mind living in this neck of the woods. If you can’t come up with the money that apartment of yours might just do instead.”

  I bristle. I know he can’t take my house from me but I’m sick of feeling unsafe in my own apartment.

  “Like I said, you’ll have your money.”

  “See that’s the problem, I was feeling generous before, but now your time is running out. In case you’ve forgotten, you have until the end of the month or else that little blonde girlfriend of yours will be getting an unpleasant visit.”

  My back arcs up. “Leave her out of this,” I say under my breath. My heart is hammering in my chest and my fear is making my throat close up. How does he know about her? Has he been following me?!

  “Or what?” His eyes are shooting flames at me. I say nothing. “That’s what I thought. I’ll be here when the time comes. Have my money and you’ll never have to see me again.”

  He stalks off down the street and turns the corner. I walk up my steps slowly, trying to regain control over my breath and my body. Fear and despair taste like bile in my mouth as the reality of my situation closes in around me.

  I’ll have to move quickly. I was hoping Dr. Yates would have more time to see me working but I’ll have to ask him for a letter for the bank this week.


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