Book Read Free

Tangled Mark

Page 14

by Becky Harmon

  Liam’s eyes followed him hurrying down the street in front of them. “Just where we want him.”

  “I’m not sure, Liam.” Nikki took a sip of her almost-forgotten coffee. “He had crazy eyes back there.”

  Liam laughed. “Crazy eyes?”

  “Yeah, like he needed to watch every direction at once because the world is closing in on him. Maybe we should back off a little.”

  “We can’t, Mel. We need something to turn now.”

  “Look. He’s getting on the bus.”

  They pulled in behind the bus and began following. After twenty minutes of following the bus through multiple stops, Liam came up with an idea. “Check your laptop and see where the next stop will be. I’ll pull ahead of the bus and drop you at the spot. If you get on maybe you can flush him out.”

  Mel nodded. She wasn’t happy with the idea of pushing him farther, but like Liam, she couldn’t see an alternative. She located the next stop and gave Liam directions.

  He gunned the engine and pulled ahead of the bus. “Put your hands-free headset on and keep the cell phone connection.” He glanced at her. “Just in case we get separated.”

  She connected her cell phone headset and dialed Liam’s phone. He hit the connection button on his steering wheel as he swerved to a stop at the curb. “Can you hear me?” he asked.

  She nodded. “Loud and clear.” She climbed out of the car and Liam pulled into a parking space just up the road. The bus turned the corner, closing in on her stop. She made eye contact with the driver and waved to him to make sure he would stop for her. She paid her fare and smiled at Daniel before taking the first empty seat several rows behind him. “I’m good,” she whispered into her microphone.

  “Excellent,” Liam said. “I’m behind you. Let me know if he makes a move.”

  Mel stared at the back of Daniel’s head. His hair was dark and greasy, the result of too much hair gel or too little washing. His body shook as he bounced his leg up and down with nervous anxiety, and his head spun from side to side, as he watched the people around him. Mel settled into the seat with her back to the window so she could watch people behind her as well as Daniel and the people in front of her. Once Daniel spun all the way around and stared at her. She gave him her best “I’m your friend” smile, and he glared at her. When he finally turned to face the front again, she glanced around her to see what her fellow bus riders thought of his behavior. Everyone seemed afraid to make eye contact with him and, by association, with her either.

  After riding around a while, Daniel made a phone call. Mel shifted closer to him to try to hear his end of the conversation. “He’s making a cell call,” she advised Liam.

  “Damn. I wish we could track it.”

  “Yeah, I wish I would have brought the laptop with me.”

  “Oh well.” Liam sighed. “We can listen to it later. Did someone answer?”

  “Either that or he’s leaving a message.”

  “The bus is finishing its route and will start over again. In about thirty-five minutes you will be back where you got on. Do you think he has a destination?”

  “He’s watching out the window, but he doesn’t act like he has any intention of getting off. I could move closer and see if that pushes him.”

  “Give it a try, but be ready for him to bolt.”

  Mel stood and walked past Daniel, sliding into a seat two rows in front of him and across the aisle. She again placed her back against the window, angling her body to see in front of and behind her. She stared at Daniel, waiting for him to make eye contact with her, but his gaze was focused on something outside the window. Mel followed his line of sight but couldn’t identify any landmarks to tell her their location.

  “Two stops away from where you got on,” Liam said into her ear.

  Mel frowned. What was Daniel doing? He leaned forward in his seat rocking back and forth. “He’s going to bolt.”

  “Copy,” Liam answered.

  When the bus pulled to a stop, Daniel jumped up and sprinted down the aisle.

  “He’s moving.” Mel followed him up the aisle and off the bus. He turned into the alley on the right and Mel stayed on his heels. She knew Liam would be following her, so she gave him directions. “Alley on the right.”

  At the edge of the alley, before she moved into the darkness, Mel slowed her pace and pulled her pistol from its shoulder holster.

  Chapter Twenty-Five

  Carrie set a large bag of food on the coffee table in Senator Wyatt’s room and headed off to bed with an escort from Robin.

  “I’m going to call my family and then call it a day.” Senator Wyatt headed for her bedroom. “We brought that food for you guys.” She pointed at the bag Carrie had set on the table.

  Brad’s eyes grew huge. “Seriously?” He grabbed the bag and began pulling food out. “This is awesome.”

  Nikki smiled at the senator. “Thank you very much.”

  “Thank you guys for keeping us safe. Good night.” Jan closed the door to her bedroom.

  Nikki flopped onto the couch beside Brad. “Have you heard from Liam?”

  Brad shook his head. “You?”

  “Nope. I thought about texting Mel, but I don’t want to interrupt something.”

  Brad scooped food onto his plate. “What do you think that is?” He pointed at one of the dishes.

  Nikki stuck her fork into the container and took a bite. “Hmmm. Lamb and couscous.” She moaned. “Oh that’s good.”

  “I wouldn’t worry about Mel and Liam. They might be out all night.” Brad nudged her. “Besides, you’re sleeping with me tonight.”

  “Like that’s ever going to happen, Bradley.”

  Brad laughed. “Do you want the first or second shift?”

  “It doesn’t matter.” Nikki took another bite. “I can sleep or make coffee.” She yawned involuntarily.

  Brad laughed again. “I’ll take the first shift, but I’d like a shower first. After I eat though.”

  A soft knock sounded at the door and Nikki approached with her pistol resting against her thigh. Robin was on duty in the hallway, but Nikki still opened the door just far enough to see before pulling it wider.

  “We got a problem,” Liam said softly, tucking his badge back in his pocket. He stepped to the side to allow Mel to enter the room. She wore Liam’s jacket over her shoulders and the size of it made her look small and vulnerable. Her face was pale as she stepped into the room and leaned against the wall.

  Nikki nodded to Robin before closing the door and looking at Mel. “What’s going on?” she asked, her anxiety building.

  “We need a first aid kit,” Liam explained as he escorted Mel to the couch and took the jacket off her shoulders.

  Her upper arm looked wet where the blood had soaked through the burgundy shirt.

  Nikki gasped, crossing the room in two strides. “What the hell?” She looked at Liam. “Why is she here and not at a hospital?”

  “I told him to bring me here.” Mel raised her uninjured arm, touching Nikki’s thigh to get her attention. “Nikki, it’s just a flesh wound.”

  “Flesh wound, my ass,” Nikki grumbled as she knelt between Mel’s legs and began unbuttoning her shirt. She struggled to contain her fear and the irrational need she felt to protect Mel from everyone. Pushing Mel’s shirt off her shoulder, she pulled the cuff to remove her left arm from the material. “Holy shit.” She sat back on her heels. “Brad, bring me a couple towels.”

  Nikki fought to keep the emotion from her face as she examined the wound, placing a towel around Mel’s arm to stop the blood flow. Nikki’s eyes met Mel’s and she was surprised at the flash of turmoil. Mel was clearly struggling too. There was a hint of pain, but mostly Nikki saw affection and then the cocky smile wiped everything else away. Nikki quickly looked away. For both their sakes, she knew Mel was going to try to break the tension in the room.

  Mel looked up at the guys. “Flesh wound.”

  Nikki snorted.

  Liam held up
a baggie containing a bullet. “I pulled this from the wall behind her. It must have passed straight through her arm.”

  “See. Flesh wound,” Mel stated again.

  “You still need a doctor.” Nikki stood to retrieve the few first aid supplies she carried in her bag.

  “I can make that decision.” The agents looked up to find Jan watching them from her bedroom doorway. “I had a few years of emergency room experience before I moved into politics.” She crossed the room and knelt between Mel’s legs as Nikki had done moments before. She unwrapped the towel and looked at the wound. “Nikki, can you please run water through the coffeepot and then get the red bag inside my suitcase?” Her voice was calm.

  Nikki dropped the bag beside the senator and then returned to wait for the water to heat, staying back out of the way. Brad walked over to stand with her and squeezed her shoulder. She couldn’t look at him. She was afraid if she leaned on him right now she might cry.

  The senator spoke softly to Mel as she examined her arm. Mel shook her head vehemently and Jan stood to address the group. “I think we can get away without stitches since she doesn’t want to go to the hospital.” She opened her bag and began pulling gauze and tape from it.

  Nikki carried the pot over and set it on the coffee table. She watched Mel’s pale face and was surprised when she spoke to her. “Come over here.”

  Nikki slowly walked to the couch and sat down beside her.

  “I’m okay.” Mel laid her hand on Nikki’s thigh.

  Jan looked back and forth between them before smiling. “She’s going to be fine. As soon as we get it cleaned out anyway.” She dipped the towel in the hot water and pressed it to the open wound, making Mel grimace.

  Nikki took her hand and Mel squeezed it hard as her wound was cleaned and then wrapped.

  The senator stood. “I would like you to take some pain pills and go to sleep. What’s the chance you’ll listen to me?”

  “She’ll listen,” Nikki answered for her.

  Mel was silent, and Nikki’s eyes grew large as she stared at her. Remembering the room full of people watching them, Nikki again fought to contain her emotions. She knew she needed to put some distance between them and she started to stand.

  “Nikki, wait.” Mel laid her hand on Nikki’s leg, pulling her back down. “We have to go back out.”

  “No. You don’t,” Nikki stated, feeling exposed in the room full of people. She stood and began to pace. “You can’t.” Her blue eyes filled with tears as she turned them on Mel.

  Mel looked at Liam. “We need twenty-four-hour surveillance on him.” She lifted her arm and grimaced. “Especially now. I’m sure he knows he hit me and he’ll be panicking.”

  Brad stepped forward. “I’ll go with him.”

  Mel’s head dropped and then she nodded. “I would appreciate that, Brad. I’ll cover for you here.”

  Jan handed Mel a bottle of water and placed two tablets in her hand. “I will leave you to work out the details.” She crossed to her bedroom and closed the door.

  “You can cover for me tomorrow, Mel. Tonight you need to rest and sleep.” Brad nodded at Nikki. “You get some sleep too. I’ll fill Robin and Wayne in and they’ll be watching from outside the door. I noticed earlier there’s a detachment from the Bureau of Diplomatic Security sitting outside the hotel as well.” He pulled on his jacket and nodded to Liam.

  Liam took a step toward Mel and then stopped and Nikki watched him struggle with his concern for Mel. “I’ll call Bowden and let her know what happened. I’m sure they’ll send additional agents to help us continue surveillance.”

  Mel nodded, disappointment clear in her voice. “I’m fine, Liam. Well, I will be as soon as Nikki stops making me dizzy.”

  Nikki stopped pacing and leaned against the counter. She hadn’t even realized she was moving. She watched Mel close her eyes and rest her head on the back of the couch.

  “I’ll check in with Josh too.” Brad made a circle motion with his hand. “Of course, I’ll leave all this out.”

  Brad followed Liam out of the room after bagging a couple of takeout containers from the coffee table to take with them.

  Chapter Twenty-Six

  Mel lifted her head from the back of the couch and looked at Nikki. “Come here.” She patted the cushion beside her.

  Nikki crossed the room and sat next to her, staring straight ahead.

  “Are you mad at me?” Mel asked, touching her arm.

  Nikki turned to face her. “No!” She lowered her voice to a whisper. “I’m not mad.”

  “I’m sorry I scared you.”

  “You didn’t…” Nikki dropped her face into her hands and mumbled. “Who am I kidding? I was scared to death.” She shrugged. “There was a lot of blood.” She looked into Mel’s face and then pulled her into her arms, relaxing against the back of the couch. Holding her tight against her body, she stroked her fingers through Mel’s hair. Concentrating on Mel’s breathing, Nikki felt her drift off to sleep. Her mind raged as it lectured her on all the reasons for not developing feelings for someone she worked with. In her heart, she knew it was too late. Mel was already a part of her. When she had seen the blood on Mel’s arm, she had tried to tell herself it was just her arm, but the fear made her irrational and she wanted to lash out at someone.

  Nikki didn’t realize she was falling asleep, too, until a soft knock at the door brought her quickly awake and to her feet. Mel moaned but didn’t open her eyes. Nikki pulled her pistol and opened the door enough to see Robin was alone in the hall. She motioned her inside. “What’s up?”

  “I wanted to ask you the same thing.” Robin glanced at Mel’s sleeping body. “She okay?”

  “She will be.” Nikki sighed, dropping into a chair at the kitchen table. “Everything okay outside?”

  “Things are quiet. We have three agents in the hallway between the three senators’ rooms and I don’t think there are any other guests on this floor.”

  “That certainly makes things a little easier.” Nikki walked over to Mel, sliding a pillow under her head and lifting her feet onto the couch before spreading a cotton throw across her body. Her gaze caught the pain pills still lying on the coffee table and she scooped them into her pocket. “Would you like something to eat?” She motioned at the still-open containers spread across the coffee table.

  “No, I’m good. Wayne and I ordered room service when we returned earlier.” She looked at Nikki’s tired face. “You could sleep, you know?”

  Nikki rolled her eyes. “I don’t think that’s going to happen for a while.” She gave Robin an appreciative smile. “How about some coffee?”

  Robin nodded and Nikki crossed to the automatic coffeepot, setting it to brew. She pulled cups from the cabinet and placed them on the table with creamer and sugar.

  Searching for solid ground with small talk, Nikki broke the silence. “How long have you been with the Secret Service?”

  “Almost eight years.”

  Nikki studied her face, realizing she was older than she had first thought.

  Robin smiled. “Yes, I crossed the thirty-year line years ago.” She picked up the steaming cup as Nikki returned the pot to the burner. “I only became a field agent about three years ago though.”

  “Why the switch?” Nikki poured sugar and creamer into her coffee and then grimaced at the taste.

  Robin laughed. “The sugar and creamer won’t keep you awake any more than the coffee. You should just drink it the way you like it.”

  Nikki stood and dumped the cup in the sink before filling her mug again. She took a long sip. “Better.” She sat back down at the table. “Sorry, I’m a little out of sorts tonight. So, why the switch to field agent?”

  “I was bored.”

  Nikki raised her eyebrows. “And have the last three years been less boring?”

  “There have certainly been moments.” She nodded at Mel. “Want to tell me what happened?”

  “It has nothing to do with the senator,” Nikki
said quickly.

  Robin nodded as if that explained everything and stood. “I should get back to my post.” She held up the mug. “I’ll take this with me.”

  Nikki gave her a smile. She was appreciative that Robin didn’t push for details on Mel’s shooting. “Thanks for the chat.”

  “Sure. I just wanted you to know Wayne or I will be outside all night. Call if you need anything.”

  “I’ll let you guys know if the senator wants to get breakfast out before her flight. She didn’t mention it tonight and I didn’t think to ask.”

  “Wayne’s going to relieve me in about four hours, but we’ll both be back on duty by zero seven.”

  Nikki secured the door behind Robin and filled her mug with the coffee that remained in the pot before cleaning the glass carafe. She carried her coffee to the couch and sat down at Mel’s feet. Setting her mug on the coffee table she untied Mel’s boots and pulled them off her feet before removing her own boots. Picking her mug up, she pulled her legs under her and leaned back against the cushions, watching Mel sleep. It was hard to believe that twenty-four hours ago she was devouring every inch of that full, luscious body. Beneath the throw she could see the curves and she remembered each one of them. She slowed her breath to match the rise and fall of Mel’s chest, trying to reconcile how much her feelings had changed over the last week. Desire alone was not new to her, but what scared her was the almost painful, passionate ache she felt for this woman. She was so strong and vibrant a few hours ago, and now she was pale and injured. Though Nikki knew her arm would heal, she couldn’t get past the fear of what could have happened. Her world was changing so fast she couldn’t feel solid ground beneath her, and now the realization of how fast she almost lost it all slammed into her.


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