Tangled Mark

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Tangled Mark Page 21

by Becky Harmon

  “Okay, then tell me what you think?”

  Nikki looked at her watch. “We have over two hours before we need to be back here. Let’s go check out Abbott’s house.”

  “I checked the tactical team’s logs after you mentioned that on the plane, and they didn’t find anything when they cleared his house earlier today. That’s why they focused on Akim’s house, and besides, Warren’s cell phone was tracked to Jordan.”

  Nikki shrugged. “It would make me feel better. You can stay here if you want.”

  Angela’s eyes grew wide. “Bowden would kill me if I let you out of my sight.”

  Nikki laughed. “Let’s go then.”

  Angela drove and Nikki directed her after downloading Abbott’s address from the Flagler database. The house was dark when they arrived, and Nikki stared at it in the silence. Slowly she released the door and slid out of the seat.

  “Damn it, Mitchell. Where do you think you’re going?”

  “You didn’t think I meant we would just stare at the house for two hours, did you? I’m going in.”


  “I’m not having a discussion with you about this, Angela.” She closed her door and started walking toward the house.

  Angela climbed out and followed her. “I really don’t like this.”

  “Fine. Just be quiet.”

  Nikki picked the lock and pushed the door open. Taking her small mag light from her pocket, she involuntarily reached for her absent pistol. Remembering her pistol was still secured in the lockbox from their first trip to Israel, she cursed herself for not asking Angela for another weapon. She flashed her light toward Angela and was pleased to see her holding a pistol. At least one of them was armed.

  They searched every room before returning to the kitchen entryway. Nikki sighed. “I was sure they would be here. Thank you for checking it with me.”

  “No problem.” Angela walked toward the door. “Can we go now?”

  “Sure.” Nikki followed her onto the porch before stopping.

  “What now?” Angela’s unhappiness was reflected in her voice.

  “Bomb shelter,” Nikki said excitedly. “Doesn’t every house have to have a bomb shelter?”

  “Only ones built after nineteen fifty-one.”

  Nikki didn’t hear her answer because she had already returned inside the house. The beam of her flashlight circled the room. She glanced at Angela when she stepped back inside. “Where would it be?”

  “Probably access would be in one of the main rooms. Let’s return to the car and I’ll get the house plans. If it has one, then we’ll come back in.”

  Nikki ignored her, flipping on the overhead light and continuing to search the room. Her pulse raced. She was close and she knew it. The room shouldn’t be hidden. It would need to allow easy access for the residents in case the air-raid siren went off. Finally, her hands found a crease in the wall not readily visible to the eye. She ran her hands around it and located the latch hidden behind a full coatrack. The door pulled open and the light from the kitchen flooded the darkness.

  “Carter?” Nikki said softly as she slowly descended the steps. Her flashlight moving across the dirt floor before focusing on two bodies. “Angela!”

  Nikki knelt beside Mel, shining the light into her face. Blood caked the edges of her mouth and her right eye was swollen shut.

  “Light,” Mel moaned. “Turn the damn thing off!”

  “Sorry.” Nikki switched the light off and dropped it beside her before helping Mel into a sitting position.

  Angela was beside her checking Liam, and Nikki could hear him groaning as she moved him. Nikki ran her hands over Mel’s body checking for other injuries while she talked softly to her. Mel groaned and shifted away from Nikki’s touch when her fingers found the damaged ribs. “Stop!” Mel growled.

  “I’m only trying to see how badly you’re hurt.”

  “I’m fine. Just untie my feet and let’s get out of here.”

  “I couldn’t agree more,” Liam grumbled beside her.

  Nikki pulled a knife from her pocket and cut the ropes holding Mel’s legs before helping her to stand. She handed her knife to Angela and she cut Liam’s bindings. Mel slowly took one step at a time, leaning heavily on Nikki. At the top, Angela propped Liam against the wall and cleared the kitchen before they headed to the car. Nikki helped Mel into the backseat. Her heart ached with the desire to climb in behind her, but Angela would need help with directions and Nikki needed to focus on getting them somewhere safe. Liam dropped into the backseat and Nikki pushed the door shut. She slid into the front seat as Angela started the car and they pulled away from the house.

  “Where to?” Angela asked.

  “Hospital?” Nikki began typing on the iPad bringing up directions.

  “No!” Liam and Mel said together.

  Nikki turned in her seat to look at them as Angela pulled to the curb. Their faces were pale and clearly they were dehydrated, but they had walked out on their own.

  Angela picked up her phone and dialed. “Mrs. Bowden.” Everyone was silent while she spoke. “We got them. Mitchell was right.” She paused. “Yes. I believe that’s necessary. Okay. Thanks.”

  She glanced at Nikki. “Back to the Sheraton.”

  Nikki pulled up directions and got them moving before she spoke. “Drop me at the door and I’ll get us a suite. You guys can wait in the garage and I’ll come get you.”

  “A room has already been reserved and someone is waiting for us,” Angela said softly. “Just get us to the hotel.”

  Angela parked in the garage, and they helped Liam and Mel out. Taking the freight elevator to the nineteenth floor, Angela led the way to the first door on the left. She knocked softly and the door opened immediately. Leaving the door open for them, Wayne stepped into the hall and assisted Angela with Liam.

  “Put one in each bedroom,” Senator Jan Wyatt directed.

  At first Nikki was surprised to see Jan, but a feeling of relief quickly washed over her. She should have known Jan would be waiting for them. Nikki didn’t stop to talk, giving her a nod in greeting before following her orders.

  Mel collapsed onto the bed and squinted up at Nikki. “Thanks for finding us.”

  Nikki gently touched her bruised jawbone and forced the tears from her eyes. “I’m sorry it wasn’t sooner.”

  “Out. Everyone out,” Jan said forcibly. “I need to do a quick check on both of them and get some fluids moving.” She pulled items from her red bag as she talked. Straightening up, she pointed at the door. “Out.”

  Nikki hesitated, looking at Mel, who nodded. “I’m fine.”

  Crossing to the door, Nikki took a last glance back, and Mel said again, “I’m fine. Really.”

  As she closed the door Nikki heard Jan say, “You’re not going to convince me of that, Melissa, so hush.” She turned to find Robin holding a mug of coffee and gladly took it from her. She collapsed into a chair and leaned her head back against the cushion. “When did you guys get back?” Nikki asked, opening her eyes and looking at Robin.

  “About three hours ago.” She sat down across from Nikki with her own mug. “Senator Wyatt gave us the details this morning when she told us we would be returning to Tel Aviv. She was adamant that she be close enough to offer assistance should she be needed. We even swung by the hospital when we arrived in Tel Aviv so she could pick up some supplies.”

  “An hour or so ago, we found out they might be being held in Jordan and she freaked,” Wayne said as he sat beside Robin. “We were going to be on the chartered flight with you guys in a couple of hours.”

  “Someone called her about ten minutes ago to tell us you had them and were on your way here,” Robin finished for him. “They look pretty rough.”

  Nikki nodded but couldn’t speak. In her mind she could see Mel’s battered face, and she jumped to her feet when Jan opened the bedroom door.

  She scanned the room and focused directly on Nikki. “I gave her a sedative so leave her alon
e.” She headed for the second bedroom. “I’ll do a more thorough check once I get Liam started on fluids.”

  Nikki waited until Jan entered the room holding her second patient and then crossed to the bedroom she had just left. Opening its door slowly, she stepped into the room and closed the door behind her.

  Mel opened her non-swollen eye and patted the bed beside her. Nikki took a seat and gently caressed her hand, avoiding the cuts and rope burns. Words wouldn’t come and something inside her head screamed.

  “Look at me, Mitchell.”

  Nikki slowly raised her head.

  “I’m going to be fine.” Her eyelid fluttered as the drugs began to work their way through her body. She lifted her hand, but it fell back into Nikki’s.

  Nikki collapsed her fingers around it, resisting the urge to pull Mel’s bruised body into her arms. She wanted to hold her tightly until this horrible nightmare went away. Instead, she sat silently.

  The bedroom door opened. “I see you listen as well as your partner.” Jan stepped into the room.

  Nikki stood, Mel’s hand still grasped in her own.

  “Give me about ten more minutes and then you can come back in. Just to sit with her, though. No talking.”

  Nikki nodded, laying Mel’s hand on the bed. Her eyes never leaving Mel, she backed to the door and stepped out. She didn’t want to leave the room, but she knew Jan needed to ascertain if there were any life-threatening injuries. She felt no jealousy leaving Mel in Jan’s hands. It was clear Jan cared deeply for Mel and would take good care of her.

  * * *

  She met Jan at the door of the bedroom as soon as she stepped out. Jan smiled. “Sit. I need coffee.” She refilled Nikki’s mug before sitting beside her with her own mug. Wayne and Robin were back outside on their security detail and Angela had gone to the desk to get them another room. Alone in the silence, Jan appraised her. “She’ll be fine. They both will.” She sighed. “Mel’s body is a little more bruised than Liam’s, but his head took quite a thumping. I think they’ve both been drugged so it’ll take a while for that to work through their system. Mel has several cracked ribs and a lot of bruises. I’m worried most about internal injuries, though, so I’ll monitor both of them closely for the rest of the night. If everything goes well, tomorrow morning we’ll put them on a plane back to the States.”

  “That’s fast.”

  “I know but they need medical evaluation that I can’t provide here.”

  “Are you traveling with us?”

  “Yes, I’ve canceled the rest of my trip. Mel and I have been friends for over ten years.” She gave Nikki a smile. “And we’ve never been more than friends.”

  “Thanks.” Nikki smiled back.

  “Go sit with her as long as you want, but try to get some sleep too. I’ll catnap on the couch so I can keep an eye on both of them.”

  Chapter Forty-One

  Nikki’s eyes popped open as Mel’s fingers twisted in her hair. The morning sun was beginning to peek through the clouds and her neck hurt from the weird position she had slept in, but she was happy to see that Mel was awake.

  Nikki sat up and grinned down at her. “How are you feeling?”

  “Oh,” she groaned. “Almost human.”

  “When Jan checked on you about an hour ago, she said your vitals were great. I expect she’ll be ready to move you in the next couple of hours.”

  “I’m ready to be at home so I won’t argue with her.”

  “I’m ready too.”

  Mel’s eyes drifted closed, and Nikki pulled the hand she had cradled in hers against her cheek. For the first time since she realized Mel was being held, she thought about what this woman meant to her. No matter how many times she told herself romance wasn’t going to be in her life, she couldn’t stop the flutter in her chest when she looked at her. Even now, with her right eye swollen shut and her bruised jawbone, she was beautiful. Nikki kissed her damaged fingers and laid the hand back on the bed. She folded her arms beside Mel and rested her head on her forearms. She didn’t think sleep would come again, but her eyes burned so she closed them for a moment.

  * * *

  Jan placed a hand on Nikki’s shoulder. “Hey, sleeping beauty,” she joked.

  Nikki sat up and tilted her head back and forth to work out the kinks. She looked into Mel’s clear eyes and then at Jan. “Is it time to go home?”

  “It is.” Jan smiled. “The hotel has agreed to loan us two wheelchairs and we’ll use them to get these guys out to the cars. Everyone has been advised that we are ready to move out.”

  “I’ll be ready in five.” Nikki touched Mel’s leg as she walked around the bed and grabbed her pack. She carried it into the bathroom to brush her teeth and hair. She stripped, rolling her dirty clothes into a ball and stuffing them into her bag. She pulled on clean jeans and a T-shirt over her sports bra and briefs. A shower would feel good, but she could wait until she got home. It was more important to get Mel and Liam back into the care of a US hospital.

  She returned to the bedroom to find it empty. In the main room, Mel and Liam sat side by side in wheelchairs, both grumbling and complaining about how they would prefer to walk. Jan ignored them as she unhooked their IVs for transport. Nikki swung her bag over her shoulder and put her hands on the back of Mel’s wheelchair. She ran her fingers through Mel’s hair and gently rubbed the back of her neck.

  Mel twisted her neck to look back at her. “You remember what happened the last time you rubbed my neck, right?” she whispered.

  A faint blush quickly covered Nikki’s face and she stilled her fingers. “I think you’re safe until you heal.”

  “I may be, but are you?”

  Nikki shook her head. “Please be still so we can get you to the plane.”

  Mel laughed. “Whatever you say, cupcake.”

  Nikki gave the chair a push to follow Jan out the door. “Let’s see if we can find a stairwell to push you down.”

  Nikki’s comment carried down the hall and Jan turned to look at her. Mel laughed again and Nikki shook her head. “What can I say? She’s a troublemaker.”

  “Don’t I know,” Jan stated as she followed Robin down the hall. Wayne pushed Liam behind them and Angela brought up the rear.

  When they exited the elevator into the garage, Wayne and Nikki parked the two wheelchairs to the side and asked everyone to wait. Angela tossed Nikki the car keys and she followed Wayne to the other side of the parking garage where Wayne opened the trunk to access the gear to check the vehicles. Together they cleared both vehicles and picked up the others, still waiting beside the elevators. When Mel and Liam were each tucked into the backseat of a car, Robin and Angela returned the wheelchairs and checked everyone out of their rooms. They came back with bottles of water and pastries for everyone. Exhausted from the trip to the car, Mel leaned against Nikki as soon as she settled into the backseat beside her. By the time the car was moving, her eyes were closed and Nikki could hear steady breaths as she slept.

  The ride to the airport was quiet with only light traffic. Rush hour had been over for at least an hour and Nikki internally calculated the time back in Pensacola, realizing it was only a couple of hours past midnight there. She had been in Tel Aviv for barely twelve hours. By this evening, she would be back at her house and tucking Mel into her bed. She knew that was crazy, that Mel would probably have to be kept at the hospital for a couple more days. Nikki would stay with her until she was released. As far as she knew, Mel lived in Tallahassee and didn’t have a place to stay in Pensacola. She touched Jan’s shoulder over the seat. “Are we flying back in to Pensacola?”

  Jan twisted in the seat to look at her. “Yes. It was Mr. Flagler’s request. Why do you ask?”

  “I was just wondering since Carter’s from Tallahassee I thought maybe we were taking them there.”

  Jan nodded her understanding. “I think Liam is from Tennessee.”

  “Oh, I didn’t know.”

  “My understanding is the internal folks usu
ally work alone, but if they do team them up, they do it with agents from another office.”

  “That must be a lonely job,” Nikki said softly, more to herself than anyone else in the car.

  Jan nodded and turned back around in her seat. “I would think so too, but Mel seems to enjoy it.”

  Wayne pulled the car onto the tarmac and right to the stairs of their plane. Nikki gently woke Mel, and with help from the others, she managed to get her settled on the plane. Liam and Mel were stretched across several seats and Jan began hooking up IVs again. Nikki settled at Mel’s head and she slid up until her head rested in Nikki’s lap. “That okay?” she mumbled.

  Nikki stroked her hair and the places her face wasn’t bruised. “Of course. Go back to sleep.”

  After the plane took off, Jan settled into the seat beside Nikki. “I gave them both something to help them sleep. I think the flight will go easier if they aren’t waking up every time we land and take off.”

  Nikki nodded. She was grateful to Jan for keeping her informed. It felt so unusual not to have all the details and be working whatever the mission was in her head. Right now she could only think about Mel and how she had wrecked her life. Everything had been so orderly before. She understood now why she hadn’t had any real relationships. It wasn’t because she didn’t want one; it was because having someone else in your life took away your control. She glanced down at Mel sleeping in her lap. She could give her control, would do so willingly. She couldn’t help thinking that she just might like it. They both might.

  Chapter Forty-Two

  The Flagler private jet landed in Pensacola early Monday evening and local paramedics boarded the plane with stretchers to carry Mel and Liam to the waiting ambulances. Jan gave directions and Nikki tried to assist and stay out of the way, whichever was needed. She followed Mel’s stretcher as it exited the plane, intending to ride to the hospital in the ambulance. She would catch a taxi back to Flagler later to pick up her SUV. Waiting at the doors of the ambulance, however, was a younger and taller version of Mel. Her sister? Shoulder-length chestnut hair and deep brown eyes appraised Nikki as they approached, taking in the sight of Nikki’s hand laying on Mel’s arm. Before either could speak, a woman appeared from behind the doors of the ambulance and ran to the stretcher. Nikki stepped back as she approached.


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