Tangled Mark

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Tangled Mark Page 22

by Becky Harmon

  “Oh, my baby,” she crooned as she touched Mel’s arm above her bandaged hand.

  “I’m fine, Mom,” Mel mumbled.

  The younger version of Mel pulled their mother back from the stretcher so the paramedics could lift it inside the ambulance. The woman sobbed and clung to Jan when she approached. Jan spoke softly to both of them and they nodded before getting into a nearby car. Nikki glanced around her, not sure where to go. Mel had her family; she didn’t need her hanging around after all.

  “Agent Mitchell?” a male voice called to her.

  She turned to see a man wearing a suit approaching her. “I’m Joey. Mrs. Bowden sent me to pick you up. You need to debrief.”

  Nikki glanced at the ambulance and then back at the man.

  “Agent Mitchell?”

  “Yes, right. I’m ready.” Nikki’s eyes followed the ambulance as it began to move away from them.


  The soft feminine voice pulled Nikki’s gaze back and she focused on Angela standing beside the man.

  “Let’s get this over with.” Nikki began striding toward the black SUV that had been parked behind the ambulance, and Angela and Joey had to lengthen their stride to catch up with her. She climbed into the backseat, and Angela sat up front making small talk with Joey as they traveled through town. When they arrived at Parker Street, Angela led the way to a closed office with a keypad on the door. She punched in her code and then pushed the door open. Mr. Flagler and Bowden sat inside, drinking coffee and chatting while they waited. Both looked rested and much more relaxed than the last time Nikki had seen them. It was hard to believe that almost forty-eight hours had passed since she had left this office not knowing where Mel was or how they would get her back.

  Angela poured them each a cup of coffee and guided Nikki to a seat across the table from their superiors.

  Mr. Flagler smiled at them both. “Excellent job, ladies.”

  “Not exactly what we sent you to do,” Bowden added, “but I can’t say we are upset with the outcome.”

  Nikki sipped her coffee and politely answered their questions, filling in any blanks Angela left out, until they had told the entire story. She was starting to feel confined and she needed to get out of this office soon. Her emotions were bubbling to the surface, and she didn’t know how much longer she would be able to hold them in. Finally, Mr. Flagler stood and Nikki took that as a sign she could ask to leave.

  “I can give you a ride,” Angela offered as they stepped into the hallway.

  “No thanks,” Nikki said as she hurried toward the exit, taking the stairs at a frantic pace. She pushed through the steel door onto the street and blindly headed toward the sounds of traffic. She walked for several blocks before she realized she wasn’t sure where she was, so she flagged down a taxi to take her back to Flagler.

  At the security entrance, she paid the cab and walked to her car. Tossing her bag across the seat, she slid behind the wheel. She sat for a second to process, realizing it was the first time she had been alone in over a week. Texting Barbara, she asked if she could pick up the girls tonight and received an immediate positive response. She drove straight there and opened the gate to the backyard. She didn’t want to be rude, but she wasn’t in the mood to chat so she avoided the front door. The girls whimpered and cried when they saw her, and she quickly herded them into the car.

  She moved like a zombie around her house. Food was expected so she boiled pasta, choosing to skip the acidic tomato sauce from a jar. She tried to eat a few pieces but they seemed to catch in her throat. Her stomach roiling, she dumped the rest of the plate into the trash can before heading upstairs to the shower. Turning on only the hot water at first, she allowed the bathroom to fill with steam before stepping into the scalding water. Her body didn’t feel connected to her mind and she just wanted to feel something. Her mind wandered with sleep and exhaustion while she bathed, often stopping to lean against the shower wall. Her hair still wet, she sat down on the couch and called both dogs up with her. One snuggled into each side of her and she stroked their soft fur. She might have cried if she had the energy but all she could feel now was numbness. She wanted to be with Mel, but she wasn’t sure she was needed or even wanted.

  Chapter Forty-Three

  Nikki couldn’t remember falling asleep, but when she awoke her neck ached from resting on the back of the couch. She pushed to her feet and immediately the dogs sat up too. She needed to see Mel. She needed to see her now. Her head fuzzy from sleep, she pulled on jeans and a T-shirt before sliding her bare feet into running shoes. Seeing her for a second was all she needed. She only needed to make sure she was okay. The dogs were eager to follow her even though it was still dark outside. When she started the car and saw the clock on the dash, she couldn’t believe she had been asleep for almost ten hours. No wonder she was so groggy.

  She parked the car at the hospital, leaving the windows down partway for the dogs. She didn’t like to leave them in the car, but the early morning was cool and they were happy to be with her rather than left at the house.

  She realized when she entered the hospital and saw the empty reception desk that she might not be welcome this early in the day. Rachel worked dayshift, but Nikki didn’t know if she was on duty today or not, so she pulled out her cell phone and dialed her number.

  “Hello,” Rachel mumbled.

  “Rachel. It’s Nikki.”

  “What’s wrong, Nikki?” Rachel’s voice was filled with concern, and Nikki could hear the movement of her sitting up in bed.

  “I’m sorry to bother you so early. I need to know the room number of a…uh…a friend. She was brought into the hospital yesterday.”

  “Oh. Okay.” Rachel paused for a moment and Nikki could hear more rustling. “What’s her name?”

  “Mel…Melissa Carter.”

  “It will take me a few minutes and then I’ll call you back.”

  “Thank you, Rachel.” Nikki pushed the button to disconnect the call and dropped onto a plastic chair in the waiting room. She couldn’t believe she hadn’t thought of this before she drove to the hospital but, really, it didn’t matter. She needed to see Mel, and if Rachel couldn’t help she would wander the halls until she found her.

  Within five minutes Rachel called her back with the room number, and Nikki jogged to the elevator. When she reached the room, she took a deep breath and tried to calm her nerves. She squared her shoulders and turned toward the door. It was time to be honest about her feelings. She needed to tell Mel how she felt before she lost her again. She placed her palm against the door and was pushing it open when her eyes made contact again with the intense stare of Mel’s little sister. Nikki hesitated, surveying the rest of the room. Mel’s mother was there too, sleeping in a recliner beside the bed. Nikki took a step backward.

  She had what she came for. She had needed to see for herself that Mel was still okay and clearly she was. She would wait until Mel was better before she talked to her. She needed time to heal before Nikki pummeled her with feelings and emotions. She turned and fled, taking the stairs two at a time. Back in the car, she drove to the beach. The sun had come up while she was in the hospital and the glare of it reflected off the water. The dogs swam before running up and down the beach chasing the seagulls into the air. Nikki walked behind them, but the longer she walked the faster she moved until she was jogging. Even with ten hours of sleep, her body was exhausted and her eyes felt raw. She ran on autopilot until her legs began to rebel from muscle fatigue, and she turned, heading back toward the Ford.

  When she was within sight of her car, she collapsed onto the beach. Bending her legs, she placed her forehead on her knees and cried. She was always the strong one, the independent one. “No, you can’t stay overnight.” “No, you have to leave now.” “No, I don’t want you.” Now she felt as if she were being held captive by her emotions.

  She brushed angrily at the tears on her face. She needed time away from Mel, that’s all. Her life would return to
normal then.

  Yeah, that’s all she needed: time away from the first thing in her life that had pulled at her in years. Her vision blurred again from the tears. She couldn’t remember the last time that she had cried uncontrollably. Struggling to regain some control, she lifted her head and watched and listened as each wave crashed onto the shore. Mesmerized by the rhythm that wasn’t a pattern, she finally felt her body relax and her pulse slow.

  The dogs realized she wasn’t walking anymore and returned to lay beside her. One on each side, they sandwiched her with their bodies, sharing their warmth and comfort. Nikki rested her head back down on her knees and allowed her eyes to close. They burned from the tears and the salt in the air.

  * * *

  “Nikki.” Brad shook her shoulder.

  She lifted her head and looked at him. Her mind still hazy, she focused on his face and tried to smile reassuringly.

  “What are you doing, Nik?” he asked softly, stooping down in front of her.

  “Stop pestering her, Brad.”

  Brad looked up at his wife and frowned. “I’m not pestering her. I’m concerned.”

  Marianne spread a blanket across Nikki’s shoulders and handed her a bottle of water. She gave her husband’s shoulder a pat before sitting down beside him in the sand.

  Nikki thought she should offer an explanation, and she tried to form words with her dry mouth. “I went for a run.”

  Marianne smiled reassuringly for her to continue.

  Nikki opened the bottle of water and drank half of it before speaking. “I guess I fell asleep.” Finally realizing where she was, she gave a panicked look around for the dogs. Finding them frolicking in the surf, she relaxed and leaned back, resting her hands on the ground beside her.

  Marianne’s eyes searched her face, but she made no comment on her appearance. Nikki’s face felt stiff from the dried tears, and she was thankful for the silence until her gaze focused on Brad.

  Brad studied her for several seconds, but lacking Marianne’s tact he couldn’t stop himself from asking. “Were you crying?”

  No matter the situation, Nikki was not going to have a conversation about her emotions with Brad. He had never seen her show any kind of weakness, and she wasn’t about to let that start now. She stood and Brad and Marianne did as well.

  Nikki could hear the struggle in Brad’s voice as he took solace in stating the facts as he knew them. “I talked with Lewis. He said you found them and that they’re going to be okay.”

  Nikki nodded.

  “He said all three of the men are in custody now and that they’ll stand trial for kidnapping and maybe murder.” Brad’s eyes searched her face.

  Nikki didn’t know they had been caught. She hadn’t even thought about asking any questions after her debriefing. She gave a relieved sigh. “That’s good news.”

  Brad continued to ramble, repeating what he had been told. “Apparently, they were trying to lure Mr. Flagler to Tel Aviv so they could kill him on the anniversary of their sister’s death. When Mel and Liam got in their way, they thought the kidnapping would expedite their plan. Abbott claims he was about to release them.” He shrugged. “He also claims that they aren’t responsible for the murder of Mel’s snitch in Argentina.”

  Marianne put her arm around Nikki’s shoulder, steering her away from Brad and back toward the parking lot. “We left the boys with their grandmother so we have some time to kill.” She gave Brad a warning look before hesitantly suggesting, “Why don’t you drive home in her car? The dogs will be more comfortable with you.”

  He nodded, happy to have an opportunity to continue his talk with Nikki without his wife interrupting.

  Nikki thought about protesting but decided there wasn’t any need. She handed her car keys to Brad and opened the rear door for the dogs before sliding into the passenger seat. She downed the remaining water and tossed the bottle onto the floorboard of her car.

  Brad wasted no time once they were seated inside the car. “What’s going on, Nik?”

  “It was a bit of a roller-coaster ride and I’m trying to regroup from it all.” She glanced at him. “I’m okay.”

  “What happened over there?”

  “Angela and I were briefed by the team leader, but it didn’t seem right to me.”

  Brad spared her a quick frown before returning his attention back to the road.

  “How much do you know?” she asked him.

  “I know we had a rogue janitor working at Flagler who was making phone calls from all over the building, even in secure areas.”

  “Right, that was Warren Levy. The third brother was the coffee-shop owner, Akim Levy.”

  “Oh, I remember him. It’s weird how we were in there so many times, and now we find out he was involved.”

  “Really involved. We believe he drugged Mel and Liam.”

  “No way!” Brad exclaimed. “I wondered how they had captured them.”

  Nikki rubbed her face, finally waking up enough to clear the crusted tear streaks from her cheeks. “Anyway, the tactical team had tracked Warren’s cell phone to Akim’s house in Jordan, and after searching Daniel’s apartment and house in Tel Aviv, they were adamant that’s where they were being held.” Nikki sighed as she remembered the uneasy feeling she had when she thought about Mel being taken to Jordan. “Transporting them all the way to Jordan seemed really risky to me with the checkpoints they would have to make it through.”

  “I would have agreed with you. It would be much easier to keep them in Tel Aviv.”

  “So I convinced Angela, my chaperone, to check out Abbott’s house again. That location simply made more sense to me. After we had searched with no luck, it hit me that every house had to have a shelter so we started looking for access.”

  “That’s really awesome, Nik. I’m so glad you guys found them but,” he paused for a moment before continuing, “they were beaten?”

  Nikki thought about Mel’s battered face, and her stomach clenched again. “Yeah.” Nikki was thankful they had arrived at her house and she didn’t have to say anymore.

  By the time they unloaded the dogs and got into the house, Marianne had arrived with breakfast. They unpacked the eggs, bacon and biscuits while Nikki pulled plates from the cabinet. Without thinking, she filled her plate, but when she sat down to eat her stomach churned. She took a couple of small bites of scrambled eggs before sitting back from the table. She met Marianne’s eyes and received a smile. She smiled back, appreciative of their kind gesture. Marianne had never tried to intrude in anything she and Brad did and she never hinted at any kind of jealousy. Nikki knew teams that had trouble with their closeness and she was thankful for Marianne’s attitude.

  Nikki studied her plate before looking up to find Marianne still watching her. She smiled but narrowed her eyes preparing for the flurry questions.

  “So tell me about this woman?” Marianne said with a grin.

  Brad laughed. “I thought we weren’t grilling her.”

  “We brought her home and fed her. Now she can tell us everything.” She gave Nikki an evil smile.

  Nikki shrugged. “Brad can tell you about her.”

  “Oh, he gave me his version already. Now I want yours.”

  “Yeah, she’s hot,” Brad injected.

  Nikki threw her napkin across the table at Brad.

  “Well, she is,” he defended himself.

  Nikki shrugged. “I can’t argue with that.”

  The silence stretched between them as Marianne tried to read both of their faces. Finally, she spoke softly. “She’s hurt? Brad says they’re going to be okay, right?”

  “Right.” Nikki did her best to block the immediate reflex her body felt each time she remembered Mel’s discolored face. “Dehydrated and a lot of bruising, but nothing that will be permanent.”

  “Except for the emotional trauma,” Marianne said.

  Nikki stared at the table as the silence stretched between them again.

  Marianne continued. “But you guy
s hooked up, right? So where do you stand now?”

  Nikki shrugged. This was the one question she was afraid to ask herself and she wasn’t sure how to answer it.

  “Yeah, so why aren’t you at the hospital?” Brad asked.

  “Her mother and sister are with her,” Nikki said as if that explained her absence.

  “Okay.” Brad enunciated each syllable slowly.

  Nikki shrugged. “They didn’t need me hanging around too.” She hoped she didn’t sound as needy to them as she did to herself.

  “You like her, right?” Brad asked, getting right to the point.

  “I like her.” Nikki smiled. It felt good to admit it. She did like her. She liked her a lot.

  “Well, that’s great!” Brad slapped her shoulder. “Let’s head over there and check on them then.”

  Nikki nodded. She didn’t want to admit it but she liked that idea. She could check on them, see Mel, and it wouldn’t be awkward because Brad would be with her.

  “If it’s okay with you, Nikki, I’ll hang out here with the dogs until you guys return,” Marianne asked.

  Chapter Forty-Four

  Nikki climbed into the passenger side of Brad’s car and buckled her seat belt. Her hair was still wet from the shower that Marianne had insisted she take, but she felt relaxed and more in control. Comforted by Brad’s presence, she leaned her head against the back of the seat and closed her eyes. She could feel Brad’s eyes on her occasionally but was thankful for his silence. They walked side by side across the parking lot and into the hospital. Brad remained silent, with only a questioning raise of his eyebrows as they passed the reception desk without asking for directions. Nikki exited the elevator and stopped outside the door, glancing into the room through the small window. Mel was asleep, but her sister remained vigilant at the foot of her bed. Nikki stepped back to allow Brad to enter first. Before he could open the door, it burst open.


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