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Hale Series Boxed Set

Page 16

by Marie James

  Josie is at the breakfast bar when I get in, head bent over her tablet. She’s so much like me, Friday night and already in her pajamas with no intention of leaving the house.

  “Alexa here?” I ask as I slide by her to grab a bottle of water from the fridge, hoping it’ll help prevent the headache I’m sure to have tomorrow from the delicious drinks at the bar earlier.

  “Uh-uh.” She says around a bite of cereal. Finally swallowing she continues, “She’s out with a couple of friends, said not to wait up.”

  I bet her ass is hiding in a corner at Ampere, waiting to pounce on Garrett should he walk by. I don’t understand her obsession with him. Surely she’s not as devoted to “getting him” as she said. She’d tried to mention him to Ian when he was here last weekend. She didn’t know I’d already covered the Garrett base with him before she could try to convince him to put in a good word for her. I also didn’t tell her that Ian had told him to stay away from her and Josie, a little tidbit he let slip last weekend as well. He’s quite talkative after a few drinks.

  “Big date tomorrow, huh?” Josie recalls in passing. She’s much less concerned with whatever it is Ian and I have. You’d think it’s the other way around considering Alexa has loads of crazy adventures, maybe it’s because Josie is inexperienced and has no clue what she’s missing. I know she won’t be a cat lady because she’s highly allergic as well but she’s portraying some serious spinster qualities. Come to think about it, up until a few weeks ago I was the same way.

  “I guess.” I shrug my shoulders even though my heart has started to beat faster in my chest and my hands just went a little clammy.

  She chuckles, her grin eating up her face. She knows better. “I think it’s great. It’s not every day you get to go to such an event with one of the hottest guys, ever.”

  “That’s true. I just wonder what’ll happen if Tom finds out. I didn’t mention it to him since I’m already covering it for work. I hope he doesn’t mind.” I worry my bottom lip with my teeth. I make a mental note to talk to the director of the SPCA directly for a quote and hope Ian won’t mind if I throw a few minutes of work into our date.

  “You have a dress?” Her asking me about my dress makes me wonder if I should wear my press badge. I mean, had I attended dateless and in the capacity of a journalist then I would, but I’m a little unsure about this frontier outing. I’m not going to wear it; I mean it’s really not going to go with my dress.

  “Yes, Alexa is letting me borrow one. I looked at pictures from the past years event and it seems the women always wear some type of red dress. She has a beautiful sequined dress and it’s a little long but that just means I can go higher with my heels!” I drain the remaining water from my bottle and throw it in the trash.

  She laughs, “You and your heels!”

  “You didn’t have plans tonight?” She scowls at me with the same look I use to give Alexa when she’d ask that exact same thing a before the enigma that’s Ian Hale crashed into my life.

  I smile at her. “No, Alexa!” She grins. “This week was life cycle week and I can tell you I’m exhausted. If I have to hear one more bullfrog croak or one more baby chicken tweet I’m may go insane!”

  “Ah the adventurous life of a fourth grade science teacher!” I tease her.

  She’s beaming at me and I know she loves every minute of it. This being the one area we differ the most, because there’s no way in hell I’m going to go dig in the dirt and dissect worms. UGH! The thought of it almost makes me gag.

  “Well I’m gonna hit the sack. Don’t pin or post anything crazy on Facebook when I go to bed; I know how you like to live on the wild side.” She chuckles as I walk away.

  Once in the room I strip down and take a quick shower, waiting until tomorrow for the full body maintenance, wanting to be in tip-top shape for the gala.

  I slide under my cool covers and snuggle down. A quick run through of my own Facebook page reminds me just how pitiful my social life is. My friends list consists of work peers and friends from high school. I don’t really know anyone from outside those areas of my life. My college years were spent in the library and I don’t mean the reputably erotic stacks area in the basement, either.

  I can’t help but take another look through the texts from Ian earlier and seriously consider shooting him a text, but honestly have no clue what to say to initiate a conversation. Maybe just a quick goodnight and let him decide if he wants it to turn into a conversation? He normally texts by now, which has me wondering what he’s doing. This leads me to wonder if he’s with another woman and this being the crux of most of my issues. There’s been no declaration of exclusivity from him, and I know better than to try to pigeonhole him.

  Fuck it, he asked for it right?

  Me: Goodnight, lover.

  I smile simple enough. His return text is almost immediate.

  Ian: Dream of me?

  Me: Always

  Ian: That’s what I like to hear.

  Me: You home?

  Ian: On my way, just finished up at the office.

  Me: Kind of late for work

  Ian: Playing catch up. Some sultry blond kept me in bed for three days straight and wouldn’t allow me to get any work done.

  Me: Sounds like she needs a spanking!

  Ian: Fuck, Lorali don’t say shit like that. Talk to text is one thing, driving with a hard on is a whole other situation!

  What!? He’s never mentioned or even attempted any type of kink, including smacking my ass and one mention of it gives him a hard-on? The thought of him being turned on and ready to go makes my body respond in like.

  Me: How long until you get home?

  Ian: Pulling in my driveway now.

  Me: Good.

  Ian: Where are your hands, Lorali?

  What the fuck! I look around my room for hidden cameras because how else would he know where my free hand is. Maybe it’s my slow type responses; one handed texting isn’t easy at all.

  Me: Ummm

  Ian: If you get off without me, baby I assure you a spanking the next time I see you.

  Holy hell! I think I want to disobey him just so he can follow through on his dark promises. Well, if he’s going to leave me hot and bothered and instruct me to do nothing about it, two can play at this game.

  Me: Promise?

  Ian: Scout’s honor.

  Me: But I can get myself close right?

  I’ve begrudgingly pulled my hand from my sleep shorts, but he doesn’t know that.

  Ian: LORALI! Seriously, stop!

  I can’t help but laugh. I wonder if he touches himself while thinking about me. I close my eyes and imagine him stroking himself in bed before going to sleep, images of me on his mind or waking in the night from a dream I was starring in and him unable to control the descent of his hand down to his cock, bringing himself to climax and my name on his lips.

  Ian: Do I have to get back in the car, drive to your house, and issue that spanking tonight? You sure are taking a long time to respond and I can only assume it’s because your hands are otherwise engaged in activity.

  Yes, please!

  Me: I WAS thinking about you. My hands are nowhere near an erotic zone. Do you?

  Ian: Do I what?

  Me: Think about me? Touch yourself?

  Ian: Honestly?

  Me: Of course.

  Ian: More often then I should probably admit to.

  Well slap my ass and call me Sally! I can’t contain the riotous feelings that are swarming my body. How in the world have I found this man? Him admitting that he spends time thinking of me, pleasuring himself to thoughts of me has me reeling. Even my wildest dreams as a young girl didn’t have a man this perfect in the lead role. Was Alexa right? Have I met my Prince Charming?

  Ian: Have I scared you off?

  Me: Ha! Not a chance.

  Ian: Good to know. I have to grab a shower, babe. Early morning meetings tomorrow.

  Me: See you tomorrow.

  Ian: Can’t wait, b
aby. Sweet dreams.

  Me: Wet dreams ;)

  Ian: Fuck!

  Me: And you can keep those talented hands off of the glorious cock unless you want a spanking as well.

  Ian: Fuck!

  Chapter 38


  I’m like a kid on Christmas morning, too anxious to sleep. So I’m out of bed shortly after the sun comes up. I have a lot to do but don’t need a full twelve hours in which to do it. I decide that an early morning run will suit me best and maybe tire me enough that I can grab a mid-afternoon nap so that I can be rested for this evening. I know Ian has “plans” for me after the gala.

  By midmorning I’m in the process of getting my manicure and pedicure and will then follow-up with a wax and buff. I do have to admit that I’m going all out for this date and I’m extremely nervous about being in public with Ian Hale. He has so many women who find him attractive that I’m terrified I’ll be criticized to the point that he’ll do away with me and replace me with someone the public would deem more fitting.

  I frown as I think about caring about what other people think. I’m normally a ‘who gives a shit’ type girl. I have a ‘don’t like me? That’s your problem not mine’ type of personality, but now I feel like I have something to lose. I’m not the only one who has a say so in the situation and that terrifies me. Ian literally has control over my happiness, or lack thereof for that matter.

  These racing thoughts have me reconsidering this whole date. I still can’t wrap my head around the fact that he’s invested himself in me. I feel it when we talk, text, and hold each other. I guess I feel like it’s a fairy tale and I’m just waiting for the other shoe to drop because honestly, I don’t believe in fairy tales.

  I had my hair washed and dried at the salon but Alexa is the one who actually styles it for me. I wanted to make sure I could get my nap this afternoon and not have to worry about messing my hair up. I did lie down but couldn’t sleep. I’ll pay for that later this evening I’m sure.

  Alexa has swept the sides of my hair up but has left it in long waves down my back and my makeup has been done in a natural elegance. My lips are fire engine red and match the dress I have on loan from her perfectly.

  As much as I praised myself for having plenty of time to get ready my overly long soak in the tub this afternoon actually has me running behind.

  “He’s going to be mad Alexa, please hurry!” She still isn’t done with my face and I’m still am not dressed.

  “He won’t be mad when he sees you. He’ll know it was worth the wait. Be still or I’ll smudge you!” Alexa is applying the twenty-third layer of mascara to my overly long lashes.

  “He’s here!” Josie has popped her head in my bathroom. “That man looks damn fine in a tux!”

  “I know, right!” I grin, anticipation of seeing him swirling in my stomach like a million butterflies. “Please tell him I won’t be much longer and I apologize for the wait.”

  Alexa and Josie both leave so I can dress. The red beaded dress is low cut in the front and held up by the thinnest spaghetti straps you could imagine. One tug and the gala will become a whole other way to raise money! The back is so low underwear isn’t even an option. The thought of nothing covering my center makes me smile wondering how Ian will react once he realizes this fact.

  I’m in the room another full fifteen minutes before I’m ready to meet Ian. Some of that time was spent trying to calm my nerves, which I can say didn’t really happen.

  Ian and Josie are chatting back and forth when I make my grand entrance into the room. Conversation stops. Ian turns towards me and the look of awe and adoration on his face make me melt. My body’s response to him is immediate and I fight the urge to run to him and jump in his arms. Has it only been four days since I last saw him?

  He’s wondrously stunning in his jet black designer tuxedo. His red bow tie, most would think gaudy, makes the entire ensemble, coordinating perfectly with my dress and his pocket square. I stop in my tracks and give my eyes a minute to drink him in and I can tell he’s doing the same to me.

  “Lor...” He clears his throat. “Lorali, you look stunning.”

  I think I blush. “Thank you, Mr. Hale. You’re doing fine things for that tuxedo as well.”

  He smiles big, those beautiful dimples on both sides of his face make an appearance as I walk towards him. I love them. I love him, I realize. My steps falter. I quickly try to talk myself out of it, but I can’t, I know right then and there that I love this man. Sadly I know I’ll be destroyed when it’s over.

  My smile falls when the thought of all that I’ll lose when he decides to end this slams into my head. My grandmother always told us that life was a series of heartbreaks and I decide then and there that I’ll enjoy tonight and I’ll enjoy Ian as long as it lasts because in the end I’ll have made wonderful memories.

  “You okay, baby?” He’s noticed the internal war I’m having as I’m sure it’s playing out on my face. I was never very good at hiding my emotions.

  “I’m great.” I smile up at him. “Nervous about tonight a bit though.”

  “You’ve nothing to worry about, you’re with me tonight!” He smiles really big and walks behind me to help me with my coat.

  I hear him groan as he glides my coat on my shoulders. His mouth is by my ear, his warm breath ghosting across my cheek from behind. “It appears I need to be the one nervous tonight. It seems the back of your dress is missing and I’ll have to keep myself from going to jail when all the men at the gala come sniffing around you.”

  “Don’t be jealous, Ian. I’m almost positive I’ll be leaving with you.” I wink at him and grab my clutch.

  “Damn straight.” He answers with a huff.

  We say our goodbyes to Josie and Alexa and make our way out to the waiting limo. The traffic is horrible and it’ll take longer than anticipated to get there.

  “Sorry you had to wait so long for me; we’ll be late.” I glance over at him to check for signs of frustration.

  “Fashionably late is always right on time, Lorali.” He grins down at me and takes my hand, his fingers stroking the palm.

  It feels so sensual and my eyes close involuntarily, a light hum escaping my lips.

  “It’ll be a while before we get there. You should take off your coat. I wouldn’t want you over heated.” He smirks down at me and I can tell overheating isn’t the only thing on his mind, and I’m sure whatever he has in mind will heat me up more than the coat.

  He helps me shimmy out of my coat and tosses it on the bench seat across from us. He removes his jacket as well; his defined muscles still very evident even hidden under his clothes.

  He tugs on me and I lean my shoulder against his body, half of my back against his chest.

  “I’ve missed you.” He trails his fingers ever so lightly down my neck and across my shoulder. My skin, covered in chill bumps and on fire all at the same time, comes alive under his touch. “Have you missed me?”

  “Mmm hmm.” I’m unable to think when his hands are on me, especially after I’ve suffered their deprivation for so long.

  I hear him chuckle; he’s well aware of the effect he has on me. His lips brush across my shoulder and I turn my head away giving him more room to play. I feel his fingers gently reach up and pull the strap of my dress down my shoulder, allowing it to give way and expose my breast. He hums appreciatively as his fingers slowly graze down the outer curve.

  “Lorali.” The husky sound of my name causes me to turn my head, and his lips capture mine in a slow, sensual kiss. My body unbidden turns towards him, his fingers finding my heavy, swollen breast. He massages it lovingly before pinching my nipple. His mouth captures my pleasurable cry before it can escape into our surroundings.

  I’m quickly losing all control of my body and I can tell Ian is teetering on the edge as well. The kiss has morphed from seductive and leisurely to something more fevered and urgent. Going days without him seems to have been detrimental to our self-control.

bsp; Before I realize it I’m all but turned in the seat and facing him. His fingers are toying with the lines of my dress in the back, sweeping under the edge of the garment at the bottom.

  He pulls away from our kiss, “You really are killing me with this dress. You may have to wear your coat all night.”

  “I don’t want to do that because then I won’t be able to feel your hands on my bare skin when we dance.” I kiss him gently on his lips and look him the eye, wishing he could see how much I care for him. How much he means to me. How much tonight means to me.

  “Well if that’s case, then you can’t leave my side all night.” He kisses me back.

  “I think I can handle being wrapped in your arms all night. It will, however, give everyone there something to talk about.” I lean in to kiss him but he pulls his head back avoiding the kiss.

  “What’s there to talk about, Lorali?” I can’t help but frown. I don’t want to have this conversation now. I’m in direct opposition of anything putting a damper on tonight, serious conversation included.

  “People will wonder who I am. I’m not a socialite, Ian. People will have questions. Questions that we may not have answers to.” He shakes his head and smirks at me like I haven’t got a clue what’s going on, like I’m confused about how people in his circle acts towards outsiders. I’ve heard stories. Well, I’ve read books and seen shows on the Hallmark channel, and it’s always the outsider that gets the trash talk.

  “Five minutes, sir” I hear a voice over the speaker in the car. Saved by the bell.

  We busy ourselves getting our coats back on. Ian helps me as best he can in the enclosed space. I’m thankful that Alexa insisted on twelve hour stay lipstick because had she not; Ian would be covered in Diva Red. I grin as I think about marking him so the whole world knew he was mine.

  Ian notices my hands are trembling and he gives them a light squeeze. “Don’t be nervous, Lorali. You’re stunning and I’m so glad you’re here with me tonight.”


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