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Hale Series Boxed Set

Page 53

by Marie James

  “Oh now you want to shower with me?” I can’t help but tease him for running away and showering in another bathroom just a bit ago.

  “I have to make sure you’re clean when I meet your father, Josie. I don’t think you showing up for lunch smelling like sex will win me any points. Plus,” he says, letting go of my hand long enough to open the shower door and turn to the water. “There is no need for him to know how much of a dirty girl his daughter is.”

  He steps to the side and smacks me on the butt as I walk past him into the shower. I stand under the cascading water and my hands immediately go to my breasts.

  “Behave.” He commands just as I’m about tug on one of my nipples.

  I smirk at him but I’m formulating a plan for later. One in which he will have less control over the situation.

  Chapter 22


  By some miracle I was able to get myself and Josie clean in the shower without further incident. The little stunt she pulled in the bedroom was not something I would’ve predicted this sweet, little, innocent kitten would do, but fuck me if it wasn’t ridiculously hot.

  I have to pat myself on the back for the restraint I showed when I watched her dress for lunch with her parents. I managed to keep my cock in my pants as I helped her zip her skirt, even knowing she had no panties on under it. I’m grateful she suggested blue jeans with the blazer; because I have a feeling I’m going to need the extra restriction the denim is going to provide. I’ve barely softened since she began touching herself in front of the closet.

  I busy myself in the kitchen making sure Mia has eaten and has finished her business outside while Josie gets ready. A quick look at my watch informs me that we will be cutting it dangerously close already, but I’m not going to rush her. I know that will get me nowhere.

  “A woman is ready when she’s ready.” My mother would always say when my dad tried to rush her. You’re not going to find me crossing that line.

  I’m scratching Mia’s head and promising to take her to work tomorrow when I hear Josie walk into the kitchen. She’s absolutely gorgeous. Her golden hair is down and wavy and she’s applied only the slightest amount of makeup. I groan when my eyes scan her body and notice her pert nipples straining against her cotton tank.

  “Something wrong?” She glances down at her clothes, looking for a malfunction or a stain.

  I stalk towards her and reach out and stroke both of her nipples with my thumbs. She gives me a lustful grin and I give her a soft but chaste kiss on her lips. “I’ll not be able to give your dad the attention he deserves if I’m staring at your beautiful breasts all afternoon.” I run my nose down her neck and lick at her raging pulse as my hand continue to stroke her hardened buds.

  She’s the one with the restraint this time and I narrow my eyes at her when she steps out of my grasp. She pulls a thin sweater that I hadn’t noticed from the crook of her arm. “I’ll be covering those up, sir.” She says playfully as she slides her arms into the sleeves.

  “Shame,” I mutter with a smile. “Have everything you need?”

  She walks towards her purse and cell phone on the kitchen island. “I do now.”

  I grab her hand and we walk towards the garage. I set the alarm for the house and hit the garage door opener on the wall before pulling the passenger side truck door open for Josie. She tugs her skirt up a few inches to climb in and I cop a feel of her perfect ass as I help her get settled. She may have believed I was only there to help if my fingers didn’t curl and actually grip her cheek.

  I back out of the garage and wait to insure it is completely closed before heading out of the subdivision towards Denver proper and Mizuna. The drive to the restaurant is quiet and I can’t help but wonder if Josie is getting a case of nerves at me meeting her father. I’m having trouble myself keeping my natural somatic responses under control.

  I reach and place my hand on her thigh and the connection calms me immediately. I’d do anything for this amazing woman and meeting her parents is only the first step in ensuring I’ll have the opportunity to give her everything she desires.

  Once we arrive I slide out of the truck and make my way to Josie’s side and help her out. I resist copping a feel of her this time as the restaurant is mostly windows and I have no idea where everyone is situated inside. We hold hands as we make our way inside. Josie gives Ian’s name at the hostess station.

  “Yes, ma’am. The rest of your party is already here.” I look down at my watch. We’re fifteen minutes late. Great first impression, Perez.

  She’s still holding my hand as we make our way across the restaurant to a private corner. Of course Ian would situate us away from the general public. Less distractions. I make a mental note to thank his ass later, knowing her father will have no distractions for his interrogation. I’m glancing around, taking in my surroundings when I feel Josie release my hands. Looking towards her I notice we’ve made it to the table.

  I watch as her parents stand as well as Garrett and Ian. Perfect manners as always. I didn’t know that Garrett and Alexa would be here and normally I would be grateful that there’s another couple to divert some of the attention, but with Alexa you never know what she’s going to say.

  Josie runs into her mother’s arms and gives her a long squeeze and then shifts towards her father. He holds her at arm’s length, no doubt making sure she’s in one piece. I tilt my head in contemplation trying to determine if he’s checking because of the recent break-in at her apartment or because she’s arrived with me. I’m quickly assessing the situation myself; it wouldn’t be the first time I met a father who was less than enthused that their daughter was dating a man of Puerto Rican descent.

  Josie beams over her shoulder at me. “Daddy, this is Kaleb Perez. My…boyfriend.”

  I have the widest grin on my face at her endearment as I reach my hand out to take her father’s. “So nice to meet you, Mr. Bennett.”

  “Sam, please.” His grip is firm and the look in his eye unreadable, yet I take a small comfort in him allowing me to call him by not only his first name as that is Samuel, but a more personal shortened form. His scrutiny doesn’t last long as he releases my hand and turns toward his wife. “My wife, Janet.”

  “Mrs. Bennett.” I shake her hand as well.

  We make our way to the empty seats at the table and I’m appreciative that Josie decides to sit between her father and me; he’s a very large framed and imposing man. Before taking my seat I reach across the table and shake both Garrett’s and Ian’s hand. Once the women settle in the chairs we take our seats.

  “I apologize at our tardiness,” I tell her father but leave off any form of excuse as to what caused it. I immediately regret saying anything since I just opened myself up to being forced to explain.

  “Nonsense,” her mother chimes in. “We just barely got here ourselves.”

  I know she’s only being polite because everyone else at the table already has their drinks. I smile knowing where Josie got her need to make sure everyone was comfortable and happy.

  “What can I get you to drink?” The waiter asks as he steps up to the table. I make a quick glance around the table and notice that each of the other guys has a mug of beer in front of them. I assess the situation quickly and determine it may be a test. He is a cop after all.

  “Tea,” I tell him. Josie orders the same. A quick glance and the almost inscrutable nod by her mother tells me I passed.

  Conversation stays light for most of the meal. Her parents ask me about my family and the girls talk about the wedding. I’ve kept my hands mostly in my lap because I don’t want to insult her father by putting my hands on her. Ian is relaxed but I can tell he’s maintaining a level of restraint as well. He and Lorali are usually very hands on. Garrett and Alexa are well, Garrett and Alexa and I’m not convinced they don’t have something going on under the table.

  The hammer drops just as the waiter is done placing dessert on the table. We’ve not talked about my job or the break-in onc
e. I knew it was coming but wasn’t prepared how quickly it was going to get personal.

  “You look better than I was honestly expecting,” Janet says before placing a spoonful chocolate cake in her mouth.

  Before Josie can respond her father directs his attention to me. “You’re overseeing the case right, Kaleb? The break-in and threats?”

  “I’m keeping a close eye on the case, sir, but another detective is actually in charge. My,” I have to clear my throat, “relationship with Josie makes me being in charge of the investigation a conflict of interest.” He nods his head in understanding.

  “Any progress?” He asks.

  “None yet, sir.” He gives me contemplative look before turning his attention back to Josie.

  “Have you been back to the apartment?” I watch her as she shakes her head no and I can see the train about to derail. “Where have you been staying?”

  I hear her gasp and she quickly turns her head to look at me, her eyes wide. She’s begging me for a way out of this.

  “Officers called me when they were notified about the break-in. I went to her the second I heard about it. She’s been staying with me since, sir.” From the corner of my eye I can see her mother’s huge grin.

  He nods. “Good to know she’s safe, Detective.” His response is hard to read and I’m not one hundred percent sure it isn’t a warning that I should keep things professional between us since he didn’t use my actual name.

  I feel Josie’s hand slide into mine as her father turns his attention to the others at the table. “So, Lorali, tell me about this wedding.” And just like that the stress of the prior conversation as well as the interrogation is over.

  Chapter 23


  “I told you he’d love you!” I exclaim as soon as we are safely back in the truck and on the way back to Kaleb’s house.

  I hear him huff. “That was love?” I turn and see him grinning at me. “I thought I was going to need a Code-30!” He says. He must notice the confused look on my face “Officer Assistance,” he explains.

  I can’t help but let out a boisterous laugh which apparently is contagious as he joins in. I know it’s more of a way to relieve some of the stress he was feeling from lunch. When we’re once again calm, I grab his hand. “Seriously, Kaleb. He likes you.”

  “How do you figure?” I can tell he really wants to know.

  “Believe me, you would know if he didn’t” I smile at him. “It went so much better than it did with Ian!”

  I watch as he cocks his head to the side, a sign of clear confusion. “What happened with Ian?”

  “It wasn’t anything too bad.” I feel the need to defend my dad. “He was a little tougher on Ian at first because he’s rich. My dad doesn’t have an issue with the money but he wanted to make sure Ian really cared about Lorali, and wasn’t going to treat her as just another possession. We’re a working class family, so everyone who’s not is always suspect in the beginning.” He doesn’t respond so I continue. “My father is a cop and my mother is a school teacher.” I explain.

  “Like us,” he says with a smile.

  “Just like us,” I whisper. “Thanks for distracting him while I got the clothes from Lorali.” I angle my head towards the ridiculous amounts on lingerie in the Victoria Secrets bags in the back seat.

  “No problem,” he replies his accent a little on the heavy side. I giggle. “What?” He questions.

  I shrug. “I love your accent.”

  He grins. “You do huh?” I nod.

  “Especially when we’re making love and you’re talking dirty.” I bite my lip. “It gets thicker and deeper.”

  I feel him squeeze my hand a little tighter and he clears his throat. “I didn’t realize that.”

  “I like that you lose yourself with me.” I tell him.

  “I’ve loved every second we’ve spent together, Josie. Honestly, I wish we could just take off next week and lock ourselves in the house together.” I groan at the thought of going back to work tomorrow.

  “I’m scared,” I whisper to him.

  “You’d be afraid to stay with me alone all week,” he asks in misunderstanding.

  “I’m scared to go back to work. I feel safe with you, Kaleb.” He brings our clasped hands to his mouth and gives mine a sweet kiss.

  “I can take you to work and pick you up if that will make you feel better.” He offers.

  “That would help,” I admit to him.

  My anxiety has calmed a little by the time we make our way back to Kaleb’s house. I resist the urge to jump in his lap again like I did yesterday and I can tell he may have been expecting it because of the mischievous glint in his eye as he turned off the ignition and slid his seat back.

  If I didn’t have some incredibly naughty plans for later, I may have actually given into to his nonverbal suggestion. I open my door and jump out of the truck before I hastily decided on now and later. I wait and allow Kaleb to open the door leading into the house and stand to the side while he deactivates the alarm.

  We greet Mia and I walk to the kitchen island to put my purse and shopping bags down as he lets her outside to use the restroom. I lean back into him when he situates himself behind me and wraps his arms around my waist.

  “Do you ever walk her around the neighborhood?” I ask gesturing towards the back yard.

  “Not usually.” He replies. “She gets loads of exercise at work. Do you want to walk her? She hasn’t been to work in over a week. I’m sure she’d love it.”

  I do my best to concentrate on what he just said but it’s near impossible once his warm mouth is nipping at my neck. I close my eyes and feel his hand reach up and tug the strap of my tank top to the side, leaving my should bare and accessible to his mouth. I whimper softly when his teeth sink into the top of my shoulder.

  “I should change before we go on our walk.” If I don’t pull away from him now we’ll never leave this house.

  “Need any help getting out of your clothes, Mariposa?” The offer to help is seductive and tantalizing but will lead nowhere close to walking Mia and I want him to be desperate for me when he’s at my mercy later. My only fear is the slow burn of my seduction is going light me on fire as well.

  “You get Mia ready and I’m going to go change.” Stepping away from him I smile without glancing back when I hear him groan loudly.

  I make my way over to the dresser with the bags of bras and panties that Lorali gave me outside of the restaurant. I turn the first two bags over and dump the contents into an open dresser drawer. Lorali knows what I wear so I know she’s a pretty good judge of what to buy me.

  It’s not until I turn over the third back and a slinky silk nightie falls to my feet that I realize what she’s done. I pick it up and hold away from my body by the tiny spaghetti straps. Green of course. I shove it in the drawer and pour out the last bag in. More sexy lingerie. I bet she thought I’d be embarrassed sending me home with these items. I have to remember to text her and thank her!

  I dig around in the drawer hunting for a matching set. Each and every one I pull out has less coverage than the one before it. I sigh and settle on a black set which includes a razor thin thong and a bra with lacy cups that hide absolutely nothing.

  I have the bra on and just as I’m sliding the thong into place the bedroom doors open.

  Kaleb is looking down at his phone as he steps into the room. “Mia’s ready to…” His steps falter and his phone falls to the floor.

  I’m suddenly hit with a wave of embarrassment. How is it I can stand in front of him naked and finger myself to orgasm but him seeing me in bra and panties suddenly makes me want to cover myself.

  I shuffle past him to the closet to get a t-shirt and yoga pants and hear him hiss when he sees the back, or lack thereof, of my thong. I grin at his reaction and begin pulling my pants on.

  “Don’t get dressed on my account.” His voice is pleading.

  “I don’t think your neighbors would appreciate me walking Mia i
n my underwear.” I grin at him at him and slide my shirt into place.

  “I can guarantee you half of the community would love to see you walk her in your panties.” His jacket has already been discarded somewhere and I watch as he begins to unbutton his shirt.

  I grab my sneakers from the floor of the closet and take a seat on the bench at the end of the bed. I can’t take my eyes from him as he changes into a red, fitted t-shirt and exchanges his dress shoes or a pair of athletic shoes.

  “You’re staring, Josie.”

  “You’re hot, Kaleb.” I respond immediately as I finish tying my shoes. “Ready?”

  He follows close behind as we make our way to the foyer. Mia is sitting pretty waiting patiently for us. “No leash?” I ask Kaleb as he opens the front door.

  “She doesn’t need one.” He answers as he sets the alarm and locks the door. He pockets the keys and takes my hand as we make our way down the front walk to the road.

  I watch as Mia stays right beside Kaleb, her body practically rubbing his calf and knee with each step.

  “She’s very obedient.” I reply

  “She’s a great cop. Best partner I could’ve ever asked for.” He praises.

  “What do you think is going to happen with my case?” I’ve been wondering about it since my dad asked Kaleb at the restaurant and now seems as good a time as any to ask.

  His answer is hesitant. “We’re pretty sure just by the language of the threats that it has everything to do with Blake Evans. We believe it is of course directed more towards Alexa since she’s the witness in the case.” He squeezes my hand a little tighter and I know he’s leaving something out.

  “Tell me,” I prod.

  He looks down at me and his mouth is set in a hard line but he continues anyways. “The detective in charge of the case doesn’t believe you are in any danger because you really have nothing to do with the case other than your connection to Alexa. I, on the other hand, am not so dismissive of your safety.”


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