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Page 17

by C. Luca

  Briefly, I take a moment to take in the room as I pause in the doorway. Everything is rustic but still very much states how luxurious the home is. From the appliances to the pricey throw rugs on the gleaming, wood floor, everything is top-notch.

  The room is as welcoming as the rest of the cabin.

  Kane happens to be sitting at the island counter, a laptop in front of him.

  The sight of him in front of a computer is so normal, that I momentarily stand there, enjoying the sight.

  I am so tired of the danger and the running.

  Kane must see me in the corner of his eye, because he looks up, visibly taken aback to see me. “You shouldn’t be up and about,” he admonishes.

  I’m exhausted already, and I limp over to the nearest chair, sitting down. “I’ve slept enough,” I say lightly.

  He firmly closes the laptop, his hazel eyes fixated on me. “Hungry?”

  I shake my head and grimace from the pain it brings. “Just thirsty.”

  He rises to his feet and walks over to a cupboard, pulling out a glass. I watch as he walks to the large, double sink and pours water into the glass. He looks comfortable in a dark tee and jeans, and I enjoy the sight. When Kane is around, I feel safe.

  He walks over and hands me the glass.

  “Thanks,” I murmur.

  He studies me intently. “Still mad?”

  I can’t hide my wince over his inquiry. I hadn’t bothered suppressing my resentment yesterday, and I recall being a tad short with him the few times that I’d been awake. “I’m getting over it.”

  “Good to know.” His eyes hold mine as he settles onto a chair across from me. “Tessa, there just wasn’t enough time. I know how much you wanted to speak with him, but that’s all the time I could allow. We had to get you out of there.”

  “I know,” I say softly, trying to let go of the resentment. “It was a risk no matter how long we spoke, I understand that,” I murmur before I take a sip of the water. My throat is parched, so the water feels wonderful.

  I set the glass down and study him. “Did you get them all?” I’ve been wanting to ask but had wanted to wait until I knew I wouldn’t fall asleep in the middle of the conversation.

  “We did,” Kane confirms. “That’s why we left Phoenix.”

  I look around admirably, taking in the elaborate dining room just beyond the kitchen. “I like this cabin,” I comment.

  “I figured you would.”

  Kane’s keeping something from me. I know him well enough by now to recognize that tone. I search his gaze. “What is it?”

  He shakes his head. “There are things to sort out, but it can wait until you’re feeling up to it.”

  That definitely doesn’t make me feel any better. As much as my head is aching, I know that I’ll never be able to relax until I have all the information that I need. Apparently, there’s something important that he’s keeping from me.

  “I’m feeling up to it right now,” I say determinedly. “What’s going on?”

  Kane’s expression deepens into a frown.

  “Kane?” I question.

  He sighs and reaches up, pinching the bridge of his nose. “Diego Sotelo will always be a threat to you.”

  I’m not surprised. “I figured as much.”

  His hand drops as he gives me a critical look. “Tessa, this changes things.”

  “How so?”

  “He’s a powerful man and will keep gaining strength,” he says, seemingly choosing his words carefully.

  My good eye narrows. “What are you trying to say?”

  He looks at me with troubled eyes. “I can’t build you the life that you deserve.”

  “Spell it out for me if you have to, Kane.”

  He shifts restlessly, folding his arms across his muscular chest, clearly unhappy with the direction this conversation has taken. “You’re not going to be able to stay in one place for very long. Maybe a year at the most. You’ll have to continue changing your identity.” His expression turns gravely serious. “I’m sorry. You’re never going to be able to settle down. And men…” his voice trails off, and he looks away.

  My heart sinks over the news, and when I realize he’s telling me that I can’t ever get married, my stomach twists. “I’d never get married anyway,” I say quietly.

  He looks at me sharply. “Why not?”

  I give him a sad smile. “I can’t have babies.”

  He doesn’t look surprised by the news, so he must have access to my medical files. His eyebrows pull down. “Not everyone wants babies, Tessa.”

  I shrug, ignoring the pain it brings. “It’s a moot point anyway, right?” I ask with a hint of sarcasm. My dreams of any sort of future have been thoroughly crushed. It’s not his fault, but I can’t help feeling somewhat bitter over how everything is playing out.

  He doesn’t say anything as he respectfully allows me to process the news.

  Another thought comes to mind. “If I’m still in danger, will you watch over me instead of someone else?” I ask, bracing for his response.

  His expression becomes shuttered, and he rises to his feet. “I can’t, Tessa.” With that said, he moves to a cupboard, giving me his back as he pulls out a glass and fills it with water. He takes his time returning to the island counter, but he doesn’t take a seat.

  “There’s no reason why you can’t. It’s not like I can lead a normal life,” I remind, a heavy feeling settling into the pit of my stomach. I am devastated that my life is going to be so risky and that normalcy will forever be out of my reach. It’s not the future that I wanted, but I can handle it if I at least have Kane still in my life.

  He shakes his head. “It’s a bad idea.”


  “Tessa, you’re pale and look exhausted. Get some sleep, and we’ll talk later,” he suggests lightly.

  That’s his answer to this conversation? Go to sleep?

  He must see the coming argument, because he pulls his phone from his jeans pocket. “I have to make a phone call. Go rest,” he says firmly before he turns and walks out of the room, effectively dismissing me.

  I stare after him through my good eye, and if I could scrunch my face up into a scowl, I would. He’d just dismissed me as if I were a wayward child he was watching over.

  Damn it.

  I am tired of always doing what I’m told. I’ve done my best to follow his lead and to let him have control of our relationship, but I’m done.

  The memory of Kane saving me plays back in my mind, and I recall the moment he’d held me close when he’d come for me. I’m not an idiot. That moment had revealed that he cares for me deeply.

  Why does he get to make the decision for us?

  I think maybe it’s time to push harder over his denial that we could have something to build on. Life is too short to pass up any bit of happiness that can be had. And I believe Kane could make me very happy, and vice versa.

  Carefully, I ease to my feet and stand there, listening for his voice. I’m not surprised when I hear nothing but silence. I’d known the phone call was just an excuse to walk away from the conversation.

  I gingerly limp out of the kitchen, and naturally, I peek into the main room to see if that’s where he’d disappeared to.

  He’s standing in front of the giant windows, his body tense as he gazes out at the gorgeous sight of the mountains.

  Slowly, I begin to limp across the room to him.

  He must hear me, because he turns around and frowns with concern.

  “Do not tell me to go rest,” I warn him.

  His lips flatten, and he watches me come closer until I am standing directly in front of him.

  I look at him steadily. “Why can’t you watch over me? Because you’d still want me?” I ask, refusing to let the subject rest.

  The skin around his eyes tightens as his arms fold across his chest. “Tessa…”

  I peer up into his hazel gaze. “What’s really stopping us, Kane?” I ask bluntly. “Our ages? Who
cares? I certainly don’t. Guys my age don’t even know what they want yet. I need someone who isn’t going to play games or mess around on me.”

  “You deserve better—”

  “How?” I cut in, giving him a dose of his own medicine. I’m done being interrupted when he doesn’t like our conversation. “How can anyone be better for me?”

  A muscle in his jaw begins to flex.

  “Or is it because I can’t get pregnant?” I whisper. Kane doesn’t seem the type to want kids, but we’ve never discussed it—at least not in depth.

  He scowls. “Stop being so damned hard on yourself. And I don’t want kids. If I did, I would have settled down long ago.”

  The tightness that had momentarily gripped my chest eases. “Then what’s stopping you from giving us a chance to be together?” I challenge.

  “My job.”

  I lift an eyebrow. “Oh? The one that demands that you never put roots down anywhere because you’re too busy keeping others safe? Guess what, I can’t put down roots, either,” I remind.

  He’s completely silent, watching me.

  I can sense that I am finally getting somewhere with him.

  As I prepare to lay my heart on the line, I take a deep breath. If I don’t put myself out there, I’ll always regret it. “Kane, I’ve never been in love, but I think I am with you,” I confess softly.

  Emotion visibly flickers in his gaze.

  I continue speaking before he can cut in. “You see the real me, and you accept me as I am. I feel safe when I’m with you, and I trust you. There’s no way that you can deny we have a connection.”

  He unfolds his arms.

  Worried that he’s getting ready to reject me, I quickly add, “We could make it work. We could do long distance for a while and see how it goes. Then, if things are progressing, I’ll be happy to go wherever your job takes you. I mean, you said so yourself that you don’t really exist. So what better way for me to disappear as well.” I finally stop talking to draw in a much needed breath.

  Then, I stand there, waiting and praying that he’s going to see just how right we are for each other.

  Kane’s eyes soften. “Tessa, I don’t need long distance to figure out what I already know.”

  I tense.

  Is he going to reject me after all that I’ve said? It would seriously crush me, but I’ll do my damnedest to hide it until I can try to get through to him another day. Because I’m not giving up on him.

  His eyes search mine. “Do you think you could be happy living the life that you just described?”

  My breath catches when I realize that he’s done keeping me at bay. “Yes, I think so.”

  “I don’t think I could ever walk away from you,” he confesses.

  I stare up at him. “You mean it?” I ask softly, almost afraid to believe that this is really happening.

  He pulls me close. “Yeah, I mean it. I can’t stand the thought of letting you out of my sight.” His lips promptly come down upon mine, and there’s no mistaking the emotion in it as he kisses me deeply. I sink into his embrace, allowing his strength to seep into me as his tongue strokes mine.

  I think I’m finally home.



  Four years later

  Instead of climbing out of bed to stretch my leg, I lean over to grab the laptop off the nightstand. When I have it in hand, I sit up in the bed and open the computer.

  I just want to check up on everyone before the day begins.

  Kane’s business has become an addiction.

  It’s fascinating how he tracks all his clients, and it’s always fun to track credit card purchases to see what they’re up to. Yes, I’ve become a snooper, but hey, that’s a part of keeping track of people. I’m fully embracing it.

  Kane’s been teaching me all the ins and outs of the business for the past few years. I’ve been like a sponge, soaking up everything he shows and tells me. Helping Kane has become my own mission, and every day is new and exciting to me. The life we lead is exhilarating, and I couldn’t imagine being happier living any other way.

  We have to switch locations about every six months to a year thanks to my past, but Kane doesn’t mind since most of his life he’s moved around wherever the job takes him. I’m not bothered by it either. It excites me when there’s new places to see and explore. The only normalcy I need in my life is Kane.

  We’re currently in Australia, and I’m going by the name Taylor, but in private, Kane calls me Tessa. He says I’ll always be Tessa to him, and it no longer matters to me what new identity I have on paper.

  Thankfully, the past four years have been quite calm. It seems I was the troublesome client, because all the others are following the rules. Well, for the most part. There are a few that require closer attention, but they’re certainly not causing the problems that I had.

  “Already?” Kane asks dryly from the doorway.

  His voice startles me, and I close the laptop with a guilty laugh.

  He says I’m worse than he is when it comes to the monitoring, and I’m beginning to agree. I turn to face him and find him standing beside the bed, wearing nothing but jeans, and holding a chocolate cake with a single burning candle in the center.

  For a moment, I freeze until I recall what day it is.

  Kane never forgets, and we always celebrate with chocolate peanut butter cake.

  “Happy birthday,” he announces, sitting down beside me, holding out the cake. “Make a wish,” he orders.

  I grin and lean over, promptly blowing out the candle. “I don’t need to; I already have everything I’ve ever wanted.”

  He leans over and gives me a long kiss, his tongue playing with mine until we pull apart for air.

  Our attraction for one another hasn’t faded in the slightest, and our favorite pastime is sex when we’re not focused on the business.

  I swipe a finger across the top of the cake and put my finger in my mouth, tasting the sweet frosting. “This is breakfast, huh?” I ask, pulling my finger from my mouth.

  “Your breakfast,” he corrects. “I’m going to make myself something more appealing,” he muses.

  I shake my head. “It amazes me how anyone can not like chocolate and peanut butter.”

  He ignores my teasing. “So, what are we doing today? The day is all ours.” He glances at the computer I’d set aside and then gives me a stern look. “No computers. The others will pick up the slack.”

  I smile wickedly. “I can think of one thing I’d like to do.”

  He gives me a sexy smile. “Anytime, anywhere.”

  I set the cake on the nightstand and crawl over to him, wrapping my arms around his neck. “How about now…and later?”

  “Sounds like a plan to me.”

  I press my lips to his as I settle onto his lap, his arms immediately wrapping around me.

  I’ve never been so happy in my life. Kane and I don’t need a house with a white picket fence, or wedding rings to symbolize our love. As long as we have each other, that’s what’s important.

  No longer do I have regrets over breaking the rules, because I ended up with Kane.

  I’m finally getting my happily ever after.

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