See also Red Army
Soviet People’s Commissariat of Food Supplies 309
Soviet People’s Commissariat of Health 368
Soviet People’s Commissariat of Heavy Industry 357, 358
Soviet People’s Commissariats 305, 325, 359
soviets 285, 299–303
Spain 4–5, 45, 147, 151, 155
Civil War 373–374, 377
special settlements 354–355, 362, 375, 396, 400
Spencer, Herbert 199
Speranskii, Michael 144–145, 155, 157
Sputnik 437
Stael, Germaine de 152
Stakhanov, Aleksei 357
Stalin, Joseph xvi, 291, 295, 364, 403, 407, 415–416, 418, 420–423, 429–436, 440
Civil War and 309–311, 314–315
centralized power under 363–366
collectivization and industrialization and 350–357, 367–369
Comintern and 331–333
death of 397–399
Eastern Europe and 432–434
federalism and 326, 328, 366–367
Hitler and WW II and 369–378, 380–383, 386–392, 399
Khrushchev’s secret speech of on 399–400
post-WW II repression by 393–397
purges and GULAG under 353, 358–365, 399–400
Revolution of 1917 and 300, 303
struggle for control of Party and 321–326
Stalingrad, Battle of (1942–43) 386–387, 390
Stanislavsky, Konstantin 336, 343
Stankevich, Nikolai 162–165, 183
Stasov, Vladimir 232–238, 337
Stefan Bathory, King of Poland 52
Steiner, Rudolf 340
Stendhal 149
Stolypin, Peter A. 211, 221–222, 287–289, 291, 294
St. Petersburg (Petrograd, Leningrad) 131, 142, 144, 153, 158–159, 161, 165, 172–181, 208–213, 219–220, 225–226, 236–240, 252, 257–261, 271, 323, 339, 341
Anna moves capital to 102, 104–105
Finnish border and 257, 376
renamed Petrograd 295
Peter the Great builds 84–85, 87–90, 95, 98
Revolution of 1905–6 and 282–285
Revolution of 1917 and Civil War and 298, 300–302, 305, 311–312, 314, 341
WW I and 294, 298
WW II and, siege of (1941–44) 379–380, 384–386, 391
St. Petersburg Academy of Arts 105, 130–131, 173, 237–239, 261
St. Petersburg Conservatory 231, 233–234
St. Petersburg Philharmonic Society 174, 338
St. Petersburg Polytechnic Institute 216, 346
St. Petersburg Technological Institute 159, 215–216, 228–229
St. Petersburg University 197
Strategic Arms Limitation Treaties (SALT, 1972, 1979) 445
Stravinskii, Igor 335, 339
strikes 213, 226, 283–285, 294
Stroganov, Pavel 143
Sumarokov, Alexander 105, 126, 128
Sun Yat-sen 332
Supreme Economic Council 305, 324–325, 330, 349, 353, 357
Supreme Executive Commission 205
Supreme Privy Council 99, 102
Supreme Soviet 450, 453–454
Surikov, Vasilii 239
Suvorov, Alexander 134–135, 140
Sviatopolk-Mirskii, Prince Petr 282
Sviatopolk “the Cursed,” Grand Prince of Kiev Rus 16
Sviatoslav I, Grand Prince of Kiev Rus 7
Sviatoslav II, Grand Prince of Kiev 17
Sweden 39, 58, 67, 90, 93, 98, 146, 286
early wars vs. 27, 51, 54
treaty of 1609 and 57
war of 1700–21 82–87, 92, 95–96
war of 1741–43 102–103
war of 1787 133
WW II and 378
Swordbearers 26–27
Table of Ranks 92
Tacitus 114
Tadjikistan 329
Tadzhiks 63
Tambov revolt 318
Tamerlane 23–24, 34
Tamm, Igor 406
Tarkovsky, Andre 426–427
Tatars 21, 37–39, 42–43, 47, 49, 61–63, 67, 77, 111, 123, 263, 288, 327, 400
Tatarstan 1, 453
taxes and tariffs 63, 64, 83, 93, 98, 110, 158, 211, 215, 220
Tchaikovsky, Ilya 215, 235
Tchaikovsky, Peter xvii, 177, 230–232, 234–237, 235, 337
Teheran Conference 388–389
Temporary Regulations of 1881 273
Temriuk, Prince of Circassia 51
terrorism (pre-1917) 203–205, 211, 227, 260, 279, 281
Terror of 1936–38 358–363, 366–368, 399, 402, 420
Teutonic Knights 26–29, 38
Theodore, Saint 18
Theognostos, Metropolitan of Kiev 23
Theophanes the Greek 26, 32
Third Section 156–157, 159, 165, 172, 178, 184, 191, 198, 203, 205, 252
Thucydides 5
Time of Troubles 56–58, 60, 84
Timmerman, Frans 77
Timoshenko, Marshal Semyon 376, 378–380
Tito, Josip Broz 391, 401, 433
Tokhtamysh, Khan 23–24
Tolstoi, Count I.M. 214–215
Tolstoi, Peter 91
Tolstoy, Alexei 342
Tolstoy, Lev Nikolaevich (Leo) xvii, 106, 148, 230, 240, 243–248, 246, 338, 416
Tolstoy, Sofya Bers 245
Tomskii, Mikhail 324
Tomsk Polytechnical Institute 216
Toon, Konstantin 160
township courts 195
Transcaucasia 146, 167–168, 263, 265–266, 450, 455
Transcaucasian Federation 316, 327–328
Transsiberian Railroad 217, 220, 269, 276–277, 282, 284, 306
Trepov, General Fyodor 204
Tretyakov, Pavel 238
Trivolis, Michael 46–47
Trotsky, Leon 280, 285, 291, 295, 301, 303, 305–311, 307, 314, 316, 318, 321–325, 343, 345, 358–360, 364
Tsaritsyn, Battle of (1918) 309
See also Stalingrad, Battle of
Tsarskoe Selo (Detskoe Selo, Pushkin) 159, 348
Tsarskoe Selo Lycée 161, 165, 176
Tsvetaeva, Marina 342–343
Tukhachevskii, Marshal M.N. 314–315, 318, 359, 373
Tupolev, Andrei 421
Turgenev, Ivan 112, 183–185, 196, 230, 240–241, 340, 417
Turkestan 239, 327
Turkey 316
See also Ottoman Empire
Turkic people 2, 5–6, 168, 266, 329
Turkmenistan 408
Tver 22, 33, 42, 67
U-2 flight 437, 442
Ukraine 1, 29, 135, 139, 243, 252–253, 258, 261–262, 271
Civil War and 312–316, 326–327
collapse of USSR and 450, 452, 458
Cossacks revolt (1648) 65, 66
Hetmanate 67–68, 73–74, 77, 86, 93, 111
Revolution of 1905 and 284, 289
USSR and 326–327, 329, 352, 365–367, 408
WW I and 306, 309
WW II and 379, 380, 383, 390–391, 393
Ukrainian Church 29, 68–70, 126
Ukrainian language 262, 329
Ukrainian Rada 302, 304, 312
Ulanova, Galina 423
Ulbricht, Walter 434, 440
Uniates 65
Union of Liberation 282
Union of Salvation 153
Union of Soviet Socialist Republics (Soviet Union, USSR)
boundaries of, at end of Civil War 315–317
collapse of xv, xviii, 447, 452–453
Constitution of 1936 366
creation of 310–312, 319–320, 324, 328–331
federal structure of 326, 365–367
map of, in WW II xxiv
Union of St. Michael the Archangel 275
Union of the Russian People 285
Union of Welfare 153
Union of Zemstvos 298
United Nations 389, 436
States 152, 186, 232, 260, 319, 320, 348–349
Cold War and 409, 429–430, 437, 442–446
Russian Civil War and 308, 314
WW I and 306
WW II and 388
Urals 1, 53, 70, 110, 111, 123–124, 215, 222, 312, 327, 352, 368, 380, 394
Uvarov, Count S.S. 159–161, 201
Uzbek, Khan 21–22
Uzbekistan 329, 408
Uzbek khanates 266
Vasilii I, Grand Prince of Moscow 33
Vasilii II, Grand Prince of Moscow 33–34, 36
Vasilii III, Grand Prince of Moscow 37, 47–48
Vasilii IV (Shuiskii), Tsar 57
Vasilii Iur’evich “the Squint-eyed,” 33
Vavilov, Nikolai 348–349, 415, 420
veche (popular assembly) 11, 13
Vereshchagin, Vasilii 239
Vernadskii, Vladimir 347, 349
Viazemskii, Prince Peter 179
siege of 1529 38
siege of 1683 77
Vienna, Congress of 150, 253
Vietnam 20, 435–436, 443–445
Vikings 3–4, 12
Vladimir I, Saint, Grand Prince of Kiev Rus 7–8, 16, 45
Vladimir II Monomakh, Grand Prince of Kiev Rus 12
Vladimir, Principality of 12, 14, 14, 20–24
Volga Bulgaria 1, 7, 20–21
Volga Tatars 263, 268–269
Voltaire 105, 107–108, 114, 125
Volunteer Army 306, 308
Volynskii, Artemii 102–103
Vonifat’ev, Stefan 68
Voroshilov, Kliment 309, 363, 366, 375, 394, 401
Voznesenskii, Nikolai 396
Vsevolod, Grand Prince of Kiev 12, 17
Vyshinskii, Andrei 360
Vysotskii, Vladimir 426
Wagner, Richard 233, 337
War Communism 310, 316–318
Warsaw Pact 439
Warsaw Polytechnical Institute 216
Warsaw uprising (1944) 391
Westernizers 95, 162, 164, 181–183
Whistler, G.W. 159
White armies 306, 308–309, 312–315, 326–328, 342, 346
Wielhorski, Count Matvei 174–175
Wielhorski, Count Mikhail 174–175, 179, 231
Winter Palace 88, 104–105, 144, 176, 208, 283, 303
Winter War 376–377
Witte, Count Sergei 211, 216, 220, 269, 272, 275–277, 277, 279, 285–287, 346
Wladyslaw, Prince of Poland 57
Wolff, Georg Christian 107
Women’s Battalion of Death 303
World of Art 210, 334, 337–338
Wrangel, Baron Peter 314–315
Writers’ Union 415–417
Yalta Conference 389
yasak (tribute) 49, 67, 111
Yedigei, Emir 47
Yeltsin, Boris 308, 447–448, 450–458
Yermak the Cossack 53
Yevtushenko, Evgenii 424
Youth Scientific-Technical Groups 449
Yudenich, Nikolai 297
Yugoslavia 389, 391, 432–433, 437
Zamiatin, Evgenii 346, 414
Zarutskii, Ivan 58
Zasulich, Vera 204
zemstvos 193–195, 200, 202, 206, 219, 262, 273, 281–282, 289, 297
Zhdanov, Andrei 363–364, 394, 416, 421–422
Zheliabov, Alexander 206
Zhirinovsky, Vladimir 457
Zhukov, Georgii 379–380, 386, 390–391, 395, 397, 401–402, 438
Zhukovskii, Vasilii 174–176, 178–181, 261–262
Zinoviev, Grigorii 303, 310–311, 314, 321–323, 331, 358
Zionists 260, 271, 411
Ziuganov, Gennadii 455, 457
Zoe Paleologue, Grand Princess of Moscow (wife of Ivan III) 43
Zola, Emile 241
Zoshchenko, Mikhail 421–422
Zosima, Saint 30
Zubatov, Sergei 282
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