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Page 11

by D. M. Mortier

  Saina stared at the two men and the woman who’d just entered the reception area with guns drawn. They were dressed all in black spandex-like outfits and looked more lethal than the men who’d attacked her before. This time they also had their faces partially covered with masks. She didn’t know how she knew, but they weren’t humans, and she had no idea if her new found capabilities could take on this caliber of soldiers from Parth. They were obviously using human weapons to disguise who they were.

  “Come with us quietly and no one will get hurt,” the woman told her. Instead of aiming the guns at her, the guns were instead aimed at the doctors, nurses, and a few patients who looked on with shocked expressions.

  “Who are you, and what do you want?” Saina asked with more calm than she was feeling. Two security guards came careening through the same entrance that the gunmen had entered. The aliens moved too fast for Saina to react and killed the security guards with single bullet wounds to the heads.

  Everyone gasped in horror, including Saina.

  It was times like this that she wished there was some way for her to get a message to Thorne.

  “Just do as you’re told and get your ass over here,” the woman demanded impatiently.

  “Are you sure you want to do this? You’re in a public hospital and on camera,” a male voice said drily.

  “Thorne!” Saina felt dizzy with relief and the blaze of emotions churning throughout her body. She was embarrassingly weak in the knees at the sight of him. His presence commanded the attention of everyone in the room. He wore what she now considered his work uniform of white trousers and white tunic jacket with gleaming black combat boots on his feet. At least this time he wasn’t covered in blood.

  “Come here,” Thorne told her gently.

  “She’s not going anywhere with any of you,” Matt growled. “Susan, call the police!” People were already frantic, some whimpering, others huddled in corners trying to hide their presence, and still others on their cell phones either taking pictures or making phone calls to God knows who. The hurried footsteps of people trying to run away from this volatile scene could be heard.

  “Matt, it’s all right.” Saina spoke softly to try and calm the situation. What she was really trying to do was calm herself. It required all her concentration to remain upright. Though she was pissed with Thorne, her senses weren’t immune to the intensity of her attraction to him. From the heated look in his eyes she could tell that he was well aware of it. I’m going to be damn strong. I’m not going to jump him until I get a full explanation on why he’s ignored me for more than a week. Damn, who am I kidding? Those blue eyes looking at with such knowledge are fuckin’ lethal.

  “Our orders are clear. The girl comes with us.” The female assailant’s voice trembled slightly. She seemed uncertain as to what to do. The two men waved their guns to ensure that everyone knew that they meant business, but it was clear that they recognized Thorne. They kept looking at him nervously.

  Thorne, on the other hand, was nonchalant and looked quite unconcerned by their armed presence. “Saina, say your goodbyes to your friends,” Thorne told her, his voice now devoid of any emotion.

  By now she shouldn’t have been shocked by his speed and agility, but seeing him in action stunned her every time. He disarmed and incapacitated the aliens, rendering them unconscious, before any of them could get a shot off. She was grateful that he didn’t kill them, as he’d done to their attackers before, but given their audience, she supposed that he didn’t have much choice.

  “Saina, move it!” Thorne growled through clenched teeth. “Others will be here soon.”

  Several of Thorne’s men came into the room and removed the assailants. It was a stunning sight to see such smartly dressed massive men move in and efficiently clear the scene. They were impressive.

  Saina quickly said goodbye to the still shell-shocked doctors and nurses around her. They didn’t even seem to register her words. “Matt, thanks for everything. Thanks for being my friend.”

  “What’s going on, Saina?” Matt’s eyes were wide and his words slightly hesitant with incredibility. His gaze was locked on Thorne as if he was still trying to determine what kind of freak Thorne was. “What the hell was that?”

  “Matt, listen to me.” Saina turned his head back to her.

  His gaze settled on her, but Saina knew that he wasn’t really listening. She didn’t blame him. Thorne’s actions just now didn’t exactly seem plausible to the human eye. “Goodbye, Matt,” she said finally and moved to stand next to Thorne.

  Thorne wasted no time in picking her up and striding to the nearest exit. As soon as they were out of sight of the hospital occupants, he teleported them.


  The views from the windows were spectacular, featuring colorful roses and rock gardens, hedges and trees, miles of pristine lawn, and various bodies of water features. Saina couldn’t appreciate any of it. They’d arrived at what seemed like a massive castle sitting on a hillside almost two hours ago. Other than confirming that there was a staff of over fifty to maintain the property, which, in addition to the castle, also had an impressive stable and self-sufficient vegetable and fruit garden, Thorne had offered little in the way of explanation. And after watching him make phone call after phone call for the past hour, Saina had lost all patience. “Are you going to tell me what the hell’s going on?”

  “My enemies know about you,” he muttered tightly.

  “No shit.” Saina rolled her eyes. “I got that message, but what is it you think you’re doing?” She waved her hands around to indicate the computer monitors in front of him and his cell phone.

  “Are you hungry?” Thorne asked absently, though his eyes were glued to the cell phone monitor and he kept tapping a message into his phone.

  Saina glared at him. “Don’t play, Thorne, answer my question.” She knew that if she clenched her teeth any tighter, enamel was coming off.

  He looked up at her in surprise and pushed his fingers through the dark strands of his hair. “Look, Saina, your apartment and identity have been compromised, and I’m trying to organize a new identity for you.” He sighed and started pacing about the spacious room. “I own this property, but no one can trace me to it. The property is in the name of one of my international companies. You can stay here.”

  “I know where I want to live, Thorne. And I certainly don’t need to change my name. I like the one I have.”


  “No, whatever these bastards are planning, I’m gonna face it head-on.”

  “That’s just it. I don’t know who ‘these bastards’ are,” Thorne muttered. “I’ve spent the past week trying to confirm that Anastasia and her family were behind everything, but I’m no longer sure about that.”

  “Is this why you’ve teleported us to New Zealand?”

  Thorne laughed bitterly. “You have to admit, no one ever thinks of searching for someone here.”

  “Why can’t you take me to Calison? If I hide in plain sight, won’t that be better than us constantly worrying where the other is?”

  “That’s too dangerous, Saina.” He continued pacing the room, looking more agitated than when they’d arrived an hour before.

  “That reminds me, where were you all week?” Saina stood and blocked his path, placing her palm in the middle of his chest. “And why didn’t you call me? Or are you going to pretend you can’t contact me from Parth?”

  “We had another attack, on an elementary school in Calison,” Thorne began. He grabbed the hand she’d placed on his chest and kissed the back tenderly. “The scene was horrific.”

  “I’m sorry, Thorne.” She felt terrible giving him sass after the week he’d probably had. “You should have definitely called. I would’ve wanted to help.”

  “You can help.” He smiled down at her wolfishly and hugged her closer to him. “I’m definitely in need of your loving care.”

  “Hell no, you’re not getting off t
hat easy,” she mumbled against his chest. “Talk first and then I’ll decide if you deserve a hug.”

  He laughed. “I need more than just a hug, baby.” He lifted her higher in his arms and leaned forward to kiss her.

  Saina turned her head so his lips only brushed her cheek. “Well, you’re not getting anything until you explain yourself.”

  “You’re a hard woman,” he teased and brushed his lips against her cheek again.

  Saina had to fight to not turn and kiss him back. “Start talking, Thorne.”

  He sat in an armchair and pulled her into his lap. After explaining the carnage of the attack on the children, he told her of their pursuit of the terrorists, about the intel they’d gathered during their search, and only part of the incident about getting hurt himself.

  “Like I said, you should’ve called me. Why didn’t you?”

  “Initially, I didn’t think our search would take so long,” he said softly. “I’m sorry, baby. I know I should’ve called, but then I didn’t want to worry you.”

  “You’re a poor liar, ya know.”

  “Okay, so that wasn’t the whole truth.”

  She rolled her eyes at his stalling tactic. “Spill it.”

  He cleared his throat before sheepishly telling her, “I knew if I told you what was going on, you would insist on coming to Calison and helping. I can’t have you on Calison right now. That’s a risk I’m just not ready to take.”

  She stood from his lap and started toward the bathroom without a word.

  “Well, aren’t you going to argue with me?” Thorne sounded confused by her lack of response.

  “Nope,” she said, sounding quite bored with the conversation. She stretched and yawned. “I need a shower after such a long day in the hospital.” She stepped into the bathroom and closed the door behind her.

  “Hey, Saina?”


  “Whatever you’re planning, don’t,” he said through the closed door.

  “Who says that I’m planning anything?”

  “Okay, so you’re not planning on trying to disobey me?”

  “Disobey?” Saina hoped he picked up on the incredulity in her voice.


  Saina opened the bathroom door and stuck her head out to glare at him. “Did you say disobey?”

  He moved closer to her, looking quite unconcerned that she was frowning at him. “Most people obey me when I tell them to do something. However, with you, that seems to be a bit of a challenge.” He gazed down at her with slightly lowered eyelashes. “Is that a bad word?” he asked softly. It was clear he was trying not to laugh.

  “There’s nothing wrong with the word if you’re talking to your dog.” Saina cleared her throat, finding it difficult to concentrate as his gaze became heated. Dressed in only a bra and panty, she tried to hide her body behind the door a bit more, pissed at herself for forgetting her partially dressed state.

  He didn’t try to conceal his amorous scrutiny of her body.

  The loud sound of the zipper of his pants being lowered sent a shiver up her spine. “I hope you’re not expecting me to blindly obey you.” She was appalled at how breathy her voice sounded. Will he notice my increased curves? Hopefully he thinks I put on a few pounds.

  He unbuttoned his shirt and discarded it. “I expect you to be reasonable,” he murmured then moved forward and crowded her.

  She stepped backward, determined to not let him distract her from the critical argument. There was no way she could allow him to think that he could dictate her life. And if he knew about their baby, he would be impossible. She gasped as her gaze settled on the bandage that covered his shoulder and upper arm. “What’s that?” she asked in alarm.

  “I’ll explain later about how I got hurt even with my men surrounding me,” he said slowly. He brushed his lips against her cheek in a gentle caress. “I can’t bring you into that kind of danger.”

  She moaned at his tender caress.

  “Perhaps you can kiss me and make me better.”

  It was clear he was trying to change the subject away from his bandage.

  He kissed her cheek again and then the other cheek when she tried to turn away from him.

  He snaked an arm around her waist and lifted her high against his massive chest. “Just a little kiss?”

  Saina refused to answer him. “What about your injury?” she asked instead.

  He kissed her lips. “I’m fairly certain that will disappear soon.”

  She stiffened and tried putting some distance between them by placing her palm on his chest and pushing. It was as though she were trying to move a boulder. “Put me down,” she yelled in frustration. “We need to resolve this. You can’t keep putting your life in danger like this!”

  “I know, baby,” he said soothingly. He stepped farther into the bathroom and carried her into an enormous shower stall that could easily house five adults with comfort.

  “Thorne, don’t you—”

  He covered her lips with his.

  Damn! Saina shivered under the onslaught of desire reeling through her. After not being with him for more than a week, she wasn’t prepared for the searing intensity of the chemistry between them.

  Keeping their lips fused in a kiss she helplessly returned, he turned the faucets on. Warm water cascaded on them from overhead.

  “My hair!” she screeched.

  Thorne laughed huskily and let her slide down his body to stand on her own.

  Saina turned her back to him and immediately missed his warmth and scent. “I can’t believe you,” she muttered without much bluster. Still hoping he wouldn’t notice the change in her figure, she hastily removed the rest of her clothes and kept talking to distract him. “You ignore me for more than a week, and then you come here telling me I have to obey you!” She angrily started soaping her skin with the shower gel available as he silently disrobed behind her. “What in our relationship makes you think you have that right?”

  “Hmm…” He didn’t try to hide the amusement in his voice. Wrapping a hard arm around her waist, he stepped closer to her until her back was nestled against his front. With his head bent to nestle his lips against her ear, he tenderly roamed his palm over her soapy skin.

  “Are you going to answer my question?” Saina asked breathlessly.

  “Not if it means you’re going to stay angry with me.” He peppered her face with feather-light kisses and clutched her tight against him.

  Saina gave up trying to have a conversation with him at the feel of his steely length pressed into her back and his masculine bulk surrounding her. She trembled with irrepressible need and sensually rubbed against him, determined to stoke his desire to match her own.

  His cock pulsed hard against her flesh in response. “So fucking beautiful,” he swore deep in his throat, palming her stomach and cupping her breast.

  She rasped harshly in gratification of his rough palm teasing her taut nipple. Rolling her hips insistently, she writhed against him with helpless urgency.

  He gently bit her ear in rebuke but then lifted her effortlessly with one arm to press her against the cool tiled wall before driving up into her hard and deep.

  “Ah hell!” she cried out in surprise. Although he buried his thick shaft into her in one bruising thrust, she was so primed and sleek for him that she almost climaxed at that one exquisite thrust.

  He drove slowly, but steadily into her, feeding her more and more of his cock, sensually abrading her sensitive inner walls. Grabbing her ass cheeks in each of his palms, he parted the lush globes to saw in and out of her heat with impressive strength and unrestrained lust.

  She keened in harsh moans with each erotic glide of his rock-hard phallus.

  “Sweet Saina,” he said huskily into her ear. He increased the speed of his hips. Their passionate cries and the wet sound of flesh slapping against flesh filled the shower stall.

  Thorne swooped down and covered her lip
s with his.

  The unique taste of him, his hardness melding into her wet skin, and his marauding cock abrading her throbbing clit with each thrust made every nerve ending in her body erupt with obliterating sensation. Saina couldn’t withstand the shocking bombardment of pleasure to her senses a moment longer. She shattered violently in ecstasy.

  He rode her hard through her orgasm. His cock buried deep in her sleek inner walls seemed to grow thicker, longer, hitting her G-spot with relentless intent. He wrung more hoarse cries from her lips as another and then another orgasm washed over her in crushing waves.

  Only after her third orgasm did he find his own feral release, triggering yet another intense tsunami of sensations to devastate her. She must have passed out because she came awake minutes later tucked securely against him in an over-sized king bed.

  “Are you okay?” Thorne murmured.

  “Not sure,” she whispered, still slightly confused and terrified by his impact on her.

  He clutched her tighter, pulling her to drape on top of him. Smoothing her short hair away from her face, he palmed her cheeks and held her gaze.

  Saina wanted to look away, but it was impossible to not be drawn into the molten emotions displayed in the blue depths. It was as though she was looking into his very soul, and he wasn’t shy about revealing his vulnerability to her. “I’ve lost everyone in my life that I’ve ever loved. I can’t lose you too.”

  “Thorne, you think I don’t feel the same way? You’re my world too.” She scowled down at him. “Besides, how the hell am I supposed to get to Calison if you don’t take me there? There’re no damn commercial flights going to Parth that I’m aware of,” she gritted out.

  He closed his eyes briefly and let out a loud breath in obvious relief. “You have to stay hidden until we eliminate everyone trying to kill me.”

  Saina scoffed and tried to push away from him, but he refused to let her move. She hissed in frustration. “Forgive me if I don’t feel all warm and fuzzy inside, but haven’t you been looking for the person or persons trying to kill you for the past eighteen years?”

  “I will find them, Saina.”


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