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The Big Alpha in Town

Page 15

by Eve Langlais

  Keir cursed under his breath. “Can we do this another time? I’ve got a packed day and nowhere on my schedule do I have any time for you to tell me how to live my life.”

  Julia rolled her eyes and sat down, “Stop fussing, boy. This will only hurt for a few minutes. Now tell me how things are going with your mate.”

  Keir raised a brow. “Really, Julia. If I didn’t know better, I’d say you have cameras following me around.”

  “I have spies everywhere. Ally is your mate, but your past is making things difficult for you. It’s understandable, and part of me wants to laugh and say I told you so. My question instead is what are you going to do about it?”

  He wasn’t sure what he was supposed to say to that. Julia always knew everything that went on, how she did it they’d never been able to figure out. Now she expected him to give her answers when he had no idea himself how he was going to do it. The soft ticktock of the clock filled the silence of the room as the two of them continued to stare at each other.

  Julia finally gave in, much to Keir’s surprise. “I don’t have all day to sit here and stare at your handsome face. So let me tell you what I think. First off, this ridiculous idea of bringing a date to my grandson’s dinner party is absurd. You go alone. Don’t think I haven’t heard how your past women are reacting to the news. Second, you need to show her that she’s special to you and not just a hookup.”

  He already knew that. He wanted to roar at her but she was an elder so he had to shut the fuck up and let her talk all she wanted. This was going to be a long day if this was any indication. He let his mind wander as he half listened to Julia’s meddling. He knew she meant well, but she didn’t understand shifters. Things were different for them than for regular humans. His cat was climbing the walls, pushing for him to claim his mate, to be near her. The more he fought to calm the animal, the harder it pushed back.

  His mate was perfect for him, feisty and stubborn, beautiful and curvaceous. She made him and his lion want to roar in triumph and lust every time she came close. Ally wanted him too, he could smell the lust that wafted off her, and it made him drool and dream of the things he wanted to do to her.

  “You’re not listening to me, are you? Your head is stuck in the clouds. Useless men, always thinking with their third leg, and now look at where it’s gotten you,” Julia said reproachfully.

  “Yes, ma’am,” Keir responded automatically before shifting slightly in his chair in the hopes of releasing some of the pressure in his groin.

  “So tell me what your plan is. Aren’t lions supposed to be king of the jungle? From what I’ve been hearing, you’re not doing well winning her over yet. So tell me, king, how are you going to get your woman and keep her?”

  Julia’s words made Keir and his lion growl in protest, they had not grown soft or compliant. Sure, sex had been easy and very enjoyable, but it hadn’t weakened them. If there was one thing he and his lion knew how to do, it was plan an attack and execute it with precision. With a little help from his friends and family, she’d be his in no time.

  “That’s the smile I’ve been waiting for,” Julia quipped with satisfaction. “When you’re ready, give me a call and I’ll do my part in whatever plan you come up with.”

  Keir stood and moved to sit beside Julia, “In case I haven’t told you recently, thank you.”

  “You’re welcome, my boy. I love you like a grandson and just want to see you happy. Now, before I go, tell me how much longer are you going to be able to stay here at XJ? Rumor has it your father is pushing harder and harder for you to take over after all.”


  “I know you mean well, guys, but I’m taking someone to the party. I have too much on my plate right now to worry about meeting some blind date,” Ally stressed into the phone she had propped between her shoulder and ear.

  “Fine, I get it. I won’t push. I was just trying to help,” Shawna replied as Josie finally relented and agreed.

  “Since you’re both on the phone, help me out here. What do I wear? I don’t want to be over- or underdressed.”

  “Something with easy access would make a certain someone’s night a lot sweeter,” Josie interjected quickly. “Xander swears Keir wants you desperately, Ally.”

  “You know that old saying, don’t you? ‘Want in one hand and shit in the other and see which one fills up faster,’” Ally quipped back with laughter tingeing her words. “He can want all he wants, but I’ve seen the women he’s been with. Trust me, they bombarded us at dinner last night.”

  “Wait, shut the door,” Shawna screeched. “You had a date with Keir and you didn’t tell us?”

  Ally groaned at her stupid mistake and tried to quickly fix the rapidly escalating cries of disbelief. “No, it wasn’t a date. It was a chance meeting is all. Stop and I’ll explain.”

  “You bet your ass you will,” Josie exclaimed. “We want details, woman.”

  “I went for dinner and he happened to be there. There weren’t any available tables so he invited me to join him. I was starving and didn’t feel like going anywhere else so I agreed.”

  “And?” Shawna growled in frustration. “Details, remember?”

  “We had a great time. He was entertaining, charming, and on his best behavior. That’s after the hostess sat us and blatantly ignored me to flirt with him. She was one of his flavors of the night, then I went to the restroom where another of his floozies threatened me.”

  Ally had to pull the phone from her ear as she listened to her two friends threaten to castrate Keir and shave the heads of the women who had dared to accost her. She smiled and waited for them to calm down. These ladies were priceless.

  “It wasn’t directly Keir’s fault, guys. Yes, it was because of him, but he did his best to include me and introduce me. He was attentive and I can’t believe I’m saying this, but he was a perfect gentleman and a sweetheart.”

  Josie giggled. “So where there’s smoke, there’s usually fire.”

  Ally groaned, she shouldn’t have said anything. “Stop right there. I’ll admit he’s beyond hot and he might star in a fantasy or two of mine, but that’s all it is. I don’t have time for the kind of drama he’d bring with him, if he was even seriously interested, which he isn’t.”

  “Denial is not just a river in Egypt,” Josie said at the same time Shawna piped in with, “Even I’ve seen the looks he gives you.”

  “Shut up and help me figure out what to wear tonight,” Ally grumbled as the two women laughed.

  “It’s casual, most of the guys will be in jeans and polo shirts, if that helps. Personally I have no idea yet what I’m wearing either. I’m too busy making sure things are going as planned here. The caterer is giving me fits about the menu. The cleaning lady is running late and Xander is busy trying to distract me with looks of lust and it’s driving me freaking insane.”

  Shawna and Ally burst into laughter as she growled the last words, with a whispered “stop” to presumably Xander who was interrupting her phone call.

  “I’ll see you tonight. Josie, go relax and let your man take care of you,” Ally replied with a smile.

  “Ally, why don’t you meet me for lunch? We can get a mani-pedi and relax, I’ll even help you pick out an outfit if you want.”

  “That’s perfect. Where?” Ally cried with enthusiasm.

  They quickly made plans and hung up. Ally slumped down on her bed and smiled. In some ways her life was going to drive her insane, but at least she had awesome friends to help her through them.

  For the next couple hours Ally puttered around her apartment, putting things in their places and straightening up from the last few hectic weeks. Overall, she was happy she’d moved here, now if she could just get her mind off Keir and what he could do to her body, she’d be perfect.

  Ally stopped in her bedroom doorway and stared at her bedside table, she’d done her best to avoid thoughts of the sexy lion shifter. It was a losing battle though, he heated her blood and made her yearn for things s
he couldn’t even describe. He brought out a side of her she hadn’t even known existed. Yes, sex had always been good and she enjoyed it, but never had she ached for a man like she did Keir.

  “Fuck it,” she growled as she pulled the drawer open and pulled out her nubby finger vibrator. “Perfect,” she said as she made her way to the bathroom and turned on the shower. She knew it wouldn’t take long, she’d been on the edge since dinner last night.

  Ally couldn’t wait; she jumped in and yelped when the freezing water pelted her overheated skin. She quickly adjusted the temperature and sighed as the heated water cascaded down her body.

  Now the big decision, play then wash her hair or maybe play, wash, and then play again. Who was she kidding, she needed that release and she needed it now. She gathered her loofah and body wash and gently stroked it across her sensitive nipples and gasped. Definitely not going to last long, she thought as she soaped her body and moaned at the sensations.

  The loofah fell to the tub and her soapy hands cupped her full breasts. Ally moaned as she pulled and pinched her taut nipples, delighting in the painful tugs. Her breaths were coming in short gasps as she trailed one hand down her rounded belly and stopped at the apex of her thighs.

  Her legs trembled in need as she slowly and with deliberate care pulled her lips apart and stroked her exposed clit. She circled the small nub and gasped at the tingles that spread through her lower belly. “Oh hell,” she whispered as she imagined Keir’s hands touching her, rubbing her. That it was his tongue trailing the wet path down her body and not the shower water.

  Ally glanced around for the vibrator and sighed as she pulled it on her finger. With a gentle flick, the small machine hummed to life with the promise of ecstasy. She bit her lip as she moved the vibrator to her extended nipple.

  The rough nubs combined with the vibration sent her need into heightened levels, she whimpered as she moved it back and forth between her nipples.

  Her other hand continued its torture of circling her clit, but not quite touching it. She was driving herself insane as she imagined Keir whispering into her ear.

  “Are you wet for me? Do you need me to give you the pleasure your body craves? Can you imagine what it would feel like if I pushed you against the wall and took you into my mouth? What it would feel like as I licked, nipped, and sucked your clit. Would you ride my tongue?”

  Ally gasped as her imaginary Keir pushed her closer to the edge of an orgasm. With trembling fingers, she brushed the vibrator against her sensitive nub. She slumped against the wall as her legs wobbled and she cried out from the intense pleasure.

  “Keir,” she whispered as she felt herself moving closer and closer to the cliff. Her body was throbbing, pulsing as she rotated the nubby finger vibrator around her clit.

  “Oh God, Keir.” She panted as she felt her body tensing as her orgasm crashed through, leaving her spent, shaking, and beyond content for the first time in days.

  Forget playing again, she was exhausted now. Ally quickly washed her hair and climbed out of the bath, feeling drained and relaxed. She grabbed her robe, pulled it on her still wet body and made her way back to her bedroom. She face-planted on the bed and smiled, her body still humming slightly.


  A soft knock sounded on her bedroom door, startling her from her dozing state. She jerked up and spun around in confusion.

  “I’m opening the door, if you’re not decent you’d better cover up.”

  Ally’s eyes opened wide as she finally registered whose voice that was. “Keir?” she whispered softly, not quite understanding what was happening.

  “There you are, is everything okay?” Keir asked cautiously as he stepped into the room and glanced around.

  “I’m fine. How did you get in and why are you here?” she demanded as she glanced around in a panic, fear making her voice tight. Had she left the vibrator in the bathroom or had she brought it out with her?

  “You missed lunch with Shawna, she’s been trying to call you. Josie called as well. They asked me to run over and check on you. I still have a key from when it was Xander’s place. I knocked for five minutes, but when you didn’t answer I got worried.”

  Ally frowned and grabbed her phone from the nightstand. Dead. “Shit, I must have forgotten to charge it. What time is it?”

  “Two…,” Keir said as he trailed off and stared at the ground in front of Ally’s feet.

  She watched as he licked his lips. She glanced down to see her finger vibe lying there where she must have dropped it in her mind-numbing euphoria. “I…” she stuttered as she felt her face flame in embarrassment.

  “So many questions, so many things I want to say,” Keir said as he took a step closer to Ally and locked eyes.

  “I fell asleep,” she whispered softly as she licked her lips.

  “Did you tire yourself out using your toy? I can smell your need from here. Would it be wrong of me to say I’m going to dream of you and that toy tonight? Of you screaming my name as I worship every inch of your body.”

  Ally couldn’t reply, her breath was trapped in her chest as she gazed dazedly at the man who only a short time ago had made her come, even if it was only in her head. To have him in her bedroom after all the fantasies she’d been having was surreal.

  “Oh yes, that’s it. Fuel my fantasy with those soft whimpers, baby,” Keir said quietly as lust burned bright in his eyes. “I bet you taste as amazing as you smell.”

  Ally gulped as she saw Keir’s lion close to the surface, saw his need plainly evident in his eyes, in the way he sniffed the air and licked his lips.

  “Tell me to go away, Ally.”

  “What if I want to know what one night with you would be like? What if I want to feel how your women felt after being with you?”

  Ally wasn’t sure what she was saying, all she knew was the primal need in her body was taking over and lust was clouding everything.

  “One night wouldn’t be enough,” he growled as he stalked closer with his feline grace. “I’m already addicted to you, baby.”

  Before Ally could protest, Keir leaned down and kissed her for all she was worth. His tongue glided in and took possession, robbing her of all rational thought. She moaned and clutched at him as he devoured her mouth.

  “I’m leaving. What I want to do will take hours, and we have someplace to be tonight. When we make love, and I assure it will be making love, we need all night, baby,” Keir whispered before he planted a soft kiss on her swollen lips. “You are fucking gorgeous, I’ll be here at six to pick you up.”

  Ally watched as Keir turned and left as quickly as he’d arrived. Fifteen minutes later, she roused herself enough to get up and plug her dead phone in, only then did she recall his parting words. He was picking her up at six tonight.


  Keir stumbled out of the apartment and slumped against the wall in the hallway. Never had his control been tested so completely before. He closed his eyes and concentrated on calming his raging need down, it wouldn’t do him any good to call the girls and Xander back sounding pained. They’d never let him live it down.

  “Shit,” he cursed as his phone rang and he glanced at it to see his best friend’s phone number. “She’s fine. She’d fallen asleep and her phone’s dead. I just left her.”

  “Thank you, the girls are beside themselves with worry.”

  “No problem. Look, I’ve got to go. I’ll see you tonight.”

  Keir hung up without waiting for a reply and turned to head out to his car and his own shower. Mary Palm and her five sisters were calling to him desperately. His lion was roaring for its mate, if he didn’t get out of here quick, he was worried he’d go back in and take her.

  Within minutes he was back in his house, pacing the floor like a caged lion in a zoo. His blood was boiling, not just in lust but in anger. He’d lost control of the situation. He hadn’t meant to come on that strong, what if he lost whatever chance he had with her because of this? No, he couldn’t beli
eve that. He’d felt her response, smelled her need. She was desperate for him, just as he was for her. He could work with this, he just needed to tone it down a bit and show her there was more than just sex with him to look forward to.

  Now the hard part: coming up with ways for her to spend time with him. It was time to call in the reinforcements, cunning plans of attack were a lion’s specialty after all.

  An hour later and things were set in motion. Xander, Julia, Josie, and even Shawna agreed to help. Operation Mate was in play; before Ally knew it she would be his in every way for all eternity.

  Now the waiting began, it was only a little after four and he still had almost two hours before he could pick her up. He felt like an adolescent going on his first date as he scanned his closet for the perfect outfit. Never in his life had he felt this way, but she was worth it. He knew that with every fiber of his soul.

  Within minutes, the piles of rejected jeans and shirts were getting to alarming heights. No matter what he tried on, nothing screamed out to him that it was the outfit to woo his mate. He slumped on the bed, discouraged and a tad frightened at the mess he’d made so quickly.

  “You know I’d laugh, but I can’t help but feel sorry for you,” Xander said quietly from the doorway, startling Keir, who jumped and spun around with a growl.

  “What the hell, man?”

  “I knocked, you didn’t answer. The door was unlocked so I came in. After our conversation earlier I knew something was up and I wanted to check on you.”

  “Great, just what I need, everyone to know I’m whipped before I’ve even gotten her to agree to be mine.”

  Xander laughed wickedly. “If you’ll remember not that long ago, I warned you. I said when you meet your mate, I’m going to laugh my ass off at you as you flounder and try to change years of womanizing ways. Now look at you, my prediction came true quicker than I expected, but it’s here and I’m enjoying every damn moment of it.”


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