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Bound to Be Taken [Rock Wood Pack 2] (Siren Publishing Classic)

Page 6

by Sam Crescent

  She shook her head. “I’m done crying. All I ever do is cry or run away. I try my best at everything I do and still I feel it’s not good enough.”

  He stroked her hair, watching the dark raven locks fall around her face. Her hair was long, down to her waist in length. Most of the time she kept it bound up and off her face. Cade loved her hair. Pushing the hair off her face, he stared into her eyes.

  “You’re perfect the way you are.”

  “You’d change me if you could.”

  “No, I wouldn’t. You’re perfect, Titania.” He pressed his lips to hers silencing any further protest from her. She didn’t fight him. Her arms wrapped around his neck pulling him close. Cade stepped closer and nudged her back until they were stood at the bottom of his bed. No more waiting, Titania was his and by the next full moon he wanted to claim her.

  He helped her out of the shirt she wore. The bra covering her glorious tits was hideous. He’d order different underwear online when he got the chance. Titania deserved soft pastel colors and silks, along with a deep red set. Her skin was pale but he’d find the right colors to suit her.

  Cade wrapped his arms behind her back and opened the bra. Her breasts fell free of the constraints. He pushed the offending bra to the floor.

  Her fingers tugged at his shirt. Lifting his arms, he waited for her to take it off. Her movements showed her inexperience. His woman wasn’t used to removing men’s clothing. A deep, primal satisfaction consumed him.

  He would teach her everything she needed to know.

  Opening the button on her skirt, he watched the denim fall to the floor. He knelt before her and slowly lowered the ghastly panties covering her pussy.

  Cade stood back up and helped her sit on the bed. She sat down on the edge, her hands resting in her lap. Titania looked so beautiful and innocent. His need for her grew. He would spend the rest of his life wiping all memory of her family and the abuse she’d taken from others. Cade intended to make it his life’s mission to make her happy.

  His love for her was the only thing he possessed to keep him stable. The thoughts of love he possessed didn’t frighten him. From the first moment he saw her, Cade knew he was in love. After not being able to touch any other woman his feelings had been cemented in his thoughts.

  He moved to the button of his jeans and slowly eased the zipper down. Her gaze went from his face to his jeans and back again.

  “You’re nervous.”

  She nodded.

  In one swift move, Cade removed his jeans and pants, kicking them aside. Kneeling on the floor before her, Cade didn’t give her time to see his cock. He was large, larger than a lot of men he’d seen. There was no way he’d risk scaring her.

  They were naked in his room and he intended to use the time to show her what true pleasure was all about.

  Taking hold of her hands, he moved them both out of his way, pressing each one to the bed on either side of her. He ran his fingers from her ankles up the outside of her legs and going in at the apex. Cade pressed lightly, getting her to open her thighs.

  The breath she took echoed through the quiet room. The house was unusually quiet. They were completely alone.

  She opened her thighs slightly. Running his hands down the inside to her ankle, he caressed back up until he brushed along her mound. The fine hairs were wet from her cream.

  Her hand covered his. “I don’t know what to do.”

  “I’ll teach you. Give me this, Titania. You want me. I smell your need for me.”

  Titania held his hand, staring into his eyes. He waited patiently for her to make up her mind.

  Slowly, she moved her hand away. Cade eased her to the edge of the bed, opened her legs wider so he could fit between them and all the time he gazed into her blue eyes.

  She didn’t look away. The connection sparked between them. Nothing could take away their need for each other.

  “You remember my touch in the forest?” he asked. She nodded and he continued. “I know you enjoyed my touch. I felt it and your cream is a perfect witness to your desire for me.”

  “You’re being unfair,” she said.

  “No, I’m going to make you feel wonderful…with my mouth.”

  Her eyes widened and Cade could only smile at her reaction. Opening the lips of her sex Cade roamed his gaze down ’til he looked at her pussy. Her lips were opened from his fingers, the clit glinting at him like a pearl. With his free hand Cade pressed her down on the bed. “Relax and feel what I do to you.”

  Doubt flashed across her eyes and was quickly replaced with desire. Titania lay back on the bed, giving herself up to him.

  * * * *

  Staring at the ceiling in Cade’s bedroom, Titania wondered what had possessed her to accept his offer to take her home. There was no one else who would have offered. He was the only man in the pack, besides David, who wanted anything to do with her. Cade’s interest and attention unnerved her as well as excited her. There was nothing she wanted more than to please him.

  His touch sent fire rushing through her veins. Her pussy was aching with a need only he could fill. In the last few days, he’d invaded every part of her thoughts. There was no running from what she needed from him.

  “Let yourself go. Relax and give yourself to me.”

  Cade caressed the inside of her thighs, making her jump from the small contact. She didn’t know how she was going to stop herself from reacting to his touch.

  Closing her eyes, she let her doubts leave her mind and in the process her body relaxed under his touch.

  “That’s it, baby. Feel what I’m going to do to you.”

  The lips of her pussy were held open. She felt exposed even though she couldn’t see anything of what he did. Licking her lips, she waited for what was to happen next. His breath brushed across her pubic hairs making her squirm. Holding herself still, she felt the wetness of his tongue slide from her entrance up to her clit. She gasped as he circled her clit and glided back down.

  His licks were short and sweet and didn’t give her chance at all to enjoy them. The instant she grew accustomed to his touch, Cade moved away, making her beg for more.

  “Please, stop torturing me,” she said, unable to contain her frustration.

  “You don’t know what true torture is. Maybe one day I’ll show you what it means to go without.” She whimpered. The thought alone made her ache. There was no way she could survive any torture let alone the sexual kind.

  Titania remained silent as he continued to tease her with his tongue. There was nothing for her to do other than wait for him to be ready to give her what she needed. For so long she’d been alone without anyone to touch or share comfort with. She couldn’t believe all that had changed in the arms of Cade.

  He sucked her clit between his teeth, making her scream and clutch at the blanket beneath her for support.

  Her orgasm was close. She felt the tightening in her stomach. His lips and tongue were working their magic on her body.

  She was a captive to his onslaught. He nibbled on her clit and sucked, alternating between the two. Within minutes of the pleasure he was giving her, Titania came apart. There was nothing for her to do other than give herself over to him.

  The orgasm hit her hard forcing her to sit up. Cade held her legs open, stopping her from closing them. She wanted to grind her pussy onto his face and stop him at the same time. The sensation was far more intense than anything she’d ever experienced at her own hand.

  He eased off, giving her a chance to collapse onto the bed. His licks turned to sucks until he kissed her thigh. The gentleness of his touch wasn’t lost on her.

  Cade helped her further up the bed until she lay against his pillows. He settled over her, straddling her legs. She watched him lick his lips.

  “You’ve got the nicest pussy I’ve ever eaten.”

  Heat filled her cheeks.

  Glancing over his shoulder, she avoided his gaze.

  “Hey,” he said. Cade cupped her cheek and forced her to l
ook at him. “I like speaking my mind, you’ll have to get used to it. Your pussy is tasty.” He leaned down. “Taste yourself.”

  His lips dropped to hers and she had no choice other than to taste her cream on his lips.

  “You don’t have to like it. I do, and I can’t wait to spend hours bringing you pleasure.” He dropped his lips to her neck and down until he sucked one of her nipples into his mouth. At the same time as he sucked on her breasts, he worked her thighs open and settled between them. The heat of his cock pressed to her clit making her moan.

  Arching her back up, she encouraged him to take her nipple into his mouth. The dual sensation of his mouth on her tits and between her thighs was too much. She wriggled on the bed, trying to get away.

  Cade chuckled, easing away. “I’m not using anything,” he said.


  “No rubber. I want to feel your cunt wrapped around my dick.”

  “Cade…” She spoke his name and looked away.

  “I’m taking your virginity and I want to feel every pulse and the flow of your cream surround me.”

  She really would have to get used to his blunt speaking. Staring into his eyes, Titania nodded her head. How could she deny him when she was turned on by what he described?

  He was her first man. She wanted everything to be perfect.

  He eased her thighs open wider. Cade placed a pillow behind her head. “I want you to see everything.”

  Her heart pounded as he settled back and she got the first look at his rock hard arousal.

  “That’s never going to fit inside me,” she said.

  Cade chuckled. “Baby, you were meant for me. I’ll fit and you’ll love it.”

  She settled down on the pillows. No more running away. She truly wanted to be with Cade even if he did frighten her at times.

  “That’s it. Trust me, Titania. I’ll take care of you. Trust me to take care of you completely.”

  All she could do was smile. Titania watched him reach between them, gripping his hard shaft.

  Swallowing past the lump in her throat, she watched him rub the tip to her clit. The pleasurable sensation took over and she moaned, wanting him inside. He moved the tip down to her entrance. She felt and saw him probing her entrance.

  One hand moved to her hip and he plunged inside, tearing through the thin membrane of her virginity.

  Titania tensed and cried out. The pain gripped her, making her want to escape. Both of Cade’s arms held her captive. The heat of him slid inside her to the hilt. She was impaled on his hard cock and all she wanted to do was run away from the pain.

  Chapter Eight

  Titania tensed around him and Cade swore. The scent of pain rolled off her and the tears in her eyes threatened to tear him apart. He couldn’t stand to see her in pain. Keeping hold of her hips he felt her cunt tighten around him.

  The subtle scent of blood permeated the air, clouding her pain.

  She’s ours. Our woman and our mate.

  The wolf inside him growled in approval at the woman beneath him. Cade smiled at her even though he was concerned about the pain she was experiencing.

  “It hurts,” she said. “I can’t even do this right.”

  He shook his head. “It hurts for every woman the first time.”

  “Not for the men?” she asked.

  “No, I’ve never heard of a guy hurting. If anything we have blue balls from waiting.”

  “Great, women have pain and the guys get away scot-free from pain. It’s not fair. Why can’t we get the better end of the deal?”

  Cade chuckled. Trust his woman to have a sulk while he was inside her. “I don’t think it matters, baby. I’m here.”

  “I think we should stop. I’m not going to be able to help you at all. It hurts too much.”

  Leaning down, he silenced her by sucking on her right nipple. She gasped and wriggled underneath him. Cade kissed along to her other nipple and gave the other equal attention.

  Her cunt tightened and her cream soaked his cock deep inside her.

  “That feels nice,” she said.

  He lifted up and pulled out of her an inch. She gripped his arms and begged him to stay. “Please, you’ll hurt me.”

  “Trust me, Titania. I’ll make it good for you, I promise.”

  Titania bit her lip. Indecision was clear on her face for him to see.

  “Be gentle with me,” she said.

  “With you, always.” He pulled out of her snug heat and then thrust inside. Cade made sure to take his time and go slowly so she grew used to his weight. Lifting her thighs up to his weight, Cade went deeper inside her, stroking over her G-spot.

  She gasped, her nails biting into his arms.

  “Do you feel me?” he asked. “Do you feel the pleasure?”

  She nodded.

  “Trust me to take care of you.”

  “Yes.” The word left her lips on a sigh.

  Cade pulled out of her until only the tip remained inside and then slammed deep.

  “Oh,” Titania cried out thrusting up to meet him.

  Smirking, Cade gripped her hip and pressed deeper. “Feel good?”

  “Better than I ever imagined.”

  “The pain is gone?” Hurting her was never his intention.

  “Yes,” she groaned as he swiveled his hips hitting the walls of her cunt.

  “Your cunt is so lovely and tight. There is no place I’d rather be.” Pulling out, Cade watched his cock soaked with her cum slide in and out of her. Her cunt was red, puffy and soaking wet. The stain of her virgin blood was along the length of his dick, taunting him. Titania was his woman and no one could change that, not Micah or David. She was his.

  He would claim every part of her, pussy, mouth, and ass. All of her would be his.

  “Watch me,” he said. Cade eased her up and waited until her eyes were in the direction of where his body met hers.

  Sliding out of her warm heat, Cade left the pleasure of her body completely.

  She whimpered, her nails sinking into the flesh of his arms.

  “Why are you stopping?” she asked with disappointment in her eyes.

  “I’m not leaving you for long. You better be ready for me. When we’re not training, inside you is where I want to be.” He’d taken Titania once and he knew he couldn’t wait to take her again and again. “Watch.”

  Her eyes dilated while she looked at him. Working slowly, Cade took his cock in hand, running the tip up and down her slit. He bumped her clit twice, watching her squirm beneath him.

  Easing his length down to her wet heat, Cade watched her eyes as he entered her.

  Titania gasped but didn’t look away. With her watching him, Cade filled her to the hilt, groaning as the walls of her pussy contracted around him. Each pulse of her cunt soaked his dick with her cum.

  Cade made sure she saw him take her and claim her. Releasing his grip on her hip, Cade fingered her clit. Titania met him stroke for stroke. Her pussy tightened around him with each caress of his finger.

  “Come for me, baby. I want to feel you let go. Give it all to me,” he said, instructing her.

  Her release fired his. He never expected her pussy to get so tight as she climaxed around his cock. The feel of her walls around him sparked his release. Plunging deep, Cade growled as his seed pumped out of his cock and into her waiting womb.

  Nothing could stop him from claiming her. The canines from his wolf split his gums and lengthened. Unable to contain his need, Cade struck her neck sucking her flesh and blood into his mouth.

  The mating need took over as he sucked her flesh inside his mouth. His scent washed over her consuming him with desire to take her again. He pumped into her throughout his mating bite. There was no way for him to let go and he didn’t want to.

  Titania cried out, grinding herself on him. After tonight all he would need to do is take her ass on the night of the full moon and no one could refute his claim to her.

  He expected regret or some other emotion to
fill him. No other emotion other than happiness consumed him. Titania was his and as far as he was concerned, it was the best decision he’d ever made.

  Licking the puncture marks in her neck, Cade leaned back to smile down at her.

  “You’re mine now,” he said. His cock pulsed deep inside her tight heat. Cade wished he could stay there forever.

  “Why did you do it?” she asked. “You’ve started something, Cade.”

  “I’ve started something I intend to finish, Titania. Come the next full moon I will take you in the way that is right. Until then I get the pleasure of preparing you.”

  She said nothing but stared at him. Tears glistened in her eyes, pulling at his heartstrings. “What’s the matter? I see you’re upset. I smell it.”

  Shaking her head, Titania looked away.

  Cade pulled out of her and heard Titania wince as he did. “Talk to me.”

  “I never expected you to claim me, let alone mate with me. You’ve made a big mistake,” she said.

  “No I haven’t. This is what I want. You’re what I want.” Pushing strands of raven hair off her face he stared down into her blue eyes. Spooning behind her, Cade wrapped an arm around her waist and settled his other underneath her head. Rubbing circles against her stomach Cade waited for her to speak. “I’ve always wanted you.”

  * * * *

  What could she say to him? All of her life she’d been made to feel less than any human. She was a wolf who couldn’t turn or fight. There was nothing special about her and because of her weakness her own family dumped her in the nearest town they could. Rock Wood was her home and had been since she was seventeen. How could she force Cade to deal with her lack of skill toward the pack?

  None of them would accept her as the second’s mate. He might lose the respect of the pack and she couldn’t let him do that.

  “Stop thinking bad thoughts,” he said.

  His soothing strokes to her stomach eased her a little.

  “You can’t claim me. Misty would be a better solution.” Even the sound of the other woman’s name left a bitter taste in Titania’s mouth. Misty was a mean bitch who would do anything to get some kind of power.


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