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Bound to Be Taken [Rock Wood Pack 2] (Siren Publishing Classic)

Page 8

by Sam Crescent

  Titania couldn’t think of any words to say. The pleasure he created from his cock was more than enough for her.

  Closing her eyes, she gave herself over to the intense sensation of him driving deep. The table scraped along the floor until it hit the units at the far end of the kitchen. They chuckled as he walked with the movement on the table.

  “Now the real fun can begin.” Cade increased his movements, going faster and harder inside her than ever before. Not one part of her was left unsatisfied in his haste. When her orgasm died off, Cade swore, pulled out of her body, and spun her over. He mounted her from behind, slamming so deep inside she didn’t know where she ended or he began.

  He slapped her ass in between thrusts making her whimper from the pleasure. He hit nerve endings inside her pussy she didn’t know she had.

  “Fuck, such a pretty ass.” Cade ran his fingertips through her slit coating them with his cream.

  She felt his wet fingers against her anus. Titania tensed even as he pressed the tip of a digit to her rosette.

  “Let me in, baby. This body is mine, all mine. Don’t tense.” His soothing words made her relax against him.

  One finger pressed past the tight ring of muscles and then a second. In no time at all she was fucking him back, pressing onto his cock and fingers.

  “Harder,” she said, gasping the word out.

  “My fucking pleasure.” Cade fucked her cunt and ass in a steady rhythm, drawing out the pleasure.

  Her orgasm startled her, ricocheting out of her like little tiny electrical bullets.

  Cade growled and slammed inside her one final time. Titania felt the jerk of his cock as his cum pulsed inside. Together, they collapsed onto the table. Their heavy breathing was the only sound to be heard.

  “Like I said, nothing I wouldn’t do for you.” He kissed her head before pulling out of her.

  Chapter Ten

  Gazing up at the stars, Cade felt Titania stir in her sleep. They’d been training for most of the afternoon and he’d brought her outside to cool down in the chilly afternoon. Actually, he’d brought her for some privacy. Half of the pack was in residence and he tired of their eavesdropping. The forest and garden supplied the only kind of protection he was interested in and gave him alone time with his woman. Her naked body was flush against his side. He had one arm wrapped around her body, her head rested on his chest and the other was behind his head, staring up at the stars.

  That afternoon he’d learned something valuable about Titania. She sensed danger. She sniffed a threat out before any of them. He’d gotten several of their more dangerous pack members to walk through the gym that day. Each time she got close to the door, Titania had tensed. He sensed her need to escape before he even walked through the door. Her senses were attuned to her flight response. Not only were her senses wired for her to flight but her senses were more acute than any other were within the pack.

  She sensed danger like the others did a rabbit during a hunt. Even when Titania wasn’t a wolf, she knew the risk others posed.

  “What are you thinking about?” she asked.

  “Tabitha,” he lied.

  “No, you’re not.”

  Tabitha was still missing but they had found the hotel room she’d been staying at in town. She only stayed in the house if it was necessary. Her stuff was still in the room but the scent of the Eagle pack was there.

  “I am now. I was wondering if you’d do something for me?” he asked, intrigued to see how far her senses went.

  “Sure. I’ll do anything.”

  “Then I want you to go and get dressed. Meet me in the foyer in an hour,” he said, tapping her ass.

  “Do I even want to know what you want from me?” she asked, straddling his waist instead of leaving.

  Cupping her face, he stroked a finger over her lip. Titania nibbled and smiled at him. “Trust me to protect you no matter what. Is that enough for now?” he asked.

  She let out a sigh. “I guess it will do. I’ll see you in an hour.”

  Cade watched her leave. He waited for her to enter the house before getting up himself. Quickly pulling on his jeans, he walked back to the house and went straight to Micah. His alpha sat in the study reading a book. Charlotte rested her head in his lap stroking his thigh.

  Clearing his throat, Cade gained their attention.

  “Thank you for this morning,” he said.

  “No problem.” Micah stroked Charlotte’s hair. “Go and wait for me upstairs.”

  His queen went without argument.

  “What’s going on?” Micah put his book down.

  “I’ve learned something interesting about Titania and I think we can use her skills in the pack.”

  He explained his findings to Micah. His alpha listened intently to the information. “She can sense danger. Her ability is beyond me. I’ve never seen a low ranking member with this much skill.” Cade admitted the truth to Micah. “That was how she saw Brandon ready to attack.”

  “She’s had to live her whole life watching her back,” Micah said, contemplating.


  “So, what do you want us to do?”

  “We found Tabitha’s room where she was staying. I want to take Titania to see if she can pick anything up.” Cade ran his fingers through his hair. Soon he’d shave it all off. With the extreme heat the hair was starting to irritate him. “She’ll be ready in an hour if you want to be there for it.”

  Cade walked away from the alpha.

  “Get Jordan and Wilson to come as well. They’ll be able to pick something up. I’ll let Charlotte know I’m going out. Instruct Paul and Pete that they’re in charge in our absence. I’m fucking sick of the Eagle pack. We need to put them down or bring some of their members over here. I’m tired of this.”

  “The town knows to stay in and for all females to be escorted by a male. I’ve put some of our toughest men around the main town to keep an eye on everything but we’re spread thin,” Cade warned.

  “Yeah, anything Titania can help us with, I’m happy to find out.”

  He left Micah with the information. Titania wasn’t in his room. Cade changed quickly into some fresh clothes and made his way down to the foyer. Titania already stood waiting. David stood five feet away from her. The other male knew to keep his distance.

  Jordan and Wilson stood talking. Micah joined him at the top of the stairs. “Charlotte isn’t happy.”

  “She’s a queen. I’ll protect you, Micah. Have no fear.” Cade didn’t wait around to hear anymore. He stopped by David. “Will you do what I asked?”

  “I’ll check everyone on the list.”

  “I want to know who received that call,” Cade said. He’d found out David was a really intelligent man with a knack for computers.

  “I’ll give it to you as soon as I have it.”

  Cade nodded. The pack was moving into the twenty-first century fast. The town already had but the pack liked to stick with nature. At best, they owned a television and all the gadgets for the kitchen but nothing else. The computers were installed at David and Charlotte’s insistence.

  David gave Titania a nod and left.

  “What was all that about?” she asked.

  “Business. I’ve got something for you to do.”

  She glanced over at the other wolves. “Are we going hunting or something?”

  “Or something,” he said.

  Cade took her hand and led her out to the waiting car. Titania paused and looked behind her, frowning. “What’s the matter?” He stared down into her eyes wondering what was bugging her.

  “Nothing. I just…I don’t know…something doesn’t feel right.”

  * * * *

  Titania sat beside Cade in the front of the car. The other three men were in the backseat.

  “Shouldn’t I have sat in the back?” she asked.

  “No, you’re by my side. You’re my responsibility.”

  “If I’m much of a responsibility, why am I here?” The silence of
the men in the back of the car was frightening.

  “I need you to do something for me. I’ll protect you no matter what.”

  Nodding her head, she watched the small town of Rock Wood go by. No one was around, and the houses were dark inside. She knew the townsfolk had been given a warning about walking out at night. One or two of the pack men were walking the streets but other than that there was no sign of anyone else.

  Cade pulled up outside of a motel. The sign was dark. She looked over to the man at her side wondering what was going on.

  “We paid him to close the place down. It’s not safe for anyone until we find this new threat.”

  “This is a little extreme,” she said, opening her door. All men exited the car. Licking her lips, she rubbed her arms. The night air was chilly. Her skin ran hotter than most humans but she felt the sudden chill of something else.

  “What’s the matter?” Cade asked, going to her side.

  “You keep asking that. Nothing is wrong.”

  She shrugged off his concern and turned in the direction of where she felt the most nervous. All of her life, she’d been able to assess the danger around her. When her parents dumped her in Rock Wood she’d been prepared for it. Titania had prayed they wouldn’t do it, yet deep inside she knew they would.

  Without looking back, she headed up the stairs leading to the top floor. The men followed her without question. Blanking them from her mind she went to the door with the scent of fear. Opening the door, Titania walked inside. Goose bumps and panic consumed her. Something was wrong. The room stunk of Tabitha.

  “This was Tabitha’s room?” she asked.

  “You’ve got that right. I didn’t even give you the door number,” Cade said, turning on a flashlight. Tabitha’s stuff was on the bed, untouched.

  “Well I’ll be damned,” Jordan said. “She’s a sensor. Very few of her kind still exist. She senses danger and can pick up particular scents of the emotion. That’s why she got the drop on Brandon when none of us saw him coming.”

  The respect in the other wolf’s voice startled her.

  “This is not a gift. I’ve dealt with it my whole life.”

  “No wonder you’re not a fighter. You pick up everyone else around you. Their fear and every situation plays through your head. She’s a very dangerous woman, Cade. If anyone finds out about her then they’ll try to take her.” Jordan pointed to Cade.

  “Why?” Her parents never saw the quality in her gift. They only saw the lack of it.

  “You’re invaluable, Titania,” Micah said, speaking up for the first time. “You would be helpful to any pack, especially when a threat was present. She needs to be protected. Her secret does not leave this room.”

  “Done.” All the men spoke at once.

  Shaking her head, Titania touched surfaces and looked at Tabitha’s stuff. She’d not been close to the other woman. Tabitha was a wanderer. She liked to explore whereas Titania preferred staying in one place.

  “There was an Eagle here,” Titania said. There was a trace of disgust, filth, and grime.

  “Fucking hell, I knew they were here.”

  “With someone who knew how to cover their scents,” Titania added.

  “What do you mean?” Cade stood behind her. He ran a finger down her arm.

  “The Eagles stink and that was how we found them last time, right? They have a smell. You guys are the highest members of the pack. You can pick up any scent, no matter what, yet neither of you recognized the Eagles’. It’s there, minute. Someone covered it up.” Titania rubbed her head. “There was no struggle at all.”

  “What are you getting at?” Wilson spoke up. He sounded nervous.

  “Whoever took Tabitha knew her. There was no fight. Her stuff hasn’t been ransacked. Something isn’t right with this.” Titania moved around the room getting a small scent of something. She frowned, closed her eyes and gave herself over to her fears.

  The men were silent as she did this.

  There, she got it. The smallest whiff of something but she’d recognize the scent anywhere.

  “One of our kind was here,” she said.

  Jordan, Wilson, and Micah burst out laughing.

  “Of course one was, Tabitha was here. This is a fucking joke, Cade,” Jordan said, laughing.

  Cade didn’t join in. He stared down at her. “Explain to them.”

  “The room is covered in Tabitha’s scent. Smell her clothes, she always smells like strawberries and the pack. That scent is everywhere. However, there is a scent here and it’s from one other of our pack.” She didn’t look away from Cade as she spoke.

  “Who is it?” he asked.

  The other men stopped laughing.

  Taking a deep breath Titania felt tears spring to her eyes. She’d been terrified of this person ever since she’d joined the pack. “Misty, she was here.”

  “No, she’s loyal to the Rock Wood pack.” Micah argued.

  Cade stroked her cheek. “Are you sure?”

  “I’m positive.”

  Before another word was spoken, a ringing cell phone interrupted the silence. Micah’s cell. “Hello, Charlotte? What’s wrong?”

  She didn’t break eye contact from Cade as Micah took the call. “I’m not lying. She has a distinctive smell. Misty is part of this. I don’t know how or why but she is.”

  The call ended.

  “Fuck!” Micah threw the phone against the wall. He slammed his fist against the wall screaming.

  “What’s going on?” Cade asked.

  “Misty opened the doors and let three Eagles walk into the house. She made the women line up against the door and the men took their chosen woman.” Micah told them.

  Titania shook her head. There was something at the back of the house she’d sensed. The Eagles were there waiting for them to leave.

  “They’ve taken David as well but not before he confirmed Misty had taken the call from Tabitha. One of our own gave us up,” Micah said.

  “How did Misty get them in? We left Paul and Wilson in charge,” Jordan said.

  “She knocked them out. They were the only two men strong enough to fight back. The rest of the men are in town and haven’t been touched.”

  “Misty has used her power and the fear she instills in others,” Titania said. The men began talking but all Titania felt was pain inside her chest. She’d always had a bad feeling around Misty and never said anything about the other woman. What if she could have prevented this?

  “Are you okay, baby?” Cade asked, stroking his hand down her arm. The touch was small, yet it comforted her immensely.

  Crossing her arms, she turned to him. “I wish there was something I could have done.”

  “Don’t think like that. Misty was a first-class bitch. She made a lot of people uncomfortable. This is not your fault and I refuse to allow you to accept any blame for this.” His arms surrounded her, offering so much warmth and protection. She snuggled in close, needing to feel safe. “You’re not at fault here and I’ll fix everything,” he said.

  Titania hoped he could. There was no telling what Misty was capable of.

  Chapter Eleven

  Cade stared at the rearview mirror to see Titania curled up in a ball. He made her sit in the back with the other two men instead of up front with him. There was a risk for all of them and he refused to put her in it. Misty was a dangerous bitch and she’d already hurt Titania without remorse. He hated himself for not warning Micah about his thoughts. The other woman loved hurting others way too much. Misty got off on fear and pain.

  “Back at the house, you sensed something, didn’t you?” Cade asked.

  Titania looked back at him. Tears were in her eyes. “Yes.”

  “Why didn’t you say anything?” He wasn’t angry at her, but he couldn’t control himself. One of their own kind had turned on them and he was pissed about it.

  “Do you think I kept it from you on purpose? I never knew about this so-called ability, Cade. I’ve sensed crap all my life an
d I’ve been told I’m a scared little wolf who can’t stand up for herself. Why on earth would I change it or know any different?”

  “You could have said something. I believe you.”

  “What? Fucking me has made you forget your training? I’m a low ranking member, remember?” Her tears fell down her cheeks leaving a trail in their wake. “I’m nothing like you.”

  “This has nothing to do with that, Titania, and you fucking know it.” He slammed his fist against the steering wheel. Cade didn’t care that the others heard their argument.


  He inhaled deeply and sniffed her disgust. What was she disgusted about? Not only did he get her disgust. He got her shame. What was she ashamed about? Cade asked her the questions.

  “Why am I disgusted and ashamed? Misty is a fucking monster. She scared the shit out of me and I didn’t say anything against her. My own fear got in the way. If I spoke up I could have stopped it but I didn’t.”

  He pulled up outside the house. Charlotte sat on the steps with Paul and Pete. All three stood as the car approached.

  “Stay in the car,” Cade said.

  “Why can’t I go to my room?” she asked.

  “Misty has a problem with you. I’m going to check out your room before you can go in. Please, stay here and wait for me.” Cade opened the door.

  “Do you really think I’m safe in this fucking car instead of in the house?” Charlotte, Paul, and Pete walked away, leaving him alone to deal with his woman. He opened her door and leaned in. “If you’re in that house I won’t be able to do my job. Regardless of what you think, I fucking care about you,” he said. Slamming his lips down on hers, Cade kissed her hard, not giving her room to question him. When he was done, he closed the door. Misty wasn’t stupid enough to take his woman. He wanted her in the car because David had been taken. Titania was like a sister to the other man. Cade needed to do his job in taking care of the pack and he couldn’t do that worrying about her.

  The car was the safest place for her.

  Charlotte was sobbing in Micah’s arms. “She stormed in and…got one of them to…hold…me…down. He stunk, Micah. I was so scared.” Her speech was all over the place.


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