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Barefoot Bay_Double Trouble

Page 5

by Silver James

  Soft laughter washed over him and his libido sat up again, dirty dog that it was. The sound was intimate. Sexy. And the last thing he needed was to get involved with this woman, her kids, and her sweet laugh. He would not tease that sound out of her while he kissed her, touched her in intimate places. Nope. Not happening. He came by his smooth operator reputation honestly, and he wasn’t getting tangled up with Peni Comanescu, no matter how lovely and sweetly sexy she appeared. Besides, she was a mother. There were details inherent in that shit he wanted no knowledge of.

  She leaned over to kiss each baby and yeah, her ass was enough to get and keep his attention, despite his best intentions. As if she knew he was ogling her, she glanced back at him. Her cheeks pinkened and damn if he didn’t feel his own skin flush with embarrassment. She was too sweet for his own good.

  “Go on. Luca and Luiza are fine with me.” His voice sounded rough and he cleared his throat. “It’s okay.”

  Peni slipped into the bedroom and he stood there, his gaze bouncing between the door she closed behind her and the babies. Nick pulled over one of the barstools from the kitchen island and hitched a hip on it. Shoving his hands in his front pockets he stared at the babies. Luiza, still sucking her thumb, stared back. Luca snagged a foot and dragged it to his mouth where he proceeded to gum his toes.

  Nick heaved out a breath. So far so good. The babies were happy. And quiet. Quiet was good. Right? His gaze pinged from one to the other. Luiza’s eyes were closed now. Was she breathing? Adrenaline spiked in his system, leaving his fingers tingling. What was that infant death thing? SIDS. That’s what it was. Sudden Infant Death Syndrome. He all but leaped across the short distance. His instinct was to grab the baby but a small iota of sense remained in the back of his brain. Rather than touching her, he watched. Intently. Yes, there. Her tiny chest rose and fell, a gentle movement so minute he almost missed it. He continued to stare until he saw it again.

  Sleeping. Luiza was sleeping. That was good. Luca, however, was all boy. He’d switched feet and was staring up at Nick, blowing spit bubbles around his big toe.

  “Yo, little dude.” Nick whispered it, afraid to wake the other baby. Luca cooed and waved one hand. Fascinated, Nick stuck out a finger. Luca grabbed hold and immediately tugged the finger toward his mouth. “Whoa, there. Not smart.” He needed to wash his hands. People were always washing their hands around babies, right? He shook the kid loose, ducked into the kitchen and washed. When he came back, Luca’s face was screwed up and the baby looked like he was ready to howl.

  Then the odor hit. Nick’s eyes watered and he tucked his nose into his arm, breathing shallowly through his mouth. He’d dealt with dead bodies that were less odoriferous. He headed to the bedroom, eased open the door, listening as he did. He heard the shower. Crap. Literally. He hated to pull Peni out of the shower after promising her some time to herself. But wasn’t it bad for babies to be in dirty diapers?

  The smell wasn’t any better when he got back to the Pack n’Play. Yeah…he needed to deal with this. How hard could it be, right? Nick pulled out his smart phone and did what every intelligent man does. He initiated a YouTube search.

  He could do this, Nick decided, after watching several videos—multiple times. He found diapers. He found a tub of baby wipes. He found a plastic bag to stash the offending diaper in. Most importantly, he found a dish towel to tie over his nose and mouth to help cut down on the toxic fumes.

  Half a box of wipes, a dozen gag reflex moments, and four diapers later, he had Luca changed. How could diapers with self-stick tabs be so freaking hard to get situated? Luiza, little angel that she was, didn’t make a peep. The little dude, however, was bouncing off the proverbial walls. With a hand on the kid’s chest and tummy, Nick did a search on how to hold a baby.

  Still treating the infant like a grenade with no pin, Nick managed to get Luca settled in his arms. He paced back and forth, jiggling the baby. Eventually, the kid calmed down and Nick tried to put him back into the play thing. As soon as he loosened his grip and straightened, the little rascal howled. Nick snatched him up and Luca cooed, perfectly happy.

  “Yo, little dude. Why can’t you take a nap like your sister?”

  Nick settled on the couch, found the remote, turned on the big-screen TV then flipped through the channels. He propped his feet up on the coffee table but couldn’t get comfortable. After some squirming and stretching, he ended up lying on the couch, his shoulders propped up on a bunch of pillows piled against the arm. Luca lay on his tummy, cuddled against Nick’s chest.

  When the Casa Blanca channel came on, Nick stared at the Madison Avenue couple on the screen. The woman wore a flirty dress and the guy was in a white shirt and khakis. They were advertising a shop at the hotel for…what the hell was resort clothing? Nick couldn’t help but compare the plain and too large dress Peni’d worn yesterday to the designer sundress on the model. Today’s outfit wasn’t much better. He patted Luca on the back and reached for his phone.

  Ten minutes later, a sports talk program droned in the background. Luiza was still sleeping sweetly and Luca had followed his sister into dreamland. Nick was feeling pretty damn proud of himself. Babies asleep. Disasters averted. He’d freaking changed a poopie diaper. All by himself. Hell, yeah. He was The Man.

  Chapter 6

  PENI STEPPED OUT of the shower and after wrapping a huge, fluffy towel around her, she cracked the bathroom door to help the steam dissipate. When she didn’t hear anything, her heart rate sped up. Once she realized the bedroom door was closed, she dashed across the room to throw it open. The only sound was a droning TV. Panicked now, she rushed into the living area only to slide to a stop, clutching the towel in a white-knuckled fist.

  Luiza snoozed peacefully in the Pack n’Play but she saw no sign of Nick or Luca. Stifling a scream, she glanced toward the TV. And heard a snore. Holding a breath that didn’t want to release from her lungs yet, she crept toward the couch. Nick was stretched out, head back on a pile of pillows, soft snores emanating from his open mouth each time he inhaled. He had one arm anchoring the sleeping Luca to his chest.

  Her eyes filled with tears, and she didn’t even try to hold them back. This scene of quiet domesticity overwhelmed her. In her wildest dreams, Peni had never considered something so…normal, so…sweet. The men she’d been exposed to most of her life weren’t the kind of men who would fall asleep with a baby on their chest. Her heart clutched—stuttering for a moment before it found its rhythm—slow and steady.

  She’d seen this stranger look dangerous. Angry. Embarrassed. Sexy. Apologetic. And now she was seeing a sweetness that could undo her. No dreams. She couldn’t afford them. Not now. Someday maybe. In the future when she and the twins were safe from the clutches of the monster who’d contributed his DNA to them. But Nick would be gone by then. Peni knew that. She was just a job. And once that job was finished? Nick would wave goodbye and fly off into the sunset.

  “You shouldn’t stare at a man like that, sweetheart.”

  Peni jumped and clamped her hand over her mouth to mute the squeal.

  “And you damn sure shouldn’t do it standing there wearing nothing but a towel and dripping water on the floor.”

  Heat washed through her and she clutched the towel tighter, but for a different reason now.

  “We’re good out here, Peni. Go dry your hair—” A knock on the door interrupted him. He was up, weapon in hand, Luca settled in his other arm. “In the bedroom, Peni. Now!” He growled the order as he passed her, handing off the baby as he went.

  Nick pressed his ear against the door, listening. Then he looked through the peephole. Whoever was on the other side knocked again and called. “Delivery from Chrysalis.” Opening the door but blocking it with his body, Nick accepted the bags bearing the logo of the resort’s clothing boutique with one hand. He shoved his Glock into the back of his shorts, dug into his front pocket for cash and peeled off a twenty.

  “Here ya go. Thanks for bringing these down.”
  The girl beamed at him. “Thank you, sir! If any of the items don’t fit, or Mrs. Karras doesn’t like what we picked out, have her stop by the shop. We’ll be happy to make exchanges.”

  She strolled to a golf cart with a jaunty wave. Nick watched while the girl made a U-turn and headed back to the resort’s main building. Once she was out of sight, he closed and locked the door, only to face a puzzled Peni.

  Brows crunched into a vee at the bridge of her nose, lips pursed, she stared at him before cutting her eyes toward the door. “What was that about?”

  He walked over and held out the bags in an offer to trade for Luca. “For you.”

  Peni’s expression turned suspicious. “What’s in them?”

  “Since they have a boutique logo on them, I’d guess clothes.”

  Flustered, she sputtered a few words before he shifted closer. He plucked Luca from her and transferred the bags into her empty hands in one quick motion. “This is a high-end resort, Peni. We’re supposed to fit in. You can’t keep wearing that sack you had on yesterday.” He glanced at the towel she currently wore. “Or what you have on.”

  Nick recognized the look of dismay on her face and kept talking to keep her arguments at bay. “This isn’t about money, Peni. It’s about keeping you safe. I didn’t even think about it when we went out last evening.” He gave her a little nudge. “Go do whatever women do with their hair. Try on the clothes to see if they fit. I had to guess at sizes. You heard the gal. If the stuff doesn’t fit or you don’t like what they chose for you, we’ll load up the twins when they wake up and go get you something you do like.”

  He was adamant. And not backing down one bit. Peni had been startled when he whisked Luca out of her arms and switched her child for the bags. The move was smooth and she wondered if he was even aware of the ease with which he now handled her son. She surrendered with a huff of breath. But she was also determined to figure out some way to pay him back. To pay everyone back—Uncle Nino, Poppy, Mr. Rossi. But especially Nick.

  “Okay.” She almost laughed at his shocked reaction.


  “Yes. Thank you. This was very nice of you.”

  His jaw snapped shut when he realized his mouth had been gaping. Peni bit her lips to hide her smile as she turned away. She’d never had much money to spend on clothing, though she’d haunted the fashion channels, dreaming of shopping on Rodeo Drive and in the boutiques of New York and Miami.

  In the bedroom, with the door shut but for a crack so she could keep one ear open for sounds of distress from either child, she plunged her hands into the first bag. By the time she’d fished everything out, she was rubbing at her wet cheeks with the backs of her hands. Nick—or more likely the clerk he’d spoken to—had thought of everything. Shimmery palazzo pants with a flowing top to match. A sundress splashed with bright red poppies. Linen slacks with a silk tank and matching shawl. She found a long skirt of swirling colors and more silk tanks, each matching one of the splashed colors. More coordinating wraps. She found a long silk robe in a lavender color and a matching nightgown.

  Only two things were missing—anything of a more intimate design and shoes. Her old Keds would hardly be appropriate with these beautiful clothes. She did, however, find an envelope in the bottom of the last bag. Nervous, but curious, she opened it.

  The note reiterated the boutique’s policy on returns and exchanges, mentioned they didn’t carry undergarments but worked with a personal shopper who could acquire the items needed from a specialty shop in Naples and suggested that she come in person to buy a swim suit. The note also mentioned that Chrysalis carried a small selection of footwear, as “Mr. Karras” hadn’t remembered her shoe size. The note ended with a sympathetic line about the airline losing her luggage and how lucky she was to have a husband wanting to make sure her vacation wasn’t ruined because of it.

  Then she found the bill.

  Nick looked up and if both arms hadn’t been full of babies, he would have pulled his weapon. The Valkyrie bearing down on him seemed intent on taking off his head. Both of them. Peni only stopped when Luiza’s face screwed up and the infant started to wail. Luca followed his sister’s lead and added his screech to hers. Nick jiggled them and made shushing noises.

  As luck would have it—and he thanked the fact he’d been born under a lucky star—someone rapped sharply on the door, followed by Poppy’s loud voice calling, “Housekeeping!” The Jamaican woman was a force of nature when she barged in before either he or Peni could answer.

  “You need to put clothes on, child. That towel ain’t gonna keep you from flashin’ the whole world.”

  The warrior woman shrank and turned into a meek school girl, chastised and compliant. Nick wanted the warrior back but he wisely kept his mouth shut as Peni retreated to the bedroom.

  “And don’t be puttin’ none of them ratty clothes on your body, girl. I know for a fact you’ve got nice ones now.” The bedroom door closed before Poppy turned her fierce glare on Nick.

  Luiza was sucking her thumb, her face now curled against Nick’s neck. Luca was babbling at Poppy like she understood every nuanced sound.

  “You need to take that little girl out.”

  Nick’s mouth opened and closed. Twice. The third time, actual words came out. “I’d like to but—” He indicated the twins with dips of his chin.

  “Ah, yes. Of course. She’s afraid to leave them.”

  He shrugged, jostling Luiza in the process. “Under the circumstances, wouldn’t you be?”

  Poppy started to argue but stopped. “Yes, I suppose I would. But Peni is a lovely girl. She needs…”

  “To be spoiled.”

  The housekeeper’s wide cheeks blossomed into a smile. “Yes. Exactly. Maybe we can do something here. That old man and me, we must put our heads together.”

  Nick considered asking her to stay out of things then thought better of it, especially since the bedroom door popped open and the woman in question swept out. The wolf whistle left his lips before he could hold his breath. The silk tank, the color of a sliced peach, hugged her curves—curves unconfined by a bra—and the skirt curled around her ankles with each marching step she took until Peni halted right in front of him. Hands on hips, she glowered at him and he was really glad Luca was draped across his lap so neither woman could see his very visceral reaction.

  The breeze danced through the open lanai doors, teasing her hair into soft waves that framed her face. Her chin jutted stubbornly and her green eyes glinted like sun on stained glass. Nick wanted to kiss her pursed lips—branding them until they were wet and swollen.

  “Damn, sweetheart, and a Jesus Christ amen.” He cut off Poppy before she could remind him about his language. “Run me a tab, Poppy. I’ll happily pay it.”

  “Ha!” Peni sneered. “With what money? You spent all you have on these!” She swept her hands up and down her body.

  “I gave them a budget, Peni, and trust me, I can afford it.”

  Wisely withdrawing toward the kitchen, Poppy deposited the large carry-all bag she had draped over one shoulder on the counter. “I brought food,” she called to them without turning around. “But I think the two of you should go shopping. Have dinner out.”

  “I can’t leave—”

  Poppy cut off Peni mid-sentence. “Take them with you. The babies, they need new clothes too.” She exchanged an arched look with Nick.

  He scrambled for something to say then fell back on the same excuse he’d used on Peni. “It’s part of our cover. Takes money to stay here so that means we have to look like we have money. That means the minions need fancy duds too. Besides, aren’t they growing? The stuff they have seems small.”

  Peni deflated, her shoulders rounding as her knees bent and she lowered her body to sit on the massive coffee table. “Yes. They are growing, which is very good all things considered. But…” Head bent, she covered her face with her hands. “I can’t pay you for this. I can’t pay anyone. I have…nothing. I never have.�

  Poppy appeared and Nick handed the babies to her. Reaching across the table, he gripped Peni’s biceps with utmost care and literally lifted her across the table to settle in his lap.

  “Are you crying?” he murmured against her hair.

  “I have no tears left.”

  “Good. Because there’s nothing to cry about. You have friends here, Peni. And friends help friends with no thought of payback. Okay?”

  She nodded, her cheek rubbing against his shirt but didn’t say anything.

  “Look, baby, I have money. I get paid a hellava lot. And I live cheap. I have no real expenses so all that dough? It just sits in my bank account drawing interest. You don’t owe me a thing for any of this.” He kissed her temple and felt her relax. “And if you did, I’d get it from Gabe Rossi. He’s the one who dragged me into this.”

  “You were dragged—” Peni sat up so quickly, she almost clocked his chin with the top of her head. Indignation stained her cheeks with colr as she glared at Nick through squinting eyes. “So you are doing this for—”

  Nick very effectively stemmed her tirade with a kiss. Peni was so startled she forgot to breathe. Eyes wide, and almost crossed, she tried to focus on his face. It wasn’t easy. His lips were firm and they teased hers with nibbles and bites, followed by swirls of his tongue that eased any sharp nip of his teeth. She parted her lips, wanting more of this…sensation.

  His hand slid up her back and his fingers tangled in her hair. She didn’t fight as he angled her head to deepen his kiss. Only it wasn’t just his kiss. She, hesitant and unsure, returned it. A little mewl escaped from the back of her throat as her lashes drifted down. She didn’t need to see his face. She knew what he looked like, recognized the primitive hunger in his gaze, in his expression.


  The word whispered across her lips and the tip of her tongue licked his seeking to taste the word. His mouth opened for her and still nervous yet exhilarated, she used her tongue to explore his lips, his tongue. He shifted beneath her and she recognized his desire swelling against her hip. Peni sucked in a breath and in doing so, trapped his tongue in her mouth. Nick groaned, tightened his arms around her, and had her stretched on the couch beneath him in the next breath.


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