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Together Forever: Billionaire Alpha

Page 9

by Ali Parker

  “Come on, baby.” Damon reached for her hand, fully dressed and sporting a naughty smirk on his mouth. “Come let me take care of you for the rest of the night.”

  She took his hand and snuggled in beside him. “Yeah. I’d like that - a lot.”


  Bethany woke to the smell of coffee. She turned on her side and squinted against the bright light coming through the open glass doors. He stood with his back to her, his blue slacks on and torso bare. She laid there for a few minutes, studying him.


  He turned and smiled. “I thought I heard your breathing change a little. You sleep good?”

  “I did.” She moved up to her elbow and let the cover drop from her breasts.

  He set his coffee down and moved to sit on the edge of the bed, pulling her into his arms and pressing his lips to hers in a long kiss. “I made you some coffee. Strong and thick like you like it.”

  “That’s how I like my men. My coffee I’ll take any way it comes.” She smirked as he lifted his eyebrow at her.

  “Your man, not men. You’re officially off the market, Miss Thing.” He leaned down and kissed her again before getting up and walking back to the kitchen. “Go get in the shower and let’s get the day started. There are a few more things to do for the ceremony tonight and it will be here before we know it. I’ll bring you a cup of coffee.”

  “Is it still at sundown tonight?” Bethany moved to the edge of the bed, running her nails through her hair and yawning.

  “Yes. Matt and Erica went for a game of golf this morning. They asked us to join them, but I told them you didn’t respond before ten.” He chuckled and handed the coffee mug to her. His eyes moved down her, his bottom lip tucking into his mouth. “You need to get dressed or I’m going to force you to stay in the bed all day. So fucking fine.”

  She took the coffee and tried not to jerk it as he brushed his finger by her nipple. “I’m going. Two nights of sex isn’t enough for you? Insatiable.”

  “It’s not even close. Sorry, baby.” He moved back toward the window. “We’ll grab something to eat and find mom and dad when you’re done.”

  It sounded so odd to hear him refer to Kent and her mother like that, but it was fitting. She was past the part of him soon becoming her stepbrother. He wasn’t blood and if their parents accepted it, then nothing else mattered.

  Bethany enjoyed a long shower, her body sore in all of the places it should be. She ran her fingers over her back and down the curve of her ass, testing her entrance to make sure she was okay. Damon had been careful with her, but they hadn’t gotten very far in their desire to try anal sex. He was huge and she wasn’t used to the incredible pressure of having something press into her. They would try again and again and again until he fit inside of her. She groaned at the thought, her center tightening as she let out a shaky breath.

  He was going to be the death of her, but oh, what a way to go.

  Bethany left Damon with Erica and Matt as she slipped off to talk to her mom for a few minutes. She was greeted at the door by her Aunt Patty. After a quick hug she slipped into the room and walked to the bathroom, glancing back to her aunt.

  “How is she?”

  “I’m a fucking wreck,” her mother yelled from the bathroom.

  Bethany’s eyes widened as she knocked on the door. Her mother never said the ‘f-word’. “Mom. Let me in.”

  “Fine, but my hair’s a mess and this make-up makes me look like a hooker.” A long cry left her mother as the door flung open.

  Her mother hadn’t been a hot mess in years, not since her younger days when every day started and ended with bad news. Bethany slipped into the bathroom and closed the door, moving in front of her mom and taking her shoulders.

  “Hey. Look at me.”

  Her make-up was smeared, her eyes red and puffy from crying. She glanced up at Bethany as a few more tears rolled down her pretty face.

  “This isn’t about who you think you should be. Remember our talk earlier? Kent is marrying you for who you are, Mom. He’s madly in love with you. He rented out half of this damn hotel to prove it.” Bethany reached up and brushed her fingers over her mom’s cheeks. “Here’s what we’re going to do. Aunt Patty is going to grab us a bottle of wine and we’re going to take our time and make you look like the princess you are. Our past, our problems, our worries can all go to hell. They aren’t welcomed here. Today is about love and goodness, about being made one with someone as good as Kent.”

  “Okay, baby. I’ll try.” Her mother glanced down to her hands and let out a shaky breath.

  Bethany moved to the door, opening it and jumping back. Patty was literally pressed to the other side.

  “Sorry. Is she okay?” Patty crossed her arms over her chest, her eyes wide and tears lining the edge of her gaze.

  “She will be. Grab us a bottle of cold white wine and let’s celebrate and get her ready. Want to?” Bethany nodded, her aunt catching her understanding.

  “Of course I do. I’ll be right back.”

  Walking back into the bathroom, Bethany pointed to the sink. Wash your face and let’s go into the living room area where the light is better. We can chat a little while and then get you done up. We have five hours. I’ll meet you out there.” She pulled her mom into a tight hug, her heart swelling with love for the woman before her. No one deserved a happier ending more than her mom.

  Bethany walked out of the bathroom and closed the door, hitting it twice and reminding her mother that she was serious. “You have three minutes and I’m coming back in.”

  “So damn bossy,” her mother muttered and laughed softly.

  “I get it from my mom. Blame her.” Bethany walked to the phone and ordered a cheese and meat tray before texting Damon that she would find him later. Her mother needed her help and she wasn’t going anywhere. He was all for it.

  Taking a seat by the back door, Bethany let out a long sigh. A smile lifted her face as she let the good memories of her childhood run by her vision. She didn’t even hear her mom approach.

  “What are you smiling about, pretty girl?”

  Bethany turned and let out a chuckle. “I was thinking about the time you decided to be a Mary-Kay representative and bought all of that expensive make-up.”

  “Oh Lord.” Her mother rolled her eyes and walked to the kitchen, pulling down three wine glasses.

  “I honestly thought you got all that crap for me. Remember?” Bethany asked.

  “How could I forget? You were seven and covered from head to toe in every expensive-ass product they offered.” Her mom let out a loud laugh, her hand covering her mouth.

  Bethany let herself relive the memory, tears filling her eyes as they belly laughed together.

  Patty walked in a few seconds later, both of them still trying to recover. They worked to get a glass of wine for each of them as Patty questioned what was so funny.

  “Just memories of Bethany being young and wanting to be a princess.”

  Patty lifted her drink into the air. “For a new beginning for my big sister. I don’t know anyone who deserves it more than you.”

  “For my mom, who has shown me that one thing has the power to cure all hurts, all hang-ups and all heartbreaks. Love. May it follow you everywhere for as long as you live.”

  Her mom nodded, tears dripping down her face as they hit their glasses together carefully.

  “No more tears.” Bethany reached for a box of Kleenex and passed them out. “Only happy times now.”

  “Speaking of happy times and princesses,” Patty paused, snorting as she shook her head. “You remember getting our asses whooped for getting into momma’s expensive make-up and dressing up like hookers?”

  “Oh my God. We did.” Her mother laughed, Patty joining her.

  Bethany lifted her glass again. “I knew I got it from somewhere… blame my mother.”

  “For what?” Patty lifted her eyebrow.

  “For everything.” Bethany smirked and
took a drink of the wine.

  “Typical.” Her mom rolled her eyes and set her wine glass down. “All right. I’m ready. Let’s do this.”

  Bethany stood at the back of the strip of beach they had chosen for the ceremony, the bright tiki torches lighting the way to the large lattice-work design that Erica had worked on. Kent stood beside the priest, Damon to his side and Matt standing beside him. They all faced the priest as large crowds filled up both sides of the event. Patty stood up front, lined up with Matt, the smile on her face large enough to be seen from Bethany’s vantage point.

  The music started for her to make her way down and she took a step forward, praying like hell she didn’t trip. The moment was so surreal, her own desire to spend forever with one of the men waiting at the front almost overwhelming. He glanced back at her, his eyes going a little wide.

  He mouthed “hot” and she chuckled, unable to help herself. The dress was beautiful, white and innocent in its design. It was perfect. Her mother knew her too well. Simple, straightforward and pretty.

  She moved up beside Patty and glanced over to Kent, her soon-to-be father smiling warmly at her. The priest motioned for everyone to stand and Bethany turned, catching a glimpse of her mother as the moonlight washed over her. The air was suddenly so hard to breathe, the beautiful woman walking toward them everything Bethany remembered from her younger years.

  There hadn’t been a day that her mom hadn’t reminded her how much she was loved. Tears burned her gaze as she turned with her mother’s progression. The look on Kent’s face was complete adoration. Bethany glanced toward Damon, his eyes only for her.

  ‘I love you,’ he mouthed and winked.

  She nodded as heat rushed up her chest and covered her neck and face. She would cling tight to that love and never let anything come between them that wasn’t quickly rooted out.

  The priest started the ceremony and Bethany relaxed, enjoying every second of it.

  Erica caught the bouquet as Bethany’s mother threw it and Damon had teased Matt mercilessly throughout the night about it. The music was great, the food insanely good, and the company the crown jewel of the evening. Bethany slipped off as everyone crowded on the dance floor, just needing a few minutes to process her thoughts.

  She slipped out of her shoes and walked to the edge of the water, her eyes scanning the horizon.

  “Hi beautiful girl. Is your heart taken? I’m looking to spend forever with someone.” Damon moved in behind her, wrapping his arms around her.

  “It is. Sorry buddy.” She smiled as he laughed against the side of her neck, his breath warm, his arms strong.

  “What do you think about that?”

  “About what?” She turned and slid her arms around him, the black and white suit he wore seemingly made just for him.

  “About spending forever with me?” He leaned down and brushed his lips across hers before taking a step back, tugging out of her hold. Slipping his hand into his jacket pocket he pulled out a small black box.

  “What’re you doing?” Bethany pressed her fingers to her lips as her heart almost stopped. “We haven’t been together but a few weeks. We have so much shit to work through. We can’t… We…”

  “Hush.” He smiled and moved down to one of his knees, lifting the box toward her and popping it open. “I don’t care how long we’ve been together. I’m looking at the future. Don’t tug me into the past.”

  She let out a soft cry and took a step toward him, the beautiful ring a large diamond nuzzled into two smaller ones.

  “I would spend the rest of my life looking for you, but I don’t have to. You fill my needs, my desires, my deepest fantasies, Beth. Marry me and let’s build a life that will blow both of our minds. Be mine and let’s be together - forever, baby. Give me forever.”

  Nodding, she extended her left hand and let out a soft cry. “Yes. I want forever with you.”

  “Good.” He stood and slipped the ring on her finger before pulling her to him and kissing her passionately.

  She melted into him, clinging tightly to his promises. It wouldn’t be easy, but anything worth truly investing in never was.

  “I love you,” she whispered as she broke the kiss.

  “Mmmm… I like the sound of that. Say it again.” He laughed as she said it again and again.

  He picked her up and spun her around once before kissing her tenderly.

  “Do you think we would be missed if we slipped off?” He lifted his eyebrows once.

  She shook her head and wrapped herself around him, needing the warmth of his arms. “We would be, but since when did you start caring?”

  “I am a greedy little thing.” He laughed and leaned down to look her in the eye. “Only for you. Forever.”

  “Forever,” she whispered and lifted to her toes, losing herself in the only thing she wanted to belong to - him.


  “Does this look right?” Bethany turned to look over her shoulder, glancing down the back of her dress. Her mother tugged at it a few more times before turning to Erica.

  “I think it does. Am I missing something?” Bethany’s mom moved out of the way as Erica started to tug at the long white train.

  “Is everything in place? Everyone ready to go?” Bethany spoke quickly, her heart threatening to beat out of her chest.

  The last year had been a whirlwind. Planning the wedding and graduating with her master’s having been her biggest commitments. She had grown to be a respected part of the firm and would soon be promoted to manager. She had worked hard to make Kent and Damon understand that she wasn’t willing to take the easy road. Earning every promotion was important to her.

  Damon had a different way of making her ‘earn’ it. She smirked at the thought.

  Matt had finally relented and come to work for the firm, him and Erica dating, which blew everyone’s mind. At least that’s what Matt thought.

  “You look beautiful. Still your thoughts and let every detail of this moment solidify.” Her mom took her face into her hands and leaned in, kissing her cheek softly.

  Kent was everything he promised to be and her mother was healthy, happy and crazy in love. Now it was her turn to take that next step. Living with Damon the last eight months had proven a few things to her. One was that their love was only going to grow. She wanted him more now than she had the first day she was overwhelmed by him in his office. Secondly, they fit together perfectly. Not just in the bedroom, but in the kitchen, in the office and in decision making. She was almost overwhelmed by how hard he had worked to change a few things about himself to better complement her. She had done the same thing and looked for the opportunity to do so any time it presented itself.

  A smile brushed across her lips at the image of Christa’s face when they run into each other at the beach party the next day. The girl was shocked to see the ring on Bethany’s hand, but with grace and humility, Bethany treated her with far more dignity than she would have returned. Seeing her balk at the promise of Damon’s future was enough to right all worries. She was his and that was the end of the story.

  “I’m good. Let’s do this.” Bethany nodded as butterflies tore up her stomach.

  Erica smiled and moved out of the room, followed by Bethany’s mom.

  She stood there for a few minutes, closing her eyes and whispering the only thing she could think to say. “Thank you. Thank you for this chance. Thank you for this life and this love. Thank you.”

  The door opened and Kent smiled at her. “Are you ready, baby?”

  “I am.” She moved up and slipped her arm into his, her legs suddenly shaking badly. “Don’t let me fall.”

  “Never.” He smiled down at her. “Let’s go start the best years of your life.”

  “I’m ready.” She smiled up at him as the church doors opened. Everyone stood as the wedding march began. She tried to find Damon at the front of the huge crowd, but couldn’t locate him just yet. Fear ran through her, but she pushed it down, simply reminding herself to jus
t take one step at a time. They had destroyed so many misconceptions between them by being faithful to simply take another step forward together and here they were… getting married.

  She finally caught his gaze, the smile on his face heartbreaking. His dark eyes were filled with tears, his expression one of complete and utter adoration.

  He muttered four words that she had heard many times over the last year, but they never seemed to get old. She wanted to hear them, to see them, to feel them every day for the rest of her life. He was her forever and she was his.

  He whispered them again as he took his place beside her, a tear dripping down his cheek. “I love you forever.”

  About the Author

  Ali Parker is a contemporary romance writer who is looking to flood the market this year with lots of great, quick reads.

  Want to know when Ali releases something new? Join her readers group HERE!

  You can find her on Facebook and Twitter as well.


  See below for other books

  available by Ali!



  Rebecca Martin has achieved most things one might hope to by thirty. She is a successful business owner, drives a nice car and is wrapping up the details on a custom built home on the lake. The only thing she is missing is someone to share her accomplishments with.

  One man has never been far from her thoughts – Kade McMillian, but his return to town after far too many years of chasing his dreams couldn’t be more poorly timed.

  With a younger man demanding Rebecca attention at the office, she has to decide between reconstructing a relationship from her past or diving in deep to something new and seemingly forbidden.




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