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The Convenient Bride (The Clearbrooks)

Page 23

by McCarthy, Teresa

  It was her turn to press a finger against his lips. "Shhhh. You seem to change your mind a great deal lately." Oh, he was a charmer. But she was not going to let him go this time.

  His lips turned upward. "And I can say the same about you, wife. But there is one thing that will never change." He gently cupped her chin to look at her. "When I said I loved you, that is the absolute truth and always will be."

  She smiled, working her hands around his neckcloth, breathing in the scent of him. "You talk way too much." And then she kissed him, long and hard.

  He swept her into his arms and started for the door. "By Jove, I am an idiot. Don't know why I didn't think of this before." His brows narrowed. "But if you think for one deuced minute that I am willing to leave you behind for all the Kingsdales of the world to fawn over you, you had best think again."

  She gave him a faint smile. She didn't want to think of Kingsdale's death or the horrible day. "I love you," she said softly.

  "And another thing, about this castle—" His face froze. "What did you say?"

  "I said I love you, you idiot."

  He pressed his lips to hers in a slow, passionate kiss. "Why didn't you say so in the first place? We could have sidestepped all this nonsense and headed to Bath for a honeymoon."

  They were both laughing when the drawing room door flung open. "What in the blue blazes do you think you're doing?"

  It was Agatha, and she was looking at Briana with a smiling eye. But Clayton hadn't caught on. He was still clinging to the wife in his arms as if she would run away the minute he put her down. "My dear Miss Appleby, I am taking my wife home, if you don't mind?"

  Agatha raised a discriminating brow. "It certainly looks like you are doing something else, my good man."

  Clayton's cheeks colored as he let his wife slip gently to the floor. "I was—"

  "Yes, just what the devil are you doing?"

  Clayton's jaw dropped at the sight of Lord Stonebridge standing in the hall. The earl's knowing gaze switched from Clayton to Briana, then back to Clayton again.

  How the earl showed up at that timely moment, Briana didn't want to know. Something to do with Whitehall, no doubt.

  Clayton seemed at a loss for words, but the next moment he dragged Briana into his arms and kissed her until her knees gave way. When he was done, he held her against his side and shot a determined glance toward the earl and Agatha. "If you must know, I was sweeping my wife into my arms so I could bring her upstairs and—"

  Agatha clapped her hands over her ears. "Stop! I don't want to hear it! You insolent puppy!"

  Stonebridge laughed. "Go on, Clay. I want to hear it. I happened to be told about your new wife early this morning. Ah, don't worry, I am not going to call you out. Unless I miss my guess, you are in love."

  "Of course I'm in love," Clayton said.

  Blushing, Briana opened her mouth to speak when Clayton cleared her feet from the floor, moved into the hall and started carrying her up the steps.

  "For your information, Jared," he said over his shoulder, "I have a few things I need to talk over with my wife, if you don't mind."

  The earl laughed. "But this is Grimstoke's house, Clay. Don't you think—"

  Clayton stopped and turned. "No, I really don't think, as you can probably well testify! Miss Appleby, you can unplug your ears now."

  Agatha dropped her hands. "I heard you. But listen here, you young puppy, if you ever hurt her, I will come after you!"

  Briana let out a light laugh. "Clay, put me down. I think this has gone on long enough."

  Clayton kept walking up the stairs. "Oh, no, madam, that is where you are wrong. This hasn't gone on long enough at all." He looked back at Agatha and gave Jared a wink. "Not at all."

  Agatha gasped "You are without a doubt the most... most... well!" She turned on her heels and marched into the drawing room

  Briana chuckled. "Clay, please. Her head injury. Let me go see her."

  "Oh, no, my little bride. Jared can tend to her. You and I have some business to discuss."

  Briana tightened her hold on his neck. "Oh, about the castle and all its secret hiding places?" Her words were said in such a silky caress that Clayton stumbled on the stairs.

  She wanted to laugh. Merciful heavens, this man was pudding in her hands.

  Clayton paused and gazed warily back at her. "You know, I think we have a problem here."

  She frowned. "What is it?"

  "I believe I married a woman with an intellect that far exceeds my own, did I not?"

  She shrugged, her eyes peeping from beneath her lashes. "Does it matter, my lord husband?"

  He quickened his pace and smiled. "Not at all. Not at all."

  Chapter Twenty

  Over a month later Briana arrived at the Stonebridge townhouse to visit with her new sister-in-law. She had just returned from her honeymoon and this was the first time she had seen Emily since she had been married. The two had written, of course, but neither of them could wait to see each other. After the tears were shed, the ladies sat down in the drawing room for tea. Clayton was speaking with Jared in his study and would join the ladies later.

  "You know, I wanted to send all those clothes back the minute I discovered your ploy," Briana said, smiling as she referred to the new gowns Emily had sent to Grimstoke Hall.

  "Well, Bree, I can't say they didn't help my plan. You did marry my brother. Not that the gowns did it, but I am certain they caught many gentlemen's attention. And if I know Clay, he has more than one jealous bone in his body. He never liked to share, you know."

  Briana laughed. "Yes, I can see that."

  Emily paused, setting her teacup on her saucer. "But there is something different about you, and it has nothing to do with the beautiful gown you are wearing." She lifted an amused brow. "A gown my brother bought for you?"

  Briana blushed. "Different? How different?"

  "Like a woman who is about to have a baby different?"

  Briana paled. "A baby?"

  Emily laughed. "I was only jesting. You seem as nervous as I did before my child was born."


  Emily's lids fell halfway over her eyes. "Is there something you wish to tell me?"

  Briana circled her finger around her teacup. "I'm carrying your brother's child."

  Emily squealed. "But it's only been—"

  Briana took in a deep breath. "I know how long it's been. But I know my body. And Clayton didn't want a baby so soon. He was determined to spend time alone with me. He mentioned having children, but only in the future."

  "That's silly, Bree. It will be the future. Sometimes Clayton is an idiot."

  Briana fought back a smile. "You're talking about my husband." Then she started to cry. "But truly, I am thinking of telling him in a few months. You know, prepare him." She dabbed her eyes with a handkerchief. "I cry one minute and laugh the next. I don't know what's wrong with me."

  Emily smiled. "You're having a baby. And nothing's wrong with you. Go on upstairs to see Gabrielle for her tea party. Clayton will be here in a few minutes to join you."

  Briana swayed, trying to settle herself against the arm of the chair. Emily was at her side in a second. "And depend upon it, if you don't tell him about the babe, I will."

  About ten minutes later Clayton walked into the drawing room, greeting his sister. "Jared will be here in a minute," he said. "And where are the little ladies who desire a tea party?"

  Emily stood, looking out the window, barely glancing at her brother as he strode across the Aubusson rug. "Gabrielle is upstairs, readying the table," she said. "Briana is there, too."

  Clayton knitted his brows and sank into the wing chair beside the hearth. "Is that cursed dog going to be up there? To tell you the truth, Em, I think Stonebridge should keep the beast in the country. Nigel doesn't fit into city life."

  Emily whirled around, her eyes flashing. "We love Nigel! We love babies! And would you please stop complaining!"

  Clayton folded his arms ove
r his chest. "It isn't like you to keep silent." He waved his arm in the air. "For the love of the king, don't be civil for my sake. And might I say, I am overwhelmed at your loving welcome."

  "Oh! If I were not a lady I would box your ears!"

  His lips twitched. Had Jared forgotten her birthday? An anniversary perhaps? "Ah, the claws come out."

  "You oaf." She strode across the floor and swatted his shoulder. He didn't flinch. "I never knew someone so pigheaded in my life."

  "Hell's bells, Em. What are you so angry about?"

  "You love her, then?"


  "Yes, you idiot."

  " 'Course I love her."

  "Well, you ninny. She's upstairs right now, wanting to tell you something."

  He jumped from his seat. "Is she ill?"

  "She's miserable."

  "Then what is she doing in the nursery?"

  "Having a tea party."

  "I know that. But what the deuce is wrong with her? I knew something was up. She's been acting rather strange the past week. Crying at the drop of a pin."

  Emily spoke between clenched teeth. "Sometimes I wonder where men come from."

  Clayton didn't hear his sister, for he was already taking the stairs two at a time, practically running down the hall, and then slowing to a sedate pace as he came upon the nursery.

  "Oh, hello, Uncle Clay," Gabrielle said, walking down the hall from the other direction.

  "Hello there, Gabby." He swung her into his arms. "I'm looking for someone. Do you think you could help me?"

  Gabrielle clapped her hands in excitement. "Oh, you're looking for the Fairy Lady? Mama told me you married her."

  "Yes, the Fairy Lady. I need to tell her something."

  "What do you want to tell her? I can do it for you."

  "You can?"

  The little girl nodded.

  "Well, let's see. I want you to tell her I love her. Oh, and don't forget to tell her I miss her."

  "I can do that." Her lips puckered in thought. "Do you miss her this much?" she asked, opening her fingers about an inch. "Or do you miss her this much?" Her arms went wide.

  He chuckled. "The second one because I haven't seen her for almost thirty minutes."

  "That's a long time, Uncle Clay. I think it would be better if you just touch her feckles and make a wish."

  Clayton let Gabrielle slip to the floor. "Could I?"

  She nodded, her blue eyes dancing. "The Fairy Lady is over there." She pointed to the open door of the nursery. Her small hand slipped into his, and he let her direct him into the room.

  He drew in a ragged breath when he saw Briana standing near the window, her back to him. She had been crying. Was she ill? Or could she be regretting their marriage now that she was back in London? He didn't want to think about either of his two choices.

  "There she is," Gabrielle whispered.

  "I see her," Clayton said calmly. "Why, she's even more beautiful than I remember."

  "Yes," said Gabrielle gravely, running to Briana. The girl looked back at Clayton, her blue eyes tearing up. "But I think she's sad. She's crying, Uncle Clay."

  Clayton strode across the room. "Well, did you know when a Fairy Lady cries, there's only one thing to do?"

  The girl put a finger to her own cheek. "Mmmmm, what?"

  "A prince must kiss the tears to make them go away."

  Gabrielle jumped up and down. "Do it! Hurry, Uncle Clay! Do it! Do it!"

  Clayton slipped a firm arm around his wife's waist, taking in the subtle scent of vanilla. "Will you let me kiss the tears, Fairy Lady?"

  Briana threw her hands to her face. She had heard Clayton in the hall. How could she tell him she was going to have his child? She wanted this baby more than anything. But it made her think of Clarice. And she was frightened. What if Clayton didn't want the child? Of course he would. Oh, why couldn't she think straight?

  Gabrielle's bottom lip formed a shovel as she tugged at Briana’s skirt "He wants to kiss them, Fairy Lady. Please, don't cry."

  Briana smiled, wiping away the tears. "I won't cry."

  Clayton turned Briana slowly in his arms and kissed her cheek. "That was one tear."

  "Oh! Oh! There's another one!" Gabrielle cried.

  Clayton touched the outside of Briana's eye. "Here?" he asked, smiling.

  Gabrielle pointed to Briana's face. "Yes!"

  Clayton's lips touched Briana's skin with such tenderness, she buried her face against his cravat and cried even more.

  "It's not working!" Gabrielle said, her bottom lip starting to quiver. "You're doing it wrong!"

  Clayton looked down at the girl. "Hell's bells! I'm trying, Gabby!"

  "Oh!" the girl cried, pressing her hands to her flushed cheeks. "I'm telling Mama! You said bad words!"

  Gabrielle squared her shoulders and turned swiftly around, dashing toward the door before Clayton could catch her.

  He hurried after her. "Gabby!" He thumped his hand against the wall when the girl disappeared down the stairs.

  Briana couldn't keep from laughing. "You want to try again, Uncle Clay?" she said sweetly.

  Clayton glanced over his shoulder. "Why, bless my soul, it worked," he said with a wicked grin, walking toward her.

  He kissed her again, making her world tilt. "I've missed you for all of thirty minutes. Now, tell me why you're so miserable."

  "There he is, Mama! Tell him to go to his room! He said bad words!" Gabrielle's little feet came thumping into the room, along with a laughing Emily and a barking Nigel.

  Clayton threw his hands into the air and winked at Briana. "I confess. I will go directly to my bedchamber as soon as I return home."

  Gabrielle wagged her finger at him. "I love you, Uncle Clay, but next time, no bad words!"

  Briana eased an arm around her husband's elbow. "I shall accompany him, Princess, and make certain he talks nice."

  The little girl nodded her head in satisfaction. "Good."

  Emily's violet-blue eyes gleamed. "And make sure you don't say those words around the baby fairy."

  Clayton stiffened. "Baby fairy?" he said, turning to Briana.

  Emily frowned. "Ooops. Sorry." She grabbed Gabrielle and hurried back down the hall.

  "Baby fairy?" Clayton asked again, his brows knitting into a frown. "Is that why you're crying?"

  Briana swallowed. "Now, Clayton—"

  She tripped over a chair and he caught her.

  "What the devil do you think you're doing?" he growled.

  For a long moment she stared back at him.

  "A baby?" he asked softly. Pride and joy danced in his eyes.

  She nodded, her heart too happy to speak.

  "Well, well!" He seemed very pleased with himself and started kissing the freckles on her nose.

  "You don't mind?" she said. "I thought you wanted to wait."

  He looked up. "Of course I don't mind. What do you think I am, an idiot? Besides, I'm making wishes on your feckles. Wishes for a magnificent life, and wishes for a very large family."

  Overwhelmed, Briana pressed her face against his chest. A sense of peace filled her. She had even told Clayton all about Alistair and he had been wonderful. Briana wished Clarice had loved such a man. "I love you, Lord Clayton Clearbrook."

  His eyes were blurry. "And I you, wife."

  "He has fairy tears, Mama," Gabrielle whispered from the doorway. "Those are very special. Papa told me so."

  Emily wiped the tears from her own eyes and smiled. "Yes, dear, they are very special."

  The door closed and Clayton's smile grew as he wiped his wife's tears away. "I think it's time to return to our castle."

  Briana's heart swelled. "And live happily ever after?"

  "Hmmm, I'm not certain about that. I had better make another wish on one of those feckles first. For my safety, you see."

  She grinned. "And why is that?"

  "Had a talk with Stonebridge. There's danger in the air."

  "Danger?" she asked,

  "Your sweet godmother has bought another blasted parasol."

  Briana burst out laughing. "My hero."

  He opened the door. "You think that funny—"

  "There you are!"

  Clayton's head snapped up at the sound of the all too familiar voice. "Miss Appleby, how nice to see you again."

  A shiny black parasol swung by her side as she marched toward him. "Is it, now? The last time I saw you—"

  With a quick jerk of his arm, Clayton pulled Briana back into the nursery and locked the door. "By Jove, she looks mean."

  Briana giggled. "She is not mean."

  "She looks as if she wants to hit me. What did I do?"

  "You made her cover her ears."

  He smiled. "That was a month ago. But I think I better make a few more wishes, er, for my safety. What say you, Fairy Lady?"

  Smiling, Briana wiped her eyes. "I was wrong. She might be a little mean. You'd better make a lot more wishes."

  "A lot more!" came the voice from beyond the door. "And Tinkles and Tumeys has a multitude of parasols for me to choose from! Do you hear me, my lord?"

  Briana bit her lip. "I think she's going to stand by that door until we come out."

  "Dash it all, she can wait all day and all night for all I care. I have more than a few feckles to kiss."

  Briana suppressed a giggle as his lips covered hers.

  "Open up this door, you young puppy! I have a few things I want to say to you! Now that you're home—"

  With a quick turn, Clayton whipped open the door. Agatha stumbled into the room, and he caught her. "And I have something I want to say to you, Miss Appleby. First I think you should return to Tinkles and Turneys to buy yourself some more parasols." Her jaw dropped. "For the baby, my dear lady. We don't want your goddaughter's child to have too much sun, do we?"

  "Child?" the lady said with a squeak in her voice, peering intently at Briana's stomach. Agatha surprised Clayton, turned and headed toward the door. He started to follow her, and she whacked him in the shin with her parasol.

  His eyes grew wide. "What the devil was that for?"

  "Don't just stand there, my boy! Go kiss those feckles."

  With those last words, Agatha slammed the door closed, leaving the couple to stare at each other in stunned amazement.


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