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Cameron, Paige - A Fling with the Billionaire Cowboy [Wives for the Western Billionaires 5] (Siren Publishing Everlasting Classic)

Page 9

by Paige Cameron

  Lily bent over in laughter. “If you could see your face.”

  She wiped her eyes and went to get a dish cloth.”

  “There are my two favorite girls.” Ty walked in the kitchen with Dirk behind him.

  Dirk raised his eyebrows when he saw Diana in Chelsea’s arms. “And there are my two favorite girls,” he said.

  Ty kissed Lily and patted her butt. “Watch it, fella. We have company.”

  “They aren’t company. They’re family.” He gave her one more pat before turning to greet his daughter. As soon as Diana saw him her little arms went up.”

  “She’s such a girl,” Chelsea said. “Here she is already deserting me for two handsome cowboys.”

  “What can we say, darlin’,” Dirk teased. “All the women want a cowboy.”

  “Right. I should puncture that balloon head of yours. It’s getting too big. And I thought I was bringing lunch to you?”

  “I called the house and didn’t get an answer. I took a chance you’d come to visit Lily. We decided to break earlier. We’ll still go on our picnic.”

  “We’d better. The cooler is packed.”

  Dirk surprised her by leaning down to kiss her. “You taste like Lily’s cinnamon coffee cake. Can I have some and coffee, Lily?”

  “Sure. Both of you sit down. I’ll get it for you.”

  “No, you won’t.” Ty handed Diana to Dirk. “You sit. I can tell you’ve been cooking all day. And your bell just rang for whatever you have in the oven.” He grabbed a pot holder and pulled out a sheet of chocolate cookies. Ty glanced at her and Lily’s face blushed red. “Does all this baking of sweets indicate something I should know?”

  “I’m not sure. Get your coffee and cake, and Dirk’s.”

  Ty winked at her before turning to his task. “We’ll talk later.”

  Chelsea was mesmerized by the way Ty and Lily treated each other. It was obvious they were much in love and respected and cared for one another. Ty had no problem jumping in to help his wife, as Lily had said earlier. It was a partnership. Not one man commanding the rest of the family.

  Dirk was playing with Diana, and the baby giggled in glee. The whole scenario ran in front of her like a movie of what life could be like instead of what she’d seen all her years growing up. But was it too good to be true? The ultimate question was, would it last?

  * * * *

  After his cake and coffee, Dirk suggested they leave.

  Ty was going back out to work with the men.

  “I’ll leave my horse here, Ty. Chelsea can bring me back after our picnic. I’ll ride south and meet up with you and the guys.”

  “No rush. Enjoy your picnic. I’m taking Lily on one next week. Maybe Chelsea would keep Diana for us for the few hours we’re gone?”

  “You know I haven’t the faintest idea of what to do with a baby.”

  “Looked like you were doing all right when I walked in. It isn’t difficult, feed her, change her, and put her down for a nap. See you two.” He rode off before she could find another reason why they shouldn’t leave their baby with her.

  “You have to make him understand. I’m not a baby person,” she said to Dirk.

  “I don’t suppose most women are until they have one of their own. This will give you practice.”

  Chelsea decided nothing she said was going to change their minds. She’d handle it. After all, she’d been in the war zone. How much trouble could one little baby be?

  They’d ridden quite far when Dirk took a right onto a rutted dirt road. The SUV bounced from one bumpy spot to the next.

  “Where in the world are we going?”

  “To one of my favorite spots on the ranch.” Dirk slowed as they approached several large rocks, taller than the nearest tree, and sitting at the bottom of a mountain. He parked. “This is where we get out and walk.”

  “Up the mountain?”

  “No, around the side of those rocks.” Dirk grabbed the cooler and handed her a blanket. “Let’s get going.” He led the way.

  They circled two rocks and went between the second and third. Chelsea followed him through the narrow opening.

  “I’m not sure how you got that cooler—” She stopped and stared at the setting in front of her. Nestled between the rocks was a pool of clear water. Bushes and flowers bloomed around the edges. One spot had a sandy opening as though waiting for a person to walk into the pond. The blue sky and white wispy clouds overhead added to the beauty of the area. Sunlight sparkled off silver streaks embedded in the rock’s surface.

  “A fantasy world,” Chelsea mumbled.

  “Yes. And all ours for this moment. Shall we swim before we eat?”

  “You didn’t tell me to bring my swimsuit.”

  “Who needs one? No one can see us. There’s not a rider, a house, or a plane in sight. Be wild and wicked.” He grinned at her, and started to remove his boots and the rest of his clothes.

  She enjoyed watching him. His tanned skin shone in the sunlight. Light sparked off his midnight black hair. He had blue eyes that rivaled the sky. He was all strong muscles, wide chest, and flat six-pack, and with the face of a dark angel. Her heart fluttered at the thought of him touching her, making love to her. Desire made her pussy clench.

  “Are you going to stare at me or join me?”

  “It’s pretty good just staring.”

  “No fair. If you aren’t undressed in five minutes, I’ll dunk you in with your clothes on.”

  “You would, too.” She quickly stripped, then swung her hips as she walked to the edge of the water.

  “I think I hear a horse.”

  Chelsea flew into the water up to her neck. “See, I told you.” She stopped and stared. Dirk laughed until he had tears in his eyes.

  “I knew that would get you in the rest of the way.”

  “What a silly, dirty trick.” She stomped toward the shore. Dirk reached out and grabbed her.

  “Let me down this minute.” Chelsea pretended to be mad. But her body was on fire for the tall cowboy.

  “Certainly.” Dirk let her slide along his front as he gradually let her feet touch the sand. He released her. “Are you sure you want to get out?”

  His hard cock pulsed against her. His eyes had darkened to a deep blue. His musky cologne and man smell weakened her knees.

  She ran her fingers across his taut shoulders. “I may need help getting out.”

  A flash of light gleamed in his eyes. “I’d be most happy to assist you.” He swung her up into his arms and walked to shore where he laid her on the blanket.

  “You planned to seduce me all along. You don’t even care about eating.”

  “Yes, I’m seducing you, but you’re wrong. I am hungry, for you.”

  He stood above her as the sun warmed her skin. “Beautiful. Where shall I start my banquet?”

  Chelsea shivered. He reminded her of the old stories about men battling for their woman. His long legs were on either side of her. His face was hidden by the shadows.

  She put her arms up to him. “Come to me, my love.” She startled herself when she used the word love. She was always so careful to keep it out of her vocabulary.

  He didn’t say anything, but he knelt and kissed her chest in the valley between her luscious breasts. His hands cupped them. Then he tasted her plump nipples. Gradually he let his whole body cover hers. He held his weight off her by his elbows.

  “Where shall we start, my love?”

  Chelsea pushed him, and he rolled onto his back. “I want to be in command.”

  His sensuous smile tightened the coil of desire in her abdomen. “I’m yours.” His husky voice made her shiver again.

  She studied his body as she nibbled, licked, and kissed her way down his length. Starting at his earlobe, she moved to his neck, along the edge of his shoulder, across his nipples to his flat abdomen. His skin was warm, and firm, and tasted salty in places. When she’d put her head against his chest, she heard and felt the pounding of his heart. He looked at her w
ith hooded eyes. She heard a faint groan when she ignored his rigid cock and sat straight, running her hands up and down his muscled legs.

  Then, finally, she cupped his sac with one hand and held his velvet, soft-skinned, firm cock in her other. He almost jumped. His body bowed, pushing his dick further into her hand.

  Gently, she ran a finger around and across the top of his dick. Then she placed her body in position to take him inside her hot, wet pussy. “Wait.” His breath rumbled in his chest, and his hands clamped onto her waist. “I’ll get the condom.” He grabbed one from his jeans pocket and quickly put it on. “Now try that position again.”

  She straddled his body and sank down, taking his cock inside the tight, inner walls of her pussy. Pushing upward, his dick filled her.

  Chelsea taunted him by moving very slow, and then fast for a minute, then slow.

  “You’re living dangerously.”


  He rolled her and plunged deep and hard, taking her swiftly over the edge into a warm haven of delight. “That’s how.” Dirk answered her previous question. “My tether had reached its limit.”

  Dirk lay beside her until his breathing slowed. He rose and ran into the cool water.

  Chelsea watched a minute before she joined him. They splashed and played until she reminded him it was getting late.

  “Yeah. You drive. I’ll eat a sandwich on the way back. We’ll do the picnic another time. I got diverted.” He kissed her mouth and gave her sweet ass a pat as she walked by him to dress. “You distract me all the time.”

  She swished her hips, dressed, and walked out of sight between the rocks. His groan followed and made her smile.

  Chelsea returned to the house after dropping Dirk off. She ate her sandwich and poured soda into a glass. She’d take her drink and go turn on Dirk’s computer to look at laptops.

  It had become a habit for her to glance at the loft as she walked by. Something caught her eye. She tiptoed up the stairs.

  Her hand went to her mouth. Furniture. A desk and matching chair sat in the spot she’d have chosen. On the surface of the desk was a laptop. On another small table a printer and paper. Everything a person would need to start writing.

  Should she open the laptop? She walked closer. He must have set up this room for a new office. Tentatively, her hand touched the top of the computer. Unable to resist, she sat in the plush chair, opened the top, and pushed the on button. It had been set up with all the necessary programs. There was one e-mail. Probably a message from the manufacturer. She clicked, feeling guilty at looking at someone else’s mail.

  Hi, love. I knew you wouldn’t be able to resist turning the computer on or looking at the mail. I set it up under my email account so you wouldn’t be bothered with a deluge of mail until you’re ready. Start writing that book. Dirk.

  She couldn’t remember when she’d been surprised by a gift. The sunshine coming in the windows gave a soft glow to the loft. Chelsea put her fingers on the keys. Was she making the right decision? She’d never been hesitant before. Her modus operandi had been to jump in first and ask questions later, and look where that had got her, almost killed.

  In a silly way she felt like typing the first sentence of a book was making a commitment to stay here with Dirk. But the desire to write was too strong. When he came home, she’d make sure he knew she was using his equipment temporarily.

  There, that was settled. She set up her page and began to type.

  * * * *

  “I thought I might find you here.” Dirk’s deep voice startled her. “It’s getting dark. I’m surprised you can see well enough to type.” He bent to see what was on the computer as she jumped up.

  “Oh my gosh. I forgot dinner and everything. Is it really this late?” She checked her watch.

  “It is. Don’t worry about dinner. Ty invited us to join them.”

  “But I”—she shook her head—“I was going to cook a real good dinner to thank you.”

  Dirk gave her his sexy smile. Whenever he did, she wanted to jump his bones.

  “I can think of other ways to thank me. We can discuss them when we get home tonight.”

  “There’s just one problem. You spent a lot of money, and I’m not sure how long I’ll be here.”

  “It’s not a problem. Your idea was good. The loft makes a perfect office. I’ll use it when you leave.”

  “But you already have an office.”

  Dirk cupped her head in his hand and tipped her chin upward. His mouth brushed across hers, just barely touching. Her insides quivered with the desire for more.

  “Maybe I’ll turn it into a nursery. Because one of these days I plan to marry. I want children. The first time I held Diana I knew I wanted to have a child of my own in my arms.” His eyes darkened and seemed to hold a warning in them. “I won’t marry a woman unless she has the same feelings I do about home and family.” He gave her another quick kiss and started down the stairs. “Better get ready. They’re expecting us in half an hour.”

  Bemused, Chelsea touched her lips. He’d given her a gently worded warning. She’d been surprised. In a way she’d always thought she had the upper hand. Up until the day she walked off after she turned down his proposal and she didn’t hear from him again. She’d thought, maybe hoped, he’d change his mind and stay overseas. He didn’t. And when she encountered him the one time at the ranch after that, he hadn’t seem interested at all.

  But then he’d rescued her. He put his life on the line. He must care for her. Yet he’d said he would find someone else to marry if she didn’t want the same as him.

  Perplexed, not sure she knew Dirk as well as she thought, Chelsea went to the master bedroom where they’d moved all her clothes. Dirk was coming out of the shower. His black hair was wet, and drops of water glistened on his broad shoulders. Heat flashed from her middle to the tips of her fingers and the end of her toes. He looked good enough to eat.

  Sauntering across the room to him, she stopped in his space. Her finger ran across his chest, brushing his nipples. A flash of fire burned deep in his eyes, and he took a quick breath.

  “I don’t suppose we can call off tonight and stay in?” She whispered the words in his ear.

  With a firm touch he set her back from him. “I accepted. They’ll be expecting us. I’ll dress while you have your shower.”

  Stunned, she watched him stroll to his closet and step inside. Her balance was off. What had happened? It was as though they’d been playing a game, and he’d taken control.

  Everything he’d done for her raced through her mind, rescuing her, taking her to a place for privacy, giving her time to recover. And today surprising her with just what she wanted. When he made love to her, her body pulsed with pleasure and love. Love? Maybe. But she wasn’t the right woman for him. She still didn’t see herself as a wife and mother puttering around the house.

  She’d started a story on her new laptop. She knew where she was going with it and how it would end. But Dirk and her—she had no idea. She feared it might end badly for both of them.

  Chapter Eleven

  They were headed out the door when the phone rang. “Hi, Mom,” Dirk answered. “How is everyone? I know I haven’t been home in some time. Everyone’s going to be there? I’ll come, but I have a guest I’ll be bringing.” He laughed. “Yes, a lady. I think you’ll like her.” He glanced at Chelsea and winked. “All right, tomorrow at noon. See you. Love you, too.” He flipped the cell shut.

  Dirk put his arm around Chelsea’s waist and escorted her to his truck. When they were in and driving toward Ty’s place, Chelsea spoke.

  “I take it that was your mother?”

  “Yes. Wanting to see her darling son.” He laughed when Chelsea made a face at him. “She believes I’m her darling.”

  “Right, she’s your mother. What was this about us being somewhere at noon tomorrow?”

  “All the family is getting together to celebrate my sister’s twenty-third birthday. I must admit I’d forgotten.
I’m usually better at remembering, but my thoughts have been in other directions lately. This will give you a chance to meet the whole Brodie clan.”

  “Sounds overwhelming to meet them all at once.”

  “Get the shock over with, and then you can begin to see who they really are. They’re all unique in their own ways.”

  “I’d planned on writing tomorrow.”

  “No. Even if we weren’t going to see my family I’d want us to spend time together on the weekends.”

  “I don’t remember this being part of the agreement when I came here.”

  Dirk parked at the front of the house. He turned to face her. “Are you refusing to go with me?”

  “Well, no.” She’d never tell him, but she was curious about this big family. “I’ll go.”

  “Fine. We’ll leave at nine. It’s about a two-hour drive. I’ve ridden my horse before, but you haven’t done any long horseback rides lately. We’ll take the truck.”

  “Thank goodness for small blessings.”

  Dirk opened her door and lifted her out. He let her body slide against him, and then held her against the side of the truck. Dipping his head, he took a deep breath at the junction between her neck and shoulder. “You smell delicious. I’ll show you how much when we get home.” He put his arm around her waist and walked her to the door.

  Home. It had a nice ring to it. I’d better watch out, or he’ll have me seduced right into being a cowgirl again.

  Ty and Lily greeted them at the door. Diana let go of her mother’s neck and put out her hands toward Dirk. He laughed, took her, and cradled her in his big arms. He kissed her forehead and the tiny hands took hold of his jaw.

  “See what I mean?” Lily nodded toward her baby daughter. “She likes men best, especially daddy and her adopted uncle. Come on in the kitchen with me. We’ll talk while I finish our dinner.”

  Chelsea started to follow her. She glanced back. Diana was grinning and waving her arms and kicking her feet while enfolded in Dirk’s embrace. Chelsea noted the look on his face when he smiled at Diana. Her heart gave a lurch. He’d make a great father and a wonderful husband.


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