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Crucify (Triple Threat #4)

Page 6


  “Tell me, Father Tim,” Archer finally said. “What would you counsel a man who confessed to homosexual activities?”

  “Are you seeking spiritual counseling?” Monsignor Edwards asked. “Because that might be a more appropriate question for you and I to discuss in private, Archer.” Clearly, he was trying to deflect attention from the younger priest, and probably trying to preserve the potential donation.

  Ignoring the offer, Archer never looked away from Tim. “What if I confessed to having sex with another man? Would you tell me to pray away my gay? Maybe take me to your private group?”

  The monsignor turned to eye his priest. “What is he talking about?” Turning back to Archer, he said, “I think there has been some misunderstanding. St Joseph’s doesn’t have any such group. Perhaps—”

  I depressed play button on the remote in my hand. I might have done a little editing for the efficiency of today’s meeting, but I would provide the full recoding now, if required.

  The volume was turned up so Jeremiah’s voice carried clearly over any noise in the room.

  “Ihadsexwithothermen.” His swallow was audible. Then in a quiet voice, he finished, “For these and all sins of my past life, I am truly sorry.”

  Father Tim’s voice was clearly recognizable. “I hear the hesitation in your confession. There are questions that must be answered before you can truly seek forgiveness.”

  “Sir? I mean, Father? What more should I say?”

  “How many times in the last six months have you engaged in homosexual acts?”

  “Oh. Uhm…lots. I don’t know, many times…”

  “Do you truly repent of your actions? Do you ask God’s help in avoiding acting on your homosexual impulses in the future?”

  “I…uh…I think…”

  “Listen, son. This is clearly an issue in which you need more counseling, more penance than a few prayers before you head out the door.” There was a shuffling noise. “I am available at seven tonight. I will meet you at—”

  “Wait. You want to meet me?”

  “I will meet with you privately, yes. Later, I may have you come to a meeting I hold for similarly troubled men. Tonight, let’s just talk and get to know one another so that you are more comfortable working through this issue. Since we both need to eat, we can meet for dinner; break bread together in the name of our Lord.”

  The Monsignor’s face was pale, but he stood as the audio ended. “Any conversation occurring in within the sanctity of the confessional is privileged. I don’t know if it’s an actual recording or how you got it—”

  The door to the study pushed open and Jeremiah stepped in, carrying a laptop. “That would be me in there, Monsignor. And no problem on the violation—I’m not actually Catholic. I just play one on TV.” His smile was tight as he turned the screen toward the priests.

  “Now, this particular movie only shows me for a little bit. Then a good friend of mine takes over the starring role.” He hit play, and as the video started to roll, he gave a little warning. “You probably should sit down, Monsignor. This might be a bit of a shock.”

  The older man sat heavily and allowed the show to run for a few minutes without speaking. Father Tim shifted, as if he was getting ready to stand, but sank back into his seat when the senior priest shook his head slightly. When Nick dropped to his knees on screen, the Monsignor raised his hand and looked away.

  “That’s enough.”

  I stepped forward, speaking for the first time since showing them into the room. “One would think so…however, why don’t you take this information with you to study.” I nodded at Jeremiah to stop the video, then dropped a large buff envelope in the priest’s lap. “In addition to an unedited copy of the video, you’ll find a four-year history of Father Tim’s sexual contact with the young man known as Gabe, along with a history and the membership of his pray–away-the-gay group meetings. The very meetings he used to lure men into sexual relations disguised as counseling sessions.”

  “I didn’t—” Father Tim’s face flushed an angry red as he looked at Jeremiah. I instinctively moved closer. “You lied to me! You aren’t even Catholic, and you lied during the Sacrament of Penance!”

  “No sir—you are the liar. You lie every time you put on that collar. You lie when you kneel before God. You lie when you look in the mirror. Now get out of our house and don’t you ever go near my friend again.”

  In the silence that followed, it was all I could do to keep from applauding Jeremiah’s speech. Sure, it might have been a little over the top, but it was fine and good and he was protecting a friend. My gaze met Archer’s and I saw the same pride and love I was feeling reflected in the blue-green depths of his eyes.

  The Monsignor was the first to recover, pushing slowly to his feet, with the envelope clutched against his chest. The lines on his faces etched deep, his pallor gray. He looked years older than when he’d arrived. He stepped over to Jeremiah with his hand extended.

  As they shook, he said, “Thank you for bringing this to my attention. Please…when he’s able, I would like to talk to your friend. Or if not me, allow me to find him someone to help him work through these…experiences.”

  Standing, Archer moved closer to Jeremiah, subtly shifting the priest’s attention. “I think you can be sure we’ll get the young man what he needs. We’ll contact Deacon Gregg for any spiritual guidance. Thank you for your time. Now, if you’ll follow Zachary, he’ll show the two of you out.”

  Tim stood on unsteady feet, swaying slightly until the older man took his arm and together they walked across the room.

  A motion behind me drew a quick glance, and I saw Ken stand and step over to my lovers. Just as I followed the priests out the door, I heard Deacon Ken. “By the way, Archer, here’s the dollar amount it would take to cover those tithes.” I smothered my laughter as I stepped outside.

  As I watched the two priests climb into the parish car, my phone vibrated against my hip.

  “Zack? It’s Chance. Have you heard from Nick? I mean since last night?”

  “No. Why? What’s up?”

  “Gerry was supposed to help him move to the apartment above the bar this morning but Nick no-showed. Not much of a surprise given what happened, but I thought maybe if I could talk to him…”

  “Good idea. Why don’t you swing by here and pick me up. I’ll go with you to his apartment and we can talk to him together?”

  “That’s the thing. I’m there now. His roommate said he didn’t come home. His car’s gone, but nothing else. Just looks like he didn’t make it back—”

  “Maybe he’s just blowing the whole thing off? It’s a damn hard lifestyle to give up for two part time jobs.”

  “Maybe…but something feels off. I’ll call you if I hear anything.”

  As the call ended, I caught a flash of brake light just before the departing vehicle turned out of sight on our long drive. Father Timothy was now the Monsignor’s problem and possibly the Vatican’s if the parish leader did his job. We had destroyed Tim’s power over Nick and the young man was now safe from this particular sexual predator. Now, it would be up to Nick to decide what he wanted to make of the rest of his life—ad exec or aging rent boy. Chance was willing to give him a job and a place to stay while he worked things out. I hoped that Nick realized he had friends who cared, friends who would help him if he was ready to turn that corner in his life. He deserved a new beginning.

  Turning to gaze at the home I shared Archer and now permanently with Jeremiah, too, I thought a lot of corners had been turned. Now it was time to gather my men, and finish what we started last night…planning our lives together.

  The End

  About the Author

  Laura likes it hot, which helps explain why she ended up Arizona after living in such diverse places as Japan, New Orleans, Maine, and Florida. She once enjoyed hobbies such as gardening and travel. Now the characters in her head compel her to tell their stories to her readers, so she writes. She shares her home with he
r husband and youngest son, two dogs, and a cat. Laura also writes under the name L.E. Harner, and her books can be found at Amazon, Barnes and Noble, All Romance eBooks, and other online retailers.

  Connect with Laura at:



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