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INVESTED (Dunning Trilogy Book 1)

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by Iris Bolling

  "No, I don't down you because you have three beautiful children. I down you because you force your daughter to take care of them when you should be taking care of her. Let me tell you one more thing. I will not be your punching bag whenever one of your baby daddies is not doing their part to take care of you. You are right about one thing; we came from the same mother. She gave both of us the same chances. You chose one direction, I chose another. Do not blame me for your short falls. Go out and get a job so you can have your own apartment, with running water and stop trying to live off of me and your babies' daddies."

  Gina started crying. "See, Mommy, see how she is always talking down to me."

  "Chrystina, stop it right there," Beverly yelled. Gina started to speak but one look from Beverly and she stopped. "Not another word." She turned to Gina. "I left you here to give the kids a bath and have them dressed by the time I got back."

  "I know but they were hungry. I had to feed them."

  "Then you should have cleaned up behind yourself," Beverly reprimanded, then turned to her oldest daughter. "Chrys, everyone needs a little help every now and then. You could be a little more understanding. Your sister can't do much about her situation."

  "Yes, Mother, she can."

  "Well, she can't do it tonight." Beverly turned to Gina. "Finish cleaning the kitchen, while I check on the children."

  Gina huffed off to do as her mother instructed.

  "You" -Beverly pointed to Chrystina- "come with me."

  Chrystina followed her mother into the bedroom.

  "What happened to your comforter?" Beverly gasped.

  "Your daughter put her son on it with red drink on his shirt."

  "Oh, Chrys, I'm sorry. This is my fault. I'll have it cleaned."

  "What are they doing here, Mother?"

  Beverly sighed. "She called me at work and said her water had been turned off two days ago. They needed to take a bath and wash a few clothes. You live closer to work, so I dropped them off here and went back to work. I didn't mean for all of this to hop off."

  "Mother." Chrystina sat on the bed next to her. "Gina lives in subsidized housing. She pays literally no rent. She gets a check for each child and child support for Money. Why can't she pay her water bill?"

  "She has other expenses, Chrys."

  "Yes, I noticed her nails are done, the hair not a strand out of place and the designer clothes she's wearing. I work every day and can't afford that. Yes, she has expenses and none of them have to do with her children."

  "She has her priorities a little mixed up."

  "Duh, you think?"

  Beverly smiled. "Look I'll get the kids dressed and out of your way."

  "Thanks, Mom. I'll try to help her in the kitchen."

  Still frustrated, but more focused on getting her sister and her children on their way, Chrystina walked into the kitchen, picked up the hand towel and began drying the dishes as Gina washed them. They worked in silence until Gina spoke.

  "We did you a favor and ate those hot dogs you had in the refrigerator."

  "How is that doing me a favor?"

  "You keep saying you want to lose weight. Well, if we ate all your food, that's helping you lose weight." She shrugged her shoulder. "If we came by once a week and cleaned your fridge out you might make it down to my size and look as good as I do."

  Chrystina closed her eyes and shook her head. "In your own way I am sure you think you are helping me." She looked over at her sister. "It would help a lot more if you used your food stamps to buy food for you and your children instead of selling them to get your hair done."

  "So what am I supposed to do about my hair?"

  "Get a job, Gina. You know that thing you do Monday thru Fridays from 9-5. Hell you like children. The school system could always use help."

  "If I get a job, when am I supposed to be with my man?"

  "You got three children, you don't need another man. Besides, a man should be at a 9-5 too."

  "If he is at a job how is he supposed to take care of my needs? You know I get those urges during the day and I got to have what I got to have."

  Chrystina stopped wiping the dishes and glared at her sister. "Are you serious right now?"

  Gina’s lips curved up as she burst out laughing. "You should see the look on your face. You know I'm just joking."

  Chrystina shook her head and laughed. "Sometimes, I swear I can't tell when you are joking or being serious."

  "I know." Gina sighed. "I don't have your brains, Chrys. I mean, I could get a job, but to be honest, why should I? I have a roof over my head and food for me and my children."

  Folding the dishtowel, Chrystina turned to her sister and leaned back against the countertop. "Sometimes it's about being in control of your own destiny. Not having to depend on the city to feed your children. Or a man for your needs."

  Gina sighed and mirrored her sister's stance. "You could put a little more effort in finding a man to meet your needs. It would be easy if you lose a little weight and loosen up that damn French roll on your head. You know that went out of style when we were in high school, right?"

  Chrystina touched her hair. "Hey, it's simple, no mess. I don't have time to be doing hair and makeup every day. Girl, my job keeps me running."

  "Nothing is more important than spending a little time on you." Gina sighed. "You know I've spent the last ten years watching you go to that bank, working from sun up to sundown. When do you get to enjoy life from all that hard work?"

  "All right, we’re ready," Beverly, said from the door. "I see you two got the kitchen clean."

  Gina reached out and took Lilwayne from her mother's shoulder. "Yeah, but I did most of the work."

  "You're the one who messed it up in the first place," Chrystina said as they walked towards the door.

  "Don't you two start again," Beverly said as she took Crystallite's hand.

  "Bye, Aunt Chrys." Money tiptoed up and kissed her cheek.

  "See you next time, Money." Chrystina smiled while standing at the door.

  "Umm...Chrys, do you think you can help me with the water bill?"

  Chrystina exhaled and looked at her mother then back to her sister and asked, "How much is it?"

  "Just one hundred and seventy-five dollars."

  "You have a water bill for a hundred and seventy-five dollars? When was the last time you paid it?"

  "I don't know, months ago I guess."

  Beverly sighed. "We'll split it."

  "Aren't you supposed to go on your cruise in two weeks?" Chrystina asked. "You are going to need spending money. Send me the account number and I'll pay the bill tomorrow. For now just get out of my house so I can get some rest."

  "You’re a good sister, Chrystina." Beverly smiled.

  "That's taking it a bit far," Gina groaned.

  "What you say?" Chrystina asked.

  "Nothing, I didn't say nothing. I'll call tomorrow with the account number." Gina smiled.

  "That's what I thought you said."

  They all said their good byes and Chrystina closed the door. She walked into her bathroom and knew the soaking tub was out of the question unless she cleaned it first. She opted for a shower instead.

  Shower done, she walked into the bedroom and sighed. She had to change the bed before she could get in it. "What a freaking day."

  It was well after eleven when she finally crawled under her clean sheets. No television tonight, she was just too tired. Instead she reached over and hit the play button on the message from Myles.

  'Hello, Chrystina. I want you to take a few days. Drink plenty of fluids, get between the sheets, and rest. I'll handle things at the office. You take care of you. See you on Monday. Not a day sooner.'

  The message did what it has done for her every night since he sent the message two years ago, put a smile on her face. Now, when she closed her eyes she had more to add to it. The memory of the morning they made love. Oh, she was delusional. She understood for Myles it was just sex. She was the person w
ho happened to be there in his time of need.

  One minute she was on her knees holding him, comforting him, then the next minute she was kissing him and he was kissing her back. His tongue stroking hers, causing a heat so intense, no fan could have cooled it. Her body shivered with every stroke of his tongue. The deeper his tongue plunged, the more sensations flooded her body. Their breathing quickened, her muscles tensing, longing for him to touch the area that has gone so long, waiting to be awakened. His hands began to roam to her thighs, then they were caressing them causing sensations to surge through her body. Then his finger touched her wetness. A gasp escaped her throat. Lord she hadn't been wet in so long, she didn't even know how her body knew to generate the moisture. But it did, for Myles. Things were happening so fast. She remembered him calling her name, asking permission to continue or asking her to stop him; she didn't know which, but there was no way she could stop. She didn't remember if she answered him or not, for in the next moment her legs parted and a piece of heaven entered her, demanding her attention. The thickness filled her, the warmth caressed her and the power, oh the power each time he thrust into her, ignited a sensation that crawled through her, building more and more until it exploded. Leaving her heart pumping vigorously, her mind spinning and her body humming.

  "Hmm," she sighed as she slipped deeper under the covers to let the memory caress her to sleep.

  Chapter Twelve

  The light tapping on the door startled Myles as he sat straight up in bed and looked around. It took a moment for him to recognize the guest suite in his parents' home. Then he remembered. It wasn't a dream. He was voted in as CEO and President of Dunning Bank & Trust. He fell back against the pillows and threw his arms over his eyes.

  "Myles, are you in there?"

  The soft sound of AnnieMarie’s voice caught his attention. He replied as he sat up, "Yes, come in."

  The door opened and the face of his beautiful baby sister appeared.

  "Myles!" She immediately covered her eyes and turned her back as she yelled.

  Looking down, he threw the cover over the lower part of his naked body. He adjusted the pillows behind him then sat up in bed.

  "Okay," he said. As he wiped his face, he saw AnnieMarie peeking through her fingers. "Oh cut the act. It’s not like you have never seen a naked man before."

  AnnieMarie smiled, then jumped on the bed with her brother. "That's why I love you, Myles. You are the only one around here that doesn't treat me like a baby."

  He tapped the bridge of her nose with his finger. "That's because you are not a baby. You are a grown woman and it's time for you to come back to work."

  "Myles," she exhaled and looked away.

  "Do you want me to fire him?"

  "Cainan?” Her head snapped around to look at him. “No, he didn't do anything wrong." She looked away from him.

  He reached out using his finger to turn her face back to him.

  "Listen to me, AnnieMarie. I know you are intelligent enough to know you did not cause Dad's heart attack. The only reason you are avoiding work is because of Scott. At this time I have no reason to let him go. However, if it will make you more comfortable I will move him to another location."

  AnnieMarie stood and walked over to the window that overlooked the gardens. She looked so much like his mother at times it was hard to tell them apart from the back. The only difference was AnnieMarie wore her hair in a ponytail these days while his mother wore hers down.

  "Myles," she began, without turning back to him, "do you know why Daddy wanted me to stop seeing Cainan?" She turned to him with a hopeful look. "I mean, was something happening at the bank?"

  "Nothing we've been able to find."

  She seemed to physically relax. "I never thought so. Cainan is so anal when it comes to some things."

  The last thing Myles wanted to do was question AnnieMarie. But there were certain things he needed to know.

  "Turn your head."

  When she did he threw the covers back and put on his robe. Thank goodness for Chrystina. She had all his favorite things sent to his mother’s house.

  "Do all men sleep in the nude?"

  "I don't know. I never slept with one," Myles replied as he took her hand.

  She laughed at him. "Thank goodness. Think of all the women’s hearts you would break."

  They sat at the table next to the window. "Tell me about Cainan."

  AnnieMarie shrugged her shoulder. "What do you want to know?"

  He squeezed her hand to get her to look up at him. "Anything you want to tell pressure. I just want to know more about the man you seem to have a thing for." He waited as he saw the tears come to surface.

  AnnieMarie looked up just as a tear ran down her face. "I love him, Myles." She pulled her hand away and sat back in the chair. "I know the family hates me for it." She wiped the tears from her face. "Mother can't even look at me she is so hurt by what I did. Grace and Gary keep their distance. And Mike, well, he's just straight up with his disgust."

  "Look at me, AnnieMarie." When she did not look, he raised his voice. "Look at me now!"

  She turned to him with tears streaming down her face. "No one…no one in this family hates you or holds you responsible for Dad's death. I want that out of your mind."

  "Feelings don't just disappear at your command, Myles."

  "They don't? I thought they did. Hell, it worked when Dad gave the command." He pointed his finger imitating his dad. "Myles, stop lusting after that girl."

  AnnieMarie laughed. "You sound just like him."

  "Good." He smiled. "Is the command working?"

  "No, but it was a good try," she said holding a solemn smile.

  "AnnieMarie, Mother is reflecting what she sees in your eyes every time she looks at you. She sees the hurt and guilt you are carrying around about Dad. Mother is so worried about you she cannot function. Think about it. She has lost her husband and her fear is she may be losing her daughter as well. As far as Grace is concerned, she doesn't come near for fear you are going to break down. Seeing her free-spirited baby sister so distraught up close upsets her. And Gary, well, he's so into women he doesn't have time for anything else. Not your sadness or dealing with his own loss. As for Michael frowning every time he sees you, well that's because he wants to beat the pulp out of Scott for taking the spark from your eyes."

  "Cainan did not take that away. He is more miserable than I am. He doesn't understand why I'm refusing to see or talk to him. You tell Mike to stay away from Cainan," she cried out as she jumped from the chair. "I would never forgive him if he puts one finger on Cainan. Do you understand me?"

  Happy to see the flare of anger in her, Myles stood and held up his hand. "Hold on there, Hidden Dragon gone wild. Michael is not going to harm Cainan. But you did leave the man with no backing."

  AnnieMarie stood there with her hands on her hips just staring up at Myles with a confused look on her face. Then she broke out into laughter.

  "Myles," she continued to laugh. "Who in the hell is hidden dragon?"

  With a low rumble in his chest, Myles replied, "I have no idea. It's something I've heard Chrystina say."

  "By all means take that woman to the big office with you. She keeps you young. You are always so serious. It's kind of nice to see the silly side of you."

  "It would be nice to see the business side of you back in the office," Myles countered. "Do you have any idea how much flack I'm getting from Mitch because you are not there? Not to mention we have a PR nightmare going on with the vote. Somewhere along the line we have moved to the number three ranking in the world banking industry. The vote and the ranking have phones ringing off the hook. It's my understanding a number of reporters are asking for comments and interviews. Bottom line, I need you in the office."

  "I realize my absence is putting you in a bad position. I apologize for that. But know my people are keeping me abreast of the interview requests and the calls. Give me the day to build up my courage to face Cainan and I wi
ll report to work tomorrow."

  Myles gave her a bear hug. "I'll take it. Chrystina misses you. I think the folks in the office are giving her a hard time about moving to the vault area. It is going to get worse when I have offices moved around. An ally in the office would be nice for her."

  AnnieMarie exhaled, then pulled out of his embrace. "Nancy is the culprit, isn't she? Now that you've been named CEO she thinks you will select her."

  "Nancy has no reason to think that." Myles shook his head. "Nancy is the worst assistant in the office. Why would I take her anywhere?"

  "One, because she looks good and people like Nancy think that’s all it takes. Second, she has no idea what you think of her."

  "What is this obsession with looks? Chrystina looks good to me. As for Nancy, I've expressed my dissatisfaction with her work on a number of occasions."

  "To Chrystina you have, but not directly to Nancy. Chrystina always softens your comments to others. That's why no one in the office knows you are a tyrant."

  "I'm not a tyrant."

  "At work you are. That's another reason you have to keep Chrystina with you. She is the barrier between you and us. She saves us from you. As for the way Chrystina looks, her weight is going to cause her problems with some of the more superficial people in that office. They are smart, but arrogant about working in the vault. In fact, now that you are the president you should look into renaming that area. Maybe the elitist attitude will dissipate."

  "So you think they will shun her?"



  AnnieMarie glared at her brother. "Did you hear what I suggested about the vault?"

  "Yes, changing the name. I think Executive Office would be fine. Now, with Chrystina, how do I prevent them from shunning her?"

  A small smile creased AnnieMarie’s face. She tilted her head. "It's nice that you want to, however, this is one time you will have to let Chrystina fend for herself. Believe me, she will handle it."

  "You're sure?"

  "Yes, I am."

  "I don't know, AnnieMarie, with everyone gone, I feel vulnerable and I'm sure Chrystina does as well. It would be nice to have someone around that we knew was on our side." He took a step towards the window, then stood and looked out. Contemplating his next words, he spoke as if to himself. "Dad left me with the responsibility of taking care of this family and carrying the legacy of Dunning forward. It all falls on my shoulders. I'm not sure I'm the man to handle both."


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