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INVESTED (Dunning Trilogy Book 1)

Page 28

by Iris Bolling

  "I tell you." She wiped the tears. "That was something I would have loved to have witnessed." She sniffed, then settled down again. "Anyway, as far as Myles was concerned, William sealed his fate by putting his hands on Chrystina. He was let go with an attractive severance package, so I'm told. But I don't think he will ever work at the bank again." She sighed. "Another part of our history coming to an end."

  A breeze shifted through the trees behind her causing the leaves to rustle. "The night air is changing," she said as she pulled her sweater around her shoulders. "I miss your warmth, Hep. Your laughter, those eyes." She wrapped her arms around her shoulders, tilting her head to the side. "I miss your arms, your kisses. I miss your spirit so much, Hep. I know you are still with me in my heart. Am I being selfish to want you back here, with me, in the flesh?" She heard the rustle of the leaves again.

  "Well, my darling, it's getting late. Jerome, Daisy or both will be out here looking for me soon." She looked up at the sky. "My bed is cold and I blame you, Hepburn Dunning. I am angry at you and will never forgive you for leaving me so soon," she yelled then wiped the tears that fell away. "But I still love you, Hep, and will love you until the day I join you again."


  Winnie was about to stand when she felt the weight of hands on her shoulders. There was something in the touch that sent chills through her. She looked at the brown hands on her shoulders. They were short and stubby. Then he spoke.

  "Do you know how many years I've waited to hear you say those words to me?"

  She glanced at the hands again. That was William's voice, but those hands were brown, not the pale color she was used to seeing.


  "Yes, darling. It's me. I've come to you just the way you have always wanted." He put pressure on her shoulders when she tried to stand. "There is nothing to stand between us being together now. Year after year I tried to understand why you chose him over me. We were both athletic, handsome, charming. While Hep's family was wealthier than mine, I don't think you felt it was a significant difference. No, I know it was never about money with you, Winnieford."

  "William, what are you doing here?" Winnie asked in the calmest voice she could gather.

  "I'm here for you, Winnieford. I'm here to warm that cold bed. With Hep gone, the job ending at the bank and now the changes I've made, why there is nothing, nothing to keep us apart."

  "Changes?" Winnie looked around.

  His hands clamped down harder on her shoulders, digging in.

  "William, you are hurting me."

  His hands loosened. "I would never hurt you, Winnieford." He walked around the side of the bench and knelt in front of her.

  Winnieford gasped. "William, what did you do?"

  "I did it for you." He smiled. "Don't you see, Winnieford? It was the only thing keeping us apart. This is how much I love you." He touched her knee. "It was a process, let me tell you. But it is all worth it."

  Winnie looked into his blue eyes; there was something different. She could see he wasn't many ways. Moving her knee slightly to remove his hand, she slid to the end of the bench. The wrought iron railing stopped her from moving further.

  "William, tell me what you did?"

  He stood proudly. "I changed my skin color, Winnieford." He nodded with a sense of accomplishment. "I became a man of color, just for you. I used a spray gun. Yes, it wasn’t difficult at all. I heard you talking to Hep and I have to say I was angry with Myles for dismissing me the way he did. I wanted to kill him. I tried, but I couldn't find him. But to be honest, it would have never been the same without you." He glared at her. "You were never coming back to the bank, were you? I understand. With Hep gone, coming to the bank would only bring bad memories." He fell to his knees and took her hand into his. "For thirty-eight years, Hep has been between us. But now, he's gone and look." He leaned back and held out his arms. "I made myself over so you will have no fear of being with me. And yes" -he nodded and smiled widely- "it's all over my body. Every inch of me is now brown. Just like you. I could go as dark as Hep, but depth of the color of my skin isn't what's important. No, this is only a demonstration to show the depth of my love for you. I will walk through the depths of hell for you, Winnieford." He jerked back towards her, grabbing her hand, kissing her fingers.

  Winnie stood quickly, pulling her hand away. The action caused William to tilt forward, bracing himself on the bench to stop his fall.

  "William, this isn't right." Winnie looked around, no one was in sight. Walking backwards, away from him, she shook her head. "I love Hepburn. You know that. I don't love you."

  He moved so fast it caused her to lose her balance when he grabbed her by the shoulders.

  "Don't say that." He shook her. "Don't you ever say that." His anger shined through his eyes at her, causing her to whimper. Then suddenly, like a snap of a finger, his anger was gone, his eyes softened. "Winnieford, don't look at me like that." He pulled her to him and hugged her, tight. "I would never, never hurt you." He then pushed her back and held her at arms' length. "You should know that I've saved my heart for you all these years. Waiting for you to finally realize you married the wrong man. It should have been me, Winnieford. Of course we would have had to keep it a secret from my family, but that would have only been for a while, until they got used to you."

  "Oh, William," Winnie cried. "I am sorry." She nodded. "Very sorry. You have been a friend, William. All these years you have been a friend."

  "I know, I know." He smiled, cupping her face with his hands...his brown hands. "But now, we can be so much more. Don't you see? There are no obstacles between us now. We're free. Yes, we are free. Free to love." He pulled her face close to his. His tongue moistened his lips, his eyes closing as he brought her lips closer to his. "Finally, we are free, Winnieford, free," he said as his lips were a breath away from hers.

  Winnie pushed him away, the momentum causing her to fall over the heap of soil on Hepburn's grave.

  "William, no. I don't feel that way about you. I don't love you," she cried out as she crawled to the other side of the grave.

  William grabbed for her leg. She kicked at him as she continued to crawl on the ground to get away from him.

  "No," he shouted. "I have waited all these years. I became a Black man for you...A Black man," he yelled. "I will have you." He caught her ankle as she kicked out.

  Winnie screamed loud enough to wake the dead.

  William stomped across the mounted dirt, causing the earth to disappear under his feet. Both hands grabbed Winnie's feet as the grave beneath him opened more, causing his body to fall deeper into the ground.

  Winnie gasped at what she was seeing. It was as if William was being pulled into the grave...Hep's grave.

  She screamed, and grabbed at anything she could find on the ground to keep his momentum from pulling her under with him. She kicked at his hands, still reaching around for something, anything to loosen the grasp he had on her ankles.

  "Jerome," she screamed out. "Jerome."

  Seconds later, she heard a thump. The grip on her ankles was gone. She turned back to see Jerome standing on the other side of the grave with a bat in his hand. William could not be seen from her angle on the ground. She pulled her legs from the opening in the ground, then crawled towards it.

  Looking over the side of the hole in the ground, there was William, lying at least three feet under the ground, where in her mind, she imagined Hep's hands would be in the coffin.

  "Do you want me to go ahead and throw the dirt in on top of him?"

  Winnie looked up at Jerome with a bemused expression. She wasn't sure whether to laugh or cry at the situation.

  "Do you think...." She let that statement drop. "No." She shook her head. "Never mind."

  "Is that a no to burying him where he lay?" Jerome asked as if he was unaffected by the scene.

  Winnie looked down into the hole again. With dirt everywhere, from her nose to her hair, and all over her clothes she began to laugh. "I
will not put my husband through an eternity of having William on top of him." She stood and began to brush the dirt from her clothes.

  "You want me to pull him out?"

  The way Jerome asked the question was as if he was disappointed. "Yes, if you don't mind. Pull him out."

  "What if I do mind?"

  This time when she looked at Jerome there was a curve to his lips. Funny, she never noticed just how charming a man he was.

  "Pull him out anyway." She cracked a smile.

  "Hell, all right." Jerome reached down, grabbing William's arm and pulled the man from the hole. "How do you suppose the ground gave way like that?"

  Winnie knew what she was thinking but there was no way in hell she was going to tell anyone Hep reached up from the grave to pull William's ass in.

  "I don't know," she replied instead.

  "Well, I'm calling the authorities on him and the funeral director for Mr. Hep." He looked up at Winnie. "You go on up to the house."

  Winnie swiped at her pants, then brushed her hair back. "Yes, I must look a mess," she said as she glanced back at William on the ground.

  "You never looked a mess a day in your life."

  She gazed at Jerome, then looked towards the house. "Yes, well. You okay taking care of this?"

  "I'll have this taken care of in no time. Mr. Hep would be upset if he thought for one minute I wasn't taking care of you right. I'll clean up this pile of crap."

  Winnie smiled. "All right." She turned and started walking the path back to the house. Glancing back once or twice she wondered what Jerome meant by taking care of her.


  “You will not believe what just happened down at the park.” She was still trying to clean herself up when she walked into the kitchen. “I was talking to Hepburn and that darn William walked up behind me.” She stopped, thought then spoke more to herself than to Daisy. “How did he get onto the property?” She shook her head. “Not important, Jerome has him now.” When no question came back to her, Winnie finally looked up to see Daisy’s eyes glued to the television.

  “Are you seeing this?” Daisy asked without turning towards her. “There is APB or a warrant or whatever they call it out on William Mitchell.”

  “What?” Winnie walked over to stand next to Daisy to get a better view of the news report.

  “Again,” the reporter spoke, “There has been reports of gunfire in the Dunning Bank & Trust Headquarters. Police have named the shooter as Ex-Vice-President, William Mitchell. We’ve learned just about a week ago, Myles Dunning was named the new CEO and President of Dunning Bank & Trust, taking over the seat of his deceased father, Hepburn Dunning. We’ve also learned, a few days ago William Mitchell was relieved of his position by Myles Dunning.” The reporter grabbed her earpiece. “Hold on, Chip, I believe a spokesperson for Dunning Bank and Trust is coming out to make a statement.”

  Winnie gasped, “William?”

  “Shhhh,” Daisy hushed her.

  “Oh, thank goodness.” Winnie grabbed her chest. “There’s AnnieMarie coming out of the building. Was anyone hurt? Is there any word on Myles?”

  “Shhhh,” Daisy said as she turned up the volume.

  “Good morning, my name is Annie Dunning. I am the Public Relations Director for Dunning Bank and Trust. At approximately 9:05 am this morning an ex-employee entered the building and opened fire. Three employees were injured; two from gunshots and one with a head wound. They have been transferred to local hospitals. There is no update on their condition. Their names will not be released until relatives can be notified. The shooter is no longer on the premises; however, security measures have been put in place until the person is captured. CEO Myles Dunning is currently securing the building to ensure the remaining employees are safe. That’s all for now.”

  Winnie picked up the phone and dialed a number. Her expression visibly relaxed when the call was answered.

  “I only needed to hear your voice. But I have to tell you, William is here.” She held the phone from her ear at Myles' booming voice. “Jerome has him and has called the police.”

  Sirens could now be heard.

  “I’m putting the alarm system on.” Daisy rushed from the room as Winnie nodded.

  “We’re fine, Myles. You handle what you need to at the office.” She nodded her head to what he was saying on the other end. “I’ll have Jerome to call you. Myles, was anyone seriously hurt?” She closed her eyes to say a silent prayer as she listened. She looked up when Daisy walked back into the room. “Go ahead, son, I’ll talk with you later.”

  “What did he say?” Daisy asked.

  “One young woman was seriously injured. She’s in surgery. Chrystina is with her.”

  “My Lord, Mitchell finally lost it.” Daisy stood with her hands on her hips as she shook her head and sighed.

  Winnie watched as Daisy gave her a once over.

  “What in the hell happened to you?”

  Chapter Thirty-Nine

  "Where are you?"

  "Leaving the hospital," Chrystina told him. "How are things in the office? Is everyone accounted for?"

  "Yes," Myles replied. "Every employee has been verified. The building is closed for the remainder of the day. Essential personnel are on duty."

  "Any word on Mr. Mitchell?"

  "He showed up at my parents’ home. Jerome apprehended him and called the police. He is now in custody. How are you?"

  "Shaken. I can't stop thinking that should have been me."

  "If it should have been, it would have been. God don't make mistakes. So get that out of your head. How is Ms. Green?"

  "Out of surgery. Doctors believe she will make a full recovery."

  "Let's send someone to check on her children."

  "Larry has them. I will coordinate things with him and make sure he has everything he needs for them. I'll make a quick run home to change clothes then will return to the office."

  “Take care, I’ll see you soon.”

  Myles hung up the telephone then turned back to Jonathan. "All is well with Ms. Green."

  "Splendid news. There was a bit of chaos but the storm is not over."

  Myles sat back. "Why do you say that?”

  “You are about to enter into the realm of petty you would never imagine.”

  Myles almost laughed. “How so?”

  “Well, mate, you are now the number one enemy of Phase International and America’s Bank, two of the most influential financial and political organizations in the world.”

  “With that knowledge, explain to me why you are here, Jonathan. Your pedigree is superb. You are the number two man at Phase. You should be looking at starting your own financial institution. Why are you taking a meeting with me knowing at best you would be second in command."

  "I was fourth at best at Phase." Jonathan crossed his legs. "It's all relative.” He smiled. “Would you believe I’m here talking with you out of a sense of duty."

  "No." Myles walked over to his bar. "Would you like a drink?"

  "Aye, I think a spot of tea would do well."

  "Tea?" Myles frowned.

  "Yes, tea."

  "Tea it is." Myles sat his drink on the desk then buzzed Mrs. Vazquez. Who walked in with a cup of tea.

  Myles frowned.

  "No mystery," she responded to Myles' expression. "Sydney indicated he would want an afternoon tea."

  "Spot on." Jonathan smiled at her.

  Mrs. Vazquez blushed at his response then retreated from the room.

  "Can you do anything about that accent?” Myles rolled his eyes. “You will be charming half of my staff before the day is out."

  "Sorry, mate," Jonathan laughed. "The accent comes with the man."

  "Does that mean you are considering our offer?"

  "My purpose in coming here is to save your bank."

  Myles placed his glass on his desk. "I wasn't aware we needed to be saved."

  "The precise reason why I am here." He sipped his tea then looked at Myles. "You
have a traitor in your midst and I am here to help you sort out the bloody mess."


  "Well if you don't believe the duty to my race, will you believe it's because I'm madly in love with Grace? At some point in my life I plan to make her my wife. For that reason it is my duty to protect her at all cost."

  “What happens if Grace does not feel the same?”

  “She does.” Jonathan shrugged.

  “What if she doesn’t?”

  Jonathan sat his cup of tea down then glared at Myles. “Have you ever been in love, Myles?”

  Myles thought about Chrystina and smiled.

  “Ahh, you are in love.”

  He nodded his head. “Yes, I am.”

  “Was there ever a time where you doubted her love for you?”


  “Then you know how I know Grace is in love with me. I’ve had many women in my life, but have only loved one. She is challenging, intelligent and one of the most graceful women I know. When a man loves a woman the way I love Grace, it’s because that woman loves him just as fiercely. I’ve put Grace off to allow her to build her career, me to build mine. It’s now time for us to balance our worlds.”

  Myles' cell phone buzzed. He checked the caller ID then answered the call. “I’ll be right out, AnnieMarie.” He hung up then stood, adjusting his suit coat. “Dunning wants you on board. Our motto is Family First and Foremost. It's the same whether you are family or not. We can probably match your salary with Phase and add a few incentives. If you choose to accept our offer, I expect you to eliminate the traitors, then protect us from it happening again. I have to meet with the press.”


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