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Long Way Home

Page 11

by Vaughn, Ann

  She smiled and waved to Nathaniel as she drove off. He was an extremely charming man, she thought. It was easy to see why so many women had fallen under his spell. He was handsome and charming and honestly, he was a really good kisser. Not quite on Shane’s level, she admitted, but close. But then, she recalled the coldness that had passed over his face when he’d sent Olivia off to Paul’s office, she assumed to receive the same “punishment” Stephanie had. That coldness totally contradicted the tenderness he’d shown to Stephanie when he talked to her. It was a contradiction Tessa didn’t fully understand at this point.

  About a mile up the road, a horn honking caught her attention. She looked up to see Shane and the others in a van beside her.

  “Hey, beautiful, going my way?” Shane said, making her laugh. “Just follow me, baby.”

  They couldn’t get to that diner fast enough. When they arrived, Shane flashed his badge and asked for the use of the manager’s office. He led her inside and as soon as the door shut, he was on her, determined to wipe the taste of Helton from her lips and her thoughts…and from his as well.

  “Are you OK?” he asked, stroking her hair.

  “Yes…but could you just hold me for a minute? I need to feel your arms around me.”

  He crushed her to him, holding her tight. “I’m so sorry, babe.”

  She drew a deep breath. “Stephanie Quinn was beaten this morning. If we went in now, she’d have fresh cuts on her back for evidence.”

  “But she signed the consent forms so there isn’t enough to shut them down.”

  “Nathaniel is charismatic and charming. Those girls in the dorms…did you see their faces, Shane? They were so enraptured of him…like the pictures you see of all those fans with Elvis.”

  “”He’s just a man, Tess.”

  She looked up at him. “I know that, Shane…but the others. They’re all so weak-minded. He can manipulate them so easily.”

  “He took a lot of liberties with you today. Touching you, kissing you at the end for all to see…he’s claimed you, Tess…how are you going to hold him off? Especially with you moving in tomorrow?”

  “I’ll think of something…how long do you think I’ll have to stay there?”

  “I don’t know. I guess that’s up to Gibson and Bruce.”

  “I hope not long…the children are all so sweet. They actually have an innocence about them you don’t see in other children because they don’t watch TV or play video games…how can people who so obviously cherish their children turn around and treat women the way they do?”

  “Sex does strange things to people.”

  “Yes, but-” she stopped when a knock sounded on the door.

  “It’s Gib. I’m coming in.”

  “Door’s open,” Shane called.

  “Everything OK?” he asked, stepping inside.

  “Just fine,” Shane answered, his arm still around Tessa’s waist, anchoring her to his side.

  “We need to come up with a game plan to get Stephanie out of there…it would be easier if you were to be staying in the dorms. Why would you tell him you wouldn’t?”

  “He’d already made a move on me, Gib. I just thought I may be able to collect more evidence if he regarded me as above the girls in the dorms.”

  “But when you questioned him about the Arena he said it was a place you would never have to worry about.”

  “It wouldn’t matter if she got eyes in there anyway,” Shane said, “Those consent forms block us from doing anything. They only way we could go after them is if they send a minor in there.”

  “Look, I have a feeling that once I’m there tomorrow Nathaniel will figure out a way to keep me there. Things are moving much faster than we anticipated.”

  “And if those woman are made to feel you are above them as his mate, they may be intimidated by you.”

  “Just trust me, Gib, OK?”

  He sighed. “I do, kid. I’m just concerned for your safety.”

  “I know.”

  “You’d better get back on the road. If they are monitoring you then you don’t need to linger too long.”

  “Just give us a few more minutes, then I’ll send her on her way,” Shane told him.

  “Fine, but not too long. Stop at the counter when you come out, Tess. We ordered a dinner for you to help with your cover.”

  She nodded. “Thanks, Gib.”

  After he left, she turned back into the comfort of Shane’s arms, snuggling to his chest.

  “I know you can’t be there all the time, but I really will need to hear your voice every day.”

  “I know…but you can’t wear the earpiece all the time like you did today. Especially not with Helton trying to get intimate with you.”

  She sighed. “I know.”

  He tilted her head up and claimed her lips in a kiss that left them both breathless and clinging to each other.

  “I’m sorry you had to sit through him kissing me,” she said softly.

  “You don’t worry about me,” he repeated, “I’m just sorry you had to endure it.”

  “If it means helping those girls I’ll do whatever it takes.”

  He tightened his hold on her. “I know you will, baby. You just be damn sure you take care of Tessa in the process.”

  “I will.”

  “I know you will…we’d better get out of here so you can get on the road. I love you, Tess. Don’t you ever forget that.”

  “I love you, too. No matter what you see or what you hear, know that, Shane Gabriel. Know that I love you.”

  Chapter Eleven

  The drive back to the compound the next day didn’t take nearly as long as Tessa needed it to. She was painfully aware that this was likely the last time she would be outside of its walls and have time to herself for a long time. She’d packed carefully last night, all the fancy designer clothes that went along with her rich girl persona. This morning she’d dressed with calculated precision, Prada, Chanel, the telltale red soled Louboutin heels…everything that would convey wealth and confidence to Nathaniel and remind him that she wasn’t just the average girl off the street.

  The guard waved her through the gate with a bow that made her uncomfortable. She drove up to the Main House where a valet took her bags, another took her car, and Paul Helton stood waiting for her.

  “Nathaniel is currently unavailable,” Paul told her, his cold brown eyes sweeping over her from head to toe. “James will take your bags to your room. Nathaniel has asked that you wait in his office with me and then he’ll show you to your room himself.”

  “Sounds good.”

  He led her to Nathaniel’s office, a huge room of deep dark wood tones that reminded her of classic Lord of the Manor type spaces. She decided it suited Nathaniel perfectly.

  “We really didn’t a chance to speak to one another yesterday,” she said when Paul shut the door. “You are Nathaniel’s brother?”

  Without warning, Paul grabbed her shoulders and roughly forced her back against the wall, causing her to cry out when her head slammed against it.

  “Let’s get something straight here, bitch,” Paul bit out, his fingers digging painfully into her upper arms. “My brother may be enamored with you but I assure you I am not. To me you are no different than those whores in the dormitories. Nathaniel sees something in you and has claimed you before witnesses. That gives you a measure of freedom not afforded to the others, but know this, if you test him he will not hesitate to educate you and I’ll be right there to aid in the lesson.”

  “You’d like that, wouldn’t you, Paul?” she threw back at him.

  His eyes narrowed, “Don’t test me, either, Madelyn.”

  She actually laughed. “Or what? You’ll take me to the Arena? Nathaniel already promised that as a place I’d never go.”

  “Promises made to a woman are meaningless,” he shot back at her.

  “Careful, Paul, you’re sounding like a petulant little boy afraid of his Mama.”

  His temper exploded and h
e backhanded her, knocking her to the floor. She scrambled to retrieve her glasses before he could step on them, then began laughing.

  “Really? Is that all you got?” she taunted him, thankful that she wasn’t wearing the earpiece to hear Shane and the others telling her to back off. “I fought girls in summer Camp when I was growing up who hit harder than you.’

  He grabbed a handful of her hair and yanked her up off the floor just as Nathaniel walked in.

  “Let her go, Paul,” he said in a mild tone, as if he was used to diffusing his brother.

  “She’s not the docile thing you think her to be, Brother. She’s oozing with disrespect.”

  “I never said she was docile, Brother,” Nathaniel countered. “On the contrary, I said she had spirit.”

  “Nathaniel,” she said, calling attention to the fact that she was trying to pry Paul’s hands from her hair.

  “Paul. I said release her. Now.”

  Paul growled and pushed her roughly back to the ground, sending her sprawling. Nathaniel stepped to help her up with surprisingly gentle hands, but his eyes never left his brother.

  “Do not ever touch her again, Paul, do you hear me? Madelyn isn’t one of the dorm girls, nor will she ever be.”

  “You’re going to side with that bitch over your own flesh and blood?”

  “Go attend to your ladies in the Arena, Paul. Leave Madelyn alone.”

  With a final glare at her, Paul left, slamming the door behind him. Nathaniel gently brushed her hair away from her face and examined her cheek.

  “I should have known better than to leave you alone with him. I apologize.”

  She offered him a weak smile. “He hits like a puny girl.”

  Nathaniel laughed and drew her into his embrace. “You are a delight. You aren’t even intimidated by him, are you?”

  She shrugged. “He’s weak. I’m not.”

  “He truly didn’t frighten you. He can be…volatile at times. I try to indulge him with women who give consent but I’m afraid he oversteps himself at times.”

  “He doesn’t scare me, but I will watch my back from now on.”

  “That would be wise. I’m afraid he gets jealous of anyone who tries to get close to me.”

  “He’s your brother. Surely I’m no threat to him.”

  “It’s just been the two of us for so long…but enough about him. Are you OK? He didn’t hurt you too bad? I don’t see a bruise forming.”

  “Nothing I can’t handle. I’ve definitely had worse.”

  He lightly stroked a finger over her reddened cheek. “You’ve been hurt before?”

  “Let’s just say my father wasn’t exactly a Prince. He liked to pick on anyone weaker than himself.”

  “I’m so sorry, Madelyn. What monsters you must think we are here,” he said, catching her off-guard. “What you saw yesterday with Olivia and Stephanie…I assure you it’s all an act. It’s part of the service we provide our clients.”

  In the control room, the men all exchanged puzzled glances. Clients? Services? How stupid did he think Tessa was, Shane wondered. He was still shaking with rage at seeing Paul Helton strike her. And now Nathaniel was telling her that everything she saw yesterday was an act?

  “You all right, kid?” Gibson asked Shane.

  “I’ll be better once I can get my hands on Paul Helton.”

  “You and me both. She handled it well, though.”

  “Yeah. Real well,” he murmured, clutching her ring and dog tags. He looked up at the monitor just in time to see Helton lean in to kiss her. Perfect. Exactly what he didn’t need to see just now.

  “We created quite a bit of a stir last night, you and I. Everyone can’t wait to meet you,” Nathaniel told her. “I’ll formally introduce you at Sunset Chapel tonight.”

  She reached up to stroke his golden hair, smiling when he was at first startled.

  “You aren’t used to having someone freely touch you, are you?”

  “Honestly, no. I’ve run this place for so long with such rigid rules that I’ve forgotten what having someone with free will around is like…it’s quite refreshing.”

  Tessa laughed, she couldn’t help it. When he was like this it was hard for her to remember that she was supposed to be wary of him.

  “You mean all those wide-eyed girls in the dorms who look ready to fall at your feet aren’t cutting it for you anymore?”

  “I don’t think they ever did hold an appeal for me. That’s all for Paul.”

  “They why do you do all of this?”

  He shrugged. “The money’s good and it gives me the freedom to pursue my interests.”

  “And preaching?”

  “Well, I wouldn’t call what I do preaching, per se. More like teaching. I could take or leave it but the clients expect it.”

  “He’s downplaying everything,” Joe said, “why would he do that? And he’s setting Paul up as the Gung Ho one.”

  “Does he suspect her?” Bruce wondered.

  The thought made the room fall silent for several minutes and voiced a small suspicion that had been bothering Shane. Helton didn’t fool him for a moment: he knew exactly what would happen when he sent Paul to escort her in. He’d set her up to provoke his brother then conveniently stepped in before things got out of hand. Tessa surely recognized that. It all pointed to the fact that Nathaniel didn’t trust her and may suspect she is something more than she appeared to be.

  He began to pace while she and Helton made small talk. The whole situation made him uncomfortable. Something wasn’t Kosher about it all.

  “What are you thinking?” Bruce asked.

  “This doesn’t feel right. I think you’re right, he is suspicious of her…let’s look at it from his point of view. This beautiful, wealthy, unattached woman shows up at one of your meetings. She’s hot, she stands out in a crowd so you want to meet her, then BAM! Within four days you're kissing her and she’s moving in, she thinks for the night but you’re sure you can convince her to stay longer…but why? Why would a beautiful, wealthy, educated young woman be interested in staying, especially after you’ve hinted at what goes on here and you’ve given her a taste of violence. Why would she stay unless she has a hidden agenda?’

  Gibson regarded Shane thoughtfully for a moment. “You don’t think he’s arrogant enough to think she’s genuinely attracted to him?”

  Shane shrugged. “It’s possible, sure…but I still come back to this: he knows Paul is unstable. He knew what would happen if he left Tessa alone with him. If you really cared for a woman you would never put her unprotected into a volatile situation.”

  “What do you suggest then?” Gibson asked. “We could pull her out now.”

  “I honestly don’t know,” he admitted. “The part of me that loves her says yes, I want to go in, guns blazing and pop that miserable SOB out of existence…but the cop in me isn’t sure. We don’t have any real evidence to take them down yet.”

  “This is a tough one for me as well,” Gibson admitted. “Tessa was one of those soldiers under my command that I could always rely on. She’s solid.”

  Bruce spoke up. “Let’s give her a little more time. She’s surely got the same suspicions we all have. Let’s give her a chance to work through it.”

  Shane took a deep breath. He knew Bruce was right; they needed to give Tessa a chance to build her case. Didn’t mean he had to like it.

  He turned his attention back to the monitor. Helton was leading her out of his office and up the main staircase, he assumed to her room.

  “So, what’s the history of these buildings?” she asked Nathaniel as they headed up the stairs. “This house is beautiful.”

  “Thank you. My great grandparents built it.”

  “Really?” she asked, surprised. Why hadn’t she known this was family land?

  “Just our own little piece of Texas history. That’s Paul’s wing to the right. I suggest you don’t venture down his way.”

  “Duly noted,” she said, smiling up at him.
  He stopped and looked down into her upturned face, caressing her cheek with such tenderness it surprised her.

  “What is it?” she asked, trying to interpret the look on his face.

  “I’m just amazed how you can smile after that run-in with Paul. You’re cheek is only slightly bruised, thankfully.”

  “Why not? It’s over and he’s not here with us now.”

  “God’s in His Heaven, all’s right with the world?”

  She laughed. “Something like that.”

  “I wish I could be as forgiving. I didn’t like seeing him touch you, hurt you. How is it I could feel this way for someone I just met?”

  “Maybe you should get out more,” she teased.

  He laughed. “You may be right. Let’s go check out your rooms, shall we?” he said, taking her hand.

  Tessa told herself to stay in the moment and not think of Shane to help her focus. She hated to think of what seeing her flirt with another man was doing to him.

  “Here you are,” he said, opening the door.

  “Oh, Nathaniel, this room is stunning,” she said, and she meant it. The room was huge. A luxurious canopied bed was against the far wall, draped in white and soft rose hues, extremely soft and feminine décor. There was an enormous bay window with a window seat the size of a full bed, a fireplace and conversation area. It was beautiful.

  “Through this door is the bathroom,” he said, ushering her inside. It was like something out of a magazine. The bathtub was the size of a small pool. The shower was a large walk-in with multiple showerheads. There was a long vanity and sink along one wall and another sink along the other wall that held notably men’s accessories. “The door at the end of the room connects to my bedroom,” he told her.

  Shane closed his eyes. Sharing a bathroom with him would severely limit her privacy, not to mention the threat to her safety.

  “Oh, wow, Nathaniel, I...” she began but he stopped her.

  “Not to worry, I will respect your privacy,” he said, taking her shoulders into his hands. “I want you to be happy here, Madelyn.”

  “OK, but...”

  “Trust me,” he said, kissing her brow.


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