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My Fake Wedding: A Best Friends to Lovers Romance: A Soulmate Romance Novel (Medical Heart Throb Series Book 4)

Page 8

by Andrea L. Smith

  With a violent head shake, she crossed the street and headed towards a tiny strip mall that served great coffee. She didn’t want to think about it. About him, or what he was doing over at Adrienne’s. It hurt too much.

  A black SUV with heavy tinted windows drove by, then stopped on the curb some ways ahead. Callie stopped, her senses on alert, waiting to see the occupant and breathing a sigh of relief when a woman emerged.

  Damn that asshole Matthew for the constant paranoia. Since the text messages began, she’d been on such an edge. Why couldn’t he leave her alone and move on, just like she was trying to do? Hadn’t he done enough to destroy her life?

  He can’t hurt you anymore. You’re safe.

  Was she?

  She needed Gabriel’s help. Though she wanted nothing to do with him at the moment. Since yesterday, Matthew’s texts had gotten way more frequent than before. She had to tell Gabriel about them.

  Yeah, if he’s able to come up for air long enough. Adrienne’s probably got him in a tight hold.

  Jealousy reigned. She pushed it aside long enough to order a frappuccino and a butter croissant. Choosing a seat by the window of the bistro, she picked the pastry while processing her thoughts. She hated feeling this way, envious, loathing a woman who wanted the same man she did. Well, Adrienne had an upper hand, because it seemed Gabriel wanted her, not Callie.

  Last night was clearly a mistake for him. He must have left before dawn, back to his own bed—or to Adrienne’s. She had no clue. But the fact remained. If their lovemaking had been just as amazing on his end, he would have stayed.

  This is my fault. I should have followed my judgement and kept away. But no. She allowed her need for him to overcloud her thinking. Stupid, Callie. Stupid.

  Her cell phone rang just as she finished the coffee. Thinking it was Gabriel and still being mad at him, she let it run to voicemail. But it kept ringing, so she pulled it from her coat pocket to check. An unknown number flashed across the screen. She pressed the reject button with a curse. No doubt Matthew was on the other end with a new number after she blocked the others.

  Another one bites the dust, she thought, adding it to the blocked list.

  Returning the phone to her pocket, she headed the way she’d come, not ready to face her lonely apartment but too cold to stay outside. As she turned up the walk, a car pulled out from a parking lot and trailed close behind, following her all the way home.


  “Callie?” Gabriel delivered two raps on Callie’s bedroom door before pressing his ear to the wood.

  No answer.

  He left Adrienne’s apartment after rejecting her completely, and her threats followed him out the door. He didn’t care. Let her do her worst; he’d rather take a shot with jail than give up his chance with Callie. Whatever happens, we’ll take care of it together.

  He didn’t know how deep for him her feelings were, but from her response to him last night, the odds were in his favor. He knocked again; his palms sweaty from anxiety.

  “Callie, open up.”

  When the silence prolonged, he turned the knob and looked inside, checking the en suite bathroom before coming out again. There was no sign of her anywhere. Where was she?

  This wasn’t like her, to leave without a message.

  He dialed her number, and after several tries, she picked up. “What do you want?” Her voice had a chill that could freeze the sun.

  He removed the phone from his ear and checked the screen. No way was this his best friend on the other end. But her smiling face on the screen—the irony—proved it was. “What’s wrong now?”

  “It’s nothing, Gabe. Just… leave me alone.”

  “I can’t do that. Not when I know you’re not okay. Where are you?”

  “Don’t worry about me. You already have enough on your hands.”

  He snorted. “What does that even mean?”

  “Whatever you think it means.” He heard a rustling in her background before she added, “hope you had fun with Adrienne.”

  She hung up before his response. He tried calling her back, but it ran to voicemail each time. Cursing, he tried to think of where to search. He had to find her. There was no more running for Callie. Not this time. Not when he now knew what bothered her.

  He couldn’t stop the grin that emerged. Callie was jealous. Jealous! It meant one thing; that the odds were in his favor. Callie used her emotions sparingly. She wouldn’t harbor jealousy for no other reason than love.

  Where could she be? Callie had a circle of colleagues, but friends were few. There was no one in the city she would have turned to. She and Dana seemed to have hit it off, but they hadn’t known each other for that long. Callie wouldn’t have gone to see her.

  He returned to her room, searching for clues, soon discovering the empty drawers. Then it hit him; she’d gone back to her old apartment. Ha, ha, Callie. You can run, but there’s no hiding from me. I’m coming for you.


  Callie cut the incoming call from Gabriel with a swipe across the screen, then threw the phone on her bed. Her behavior was childish, but she couldn’t help it. Or at least, didn’t want to. Just thinking about how Gabriel so easily hopped from her bed to Adrienne’s made her so mad. She didn’t want to hear another explanation of how much of a mistake last night was. His tone hinted that much.

  To rid her mind of him, she went over her plans—meagre they were—for the afternoon. A trip to the bank to encash an investment, lunch with Dana, and a call to her boss about her job, which he assured her would still be available when her work permit came.

  Then back to her apartment. As lonely as it was, it didn’t hold the memories of last night. She’d rather the emptiness over Gabriel’s lingering scent on her sheets, the image of them making love on the carpet, his body bracing hers against the wall.

  Oh, God.

  She pushed the thoughts aside. There were bigger fish to fry, like what she would do when her lease ended in a month’s time. She couldn’t return to Gabriel’s apartment. No way. But she recalled a ‘for rent’ sign for an apartment on the first floor of his building. At the time, she glossed over it, but now she gave it further thought. It wouldn’t be a terrible idea, would it? To move downstairs, close enough if immigration dropped in while keeping a comfortable distance from him.

  Later, when her temper cooled, she would talk to him about it. She didn’t doubt he would agree, to have the apartment to himself again. He must miss bringing women over.

  The sound of the opening front door alerted her. Gabriel. Of course, he found her. It was only a matter of time. Now she wished she hadn’t given him the spare key—what was it about her and giving keys to men? Well, now was just a good time as any to voice her plans to live separately. The sooner they talked about it, the quicker she could secure the space.

  Stepping out the bedroom, she almost ran into him before he caught her with a smile, his firm grip on her arms. Her stomach dropped to the floor. Her body vibrated, and not in a good way.

  Because, it wasn’t Gabriel. Matthew’s cruel smile lashed her, weakening her knees.


  “Let me go!” Callie tried to wring from Matthew’s grasp but it was no use. His iron grip remained. Frustrated, she dipped her head and took a huge chunk of his forearm between her teeth, biting hard. His painful cry sounded before a hard slap to her face.

  “Fucking bitch.”

  At least he’d let her go. She dashed for the landline at once. But he was quicker and stronger, wrestling it from her. He grabbed a fistful of her hair and dragged her to the couch, throwing her down, the fury on his face so wild she feared her life.

  He launched towards her, coming to a stop midway as his gaze landed on her hand. His eyes narrowed as he grabbed and twisted it. “What the hell is this?”

  Callie tugged her hand away. “What does it look like? A wedding ring, you moron.” She shouldn’t goad him, but wisdom had no place in her thoughts right now. Anger h
ad taken center stage.

  “Ohhhh.” A hard chuckle erupted from him, putting her on edge. It was all too familiar, a chilly laugh before he beat her with his fists. She straightened on the couch, looking around for a weapon. No way would she allow him to use her as a punching bag. Not anymore.

  “That’s why you’re still here, isn’t it?” He drew closer, his movements slow and predatory. “Who’s the sucker? How much did you pay him to marry you?”

  Callie smiled, knowing what she was about to say would hurt him. “There’s no sucker, Matthew, just a man I love who loves me too.” Well, it was partly true, but he didn’t need to know that.

  “Who is it?” The question came in a harsh whisper.

  She didn’t answer.

  He gave her a long stare until realization crossed his face. “Gabriel, of course.”

  Still, she didn’t respond. But her eyes kept scanning the apartment for a weapon, always coming back to him, her body preparing for his attack.

  “I knew you had a thing for that asshole. I knew it!” He grabbed her chin, clinching it in place. She gave him the most hateful glare she could summon. “How many times did you fuck him behind my back?”

  “Not enough,” she said, twisting her head so his grip loosened. “He’s twice the man you’ll ever be.”

  Matthew’s lips curled, so did his hands. “Big mistake, Callie, big mistake.” He leaned down to her, the violent rage in his eyes more terrifying than his fists. “I am going to fucking end him. When I’m done, there’ll be nothing left of your husband.” He bit out the last word, his face reddening.

  Callie had no clue where the surge of bravery came from. Maybe it was the threat on Gabriel’s life, the thought of losing him to this madman. But she couldn’t contain the anger as she pushed to her feet. “How about you put your fists where your money is, you weak piece of shit? Have you seen my husband? Taken a good look? Think you can take him? Never, not on your best day. Watch out for his hands, your money won’t save you. He’ll beat the living crap out of you.”

  The expected blow didn’t come. Matthew’s hand remained in midair as the front door opened and Gabriel entered, his expression darkening as he scanned the scene. He didn’t even close the door, just made a mad dash for Matthew, his fists landing even before he tackled the other man to the floor.


  Never in his life had Gabriel known such fury. Never had he wanted to hurt a man to the point of death. But seeing Matthew with his fist raised and Callie’s cowering stance, it removed all control.

  Every pent-up anger for how Matthew treated Callie; the abuse, keeping her away from him—surged through his body and he saw nothing but red.

  He heard Callie’s screams. They came from a distance, much farther than they should be. He ignored them and focused on destroying the enemy beneath him. Never again would he hurt Callie.

  “Gabe, stop! This is what he wants!” Callie grabbed his shoulders, shaking him before he delivered another blow. He paused, breathing hard, still contemplating finishing what he started. Matthew deserved a solid beat down for what he put Callie through. But she was right. He couldn’t give Matthew the satisfaction of seeing him behind bars tonight, leaving Callie alone at his mercy.

  He rose from the floor. “Get the fuck up and leave before I call the cops.”

  “This isn’t over,” Matthew huffed, wiping the blood from his mouth. He jabbed a finger at Gabriel. “You’re finished, you hear me? Finished!”

  The threat sent Gabriel over the edge and he launched at Matthew once more, grabbing the front of his shirt and slamming him against the wall. A flash of fright crossed Matthew’s eyes before he tried to recover with a smirk. But Gabriel saw the fear.

  “Look, scum. Your money and connections don’t scare me.” He smashed him to the wall again for emphasis. “If you ever come near the woman I love again, I promise you, I won’t let you off the hook. I will destroy you. That’s a promise.” He gave Matthew a wild shove towards the door. “Now get the fuck out.”

  Matthew spat on the floor, a mocking smile now in place now that a safe distance lay between them. “You’re welcome to the bitch, anyway. She’s not worth it.” He made a rush to the exit as Gabriel stomped towards him.

  Slamming the door with a loud curse, he turned to Callie. The incredulity on her face erased his foul mood. Yeah, she heard his confession. That much was clear.

  “You love me?” She slowly walked to him, the hint of a smile on her face.

  He didn’t even try to hide the grin that followed. “Couldn’t you tell?”

  “Of course not!” She stopped before him, her hands palming her hips. “Why didn’t you tell me?”

  “Because I didn’t deserve you. Still don’t.”

  Callie breathed, her hand raising to stroke his cheek. “Oh, Gabe…”

  He took her hand, bringing it to his lips before releasing it. “I’m serious, Callie. I’ve been around the block, more times than I can count. You know that. For so long I’ve wanted to tell you how I feel, but I didn’t think you’d want to be with me, knowing how…busy I’ve been.” He still didn’t know if she wanted to be with him. He hoped to God she did.

  “Busy, is that the word?” Her soft chuckle relaxed him. “You’re something else.”

  “I know.” He dodged her swat with a laugh. “So, what do you say?”

  “Gabe.” She took his hands, locking his gaze with her own. “I’ve loved you since college, and I doubt that’ll ever change. And after wanting to tell you for so long, and hearing you say the words I’ve always wanted to hear, I’m all in. But Gabe, if you aren’t, let’s just continue this fake marriage until the paperwork comes in, then go back to normal.” She released a heavy breath, and the sadness in her eyes pained him. “I’ve given this some thought. There’s an apartment on the first floor. I’ll lease it for a year and keep some of my things upstairs in case immigration drops in.”


  “I don’t want to lose you as a friend. Even though I’d rather have you as a lover. But I don’t share my men. Matthew tried it, but as you can see, it didn’t work out.”

  He squeezed her hands, willing her to listen. “Callie, I’m all in. One hundred percent. There’s no other woman I need.”

  “Not even Adrienne?”

  “Adrienne and I are over.”

  Callie pulled her hands from his, backing off a little. “Then what were you doing at her place earlier?”

  “She had a clogged pipe she needed help with.”

  “How original,” she replied with a scoff.

  “It’s the truth, Callie. You know I wouldn’t lie to you.”

  Callie cocked her head. “That’s all you did? Unclog her pipe?”

  He took her hand again. “That and officially end our affair. It’s been over since the night you showed up.”

  “Something tells me she didn’t take it well.”

  “That’s an understatement. She’s out for blood. Ours.” He told her of Adrienne’s threat to turn them in to immigration and the worry lines appeared almost at once, settling at the corner of her eyes.

  “What are we going to do? Gabe, I can’t let you go to jail because of me.”

  “Look, there’s no lockup in our future, ok? Adrienne’s bark is worse than her bite. But if you’re uncomfortable living next to her, we’ll move, anywhere you like.”

  “Do you mean that?”

  “Of course, I do. I love you, Callie. I can’t say it enough, and I want to make you happy. Speaking of which,” he eased her from him and dropped to one knee, still holding her hands. “I want this marriage to be real, Callie. I want a real wedding, with family and friends and the whole nine yards. Nothing means more to me than spending my life with you.”

  “Oh, Gabe…” Callie sniffled as she nodded vigorously. “I do too, so much.”

  He grinned. “That’s a yes, right?”

  “That’s a hell yes!”

  He shot to his feet and lifted and twirle
d her, happiness like a balloon in his chest. The sound of her delighted laugh inflated it to its maximum. He set her down, brushing the hair from her face. “You’ve made me the happiest man alive, Callie.”

  Callie’s lashes fanned her cheeks as she closed her eyes. A soft sigh came before she opened them again and tiptoed towards his mouth. “And I’m over the moon because of you. I love you too, Gabe.”

  Her mouth captured his, her kiss slow and sweet. With everything now on the table, he could savor it and touch her body with no inhibition. She was all his. All of him belonged to her, his best friend, the love of his life, his soulmate. There was nowhere else he’d rather be.


  One year later

  Callie tossed the wedding bouquet overhead, then twisted to see who caught it. She jumped with glee when it fell in Dana’s waiting arms. As the other contenders moved off, she ran to give Dana a great hug. “See, I told you, you’re next.”

  Dana smiled at Nicholas across the room and he blew her a kiss before sending a thumb-up sign. “You’re probably right.”

  “Think you’re ready?”

  “I am.” She sighed, pulling the bouquet to her chest. “I’m crazy about him.”

  I know the feeling…” Callie looked to where Gabriel stood with his mom, more handsome than ever in a dark tailored tux that fit his gorgeous body so well. Oh, she couldn’t wait to get him upstairs tonight, to seal their vow renewal.

  A flood of love filled her. She couldn’t have asked for a more amazing husband and friend. Life with Gabriel was so easy and comfortable and absolutely blissful. She woke with gratitude every single day.

  And what a year it had been! Matthew seemed to have disappeared from the grid—thank God—and Adrienne lost interest with trying to get revenge. She latched on to a new tenant who moved in the apartment downstairs. With those obstacles out the way, a season of prosperity came next.

  Her new work permit. A job promotion. To top it off, when her green card came through last month, she and Gabriel made a deposit on a home she’d had her sight on for ages. A home, filled with plenty of rooms and a great yard where their future kids would play.


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