Watching My Hot Wife - Ten Book Collection Vol 4

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Watching My Hot Wife - Ten Book Collection Vol 4 Page 9

by Lainey Fox

  He continued pounding inside her and in that moment, she craved her control, she needed it back. She spun him around and cradled him, all the while making sure his member stayed erect. She placed both hands behind her on each if his thighs as she began slowly moving up and down his length. She could tell he enjoyed the dangling of her breast as his eyes followed them with each bounce. She rocked harder and faster, switching the position of her hands to his chest to allow her more control. She was enjoying the slap sound their bodies made with each contact, their sweat and evidence of their mating mixing at their joining. She stiffened. Her orgasm was near yet again. She feared she would not be able to handle it, she made to pull up from him. Larry grabbed at her waist and began thrusting into her hard, his climax was close too and unlike Jane, he was willing to ride it out.

  They both jerked and shivered as their release caught up with them. Jane collapsed atop him and slept immediately her head came in contact with his chest.


  Jane massaged her eyes as the last of sleep wore off taking with it the effects of the alcohol, or most of it. She felt sickened in her stomach and her head spun with every movement she made. It was dark, she felt around for her mobile.

  "My goodness" she whispered when she started into it.

  It was past 7, she should have picked her kids by 5pm. She knew Mrs. Douglas did not mind but she hated to stress her anyways. She needed coffee, she realized as her head felt like it weighed a ton.

  She sat on the kitchen stool as she sipped the hot coffee. Gratefully, it rendered stability to her body, her mind was beginning to fully awake. She stared through the window as she observed the now quiet surrounding. Her eyes caught a light in the stable. Larry. Why was he still around? She dropped the glass from her hand as her brain reminded her of the activities of the hours past. The splatter of the hot liquid coming in contact with bare flesh pulled her from her trance-like state. She had seduced the domestic help and she had enjoyed it. She felt horrible. She jumped off the seat, careful not to step on any broken glass as she tiptoed to the door to bolt it. She couldn't believe she hid the key in her bra, why didn't she try that with Adrian? She didn't want Larry back in the house. She didn't blame him for what happened, the fault was all hers. He had come in to save her from herself and she had paid him back by sexually harassing him.

  "I don't know what possessed me Terra, I was just so out of my body," Jane lamented. "It was no rape I know, because he took charge at some point but it doesn't make me feel any better. I feel like I have dented my marriage."

  Terra stared at her friend who was whiling away in her misery. She did not feel the same way about cheating on her husband. But looking at her friend, she felt the slightest pang of guilt stab at her. She immediately neutralized the pain even before she started to feel it.

  "Of course it was not rape. He could have overpowered you quite easily if he wanted to, given your state of mind at the time. Or he could have just seduced you, taken off your bra, taken the key and left. If you asked me, I would say he wanted this all along. Why else would he come into your home when you were drunk and refuse to leave when you ordered him to?" She defended.

  Jane traced the brow of her eye with applied force as she closed her eyes in contemplation. "I don't know Terra, I still don't feel any better. I can't even face him!"

  "I don't know what to say Janey, maybe we should see Steve?"

  Just then, Jane began to laugh. Terra's confusion was evident in the way she looked at her friend.

  "Janey?" Jane waved at her friend as she exhausted the last of the unexpected laughter.

  "It's nothing. Really. I was just thinking we would make excellent actors for movies like " Desperate housewives".

  It didn't sound funny, Terra did not laugh. Why were the wives crucified when they cheat but it is OK for the men to? What else should be expected of a woman that has been celibate for months, waiting for her husband to return when he would be busy in the throes of pleasure with his secretary or a hooker while his wife rotted from the inside? In that minute, Terra felt no remorse for what she had done and was still doing. She would do it again if her husband was under the same roof!

  "That's it, get up. We are going to Steve's"

  The one hour meeting with Steve had not helped either. He had made her laugh though but it didn't provide a lasting solution to her predicament. She stopped by Mrs. Douglas to pick up her kids, she had burdened the old woman enough. After a few minutes and Mrs. Douglas famous pie, she was headed homewards with her family. She helped Amy down from the vehicle and carried her son in hand. Her eyes made contact with Larry's and she quickly looked away and sought to hasten her pace. She wanted to get inside the house before he had a chance to speak with her. Too late.

  "Ma'am," he called out.

  She possessed the silence of a deaf and dumb man in that instant. His tug at her arm had her feigning surprise.

  "Oh hi Larry. I didn't see you there," she placed Sam down and handed him to Amy who gingerly led him into the house with all the fineness of an elder sister in a hurry.

  "We need to talk ma'am"

  "I know, I am sorry for what happened. I should never have harassed you like that..." She pleaded.

  All the while, Larry watched without an expression on his face. "You did not do anything I did not want you to do ma'am"

  "That's a relief, thank you for understanding. I do hope we keep this a secret."

  "I do not intend to run my mouth."

  Jane nodded in appreciation as she made to leave.

  "As long as it doesn't have to end" he added.

  She stopped forcefully in her tracks, her ears must have deceived her. She turned and smiled at him.

  "I am sorry, did you say something? I thought I heard something"

  "As long as it doesn't have to end" he repeated as he fastened the reigns to the horse.

  "I am a married woman, do you realize?" She half screamed.

  "I realized that the first day I started working here! I realized that you were out of my reach the very same day!" He talked as he took menacing steps closer to her. "I realized that I had to bury whatever I felt for you. I worked for you for months without making any advance. And in one day you just changed all that! Now, you say it's over? You can't just use people and dump them!"

  Jane stumbled backwards as she tried to put distance between them. She waited to land on the floor, she mourned her butt in her head. The fall never came. She opened her eyes to see Larry holding her up. She would have termed him her Knight in shinning armor if she didn't just hear all he had said.

  "You can't hurt me like this, I won't let you. I don't mind fucking you when your husband is away." He smiled to himself "Which actually is a lot." He placed a chaste kiss on her lips. "Call me tonight, or tomorrow. No farther"

  He turned around and headed home.

  Jane fell to the floor as tears filled her eyes. He was the second man to put her in this state in one week. She blamed herself. Blaming herself was not going to remedy the situation. She had just crossed a psycho. She needed a plan.

  "Fire him!" her brain screamed.

  She reached into her pocket for her cellphone and sent him a text.

  "I am sorry, I didn't want to have to do this but your services are no longer required. I would get a restraining order for you if I see you three miles from my house."

  She stood up and dusted her behind. That should keep him away for now while she cooked up a more lasting plan.


  She narrated the ordeal of the evening when she had made sure to tuck her kids in. Terra was infuriated. Jane could feel the force of her anger from the other end of the line. Terra swore in her native tongue and promised to deal with Larry if he came anywhere close to Jane again. That night, Jane was unable to sleep. She tossed and turned and has dreams of Larry ruining her marriage in the weirdest of ways.

  At past 5am, she fell asleep. She felt something slimy pass across her cheek, as she placed her palm to clea
n it, the assaulted licked her palm too. She jolted, as she found a giggling Amy that had held Sam just above Jane's face. Sam liked to lick things. Jane was always careful what she kept around her son.

  "Amy!" She yelled as she grabbed the little vixen and locked her face all over till she was giggling and begging for mercy. "You see how it feels?"

  Amy nodded. "You sleep a lot mommy"

  "I know," she said. "Come, let mama make you breakfast."

  They headed downstairs and on the kitchen table laid a parcel.

  "Who dropped that?" She asked.

  "Uncle Larry," Amy replied as she climbed up the seat.

  Jane stared at the parcel like it was a bomb.

  "Did he come in here?" To which Amy nodded. "Oh my goodness!"

  She ran towards the window and alas, there he was, riding the lead horse as usual. He acted as though nothing had happened. Did he not get her message? She stormed out of the house, her rage taking over. She would not be subdued in her own house.

  "Hey!" She yelled at him to un-mount the animal. "I told you not to come back into my house!"

  He pulled both gloves and placed it on the fence that separated them.

  "You don't think that text of yours scare me, do you?"

  "I will call the cops in you!"

  "And tell them what? That you slept with me and now you are done?"

  "That I am no longer in need of your services."

  "We both know you cannot tend to these animals, you need a help. Animal cruelty is an offense you know? The agency would take weeks to get you a new rancher. The court would allow that I stay till then, unless there is a different reason you want to share with the court?"

  Her anger boiled inside her.

  "There is no use fighting this" he cooed. "You have plenty to lose. I don't. Do open your gift." He concluded dismissively.

  Once inside, Jane ripped the parcel open. Therein sat lingerie that was bare from beneath the breast region to the curve of the panties. It looked like a piece of clothing material belonging to submissive. It had a paper pegged to it.

  "For tonight."

  She wanted to choke him with it. Instead, she landed on the seat with a thud. Amy had already made breakfast for herself and her brother. She had toppled the flakes over and made a mess in the process. Jane craned her head in her palm and cried some more.

  Adrian arrived that night to find a sobbing Jane curled up on the bed. He watched as her body vibrated with each sob. He felt ashamed of himself. She was crying because he left her in this state.

  "Jane" he whispered as he gently touched her shoulder.

  She shook her head in refusal "Please no, I can't do this. I just can't"

  "Do what baby?" Adrian questioned. She seemed to recognize his voice just then and she threw herself in his arms.

  "Are you a figment of my imagination?"

  He gave his throaty laughter that Jane had always loved.

  "No baby, I am home. I am sorry I ever left you. I am here now, for good."

  Jane felt her shame wash over her. She forced it aside. Not tonight. Tonight she was going to love her husband. Come tomorrow, she would face her demons.

  Watching My Hot Wife - Joining the Club 3

  Book 3 of Watching my Hot Wife – Joining the Club

  By Lainey Fox

  Published by Scarlet Lantern Publishing


  "Come on! One more bottle Chris, it is your last night," Derrick slurred.

  "Yes! One more," Jude supported.

  James, the twin to Jude, remained quiet. He was studying his surroundings like a missionary in a foreign land. They were celebrating Chris, all of them. He was getting married the next day. They sought to convince him to drink a little more, but he didn't want to arrive his wedding late, groggy and hung over; it would break Mary's heart.

  Mary had been more than a little skeptical about their bachelor's party. She whined about how old fashioned it was to drink to stupor on the eve of one's wedding.

  "It just means you are not happy to be getting married! Like it's your last night of happiness before you begin your prison sentence," she had said.

  Chris knew she was just nervous. She didn't want him to bang a stripper at the club the last minute and change his mind.

  "Yo Chris! You still here?" Derrick pushed at the side of his head.

  "Yeah! Of course I am. I don't think I can take any more rounds though and from the look of things, James needs to go home," Chris replied.

  Jude looked at his twin, who was half passed out. He knew they needed to go, despite it being just 10 pm.

  "I hope I never fall in love like you did," Jude joked as he helped his brother up.

  Derrick downed his last bottle and helped Jude in lifting James. Each of them carried one of Jame’s arms across their shoulders while James mumbled something about a pregnant fish.

  "Oh! Derrick, I almost forgot. How is your husband? I haven't seen her in a while," Jude chuckled.

  "Husband eh?" Derrick asked as she pushed all of James weight he bore to Jude.

  The extra weight caused Jude to stagger heavily with the unexpected added weight.

  "Well, the wife is not strong enough to do a man's duty," Derrick added sarcastically.

  Jude laughed as he gained a little balance.

  "I was messing with you" he called after Derrick who flipped him a finger without looking back.

  "Guys come on! Today too?" Chris called after them as he hurried to take Derrick's position under James' arm. "You should not tease him like that, you know" Chris scolded.

  "He married a crazy! He knows, you know, I know. Why hide it?"

  "It is not your business or mine! … But she is a crazy," Chris added and they laughed silently.


  Jane sipped her glass of cocktail as she sunbathed and relaxed on the spread out seat beside Terra. She adjusted her hat backward as she stared into the pool with disgust.

  "Why did we come here with her?" Jane asked with both eyes still plastered on the pool. "She is a friend to us, why not?"

  "A friend to you," Jane corrected "She and I are just acquaintances.

  "Whatever you say."

  Jane hissed with disgust as she saw Karla warm up to a boy, barely in his twenties. She pressed her overexposed cleavage close to his face as she feigned novice at the act of swimming. The young man opted to teach her, all the while squeezing her behind and boobs when he got the chance.

  "She is such a tool! She is a very good swimmer! Is that boy not a little too underaged for her?” Jane questioned.

  Terra made no reply as she added lotion to her drying skin.

  "I think I have a problem, Janey," Terra said as she stared into her friend's eyes.

  "What is it? What happened?"

  "I think I am pregnant. And I'm thinking of getting rid of it. It's not Andrew's," Terra confessed.

  "Are you crazy? That is like saying you want to kill your child," Jane scoffed.

  "Wow, I never saw it that way. But still..."

  "But nothing. I don't care if you lied to your husband, killing is not an option. You have all the means to cater for the child. Besides, you would get company every time you feel alone. I don't care how you do it, find Andrew and let him sleep with you just once or so. It becomes settled. He won't deny his child. Please don't take the life of my godchild," Jane pleaded.

  "Godchild? Please stop giving it life already; it makes the task harder."

  "What did Locke say?" Jane asked.

  "He doesn't know."

  Jane smiled at her friend in reassurance that it would be fine. Terra watched Jane tell her about how much she would enjoy teaching her child to walk, the joy that would overcome her the day it calls her mama, the way she would enjoy its laughter and watch it struggle to get familiar with words. The memories were visibly dancing in Jane's eyes and Terra had to cut her short. She had no more interest in ridding herself of her child; she was curious to see what a mini her would look like.


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