Watching My Hot Wife - Ten Book Collection Vol 4

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Watching My Hot Wife - Ten Book Collection Vol 4 Page 10

by Lainey Fox

  "It is definitely a curse," Jane whispered to Terra as she saw Karla come out of the dressing room for men.

  Karla’s hair was messy and she was adjusting her too-small swimsuit. Jane rolled her eyes.

  "Hey girls! Sorry I had you waiting," Karla said as she snatched her bag from the seat.

  "You are the one who needs our sympathy," Jane replied, her voiced laced with sarcasm.

  Terra felt exhausted from having to always be in-between the two of them. All they did was fight each other. She couldn't do away with either of the two, Jane because they were best of friends and Karla because she was indebted to her.

  'What did you say to me?" Karla turned to ask Jane.

  "Nothing Karla, she didn't say nothing," Terra interjected to avert another battle of words which Jane always won.

  "Better be nothing," Karla said as she swayed her hips side to side without a care.

  "Bimbo," Jane hissed.

  "I don't owe you any explanations! It is my life!" Karla screamed at her husband.

  "You can't just up, leave and come back when you feel like. You are answerable to me!" Derrick yelled back.

  She had left home for days and only just returned. He had been worried sick, calling her phone all through while she kept sending him to voicemail.

  "Hun, whenever you want to shag, I am available, you know this. I don't see a higher responsibility," she said as she made for the bedroom.

  Derrick fumed. Karla was not the woman he married years ago. She had been a little careless, stubborn and running in and out of relationships. She was just a confused girl looking for stability he had convinced himself. He hoped that marriage would help her settle down, he was wrong from all indications. He had just given her the freedom she craved. She had gradually turned him into a drunk with each fight. He hated the neighbors always coming to fix their fights, so he decided to drown all the anger and regrets in alcohol.


  Derrick came home at night to meet a naked Karla splayed out on their bed. She seemed to prefer partaking in the throes of their nocturnal bliss more when he was out of his wits. Most wives would nag about how their husbands were returning late and drunk. Not Kala. She would willingly embrace him into her core.

  He discarded his clothing as quickly as his state of mind would permit. He crawled up on the bed on all fours. He spread her legs farther apart to enable him to kneel properly between her thighs. Derrick placed a hand on each side of her head and pressed a kiss on her lips. She opened her mouth just as quickly as she began frantically kissing back, intent on robbing him of the last of the substance that lingered on his lips. His member was already erect, ready for penetration.

  Karla placed a hand in-between them and reached down to clasp his aching cock. He sighed the minute she grabbed at his flesh. Karla's palms were always soft to the touch. She rubbed his member continuously at her entrance, bathing it with her dripping wetness. He pushed his full length into her and only stopped when his balls came in contact with her buttcheeks. Karla moaned in delight as she brought her legs up to form an "X" across his back.

  He pushed in and out for a few before he slammed into her, causing her to stop the passage of air down her lungs for a few seconds. He began slowly gyrating his hips, ramming his member in deeper at the end of each circle he formed with his waist. That was always her undoing. She could never hold back when he serviced all angles of her walls. A few short thrusts later, he emptied himself inside of her. He slept almost immediately.

  He awoke a few hours into the night to find Karla bouncing up and down his member with her legs straddled on both sides of him. She ground with the craze of an animal in heat. She was insatiable. Derrick leaned back; half awake half aroused as his wife pleasured herself with him. He was pretty sure he came at some point, though his next clear memory was when he woke in the morning with a mixture of their cum dried on his skin.

  Derrick arrived his office a few minutes earlier than usual. He had a ton of work on his hands he had to settle or risk being on the receiving end of his boss’s anger. Upon arrival into the building, he was met with a rather rowdy environment. His colleagues were loitering the premises; some packed in a corner as they exchanged silent whispers in obvious gossip. Some stormed the length of the reception, phones plastered on their ears. He looked back at the sign that bore the name of the company to be sure he was in the right building.

  “What is with all the commotion?” He asked himself.

  "Ahh! There you are!" Jk exclaimed as he approached Derrick. "The boss has been burning fuses!"

  "Why? What happened?" Derrick questioned as he shook his colleague's hand.

  "Apparently, a file worth millions of dollars was assigned to one of us and has exceeded the date of submission without it being complete! The clients are threatening to withdraw their proposal!" Jk informed

  "What's the file number?"

  "File 004852. I have searched most the databases; it is not there. There is only a few more left to look through, yours included. I do hope you are not the culprit because the boss has threatened to immediately fire whoever let this slip!"

  Derrick was speechless. Was that project due already? He had hoped it was later in the day. He was assigned the file a few weeks back but hadn’t paid it much attention. He hurried to his office as he dropped his suitcase and forced his system open. He didn't know what to do; his job was at stake. Jk stood by the door with sympathy in his eyes; there was no escaping this one for his friend.

  "What do I do?" Derrick asked as his eyes remained focused on the screen of his device.

  "I don’t know man," Jk threw his hands up in defeat.

  "He would find out sooner than later," Derrick sighed "I best turn myself in."

  Derrick stood and headed for the door to the office of his boss. He had not even opened the file, much less began its processing. If the file was of as much importance as having everyone moving around for, then losing his job was inevitable. What he noticed next were soft hands pulling him to a corner with such speed, he almost didn't believe it happened.

  "What's going on Vivian," he questioned when he saw the face of his captor.

  "Jk said you are with the files, is that true?" She asked

  He sighed "As true as it is that I am getting fired."

  "Give it to me," she ordered.


  "Just give me the damned files!"

  His fingers fell free of the documents as he handed it to her. He sighed in relief. He never believed pieces of paper stapled together held so much power over him. However, he wasn't given a chance to think it over because the very next minute, Vivian was knocking on the boss' door. He silently hoped she didn't get in trouble for his sake.

  Derrick's office seat was a little too hot and a bit too cold. It was slowly stripping him of his sanity. Relief washed over him as he saw Vivian head towards his office. He studied her facial expressions for any emotion whatsoever to give her away. Nothing.

  "How did it go? What happened in there?"

  "It is your lucky day," she smiled as she leaned against the door frame.

  "Am I out of the woods?" He dared to hope.

  "And into the gardens," she added as she sat atop his desk. Her tight pencil skirt outlining her curves.


  "Well, there has got to be benefits and loopholes when you are the boss's niece right? I mean, what uncle fires his niece?" She asked.

  Derrick was surprised. True, in the past, rumors had been spread about Vivian being a mistress to the boss since she most times was given preferential treatments. He never expected a blood relation. She had to be related from her mother because their surnames differed. He was, however, grateful for the kindness she offered him.

  "Thank you so much, Vivian. I owe you one."

  "A debt I intend to collect," she replied.

  Derrick’s heart sank into his chest. She was going to blackmail him.

  "Hey!" She called, pulling him to consciousness. "I am
not asking you to kill for me or cheat on your wife or anything. I just want a date, just that."

  She smiled as she watched his face morph with different expressions.

  “Just a date?” His subconscious questioned. “It's still a blackmail!” His mind screamed. “Why would she want a date with a married man? Will she have hidden cameras on all sides to take pictures of you both in the restaurant and forward it to your wife the minute you refuse to do what she wants? Heck! She could send it to your boss too. What would people say about you sleeping with the boss' niece? They would call you a gold digger! You are with her for a promotion, and you even got her to take the blame for a crime you committed. What a beast, playing with the poor girl's feelings. You are doomed!”

  Vivian's smile faltered and transformed into a sad frown.

  "It is OK if you don't want to. So sorry to have bothered you. Gosh! I feel so stupid," she said as she made to leave.

  "Wait," he called after her "Please don't leave. I was just wondering why a date is all you would want. I would love to go on a date with you."

  A date was not all she wanted, but she was not about to point that out to him. Fate had served him on a platter to her, and she was going to take her time in consuming the dish.

  "Tomorrow at six?" She asked.

  "Tomorrow at six." he affirmed.

  "You pick a place; I would meet you there," she said as she headed back to her desk.

  “What would a woman, as young and pretty as Vivian, possibly want from a married man? Not the money if she is related to the boss.”

  Derrick pushed his thoughts aside as he hurried to complete the tasks ahead of him. He was not going to ignore a file ever again.


  Karla fumbled with the keyhole for a few minutes; it just didn't want to go in. The booze she had drunk at the club had resumed duty like a faithful employee. Impatient, one of the men that accompanied her home took the keys from her hands and completed the ordeal for her.

  "Such a gentleman," she mused.

  He gave his partner a knowing smile; though his plans for her were nothing close to gentlemanliness. They shuffled through the darkness until they got a hold of the light switch.

  "Where is the bedroom?" Pat, one of the men asked.

  She pointed towards a small passageway, and they ushered her towards it. Once Karla crossed the threshold to her bedroom, the men spared no time as they began removing her clothes. The gown she wore started at her shoulders, forming a V at her breast region, leaving little to the imagination. The fabric of her dress stopped just beneath the curve of her ass.

  Pat placed her on all fours as he bunched the material up to her waist. There wasn’t any other piece of clothing in his way. His partner, Felix, was already presenting his erection to Karla’s lips. She sucked and nibbled on it before wrapping her lips around the bulbous head. Pat came around front and placed her left hand on his member, urging her to stroke the length of it. She could feel the pulsating vein stiffen further as she stroked it. He was much bigger than Felix. The realization caused wetness gather between her legs.

  Felix soon pulled out of her mouth as he went around to insert himself where he wanted the be in the most. Her mouth puckered the moment Felix was inside of her and Pat seized the opportunity to penetrate her mouth. Gagged and being pounded from behind was just how Karla wanted her evening to end. She loved the feeling of being taken by and pleasuring two men at once. She could barely contain her already growing orgasm.

  Felix slapped at her ass frequently, causing her cheeks to redden. He held her hips with each hand, forcing her backward with each thrust. Each push forward made her swallow more of Pat. Felix's climax was near, and he was ramming into her with the speed of a vibrator. His rasps grew to moans, and Felix spewed his seed on the tiled floor as he began stroking his member yet again; he was far from done.

  Pat lifted Karla off the bed while Felix laid face up. The way they co-operated, it almost felt as if they were professionals at it or had rehearsed it more than once.

  Karla climbed atop Felix, mounting his cock. She began pounding when she felt a push. Pat had bent her forward so much that her chest came in contact with Felix's. Felix, in turn, crossed his hand around her back as he held her in place.

  Pat lubricated himself from the juice she produced. He rubbed it against her asshole, readying it for assault. Karla got nervous, she had done it there before, but it had been once, and she wasn't sure she liked it. She opened her mouth to protest when Felix kissed her protest from her lips.

  Without warning, Pat pushed himself into her. She squirmed to push him out. Each squirm of her hips gave her pleasure as Felix's member pressed into her pussy. The sensation of pleasure and pain was new, and Karla embraced it.

  “Stay still," Pat growled at her.

  She bit her lip to keep from crying out in pain. Pat penetrated and pulled out till only the tip was buried then he began the process again until she was used to his size. He pressed himself atop her as he began fucking like it was a death race. Each thrust buried Felix deeper in her. Karla felt full. It was too much sensation, and she couldn't help the moans that escaped her lips as pleasure overpowered discomfort. She grabbed at Felix's abs, scratching off tiny bits of flesh as her orgasm sucked her in. She had passed out from its intensity only to awaken moments later as her insides were filled with warm liquid.

  The men pulled out of her. Just then, the door to the room flung open, and there stood Derrick, his jaw hanging open in surprise. He staggered a bit as he took in the sight before him. Two men stood in his matrimonial room, with no clothing on. The most clothed was his wife who had her dress pushed up over her hips. He looked closer and saw the evidence of her infidelity dripping down her legs. He felt repulsed. The men picked up their clothing haphazardly as they scurried out, brushing slightly against Derrick at the entrance.

  "Baby, I can explain," she begged.

  "Please do," he consented

  She did not have any to give. He waited for a few seconds.

  "No explanation right? I thought as much."

  She pleaded with her eyes as she adjusted her gown the best she could.

  "You know, everyone advised me against marrying you. I was constantly told it was not too late to let you go. Heck, I knew you were cheating, but denial caused me to discard it. I said to myself, So what if she likes to party and hang out more than your average housewife? So what she hasn't bothered with conceiving a child? So what if she shied away from the topic always? She could just be worried and scared. Most women get that. I was wrong, now I see."

  "I am sorry honey. I don't know what came over me. I was drunk and out of my wits," she tried to explain.

  "No, I am sorry. I want a divorce. You disgust me!" He said as he stormed out of the room. Looking at her only brought the appalling imagine of her giving herself away freely to mind. He decided on the guest room; it was dusty due to lack of use. He selected the side of the room he intended to occupy and busied himself with making it comfortable.

  He would contact his lawyer the very next morning. The height of disregard had been reached. He heard her knock softly on the door as she whispered her apology. At that moment he wanted to choke the life out of her. She had no shame! He just wanted to be left alone. He would have slept elsewhere had time not been against him.

  The meeting with the lawyer couldn't end any quicker. Derrick was in too much of a hurry to finalize the divorce. "Sir, are you certain about this? I need you to be calm and think this through. People make rash decisions when they are upset." His lawyer persuaded.

  He was following protocol Derrick recognized, but no amount of calm and thinking through was going to convince him. Being in the same room as the woman was repulsive to bear.

  "I know very well what I am doing. I am getting back my peace of mind!"

  "Divorcing her would require she gets a part of your possessions, of this you are aware?" The lawyer asked with a frown as he studied the paper before him.

sp; "I don't care. Give it to her! Most of them she has defiled anyways."

  Karla sat in silence, Derrick's behavior was like nothing she had ever seen. He used to love her! Now he wanted her gone. So, she made a mistake. Who hasn't?

  "Then, sign here" the lawyer moved the divorce papers in Derrick's direction. "On page three and at the bottom of page 5." He finished.

  Derrick wasted no time with the details; he appended his signature almost immediately. He moved the paper towards Karla. "First page, third and fifth," he said.

  He was serious her mind whispered. She felt her heartache with the loss and regret that was imminent.


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