Page 9
My bare feet burned with the bite of frost rather than the sting of hot sand as I shuffled through the frigid terrain.
Standing statuesque amidst the backdrop of white, scores of cacti bravely held their ground, their posed limbs surely appalled at the snow resting upon their shoulders.
Still in a thin gown of white cotton, I could feel my body shutting down as hypothermia assaulted me. With the last light of day glimpsing over the horizon and the haze of snowfall raining before me, I surrendered.
Falling to my knees and laying upon a bed of snowflakes, I closed my eyes and waited for the icy hand of death to still my beating heart. Fresh fallen snow descended onto my naked arms like tiny crystal butterflies, only to shatter and dissolve the moment they landed. A biting wind snaked around me as it whipped minuscule shards of ice into my face and eyes.
Sensing a presence around me, I forced my head up. I blinked and squinted as snowflakes landed on my lashes. Shielding my face with my hand, I looked out into the blizzard and saw movement. A shadowy figure, dressed in a hooded parka and snowshoes, moved swiftly toward me. The crunch of the snowshoes surrounded me as the figure reached my side.
“Cassia.” A familiar male voice whispered as he knelt beside my half-frozen body.
Wrapping me in a brown, wool blanket, he lifted me up. He walked with me cradled in his arms for what felt like miles. Pressed against his chest, I felt a comfort that I’d never known. Protected. Safe.
Feeling him slow to a stop, I somehow knew we’d reached our destination.
Peeking out from the side of the blanket, I beheld the familiar sight of the cave. Carrying me in, we were greeted by an already roaring bonfire. Placing me in front of the fire, I shivered uncontrollably as I thrust my frozen hands toward the blaze. Even though they stung terribly from the thaw, I welcomed the heat with open arms.
The man sat on the other side of the fire, only his eyes visible from beneath the fur-lined hood of his parka. His brown eyes glinted from the waving flames of the fire as he stared at me. A kindness dwelt behind the windows of his soul.
Somehow, through some unspoken exchange, I knew this man loved me. Raising his hands to his head, he began to pull the hood away from his face.
Just as the fur lining moved past the frame of his face, I felt my consciousness stirring.
I cried out in my dream as the image of his face blurred and I was thrust back into the reality of my cell. As lucidity flooded back into my system, I cursed the timing of my awakening.
Rubbing my eyes and stretching, I felt the odd sensation of being watched.
It was then I realized—I was not alone.
“I’m sorry…I thought you were gone for a shower. I’ll come back later.” The woman dressed in a maid’s uniform uttered as she turned, dragging her mop and bucket on wheels behind her.
“Hey wait, who are you?” Sitting up on the cot, my interest piqued as I looked at the unfamiliar face.
I had noticed that every time I’d come back from having a shower that my cell had been cleaned. The floor, toilet and sink were always sparkling and my sheets had been changed. I guess it never occurred to me to wonder exactly who was doing this. It makes sense that even they would have a cleaning staff of potentially harmless people.
Noting her hesitation, I decided to go first.
“I’m Cassia.” Rising from the cot, I extended my hand in greeting. Her dark brown eyes shifted warily from my face to my hand. It was apparent she knew about me and my weird blood. Or maybe all the prisoners here were odd in some way and she had just learned to keep her distance.
“I…have to go.” Clutching the wooden handle of her mop nervously, she turned to leave.
“Please,” I pleaded, “I need to know something. Please.” Keeping my voice steady, I only wanted to know one thing from this woman who walked freely through the facility. Pausing at the open door, she looked up.
“The little girl. Jessica. Is she…okay?” I wholeheartedly expected her to respond with good news. Hopefully, the little girl was just fine or, even better, released and allowed to live a normal life.
The woman’s paled expression, however, dampened my expectations.
“I’m not allowed to talk about…things that go on here.” She turned and moved quickly out the door. Lunging for the door before it slammed shut, I managed to get my fingers caught before it closed.
“Please! I just want to know if she’s okay!” I screamed as I tried to pry the door open. Someone on the other side smashed the protruding tips of my fingers with something hard. Shrieking in pain, I instinctively pulled my fingers away and held them to my chest. Throbbing and swelling, I thought for a moment that a couple of them were broken.
Jessica. What did they do to you?
Tears ran down my face as I pictured the beautiful little girl with the ocean blue eyes. I laid my hands protectively over my stomach as I realized my baby’s potential future.
I have to get you out of here.
I hoped with all my heart that Keanu’s plan would work, otherwise, I was going to go with Plan B.
If we don’t escape today, sweet baby, mommy will make it so they can’t hurt either of us.
Chapter 12
Leaving the safety of my cell, I followed the guard down the hall to the showers. The hallway seemed much longer than usual today; probably because it was the last time I was ever going to see it, at least, I hoped it was.
With my head hung and my heart heavy, I walked the last mile of this nightmare. One way or another, it was going to end today. The only thing left to be determined was whether it was going to be a happy ending or a tragedy.
Images of my loved ones flashed through my mind. My grandmother, Amy and Keanu. Not a very large number of important people in my life, I realized.
There were so many things I wanted to do with my life. So many unrealized dreams.
The prospect of archeology seemed so far away from me now, and honestly, quite trivial considering all of the other missed opportunities in my life.
Travelling the world. Marriage. Buying a house. Raising my baby in a happy, safe environment. Hearing her first cry, her first words and the moment she teetered with her first step, I was going to miss it all. I’d be lucky to even see her once in my life let alone care for her until she was an adult.
A large, painful lump formed in my throat as I smothered the tears welling in my eyes. Hugging my sides, I forced the unshed tears back.
The light padding of my bare feet on the polished tile floor was drowned out by the thudding of the guard’s army boots.
Walking steadily in front of me like a good soldier, he had no way of knowing that this, too, might be his final voyage. If Keanu had planted a gun, knife or some other weapon, I might be the last face this man ever sees. Does he have a family waiting for him to come home tonight? Would I be taking away someone’s daddy today? Will I be a murderer in a matter of minutes?
I felt sick to my stomach.
Rounding the corner to the showers, my insides lurched as I realized the big moment would be only seconds from now. Positioning himself outside the door to the showers, he stood rigid. Staring straight ahead, he pretended like I wasn’t there.
Avoiding eye contact. Avoiding me.
I looked up to examine his face. I couldn’t live with myself if I didn’t at least acknowledge his existence, his life.
He’s so young.
So young, in fact, I now felt that he couldn’t even be married or have children. How could I steal that future from him?
Pushing the door open and moving quickly into the washroom, I couldn’t tolerate to look at him any longer. It was unbearable to think that I’d have to harm this young man, probably fatally.
As the main door slammed behind me, the bang resonated loudly throughout the room. Holding onto the wall for support, I made my way to the last stall.
There were only four stalls in total but the last one felt as thoug
h it were over a mile away. As I passed each green door, I grew increasingly more nauseous and the anxiety was insufferable.
By the time I reached the third stall, I had to pause and hold my stomach because I was sure I was going to vomit. Breathing in and out slowly, I steadied myself as I reached the last stall.
Closed before me, I exhaled sharply as I placed a hand on the cool surface to push it open.
This is it, baby, this is where our future begins…or ends.
With a resistant creak, the green shower door swung open. Slamming into the back wall, I cringed and looked back at the main door with paranoia. As usual, a single white towel had been left for me, hanging behind the door.
Looking quickly to the showerhead, I was instantly confused.
There’s nothing there! What the…?
Almost breathing a sigh of relief that I may not have to kill anyone, I realized that the plan of escape may not happen…which meant I’d have to resort to plan B, which was slicing my leg open and pretending I was having a miscarriage, or worse…suicide.
That idea definitely didn’t appeal to me but it was quickly becoming evident that I had no other choice. Even if I pretending to miscarry, there’s no way I could run across the acres of fields without being caught.
Panicked, I checked all the other stalls to see if maybe I’d read the note wrong and I was going to find this item somewhere else. After peeking into each stall and realizing that there was no hidden weapon, I literally wanted to fall onto the floor and cry.
“Keanu…where is it?” Speaking quietly to myself, I decided to go back to the fourth stall and re-examine it. Pushing the door open again, I entered the stall this time and walked directly underneath the showerhead. Squinting my eyes and peering at the pipe that protruded from the wall, I actually saw something.
Held in place with silver duct tape to the topside of the pipe was a long thin metallic…pen.
A pen! Keanu! What the hell am I going to do with a pen?! Stab the man in the jugular?!
Annoyed, I extended my arms and stood on my tippy toes to retrieve the pen. Fighting with the tape momentarily, I finally pulled it free.
Examining it with a frown on my face, it indeed appeared to be a normal pen. There was no way to unscrew it or take it apart, so it obviously didn’t harbor some miniature knife or secret compartment. Pressing down on the top of the pen with my thumb, I heard the telltale audible click as its tip moved in and out.
“What the hell?” I whispered out loud.
Holding the pen in one hand and the tape in another, I was bewildered and lost.
What was I going to do now?
I considered my options. Stab the guard in the jugular which was going to be ridiculously difficult and messy, or continue with my alternate plan. Looking at myself in the mirror hanging on the wall, I swallowed as I thought of the second option. I was going to have to cut myself pretty deep in order to bleed out enough to die.
Gruesome, but necessary.
Exhaling deeply as tears of frustration forced their way into my eyes, I realized I didn’t have any option but to end all of this.
Walking toward the mirror with trepidation shadowing every step, I examined the best way to smash the mirror. It needed to be quick and quiet. If I alerted the guard with a resounding crash, everything would be ruined.
Scanning the room for something to break the mirror with, I realized I was holding the answer.
The pen.
The metallic pen in my hand felt very strong and sturdy. It might be tough enough to hit the mirror with and just make a crack in the glass. From there, I could pick out a sharp piece and…I didn’t want to think about it yet.
Watching the reflection of myself as I held the pen like a knife, ready to pierce the mirror, I gave myself a final look.
Cassia Tiponi, the body which I’d worn for twenty years, was about to die. The baby inside me, the innocent victim in all this, had to perish because of my tainted blood. I couldn’t allow her to be subjected to the cruelty of these…humans. She has a right to a life, yes, but she has the right to a decent life. A decent life that I knew for a fact would never exist as long as she carried my genes.
A sensation of calm washed over me as I stared at my image for the last time. I realized in that moment that, despite all I’d learned of myself over the last few months, I was not just this body. I wasn’t defined by this suit, this flesh. No matter what deformity existed within me, I was still me, still the essence of a greater creature, a soul.
Aiming the pen at the mirror, I poised to strike it like a cobra would its prey. Focusing my attention onto the reflection of the tip of the pen, I readied myself to stab the mirror.
“One, two…” I muttered under my breath, my eyes like a hawk on the small, silver tip. The hollow barrel of the pen stared back at me, awaiting its fate like a tiny tin soldier.
Just as I was about to whisper ‘three’ and release my hand with all my strength, the baby fluttered lightly in womb. Losing my concentration for a moment, I realized exactly what I was looking at.
“Hey! Are you going to have a shower or what?” The guard’s voice nearly gave me a heart attack as he opened the main door a crack and hollered in. “I don’t hear any water running.”
Scrambling away from the mirror to avoid his gaze, I moved to the nearest shower stall and closed the door behind me.
“Yah! Just had to use the toilet!” I threw an irritated tone into my voice as I yelled back.
“Just hurry up.” His snarly attitude was going to make this easier, now that I knew what this pen really was and how to use it.
A plan. I need a plan. A diversion.
Plotting for a moment, I searched my mind for an idea. With the limited resources I had in front of me, I had to dig deep. I nearly yelled with happiness as the idea struck me.
Excitement and fear mingled in my system as I took off my white jumpsuit. Running to the last stall and turning on the shower full blast, I then retrieved the white towel reserved for me. Wrapping it around my naked body, I then moved stealthily to the mirror.
With the pen held in my mouth, I grabbed my long black hair behind me with both hands. First forming a pony tail and then twisting it around several times, I folded my hair up into a tight bun. Holding the style with one hand, I reached around, took the pen from my mouth and proceeded to tuck it tightly into the chignon like an oriental up-do.
Giving myself one last look and a nod, I prepared myself with a deep breath.
I almost felt giddy.
This just might work.
I wasn’t going to allow myself to think too far ahead, but the taste of freedom was moving passed my lips and nearing my tongue.
Tip toeing quietly to the main door, I placed my jumpsuit on the floor behind the garbage bin, out of sight. Opening the door just a crack, I peered through the sliver at the guard. Obviously bored, he leaned against the wall just a few feet from me. Taking a quiet breath in, I decided it was now or never.
Swinging the door open quickly, the guard jumped a little.
“I need your help.” I stated with a seductive voice and a soft pout on my lips. “I can’t get the hot water to work; the knob is too hard to turn. Will you help me?”
His eyes widened as he looked me up and down, my towel just barely covering the essentials, I was pleased when I saw his cheeks redden.
“I, um, I’m not supposed to…” Adjusting his collar, he glanced around with uncertainty.
“Please.” I edged toward him, reaching for his arm and touching him lightly. “I need a ‘hot’ shower.”
Giving him my best ‘come hither’ look, I moved even closer to him. Intentionally resting my chest against his arm, I stifled a giggle as he ogled my cleavage.
Staring down at my body moving against him, he stuttered as he leaned his gun against the wall. “Well, I’ll just have a quick look, okay?”
“Thank you.” Stepping out of his way as he entered the room, I followed closely behind as he ch
ecked out the shower.
Leaning in, he reached for the hot knob and gave it an easy turn. Turning to face me, he gave me a quirky grin like he’d done some serious hero work.
“There you go.” His voice cracked a little as he slowly moved toward the main door.
“Wait.” I pushed myself softly against him, blocking his departure. I ran my hand up his arm and caressed the back of his bare neck. “I’ve been alone for a very, very long time. I could use some…attention, if you know what I mean.”
Tilting my chin down as I gazed into his eyes like a cat stalking her prey, I pulled his face forcefully towards mine. Kissing him lightly on the lips, I ran my hands through his hair. His hands quickly went around my waist as he hungrily kissed me back.
As he groped me all over my body, I reached down and released the top of my towel. His eyes widened as I pushed him down to kiss my breasts. Diving in, he began devouring me like a starved wolf.
With him completely preoccupied, I carefully and slowly reached up to my head. Pulling the pen from its secured location within my hair, I brought it down into the back of his neck. Clicking it lightly with my thumb as I would if I wanted to begin writing a letter, a tiny needle extended into his skin and released what I hoped was only a sedative. His body slumped instantly against me, nearly knocking me over.
Moving away from him, his limp body fell over and landed face up on the shower floor.
After turning off the shower so the poor man didn’t drown as the droplets splashed his face, I ran to retrieve my jumpsuit and put it on.
With his body half in and half out of the stall, I grabbed one of his arms and tried pulling him further into the shower. Heaving him as hard as I could, I couldn’t believe how hard it was to move dead weight.
After several attempts, and a lot of groaning on my part, I finally managed to pull him to the corner of the stall.