Page 11
The car moved steadily forward. For a moment I thought maybe we’d already gone through the checkpoint and we were home free.
That’s when the car slowed to a stop.
My ears perked when I heard male voices mumbling outside. While I couldn’t make out what they were saying, the tone sounded friendly. The car doors were being opened and then slammed shut. After the fourth door closed, I braced myself for the inevitable.
An audible click directly above me caused me to flinch and a fresh wave of adrenaline shot through my veins. My mouth went dry as I heard footsteps approaching the back of the car. Two men chatted, one obviously Keanu, as their voices neared my location.
“Where are you headed?” An unfamiliar voice asked politely.
“Washington. Just going home for the weekend.” Keanu’s voice was calm and casual.
The men were standing just outside the trunk. I held my breath and closed my eyes, hoping this would be over soon and we’d be free.
The trunk lid groaned a little as it was fully opened. Praying that no part of me was visible from under the dark cloth, I waited, paralyzed.
“Which part of Washington you from?” The guard asked as I felt his eyes scanning the inside of the trunk. His voice was so loud now; I knew he was only inches away from me.
“Richmond.” Keanu’s voice cracked ever so slightly as the pressure mounted before him.
Finally, after several moments of intense praying, the trunk slammed shut and I heard the men walk away. I wanted to scream with joy that we’d done it!
We’re free baby! We’re free!
All we had left to do was drive off the base and join the world of the living again!
Feeling the car jiggle a little and a door slam, I knew Keanu had gotten back into the driver’s seat. Excitement like I’d never known welled inside me.
Before this entire nightmare, I’d never thought about what it must be like to be incarcerated, or worse, sitting on death row. To be a prisoner awaiting their last meal or walking the last mile toward the moment of their last breath.
Now I understood what anxieties and pains they must endure…and the appreciation of freedom. I’d only been captive for a short time compared to many inmates, but I’d faced my worst fears and my own death head on, only to come out the other side a changed soul.
My perspectives had altered so drastically, I felt like a different person. Now being on the run, it crossed my mind that I would have to consider changing my name, which seemed appropriate now that I’d been reborn into a different light.
I had never been a materialistic person but whatever obsessions I used to have regarding my hair, make-up, clothes, etc. were virtually non-existent on my list of priorities now. Even school and my once precious archeology were pressed so far back into the recesses of my former self, I didn’t care if I ever went back.
I would always miss Amy. I knew I could never see her again. It would too risky to associate myself with anyone I knew in my former life.
Even my grandmother, the wonderful soul who welcomed me into her life from the day she found me in the cave, would have to be left behind, filed into the memory banks of my past.
Someday, I knew that I would find a lesson in all of this, maybe even an appreciation, someday, a long time from now.
With the car moving slowly forward, inching us across the borders of salvation, I heard a noise that chilled me to the bone.
Tears streamed from my eyes immediately as a loud siren screamed outside the car. I could distinguish angry shouts emanating somewhere in the distance.
They know!! They’re looking for me!
A million thoughts raced through my mind. Did the cleaning woman get caught and was forced to tell what she knew? Did they find the guard’s unconscious body in the shower stall? Maybe they went into my room for whatever reason and realized I was nowhere to be found.
As I was preparing myself for the worst, the car suddenly pealed forward, sending me rolling towards the rear of the trunk. Smashing my head against something hard, a sharp pain ripped through my forehead. A trickle of warmth drizzled down my forehead and dripped onto my hand. Crying out in pain, I applied pressure to my throbbing head with my hand.
The car swerved sharply to the left and then to the right. My entire body slammed into one side of the trunk and then the other as the car sped away from the facility.
Releasing my hand from my gushing wound and spreading my body out, I pressed my hands and feet into the four corners of the trunk to prevent from further being flung around like a rag doll.
Blood ran down my face and soaked my hair as I held on for dear life.
My poor baby! I hope you’re okay in there!
The sound and sensation of gravel clunking under the vehicle dominated my little space. There was an occasional tinny noise as tiny rocks rebounded off metallic parts in the undercarriage.
Poor Keanu!
He’d given up everything for us. Keanu most likely wouldn’t be able to see his family again because of me. He was going to end up a fugitive for the rest of his life—if he even lived through the ordeal.
The car’s rear end fishtailed violently as we fled from the dark authorities. Hot, salty tears cascaded down my face as my arms and legs shook from holding my body taut against the sides of the trunk.
Why? Why me? I don’t want this!
Between the rocks beating the underside of the car and the revving of the engine, I couldn’t hear anything else—until I heard a loud banging noise. Every few seconds, I could make out a bang, followed by a sound that reminded me of hail pelting a tin roof.
I nearly threw up with the realization that we were being shot at. The whole scenario reminded me of the cheesy chase scenes depicted in an action movie, only this was terrifyingly real.
With all the noise going on around me, it was startling when everything but the roar of the engine suddenly stopped. The car bounced lightly as it appeared to move from the gravel road to smooth highway. From then on, the car moved at breakneck speeds. The winds whistled around the car as the aerodynamics were pushed to the limits.
Surprisingly, and much to my relief, the gunshots had ceased. Had we gotten away? Did they give up and decide to let me and my baby go free?
Somehow I doubted that.
Chapter 14
It felt like hours before the car slowed to a stop. I’m sure I fell asleep several times, but never for long. Any little sound outside the car would alert my consciousness and startle me awake.
The deep wound on my forehead had finally stopped seeping blood and had coagulated into a dry and crusty patch. If I scrunched up my face in any way, the dried blood pinched at my skin like a mud mask at a spa that had set and was ready to come off.
With the car now parked, I breathed a sigh of relief. I heard Keanu get out of the car and close his door.
The trunk lid clicked open, a sound that literally brought tears to my eyes. Whatever phobia of coffins I had up until this point was either cured or going to become vastly worse after this whole experience.
Pushing the lid open with my hand, a flood of sunshine streamed into the darkness of the trunk. Though the rays of light were a welcoming sight, the pain in my eyes from adjusting to the brightness was brutal. My eyes watered relentlessly but I didn’t mind, I was free.
A large shadow suddenly blocked the sun from assaulting my eyes further. Shielding my eyes with one hand, I looked up and was ecstatic to see Keanu standing there.
“Oh my God! I’m so sorry!” Examining my bloodied and swollen forehead, he took my hands and assisted me gently out of the trunk.
Fumbling as I climbed out, my legs wobbled as my equilibrium adjusted itself. After being tossed around and pressing my limbs against the walls of the trunk, I felt like a newborn baby giraffe trying to accustom myself to my new surroundings.
“I’m okay.” I mumbled as I put my hand to my forehead, cringing at the cop
ious amount of dried blood that had accumulated there.
Glancing around with concern clouding his handsome face, Keanu then led me to the passenger side. “They might still be following us.” Closing my door, he strode quickly around the front of the car to the driver’s side.
Checking over his shoulder for oncoming traffic, he then signaled and sped off down the highway. Watching the world fly past the window, my eyes brimmed with tears.
While there was very little snow on the ground, the trees glistened and glinted in the sunshine courtesy of the hundreds of snowflakes resting on their limbs. Acres of pasture spread out beside me like a royal carpet covered with white satin blankets. The sky smiled down upon me with its deep shade of blue, clear with the exception of the occasional puff of white cloud.
The sun.
Something I’d never once appreciated as much as I did in this moment. The glorious and loyal star that spread its warmth and rays of gold each and every day, never once bitter for the lack of appreciation.
How I loved and appreciated it now.
“Are you sure you’re okay?” Keanu asked quietly, reaching for my hand and taking it into his own. I’m sure I looked positively broken with my face battered and bloody, but if he could only feel the elation bursting from within my soul.
Nodding enthusiastically, I smiled brightly and turned my attention back to the scenery.
Nothing mattered to me right now. Only the delicious feast my eyes were devouring at the moment. The sensory deprivation I’d endured was more drastic than I thought.
Even though I wasn’t technically considered ‘human’, my needs were apparently the same. I craved human companionship. I needed visual stimulation and change. I loved and desired love. My sanity depended on my freedom.
How sad it must be for criminals. Sure, they did the crime, they have to do the time…but I had learned to empathize with their situation.
I had only been kept from humanity for a brief time; I couldn’t imagine how excruciating it would be to spend years locked away from life.
“We need to find a motel.” Keanu muttered under his breath as he read a sign indicating we were only a few miles from a town. “I just don’t know if it’s safe to stop yet.”
“What happened after the guard inspected the trunk?” I asked as I watched a couple of horses trot gracefully through their field.
“I’m not exactly sure, but I’d guess that they discovered the guard in the showers and began a search for you immediately.” His hands clenched the steering wheel tightly as he spoke. “I…panicked when I heard the alarm.” He sighed and shook his head angrily, obviously annoyed with himself. “I just got in the car and took off. I guess they realized I had you and chased me. I’m…sorry Cassia, I screwed everything up.” His eyes lowered in shame as he spoke.
“No, Keanu, it will be okay. You’ll see, it will all work out.” I didn’t know if the thrills of freedom were playing with my senses, but I felt elated and ready to take on the world.
Shaking his head and turning his face toward mine, his eyes filled with fear and his voice wavered. “No Cassia. It won’t be alright. You have no idea what they’re capable of…or what they’ll do if they find us.”
“Over here!” Keanu waved his hand frantically as he signaled me to follow him up a set of stairs. Leaving the safety of the car, I jogged toward him, glancing around with paranoia.
“Quickly!” He hissed as I reached him. Shielding me and my bloodied face by opening his jacket and pushing me against his chest, he led me up a flight of stairs to a motel room he’d just purchased with cash and a fake ID.
Shoving the keys into the lock and opening the door, he led me inside and slammed the door shut. Going straight to the window, he peeked around the gaudy curtains to see if anyone was following us.
“I’m…gonna have a shower, okay?” I hugged myself as I watched him scan every angle of the street.
“Mm mm.” He mumbled, leaving me to wonder if he’d actually heard me at all.
Though I felt like rolling my eyes at his suspicions, I knew all too well that I should be just as cautious and concerned with our welfare.
Closing the door behind me, I cringed at the questionable state of the bathroom. If there was one thing that I’d been pleasantly subjected to while locked up at the facility, it was sterility. I was sure that the cleaning lady who’d cleaned my cell never left even one hair or speck of dust.
This place, however, didn’t look like it even had a cleaning lady.
Turning and looking at myself in the mirror, I gasped. It was much worse than I thought. No wonder Keanu had insisted we stop so I could get cleaned up.
A two inch gash marred the entire left side of my forehead. In a normal situation, I’d have at least ten stitches sewn onto my head by now.
Blood had run down my face from the wound like a river that had burst free from a dam. Clotted blood coated my left eyelid and had meandered all the way down to my collarbone. Chunks of my hair were so matted and colored with my blood that they looked like thick dreadlocks.
If someone had seen me, they’d surely mistake me for the character in the movie ‘Carrie’. I shuddered as I stood before my reflection.
Undressing, I noticed my swollen belly in the mirror. Despite my horrific appearance, I saw the beauty of creation budding right before my eyes. Caressing my baby’s temporary home, I smiled as she wriggled within me.
Turning on the water and stepping into the shower, I let a moan of pleasure escape my lips as the hot water pelted my skin. Raising my face to the showerhead’s rain, I felt the pains of the day wash from my face. Looking down at the drain, the red-tinted waters swirled down into oblivion.
If only my problems could be resolved so easily.
I lingered in the warmth for as long I could, but I knew I had to get out soon. We had to get back on the road as soon as possible.
Guilt twisted in my stomach, I hated the fact that Keanu had to be brought into this nightmare. Sure, he was assigned to me in the beginning, sent to uncover all my secrets and knowledge about my strange background.
Too bad there was nothing to tell. Like I had any idea I was some oddity, a rare anomaly among men.
Examining my hand as the droplets of water trickled over my skin, I wriggled my fingers, watching the tendons and muscles bend and flex with the slightest movement. Turning my hand over, I followed the swirls, patterns and lines etched upon my fingertips and palms.
How was I so different? I had the same skin, the same muscles and bones, how could I have a completely foreign genetic blueprint compared to everyone else?
Assuming I was the only one.
It then dawned on me.
My mother knew!
She’d abandoned me in the cave for a reason and this was it! She knew I was ‘different’ because…she was.
I exhaled as I came to the realization. The anger that I carried for her all these years dissipated and was replaced with a mixture of guilt and relief. Pregnant with me, the situation was likely very similar to what I was experiencing. She was most likely an alien too, or whatever I was, carrying the child of a human.
I didn’t even believe in that kind of stuff before all of this. It was Agent Evans who used the word first, leaving me to come to no other conclusion except that I was of some extraterrestrial descent.
Closing my eyes, I tried to imagine what my mother looked like. It was impossible. As much as I would’ve liked to picture her to be a raven-haired beauty with bronzed skin and a graceful body, I could envision nothing more than some weird alien creature, all gangly, scaly and green.
I was sure she was beautiful. How could she attract my father if she were some deformed beast?
My father…a human maybe?
I’d never given much thought to him. Maybe he was the alien and my mother was the human. My head began to hurt as I contemplated all the ideas. Somehow, though, I knew that my mother
was the one. The one like me.
He could’ve been just a guy she met once or maybe they’d been in love. All I knew is that my grandmother never mentioned anyone but my mother. Grandmother had always been very secretive about finding me in the cave and come to think of it, how did she know it was my mother that left me there? How did she know that my father wasn’t there too?
As the puzzle pieces of my past began to fit together and more pieces came to light, I knew what I had to do.
I need to get to Sedona. I have to talk to grandmother and I have to make her take me to that cave!
The cave. The beginning of my life and the source of all the mysteries in my life.
Why? Why did my mother leave me?
Running my hand over my belly, I knew the answer.
A deep sorrow eclipsed my soul as I realized that my mother was only trying to protect me. It made sense that she would leave me behind; it was the only way to make me anonymous.
Frowning, I contemplated all the scenarios that my mother might have endured. The days leading up to my birth were likely wrought will peril and pain. Now knowing the fierce instinct of protection I had for my own unborn baby, I understood my mother’s decision wholeheartedly.
Warm tears rolled down my face as I faced the truth. I too, was going to have to make a decision. If I gave birth to my baby and kept her, her identity and bloodline would be evident.
How was I going to protect her?
Thankfully the front desk had a first aid kit. Keanu had requested a band-aid for his blistered heel, which was a lie of course; he needed it for my forehead. He had to change the story a bit to hide the fact that I was in the room too.
He’d originally checked in with his false ID telling the receptionist that he was staying in the room alone for the sole purpose of throwing off the authorities. I didn’t say so but I was certain they were much smarter than that, and by the energy that Keanu was giving off, I was sure he knew that too.
They. Who were they? I intended to find out.
“Keanu.” I mustered up the courage to ask him after we’d gotten back into the car and driven a few miles out of town. “Who are…the men in black?”