by S. T. Joshi
Blish, James
Bloch, Robert
Blosser, Myra H.
Blue Book
Blue Pencil Club
Boas, Franz
Boats of the “Glen Carrig,” The (Hodgson)
Boerem, R.
“Boiling Point, The” (Fantasy Fan)
Boland, Stuart Morton
Bolitho, William
Bolton, Mass.
Boni, Albert & Charles
Boni & Liveright
Bonner, G. E.
Bonner, Marion F.
“Bonnie Blue Flag, The”
Bonus Army
“Book, The” (fragment)
“Book, The” (Fungi from Yuggoth)
Book of Dzyan
Book of Eibon
Book of Forbidden Things
Book of the Damned, The (Fort)
Book of Were-wolves, A (Baring-Gould)
Book of Wonder, The (Dunsany)
“Bookstall, The”
Borchgrevink, Carsten Egeberg
Borel, Pierre
Borelli’s comet
Borges, Jorge Luis
Borough Clothiers
Boston Herald
Boston Post
Boston Transcript
Boswell, James
“Bothon” (Whitehead?)
“Bouts Rimés”
Boyd, Emma Garrett
Boy’s World
Bradbury, Ray
Bradley, Chester P.
Bradley, Osgood
Bradofsky, Hyman
Braithwaite, William Stanley
Brandt, C. A.
Bransfield, Edward
Brattleboro Reformer
Brave and Bold
Brave New World (Huxley)
“Brick Row.” See “East India Brick Row, The”
Bride of Re-Animator (film)
“Bride of the Sea, The”
Bridge, The (Crane)
Bridge of San Luis Rey, The (Wilder)
Bridges, Robert
Brief Course in Astronomy, A
Brief Course in Inorganic Chemistry, A
Bright Messenger, The (Blackwood)
Briney, Robert E.
Bristol, William J.
“Britannia Victura”
Brobst, Harry K.
Bromley, Grace M.
Brontë, Emily
Brood of the Witch Queen (Rohmer)
Brooklyn Eagle
Brown, A. H.
Brown, Alice
Brown, Charles Brockden
Brown, Howard
Brown, Jack E.
Brown, John
Brown, Nicholas
Brown brothers
Brown University
Browning, Robert
“Bruise, The” (Whitehead)
Brundage, Margaret
Brunner, John
Bryan, William Jennings
Bryant, Roger
Bryant, William L.
Buchan, John
Bulfinch, Thomas
Bullen, John Ravenor
Bulwer-Lytton, Edward
“Bureau of Critics”
Buried Caesars (Starrett)
Burks, Arthur J.
Burleson, Donald R.
Burns, Mrs
Burroughs, Edgar Rice
Burrowers Beneath, The (Lumley)
Burton, Sir Richard
Bush, David Van
Butler, Samuel (“Hudibras”)
Butler, Samuel
“By Post from Providence”
Byland, Fred A.
Byrd, Richard E.
Byron, George Gordon, Lord
CCC (Civilian Conservation Corps)
C., E. F. W.
“C. S. A. 1861–1865”
Cabell, James Branch
Cabinet of Dr. Caligari, The (film)
Calder, Augustus W.
“Call of Cthulhu, The”
Call of Cthulhu, The (role-playing game)
Callendar, John
Caller of the Black, The (Lumley)
Campbell, Ada P.
Campbell, John H.
Campbell, John W.
Campbell, Paul J.
Campbell, Ramsey
Campbell, Robert Jean
Campbell, W. W.
Can Such Things Be? (Bierce)
“Can the Moon Be Reached by Man?”
Canby, Henry Seidel
Cancer of Superstition, The (Lovecraft-Eddy)
Candide (Voltaire)
Canning Wonder, The (Machen)
Cannon, Peter
Capron, Reuben
Capturing a Locomotive (Pittenger)
Carlyle, Thomas
“Carmilla” (Le Fanu)
Carnacki, the Ghost-Finder (Hodgson)
Carpenter, John
Carranza, Venustiano
Carter, Lin
Caruso, Enrico
“Case for Classicism, The”
Case of Billy Sunday, The
Case of Charles Dexter Ward, The
Casement, Sir Roger
Cass, De Lysle Ferrée
“Cassius” (Whitehead)
Cast a Deadly Spell (HBO)
Castle of Otranto, The (Walpole)
Cather, Willa
Cato (Addison)
“Cats, The”
“Cats and Dogs”
“Cats of Ulthar, The”
Cats of Ulthar, The
Catullus (C. Valerius Catullus)
Cave, Hugh B.
“Celestial Objects for All”
Centaur, The (Blackwood)
Century Magazine
“Chadbourne Episode, The” (Whitehead)
Chain Lightning
Chalker, Jack L.
“Challenge from Beyond, The”
Chamberlain, Houston Stewart
Chambers, George F.
Chambers, Robert
Chambers, Robert W.
Chaney, Lon, Jr.
“Chaos Resolved” (Wandrei)
Chaosium, Inc.
Chaplin, Charlie
Chappell, Fred
Charles I (King of England)
Charles II (King of England)
Checkley, John
Chelsea Book Shop
“Chemical Brain, The” (Weiss)
Chemistry III
Chemistry IV
Chemistry, Magic, & Electricity
Chesterton, G. K.
Chicago Sun Book Week
Chicago Tribune
“Children of the Night, The” (Howard)
Christian Science Monitor
Christie, Agatha
Chronicle of Nath (Yergler)
Chronicles of Rodriguez, The (Dunsany)
“Chuckler, The” (Wandrei)
Church, Mrs. Winslow
“Churchyard Yew, The” (Derleth)
Cicero (M. Tullius Cicero)
Cisco, Michael
Citadel of Fear (Stevens)
“City, The”
“City of the Singing Flame, The” (Smith)
“City of Wonder, A” (Dunsany)
Civil War
Claimed (Stevens)
Clansman, The (Dixon)
“Clarendon’s Last Test” (Lovecraft-de Castro). See “Last Test, The”
Clark, Franklin Chase
Clark, Lilian Delora
And W. Paul Cook; and Sonia Greene; with HPL in New York; HPL’s letters to; residence with HPL
Clarke, Arthur C.
Clayton, William
Cleveland, Charles Dexter
Cleveland, Grover
Cleveland Sun
Cline, Leonard
Cloisonné and Other Verses (Talman)
Club of the Seven D
reamers, The
Coates, Walter J.
Cobb, Irvin S.
Cockcroft, T. G. L.
Cocteau, Jean
Cold Harbour (Young)
Cold Print (Campbell)
Cole, E. Sherman
Cole, Edward H.
Cole, Ira A.
Coleman, Stuart
Coleridge, Samuel Taylor
“Collapsing Cosmoses” (Lovecraft-Barlow)
Collected Essays
Collected Ghost Stories of M. R. James, The (James)
Collected Poems
College Humor
Collier, John
Collier’s Weekly
Collins, Wilkie
Color Line, The (Smith)
“Colossus” (Wandrei)
“Colour out of Space, The”
Colour out of Space, The
“Coming of the White Worm, The” (Smith)
“Commercial Blurbs”
“Commercialism—The Curse of Art” (Greene)
commonplace book
“Concerning the Conservative” (Isaacson)
“Confession of Unfaith, A”
Conger, Alice
Congreve, William
Conjure Wife (Leiber)
Connery, William
Connoisseur and Other Stories, The (de la Mare)
Conover, Howard R.
Conover, Willis
Conquest of Mexico, The (Prescott)
“Conquest of the Hub Club, The”
Conquistador (MacLeish)
Conrad, Joseph
“Conscript, The”
“Conservative and His Critics, The”
“‘Conservatism’ Gone Mad” (Morton)
“Consolidation’s Autopsy”
Constantine I (King of Greece)
“Continuity” (Fungi from Yuggoth)
“Convention, The”
“Convention Banquet, The”
“Conversation of Eiros and Charmion, The” (Poe)
Cook, F. A.
Cook, James
Cook, W. Paul; and amateur journalism; on HPL; meetings with HPL; as publisher; and weird fiction
“Cool Air”
Cool Million, A (West)
Coolidge, Calvin
Copernicus, Nicholaus
Corcoran, Maggie
Corman, Roger
Cornelius, B.
“Coronation of Mr. Thomas Shap, The” (Dunsany)
“Correspondence between R. H. Barlow and Wilson Shepherd . . .”
Cosmic Tales
Coughlin, Charles E.
Couleur tombée du ciel, La
Coulthart, John
“Count Magnus” (James)
Cowan, Frank
Cowboy Stories
Cox, George Benson
Crafton Service Bureau
Craig, Mrs R. A.
Cram, Ralph Adams
Crane, Charles
Crane, Hart
Crawford, F. Marion
Crawford, William L.
“Crawling Chaos, The” (Lovecraft-Jackson)
Crawling Chaos: Selected Works
Crean, T. P.
Creditors’ National Clearing House
Creep, Shadow! (Merritt)
“Creeper in the Crypt, The” (Bloch)
Creeps by Night (Hammett)
Crime of Crimes, The
“Crime of the Century, The”
Crispin, Edmund
Critical Dissertation on the Poems of Ossian, A (Blair)
“Criticism of Amateur Journals, A” (McDonald)
Crofts, Anna Helen
Crookes, Sir William
“Crossman, Willis Tete”
Croxall, Samuel
Crowley, Aleister
Crowley, James Laurence
Crypt of Cthulhu
“Crystal Bullet, The” (Wandrei)
Cthulhu: Geistergeschichten
Cthulhu Mythos
Cthulhu 2000 (Turner)
Cummings, J. C.
Cummings, Ray
Cuppy, Will
Curious Myths of the Middle Ages (Baring-Gould)
Curse, The (film)
Curse of Race Prejudice, The (Morton)
Curse of the Wise Woman, The (Dunsany)
“Curse of Yig, The” (Lovecraft-Bishop)
Curtiss, William Loren
“Cycle of Verse, A”
Cyclopaedia of the Literature of Amateur Journalism (Spencer)
Cymbeline (Shakespeare)
Cyreno de Bergerac (film)
Daas, Edward F.
Dagon (Chappell)
Dagon (film)
Dagon and Other Macabre Tales
Dahibrun, Lyle
Daly, Carroll John
“Damned Thing, The” (Bierce)
“Damon—a Monody”
“Damon and Delia, a Pastoral”
“Damon and Lycë”
Danse Macabre (King)
Dante Alighieri
Danziger, Gustav Adolphe. See de Castro, Adolphe
Dark Brotherhood and Other Pieces, The
Dark Chamber, The (Cline)
Dark Chateau, The (Smith)
“Dark Eidolon, The” (Smith)
Dark Odyssey (Wandrei)
Darwin, Charles
Dauber & Pine
David Copperfield (Dickens)
Davidson, Avram
Davies, Robertson
Davis, Edgar J.
Davis, Graeme
Davis, Nathaniel
Davis, Robert H.
Davis, Sonia H.; and amateur journalism; divorce from HPL; employment of; on HPL; and HPL’s aunts; on HPL’s parents; health of; marriage with HPL; meetings with HPL; and sex; travels with HPL; as writer
Day, F. H.
De Rerum Natura (Lucretius)
“De Scriptore Mulerioso”
“De Triumpho Naturae”
De Vermis Mysteriis (Prinn)
“Dead Bookworm, The”
Dead Titans, Waken! (Wandrei)
“Dead Valley, The” (Cram)
“Deaf, Dumb, and Blind” (Lovecraft-Eddy)
“Death” (Hoag)
“Death” (Shehan)
“Death” (Shepherd)
“death diary”
“Death of Halpin Frayser, The” (Bierce)
Debs, Eugene V.
De Bry, brothers
de Camp, L. Sprague
de Castro, Adolphe
“Decline and Fall of a Man of the World, The”
Decline of the West, The (Spengler)
Dee, John
Dee, Sandra
“Defence Remains Open!, The”
“Defence Reopens!, The”
de la Mare, Walter
Delavan’s Comet
“Delavan’s Comet and Astrology”
Delrio, Antoine
De Mille, James
Demons by Daylight (Campbell)
Demons of the Upper Air (Leiber)
Dench, Ernest A.
Department of Instruction
Department of Private Criticism
“Department of Public Criticism”
Derleth, August; and R. H. Barlow; and Cthulhu Mythos; on HPL; HPL’s letters to; and HPL’s work; as publisher; and pulp fiction; and Donald Wandrei; on weird fiction; as writer
“Descendant, The”
“Descent into the Maelström, A” (Poe)
Descent of Man, The (Darwin)
“Description of the Town of Quebeck, A”
Desmond, Shaw
Detective, The
Detective Tales
de Vries, Peter
Dewey, John
Dexter, “Lord” Timothy
/> Dexter Asylum
“Diamond Necklace, The” (Jackson)
“Diary” (1925)
“Diary” (1936)
“Diary of Alonzo Typer, The” (Lovecraft-Lumley)
Dick, Philip K.
Dick, Thomas
Dickens, Charles
Dictionary of Americanisms (Bartlett)
Dictionary of the English Language (Johnson)
Dictionary of the English Language (Stormonth)
Diderot, Denis
Die, Monster, Die! (film)
Diels, Hermann
“Dignity of Journalism, The”
“Dim-Remembered Story, A” (Barlow)
dime novels
“Disinterment, The” (Lovecraft-Rimel)
Dispensary, The (Garth)
Dixie Booster
Dixon, Thomas, Jr.
Docherty, Chris
Dodge, E. G.
Donne, John
“Doom That Came to Sarnath, The”
Doorways to Poetry (Moe)
Doran, George H.
Doré, Gustave
Double Shadow and Other Fantasies, The (Smith)
Doubleday, Page & Co.
Dowdell, William J.
Dowdell’s Bearcat
Dowe, Jennie E. T.
Down to the Sea in Ships (film)
Doyle, Sir Arthur Conan
Doyle, Thomas A.
“Dr. Whitlock’s Price” (Long)
Dracula (Stoker)
Dracula (film)
Drake, H. B.
Drayton, Michael
“Dream-Land” (Poe)
“Dream of a Golden Age, The” (Cole)
Dream-Quest of Unknown Kadath, The
Dreamer’s Tales, A (Dunsany)
Dreams and Fancies
“Dreams in the Witch House, The”
“Dreams of Yith” (Rimel)
Dreiser, Theodore
Dreiserana (Orton)
“Drinking Song from ‘The Tomb’”
Dryden, John
Dryden, Wheeler
DuBarry, Jack
Du Bois, W. E. B.
Dunbar, Paul Laurence
Dunciad (Pope)
Dunn, John T.
Dunsany, Lord
Dunsany the Dramatist (Bierstadt)
“Dunsany, Yeats and Shaw: Trinity of Magic” (Desmond)
Dunwich, Mass.
“Dunwich Horror, The”
Dunwich Horror, The
Dunwich Horror, The (film)
Dunwich Horror and Other Weird Tales, The
Dunwich Horror and Others, The (Arkham House)
Dunwich Horror and Others, The (Lancer)
Durant, Will
Dürer, Albrecht
Durham, W. H.
Durr, Mary Faye
d’Urville, Jules Dumont
Duston, Cecil Calvert
Dutton, E. P.
Dvorak, Lucile
“Dweller in Martian Depths, The” (Smith)
Dwellers in the Mirage, The (Merritt)
Dwyer, Bernard Austin
Dyalhis, Nictzin
Dyer, Jim
Dziemianowicz, Stefan
Earle, Alice
“Early Rhode Island”
Early Years, The (Derleth). See Evening in Spring
“Earth Not Hollow, The”
“East and West Harvard Conservatism”
“East India Brick Row, The”