by S. T. Joshi
East Side Detective Agency
East Side Historical Club
East Side News
Easter Island
Eastlake, Charles L.
Ebony and Crystal (Smith)
Eckhardt, Jason C.
Eco, Umberto
Ecstasy and Other Poems (Wandrei)
Eddington, Arthur
Eddison, E. R.
Eddy, C. M., Jr.
Eddy, Grace
Eddy, Muriel E.
Edgar Allan Poe (Woodberry)
Edgar Allan Poe: His Life, Letters and Opinions (Ingram)
Edgar Allan Poe, the Man (Phillips)
“Edith Miniter”
Editions for the Armed Services
“Editorial” (Conservative)
“Editorial” (Providence Amateur)
“Editorial” (United Amateur)
“Editorial” (Dunn)
Edkins, Ernest A.
Education of Uncle Paul, The (Blackwood)
Edward VIII (King of England)
Edwards, John
“Egyptian Myths”
“Eidolon, The”
Einstein, Albert
“Elder Pharos, The” (Fungi from Yuggoth)
Eldridge, William Tillinghast
“Electric Executioner, The” (Lovecraft-de Castro)
“Elegy on Franklin Chase Clark, M.D., An”
“Elegy on Phillips Gamwell”
Elegy Written in a Country Churchyard (Gray)
Elements of Astronomy (Guy)
Eliot, T. S.
Elizabeth I (Queen of England)
Elizabeth Daily Journal
Elliot, Hugh
Ellis, Annie Cross
Ellis, Havelock
Ellisen, Ed.
Ellsworth, Lincoln
Elsie Venner (Holmes)
Eltdown Shards
Emerson, Ralph Waldo
“Emperor of Dreams, The” (Wandrei)
Empty House and Other Stories, The (Blackwood)
“Encouraging Recruits”
Encyclopaedia Britannica
Enyclopedia of Occultism (Spence)
“End of the Jackson War, The”
England, George Allan
English Journal
Ennis, Clifford D.
Epicure in the Terrible, An (Schultz-Joshi)
Episodes Before Thirty (Blackwood)
Episodes of Vathek, The (Beckford)
“Epistle to Francis, Ld. Belknap, An.” See “To a Sophisticated Young Gentleman . . .”
“Epistle to . . . Maurice Winter Moe, Esq. . . ., An”
Erford, J. F. Roy
Ericson, E. E.
Erik Dorn (Hecht)
Esenwein, J. Berg
Eshbach, Lloyd Arthur
Esoteric Order of Dagon
Essays Lovecraftian (Schweitzer)
Etidorhpa (Lloyd)
“European Glimpses” (Lovecraft-Greene)
Eusden, Laurence
Evans, William H.
Eve of St Agnes, The (Keats)
Evening in Spring (Derleth)
“Evening Star” (Fungi from Yuggoth)
Everts, R. Alain
“Evil Clergyman, The”
Evolution of Man, The (Haeckel)
Ewers, Hanns Heinz
“Ex Oblivione”
Exchange of Souls, An (Pain)
“Expectancy” (Fungi from Yuggoth)
Explorers of the Infinite (Moskowitz)
Extra Day, The (Blackwood)
“Eye above the Mantel, The” (Long)
“Eyes of the God” (Barlow)
“Eyrie, The” (Weird Tales)
F., G. W.
Face That Must Die, The (Campbell)
Face to Face with the Great Musicians (Isaacson)
“Facts concerning the Late Arthur Jermyn and His Family”
“Facts in the Case of M. Valdemar, The” (Poe)
Facts, Thought, and Imagination (Canby-Pierce-Durham)
Fadiman, Clifton P.
Faig, Kenneth W., Jr
Fairbanks, Douglas, Sr.
Fairbanks, Henry G.
Fairbanks Scales Co.
Fairchild, Dan
Fairy Tales (Grimm)
“Falco Ossifracus: By Mr. Goodguile” (Miniter)
“Fall of Astrology, The”
“Fall of the House of Usher, The” (Poe)
“Falsity of Astrology, The”
Fanciful Tales
Fantaisiste’s Mirror
Fantasy Commentator
Fantasy Fan
Fantasy Magazine
Far Off Things (Machen)
Farnell, F. J.
Farnese, Harold S.
Farsaci, Larry
Fast, F. R.
Faulkner, William
Faunce, W. H. P.
“Favorite Weird Stories of H. P. Lovecraft”
Fay’s Theatre (Providence, R.I.)
“Feast, The”
“Feast in the Abbey, The” (Bloch)
“Felis: A Prose Poem” (Long)
Fénélon, François de Salignac de la Mothe-
Ferle Heller’s
“Festival, The”
Fetter, George G.
Field, Edward
Field, John
Fielding, Henry
Fifty-one Tales (Dunsany)
“Final Words”
Fine, Calvin
Fingulin, A. V.
Finlay, Virgil
Finnegans Wake (Joyce)
“Fire of Asshurbanipal, The” (Howard)
First Baptist Church (Providence, R.I.)
“First Law, The” (Jackson)
First on the Antarctic Continent (Borchgrevink)
First Universalist Society
Fischer, Harry O.
Fisher, H. M.
“Fisherman of Falcon Point, The” (Derleth)
“Fishhead” (Cobb)
Fiske, John
Fitzgerald, F. Scott
Five Plays (Dunsany)
“Flagg, Francis” (pseud. of Henry George Weiss)
Flaubert, Gustave
Fletcher, John Gould
“Florida” (Russell)
Fog, The (film)
Fogg Museum (Harvard University)
“For Annie” (Poe)
“For Historian—Ira A. Cole”
“For Official Editor—Anne Tillery Renshaw”
“For President—Leo Fritter”
“For What Does the United Stand?”
Forever Azathoth and Other Horrors (Cannon)
Forrest, Ira B.
Forster, Richard
Fort, Charles
Fort Standish (Boston)
Foster, T. J.
Foundations of the Nineteenth Century (Chamberlain)
Four Acrostic Sonnets on Edgar Allan Poe
“Four O’Clock” (Greene)
Fourteen Weeks Course in Descriptive Astronomy, A (Steele)
Fourth Book of Jorkens, The (Dunsany)
Fragment of Life, A (Machen)
Fragmente der Vorsokratiker, Die (Diels)
“Fragments from the Journal of a Solitary Man” (Hawthorne)
Frank, Frederick S.
Frank Reade Library
Frank Reade Weekly
Frankenstein (Shelley)
Frankenstein (film)
Fraser, Phyllis
Frazer, Sir James George
Fredlund, Arthur
Freeman, Edward A.
Freeman, Mary E. Wilkins
Freer, Archibald
French, Eunice
French, Joseph Lewis
Frenschkowski, Marco
Freud, Sigmund
Fricker, Karl
Frierson, Meade and Penny
Fritter, Leo
“From Beyond”
“From the Sea” (Rimel)
Frome, Nils H.
Frost, Robert
Frozen Pirate, The (Russell)
“Frustra Praemunitus”
Fulci, Lucio
Full, Mary
Fulwiler, William
Fungi from Yuggoth
Fungi from Yuggoth and Other Verses
Fur-Seal’s Tooth, The (Munroe)
Further Criticism of Poetry
G., H. R.
“Galileo and Swammerdam” (Jackson)
Gallagher, Patrick
Galland, Antoine
Galpin, Alfred; and amateur journalism; and Sonia Greene; HPL on; HPL’s letters to; and HPL’s work; meetings with HPL; as writer
Galpin, Mrs Alfred
Galsworthy, John
Gamwell, Annie Emeline Phillips; and R. H. Barlow; and Sonia Greene; and HPL’s childhood; and HPL’s death; and HPL’s finances; HPL’s letters to; health of; marriage of; residence with HPL; travels with HPL
Gamwell, Edward F.
Gamwell, Marion Roby
Gamwell, Phillips
Garden of Survival, The (Blackwood)
“Gardens of Yin, The” (Fungi from Yuggoth)
Gardner, Henry B.
Gardner, Mrs Marinus Willett
Garland, Hamlin
Garth, Sir Samuel
Gaspee (ship)
Gatto, John Taylor
Gautier, Théophile
Gay, John
Gayford, Norman R.
Gaynor, Leonard
Gehman, Richard
“Gems from In a Minor Key”
“George’s Sacrifice: By Percy Vacuum, age 8”
Gerlache, Adrien de
Gernsback, Hugo
Gesammelte Werke
Gessler, Clifford
Ghorl Nigral
“Ghost-Eater, The” (Lovecraft-Eddy)
Ghost Girl, The (Saltus)
Ghost Pirates, The (Hodgson)
Ghost Stories
Ghost-Stories of an Antiquary (James)
Gibbon, Edward
Gibson, Walter B.
Giger, H. R.
Gilman, Charlotte Perkins
Gindre, Philippe
Gissing, George
Glands Regulating Personality, The (Berman)
Glorious Mystery, The (Machen)
Goblin Tower, The (Long)
Gods of Mars, The (Burroughs)
Gods of Pegana, The (Dunsany)
Gods of the Mountain, The (Dunsany)
Goff, Russell
Golden Atom
Golden Bough, The (Frazer)
Goldsmith, Oliver
Golem, The (Meyrink)
Gollancz, Victor
“Gone—But Whither?”
Good Anaesthetic, A
Goodenough, Arthur
Goose-Quill Papers (Guiney)
Gordon, Mr
Gordon, Stuart
“Gorgon, The” (Smith)
Gorham & Co.
Gorman, Herbert
Gorman, Joseph
Gorton, Samuel
Gosse, Edmund
Gough, John B.
Grant, Charles L.
Grant, Kenneth
Grant, Madison
“Graveyard Rats, The” (Kuttner)
Gray, Thomas
Grayson, Allan
“Great God Pan, The” (Machen)
Great God Pan and The Inmost Light, The (Machen)
Great Meadow Country Clubhouse
Great Tales of Terror and the Supernatural (Wise-Fraser)
“Greater Courage, The” (Isaacson)
“Greek Literature” (McGeoch)
Green, J. R.
“Green Meadow” (Lovecraft-Jackson)
“Green Tea” (Le Fanu)
Greenberg, Martin H.
Greene, Florence
Greene, John
Greene, Nathanael
Greene, Sonia H. See Davis, Sonia H.
Greene, Sydney
Greenfield, William H.
Greenlaw, Ralph M.
“Grewsome Tales”
Grey, Zane
Griffin, W. E.
Griffith, D. W.
Grimm, Brothers
“Grinning Ghoul, The” (Bloch)
Griswold, Rufus W.
“Grit Your Teeth” (Bush)
“Gryphus in Asinum Mutatus”
Guarriello, Pietro
Gudeman, Alfred
Guest, Edgar A.
Guiney, Louise Imogen
Guy, Joseph
“H. Lovecraft’s Attempted Journey . . .”
HPL (Frierson)
HPL (Stickney)
H. P. L.: A Memoir (Derleth)
H. P. Lovecraft (rock band)
H. P. Lovecraft (Cannon)
“H. P. Lovecraft: A Biographical Sketch” (Baldwin)
H. P. Lovecraft: A Critical Study (Burleson)
H. P. Lovecraft: A Life (Joshi)
H. P. Lovecraft: Four Decades of Criticism (Joshi)
“H. P. Lovecraft, Outsider” (Derleth)
H. P. Lovecraft: The Decline of the West (Joshi)
“H. P. Lovecraft: The House and the Shadows” (Shea)
H. P. Lovecraft Centennial Conference
H. P. Lovecraft Companion, The (Shreffler)
H. P. Lovecraft Film Festival
H. P. Lovecraft’s From Beyond (film)
H. P. Lovecraft’s Re-Animator (film)
Haeckel, Ernst
Haft, Racille
Haggard, H. Rider
Haggerty, Vincent B.
Haldeman-Julius, E.
Hall, Desmond
Hall, James B.
“Hallowe’en in a Suburb”
Halley’s Comet
Halsey, Thomas Lloyd
Halve Maen, De
Hamilton, Edmond
Hamlet, Alice
Hamlet (Shakespeare)
Hammett, Dashiell
Handbook of Roman Antiquities, A
Happel, Carl
Happy Ending (Guiney)
“Harbor-Master, The” (Chambers)
“Harbour Whistles” (Fungi from Yuggoth)
Harding, Warren G.
Hardy, Thomas
Harper & Brothers
Harré, T. Everett
Harrington, William T.
Harris, Arthur
Harris, Juliette
Harris, Woodburn
Harrison, Benjamin
Harrison, James A.
Hart, Bertrand K.
Hartley, L. P.
Hartmann, J. F.
Hashish Eater, The (Smith)
“Hashish Man, The” (Dunsany)
“Hasting, Consul” (pseud. of Alfred Galpin)
Hatfield, Gordon
Hathaway, Abbie A.
Haughton, Ida C.
“Haunted and the Haunters, The” (Bulwer-Lytton)
Haunted Castle, The (Railo)
“Haunted House, The”
Haunted Palace, The (film)
“Haunted Valley, The” (Bierce)
“Haunter of the Dark, The”
Haunter of the Dark and Other Tales of Horror, The
“Haverhill Convention, The”
Hawthorne, Julian
Hawthorne, Nathaniel
Hay, George
Hazel, Faye Ringel
Hazlitt, William
Heald, Hazel
Hearn, Lafcadio
Heart of Darkness (Conrad)
Hecht, Ben
Heine, Heinrich
Heinlein, Robert A.
Heins, John Milton
“Heins versus Houtain” (Greene)
Heisenberg, Werner Karl
“Helene Hoffman Cole: 1893–1919: The Club’s Tribute”
Helvétius, Claude-Adrien
Hemingway, Ernest
Henley, Samuel
Henneberger, J. C.
Henry, Patrick
Hepner, Dora M.
Herbert Spencer (Elliot)
“Herbert West—Reanimator”
“Heritage or Modernism”
Hermaphrodite, The (Loveman)
“Hermit, The”
Herne, L’
Herrera, Philip
Herschel, John
Herschel, Sir William
Hervey, James
“Hesperia” (Fungi from Yuggoth)
Hess, Clara
Hichens, Robert
Hieroglyphics (Machen)
High Life
“Highwayman, The” (Dunsany)
Hill, Isaac
Hill of Dreams, The (Machen)
Hines, Thomas
Hinsie, Leland E.
Hippocampus Press
“His Own Most Fantastic Creation” (Scott)
“Historical Account of Last Year’s War with SPAIN, An”
Historical Discourse on the Civil and Religious Affairs of the Colony of Rhode-Island, An (Callendar)
Historical Reminiscences of Foster, Rhode Island (Tyler)
History of Dartmouth College (Richardson)
History of Freemasonry in Rhode Island (Rugg)
History of the Gothic Revival (Eastlake)
“History of the Necronomicon”
History of the Necronomicon, A
History of the State of Rhode Island (Bicknell)
History of the United States Secret Service (Baker)
Hitler, Adolf
Hoag, Jonathan E.
“Hoard of the Wizard-Beast, The” (Lovecraft-Barlow)
Hodgson, William Hope
Hoffman, Helene E.
Hoffmann, E. T. A.
Hogarth, William
Holbach, Paul Thiry d’
Holland Society
Hollick-Kenyon, Herbert
Holmes, Oliver Wendell
Holmes, Prescott
Holmes, Sherlock
Home Brew
“Homecoming” (Fungi from Yuggoth)
Homeland Company
Homer, Joseph
“Homes and Shrines of Poe”
Honolulu Star-Bulletin
Hooker, Joseph
Hoover, Herbert
Hope Street High School
Hopkins, Stephen
Horace (Q. Horatius Flaccus)
“Horla, The” (Maupassant)
Hornig, Charles D.
“Horror at Martin’s Beach, The” (Lovecraft-Greene)
“Horror at Red Hook, The”
“Horror from the Depths, The” (Derleth-Schorer)
Horror from the Hills, The (Long)
“Horror in the Burying-Ground, The” (Lovecraft-Heald)
“Horror in the Museum, The” (Lovecraft-Heald)
Horror in the Museum and Other Revisions, The
“Horseman in the Sky, The” (Bierce)
Hoskins, W. B.
Houdini, Harry
Houellebecq, Michel
“Hound, The”
Hound of the Baskervilles, The (Doyle)
“House, The”
House by the Churchyard, The (Le Fanu)