by S. T. Joshi
Talman, Wilfred Blanch
Tanglewood Tales (Hawthorne)
Tanner, Kenneth
Targ, William
Tarkington, Booth
Tarzan of the Apes (Burroughs)
“Task for Amateur Journalists, A”
Tate, Allen
Taurasi, James V.
Taylor, Harold Z.
“Temperance Song”
“Temple, The”
Tenison, E. M.
Tennyson, Alfred, Lord
Terence (P. Terentius Afer)
Terhune, Albert Payson
“Terrible Old Man, The”
Terror, The (Machen)
“Terror from the Depths, The” (Leiber)
Tesla, Nicola
Testimony of the Suns, The (Sterling)
Texaco Star
Thackeray, William Makepeace
“Theobald, Lewis, Jun.”
“There Are More Things” (Borges)
Theroux, Paul
Thin Ghost and Others, A (James)
Thing, The (film)
“Thing in the Moonlight, The” (spurious)
Thing in the Woods, The (Williams)
“Thing on the Doorstep, The”
“Thing That Walked in the Wind, The” (Derleth)
Things Near and Far (Machen)
“Third Act, The” (Jackson)
Third Annual Report of the Prov. Meteorological Station
Thomas, Edward
Thomas, Henry F.
Thomas, James Warren
Thomas, Jonathan
Thomas, Norman
Thompson, C. Hall
Thompson, Denman
Thompson, G. R.
Thompson, Mrs
Thompson, Robert
Thompson, W. J.
Thomson, Christine Campbell
Thomson, J. Arthur
Thomson, James
Thoreau, Henry David
“Thoughts” (Munroe)
Thoughts and Pictures (Kuntz)
“Thrawn Janet” (Stevenson)
Three Heroines of New England Romance
Three Impostors, The (Machen)
Three Who Died (Derleth)
Thrill Book
Through the First Antarctic Night (Cook)
“Through the Gates of the Silver Key” (Lovecraft-Price)
Tickell, Thomas
Tierney, Richard L.
“‘Till A’ the Seas’” (Lovecraft-Barlow)
Time and the Gods (Dunsany)
Time Machine, The (Wells)
Times Literary Supplement
“To a Dreamer”
“To a Movie Star” (Kleiner)
“To a Sophisticated Young Gentleman . . .”
“To a Young Poet in Dunedin”
“To Alan Seeger”
“To Alfred Galpin, Esq.”
“To an Accomplished Young Gentlewoman . . .”
“To an Infant”
“To Anacreon in Heaven”
“To Arthur Goodenough, Esq.”
“To Charlie of the Comics”
“To Chloris” (Munroe)
“To Clark Ashton Smith . . .”
“To Delia, Avoiding Damon”
“To Edward John Moreton Drax Plunkett, Eighteenth Baron Dunsany”
“To Flavia” (Munroe)
“To General Villa”
“To George Willard Kirk”
“To Greece, 1917”
“To Howard Phillips Lovecraft” (Smith)
“To Maj.-Gen. Omar Bundy, U.S.A.”
“To Mary of the Movies” (Kleiner)
“To Miss Beryl Hoyt . . .”
“To Mistress Sophia Simple, Queen of the Cinema”
“To Mr. Finlay . . .”
“To Mr. Kleiner, on Receiving from Him the Poetical Works of Addison, Gay, and Somerville”
“To Mr. Munroe . . .”
“To Mr. Terhune, on His Historical Fiction”
“To Pan”
“To S. S. L.—October 17, 1920”
“To Samuel Loveman Esquire . . .”
“To Saml. Loveman, Gent. . . .”
“To Satan” (Loveman)
“To the American Flag” (Hoag)
“To the Eighth of November”
“To the Members of the Pin-Feathers . . .”
“To the Members of the United”
“To the Members of the United Amateur Press Ass’n from the Providence Amateur Press Club”
“To the Nurses of the Red Cross”
“To the Old Pagan Religion”
“To the Rev. James Pyke”
“To ‘The Scribblers’”
“To Xanthippe”
“To Zara”
Tolbert, Thurston
Toldridge, Elizabeth
Tolkien, J. R. R.
“Tomb, The”
Tomb of Perneb, The
Toomer, Jean
Torrance, Lew
Tousey, Frank
Townsend, Clyde G.
Townsend, Francis E.
Trail of Cthulhu, The (Derleth)
Train, Oswald
Transatlantic Circulator
“Transition of Juan Romero, The”
“Trans-Neptunian Planets”
“Trap, The” (Lovecraft-Whitehead)
“Travels in the Provinces of America”
“Tree, The”
“Tree-Men of M’Bwa, The” (Wandrei)
“Tree on the Hill, The” (Lovecraft-Rimel)
Tremaine, F. Orlin
Trench and Camp
“Trip of Theobald, The”
Tri-State Times
“Triumph in Eternity, A” (Loveman)
Trollope, Anthony
Troy Times
True Blue
Truesdell, Lucius B.
Trumbull, John
“Tryout’s Lament for the Vanished Spider”
Tucker, Gertrude E.
Turn of the Screw, The (James)
Turner, C. M.
Turner, J. M. W.
Turner, James
Turner, James (editor of Arkham House)
Tutti i racconti
Twenty-nine Poems (Strauch)
Twenty-one Letters of Ambrose Bierce (Bierce)
“Twilight” (Munroe)
Twilight of the Idols (Nietzsche)
“Twilight of Time, The” (Wandrei). See “Red Brain, The”
“Two Black Bottles” (Lovecraft-Talman)
Tyler, Casey B.
Tylor, Edward Burnett
“Types of Weird Story”
Tyson, Donald
“Ulalume” (Poe)
Ullman, Allen G.
Ulysses (Joyce)
Unaussprechlichen Kulten (Junzt)
“Unbroken Chain, The” (Cobb)
Uncle Silas (Le Fanu)
“Under the Pyramids” (Lovecraft-Houdini)
Unhappy Far-Off Things (Dunsany)
United Amateur
United Amateur Press Association
United Amateur Press Association: Exponent of Amateur Journalism
United Amateur Press Association of America
United Co-operative
United Mine Workers
United Women’s Press Club of Massachusetts
Unknown/Unknown Worlds
“Unknown, The”
“Unknown City in the Ocean, The”
“Unnamable, The”
Unnamable, The (film)
Untermeyer, Louis
Unusual Stories
Updike, John
Upham, Ronald
Upton, Winslow
Utpatel, Frank
Valkyrien, Valda
“Valley of Unrest, The” (Poe)
Van de Water, F. F.
Van Dusen, Washington
Van Vog
t, A. E.
Vanguard (publisher)
Vanity of Human Wishes, The (Johnson)
Varied Year
Vathek (Beckford)
“Vaults of Yoh-Vombis, The” (Smith)
Venizelos, Eleutherios
Venus in Furs (Sacher-Masoch)
“Vermont—A First Impression”
Vermont Country Store
Verne, Jules
Vernon, James
“Vers Libre Epidemic, The”
“Verses Designed to Be Sent by a Friend of the Author . . .”
“Very Old Folk, The”
Vestiges of Creation (Chambers)
Victoria (Queen of England)
Vidal, Gore
Villa, Pancho
Vincent, Harl
Virgil (P. Vergilius Maro)
“Vivisector, The” (Lovecraft-Galpin)
Voltaire (François Marie Arouet)
“Volunteer, The”
von der Heide, Edna
Voss, Richard
Voyage of Discovery and Research in the Southern Antarctic Regions, A (Ross)
Voyage towards the South Pole (Cook)
Voyage towards the South Pole, A (Weddell)
“Voyages of Capt. Ross, R.N.”
W., E. M.
WPA (Works Progress Administration)
Walker, James J.
Walpole, Horace
Walter, Dorothy C.
“Wanderer’s Return” (Shepherd)
Wandering Ghosts (Crawford)
Wandrei, Donald; and Arkham House; and R. H. Barlow; HPL on; on HPL; HPL’s letters to; influence on HPL; meetings with HPL; and weird fiction; writings by
Wandrei, Howard
War and Peace (Tolstoy)
Ward, Fred
Ward, Harold
Ward, Samuel
Warlord of Mars (Burroughs)
Warning to the Curious, A (James)
Washington, George
Waste Land, The (Eliot)
“Waste Paper”
Watchers out of Time, The (Derleth)
Watson, Stanley H.
Wave, The (Blackwood)
Waugh, Evelyn
Waugh, Robert H.
Wayland, Francis
Web of Easter Island, The (Wandrei)
Webster, Noah
Weddell, James
Weinbaum, Stanley G.
Weinberg, Robert E.
Weird Shadow over Innsmouth . . ., The
“Weird Story Plots”
“Weird Tale in English Since 1890, The” (Derleth)
Weird Tales; art in; book publications by; HPL in; HPL’s ad in; and HPL’s editorship; HPL’s colleagues in; HPL’s revisions in; payments by; rejections by; submissions to
“Weird Work of William Hope Hodgson, The”
“Weird Writer Is In Our Midst, A” (Orton)
Weiss, Henry George
Weld, John
Well Bred Speech (Renshaw)
Wells, H. G.
“Wendigo, The” (Blackwood)
Wentworth, Benning
“Wentworth’s Day” (Derleth)
“Werewolf of Ponkert, The” (Munn)
West, Nathanael
West India Lights (Whitehead)
Westbrook, Dr
Westminster Street, Providence, as It Was about 1824 (Read)
Wetzel, George T.
“What Amateurdom and I Have Done for Each Other”
“What Belongs in Verse”
What Is Man? (Thomson)
“What Makes a Story Click?” (Luten)
“What the Moon Brings”
“What Was It?” (O’Brien)
“When the Gods Slept” (Dunsany)
“Where’s the Woman?” (Jackson)
While the Sirens Slept (Dunsany)
Whipple, Abraham
Whipple, Esther
“Whisperer in Darkness, The”
White, Edward Lucas
White, Lee McBride
White, Matthew, Jr.
White, Michael Oscar
White, Stanford
White, William Patterson
“White Ape, The.” See “Facts concerning the Late Arthur Jermyn and His Family”
White Buildings (Crane)
White Fire (Bullen)
“White People, The” (Machen)
“White Ship, The”
Whitehead, Mrs. E. L.
Whitehead, Henry S.
“Whither?” (anon.)
Whitman, Sarah Helen
Whitman, Walt
Whittier, David H.
Whittier, John Greenleaf
“Who Goes There?” (Campbell)
Who’s Who in America
“Why the Milkman Shudders When He Perceives the Dawn” (Dunsany)
“Wicked Clergyman, The.” See “Evil Clergyman, The”
Wickenden, Mr
Wieland (Brown)
Wilde, Oscar
Wilder, Thornton
Wilkes, Charles
“Wilkes’s Explorations”
Willcox, W. B.
“William Wilson” (Poe)
Williams, Blanche Colton
Williams, Charles
Williams, Harper
Williams, Roger
Williams, William Carlos
“Willie, Albert Frederick”
“Willows, The” (Blackwood)
Wilson, Colin
Wilson, Edmund
Wilson, Edward
Wilson, Miriam Bellangee
Wilson, Woodrow
Wilt, Napier
“Wind That Is in the Grass, The” (Barlow)
Wine of Wizardry, A (Sterling)
Winesburg, Ohio (Anderson)
Wing, Eleanor Evans
“Winged Death” (Lovecraft-Heald)
“Winged Feet” (Jackson)
“Winifred Virginia Jackson: A ‘Different’ Poetess”
Winskill, Benjamin
Winsor, G. MacLeod
Winter Garden (Morse)
Wise, Herbert A.
Witch-Cult in Western Europe, The (Murray)
“Witch-Makers, The” (Wandrei)
Witch Wood (Buchan)
“With a Copy of Wilde’s Fairy Tales”
“Within the Gates”
Wittie, Robert
Wodehouse, P. G.
Wolf, Howard
Wolfe, Gene
Wollheim, Donald A.
Woman’s Home Companion
“Woman’s Prey, A” (Jackson)
Wonder-Book, A (Hawthorne)
Wonder Stories
Wood, Moses
Wood, Mrs.
“Wood, The”
Woodberry, George E.
Wooley, Natalie H.
Woolf, Virginia
“Work of Frank Belknap Long, Jr., The”
World Disarmament Conference
Worm Ouroboros, The (Eddison)
Wormius, Olaus (Ole Wurm)
Wright, Farnsworth
Wright, Harold Bell
Wright, Hubert A.
Wright, S. Fowler
Writers’ Club, The
Writer’s Digest
Writing the Short-Story (Esenwein)
Wuthering Heights (Brontë)
Wycherley, William
Wylie, Willard O.
“Xeethra” (Smith)
Yardley, Edward
“Year Off, A”
Yeats, W. B.
“Yellow Sign, The” (Chambers)
Yergler, Rudolf
“Yes, We Have No Bananas”
Yesley, Mr.
You’ll Need a Night Light (Thomson)
Young, Charles Augustus
Young, Edward
Young, Francis Brett
Young, Gig
Young, S. Hall
“Young Blood” (Jackson)
Young Chemist, The (Appleton)
“Young Folks Iliad i
n Verse, The”
“Young Folks’ Ulysses, The.” See “Poem of Ulysses, The”
Young Nova Scotia
“Youth of Today, The”
Youth’s Companion
“Yule Horror”
Yurregarth and Yannimaid (Farnese)
Yuzna, Brian
Zanger, Jules
Zangwill, Israel
Zola, Emile
Books by S. T. Joshi
Books Written
An Index to the Selected Letters of H. P. Lovecraft (1980; rev. 1991)
Lovecraft’s Library: A Catalogue (1980; rev. 2002)
H. P. Lovecraft and Lovecraft Criticism: An Annotated Bibliography (1981; rev. 2009)
H. P. Lovecraft (Starmont Reader’s Guide 13) (1982)
Selected Papers on Lovecraft (1989)
The Weird Tale (1990)
John Dickson Carr: A Critical Study (1990)
H. P. Lovecraft: The Decline of the West (1990)
An Index to the Fiction and Poetry of H. P. Lovecraft (1992)
Lord Dunsany: A Bibliography (with Darrell Schweitzer) (1993)
Lord Dunsany: Master of the Anglo-Irish Imagination (1995)
The Core of Ramsey Campbell: A Bibliography & Reader’s Guide (with Ramsey Campbell and Stefan Dziemianowicz) (1995)
H. P. Lovecraft: A Life (1996)
A Subtler Magick: The Writings and Philosophy of H. P. Lovecraft (1996)
Sixty Years of Arkham House (1999)
Ambrose Bierce: An Annotated Bibliography of Primary Sources (with David E. Schultz) (1999)
The Modern Weird Tale (2001)
A Dreamer and a Visionary: H. P. Lovecraft in His Time (2001)
Ramsey Campbell and Modern Horror Fiction (2001)
An H. P. Lovecraft Encyclopedia (with David E. Schultz) (2001)
God’s Defenders: What They Believe and Why They Are Wrong (2003)
Primal Sources: Essays on H. P. Lovecraft (2003)
The Evolution of the Weird Tale (2004)
The Angry Right (2006)
Gore Vidal: A Comprehensive Bibliography (2007)
Emperors of Dreams: Some Notes on Weird Poetry (2008)
Classics and Contemporaries: Some Notes on Horror Fiction (2009)
H. L. Mencken: An Annotated Bibliography (2009)
Junk Fiction: America’s Obsession with Bestsellers (2009)
Books Edited
H. P. Lovecraft in “The Eyrie” (with Marc A. Michaud) (1979)
H. P. Lovecraft: Four Decades of Criticism (1980)
Sonia H. Davis, The Private Life of H. P. Lovecraft (1985; rev. 1993)
Donald Wandrei, Collected Poems (1988)
Clark Ashton Smith, Nostalgia of the Unknown: The Complete Prose Poetry (with Marc & Susan Michaud and Steve Behrends) (1988)
Robert E. Howard, Selected Letters 1923-1936 (with Glenn Lord, Rusty Burke, and Steve Behrends) (1989–91; 2 vols.)
The H. P. Lovecraft Centennial Conference: Proceedings (1991)
An Epicure in the Terrible: A Centennial Anthology of Essays in Honor of H. P. Lovecraft (with David E. Schultz) (1991)
The Count of Thirty: A Tribute to Ramsey Campbell (1993)