by S. T. Joshi
Price, E. Hoffmann
Price, John M.
Price, Robert M.
Price, Vincent
Primer of Greek Literature, A (Lawrence)
Primitive Culture (Tylor)
Prinn, Ludvig
Prior, Matthew
Prisoner in Fairyland, A (Blackwood)
Private Papers of Henry Ryecroft, The (Gissing)
“Probable Adventure of the Three Literary Men, The” (Dunsany)
Problem of China, The (Russell)
“Proposed Authors’ Union, The”
Proust, Marcel
Prout, Mearle
Providence, RI
Providence: A Modern City (Kirk)
Providence Amateur
Providence Amateur Press Club
“Providence Amateur Press Club (Deceased) to the Athenaeum Club of Journalism”
Providence Astronomical Society
Providence Athletic Association
Providence Crushed Stone and Sand Co.
Providence Detective Agency
Providence Gazette and Country-Journal
Providence Evening Bulletin
Providence Evening News
Providence in Colonial Times (Kimball)
“Providence in 2000 A.D.”
Providence Journal
“Providence Observatory Forecast”
Providence Opera House
Providence Public Library
Providence Times
Providence Tribune
Pryor, John Clinton
“Pseudo-United, The”
Psychiatric Dictionary (Hinsie-Campbell)
“Psychic Phenominon of Love, The” (Davis)
Psycho (Bloch)
“Psychopompos: A Tale in Rhyme”
Public Opinion (Lippmann)
Pugmire, W. H.
“Pulp Magazines” (Bolitho)
Pulptime (Cannon)
Pumilia, Joseph
Purple Cloud, The (Shiel)
Putnam’s Sons, G. P.
Pynchon, Thomas
Quabbin Reservoir
quantum theory
Queen’s Enemies, The (Dunsany)
“Quest of Iranon, The”
Quinn, Seabury
“Quinsnicket Park”
Radcliffe, Ann
Rahs, E. P.
Railo, Eino
Railroad Man’s Magazine
Railroad Review, The
Rankin, Hugh
Ransom, John Crowe
Rape of the Lock, The (Pope)
Raphael’s Ephemeris
Rasselas (Johnson)
Rathbone/Rathbun, John
“Rats in the Walls, The”
Raymond, Clifford
Read, Francis
Read, Thomas Buchanan
Reader, The (Alden)
“Reading Lamp, The”
Reagan, Ronald
Realms of Being, The (Santayana)
“Recapture” (Fungi from Yuggoth)
“Recognition” (Fungi from Yuggoth)
Red Book
“Red Brain, The” (Wandrei)
“Red Robin, The” (Jackson)
Reed, William
Reeve, Clara
“Regner Lodbrog’s Epicedium”
Regnum Congo (Pigafetta)
“Remarkable Document, A”
Remembrance of Things Past (Proust)
“Reminiscence of Dr. Samuel Johnson, A”
“Renaissance of Manhood, The”
Renshaw, Anne Tillery
“Reply to The Lingerer, A”
“Report of the First Vice-President”
“Request, A”
“Research of a Biblio, The” (Wetzel)
Résumé with Monsters (Spencer)
Resurrected, The (film)
“Return, The”
Return, The (de la Mare)
“Return of Hastur, The” (Derleth)
Revi-Lona (Cowan)
“Revolt of the Home Gods, The” (Dunsany)
Reynolds, B. M.
Reynolds, Florence
Reynolds, George W. M.
Reynolds, Jeremiah N.
Rhoades, James
Rhode Island Journal of Astronomy, The
Rhode Island Journal of Science & Astronomy, The
Rhode Island National Guard
Rhode Island School of Design
Rhodius, Apollonius
“Rhymes from a Suburb” (Dunsany)
Rice, Anne
Richardson, Leon Burr
Rick Dale: A Story of the Northwest Coast (Munroe)
Riddle and Other Stories, The (de la Mare)
Riddle of the Universe, The (Haeckel)
Rights of Periodicals, The (Morton)
Rime of the Ancient Mariner, The (Coleridge)
Rimel, Duane W.
Rinehart, Mary Roberts
Ripples from Lake Champlain
Rise and Fall of the Cthulhu Mythos, The (Joshi)
Rise and Progress of the English Commonwealth (Palgrave)
Ritter, Mrs. W. S.
Rivals, The (Sheridan)
“Road to Ruin, The”
“Robert Ervin Howard: 1906–1936”
Robinet, Lee
Robinson, Edwin Arlington
Roerich, Nicholas
Rohmer, Sax
Romance of the Forest, The (Radcliffe)
Roosevelt, Franklin D.
Roosevelt, Theodore
Root, Katharine Metcalf
Roots of Horror in the Fiction of H. P. Lovecraft, The (St Armand)
“Rose for Emily, A” (Faulkner)
“Rose of England, The”
Ross, James Clark
Roulet, Jacques
“Round Tower, The”
Rousseau, Victor
Rowe, Nicholas
“Rowley, Ames Dorrance”
Royle, Nicholas
“Ruat Caelum” (Saunders)
Rud, Anthony M.
“Rudis Indigestaque Moles”
Rugg, Henry W.
Ruppert, Conrad
Russell, Bertrand
Russell, James L.
Russell, John
Russell, Robert Leonard
Russell, W. Clark
“Rutted Road, The”
Ruzella, Peter, Jr
“S. S. L.: Christmas 1920”
Sacher-Masoch, Leopold, baron von
“Sacrifice to Science, A” (Danziger)
St Armand, Barton L.
St John, J. Allen
St John’s Churchyard
St. Petersburg Evening Independent
Saintsbury, George
“Salem Horror, The” (Kuttner)
Saltus, Edgar
Salvaging Self-Esteem (Renshaw)
Samples, John Milton
Sampson, Robert
San Francisco Examiner
Sandalwood (Smith)
Sandburg, Carl
Sandusky, Albert A.
Sanger, Alma B.
“Santa Claus and the Christmas Tree” (Hartmann)
Santayana, George
Sargent, Stanley C.
“Satan’s Servants” (Bloch)
Satellite Science Fiction
Saturday Review of Literature
Saunders, F. W.
Savile, Frank Mackenzie
Sawyer, Laurie A.
Saxo Grammaticus
Saxton Herald
Sayers, Dorothy L.
Scarborough, Dorothy
Scepticism and Animal Faith (Santayana)
Schilling, George S.
Schlesinger, Arthur, Jr.
Schnabel, William
School for Scandal, The (Sheridan)
Schopenhauer, Arthur
> Schorer, Mark
Schultz, David E.
Schvchavadze, David
Schwartz, Julius
Schweitzer, Darrell
Science-Fantasy Correspondent
Science Fiction Fan
Science Fiction League
“Science Library, The”
“Science of Astrology, The” (Hartmann)
“Science versus Charlatanry”
Scientific American
Scientific Gazette, The
Scituate Reservoir
Scott, Howard
Scott, Robert
Scott, Sir Walter
Scott, Winfield
Scott, Winfield Townley
Scott-Elliot, W.
Scottsboro case
Scream for Jeeves (Cannon)
Scribner, Charles
Scribner Book Shop
Scribner’s Sons, Charles
Sea Demons, The (Rousseau)
Sea Gull
“Sealed Casket, The” (Searight)
Searight, Richard F.
Searles, A. Langley
Seasons, The (Thomson)
“Seaton’s Aunt” (de la Mare)
Sechrist, Edward Lloyd
Seckendorff, Samuel
“Secret Cave; or, John Lees Adventure, The”
Secret Doctrine, The (Blavatsky)
“Secret in the Tomb, The” (Bloch)
“Secret of the Grave, The”
Secret Service
Sedgwick, Ellery
Seeger, Alan
Selected Letters
Selected Papers of Bertrand Russell (Russell)
Selected Poems (Jackson)
Selected Poems (Smith)
Selections from Whitman (Whitman)
“Selenaio-Phantasma” (Galpin)
Selwyn & Blount
Senf, C. C.
Serviss, Garrett P.
seven cryptical books of Hsan
Shackleton, Ernest
“Shadow—a Parable” (Poe)
“Shadow out of Time, The”
“Shadow over Innsmouth, The”
Shadow over Innsmouth, The
Shadow over Innsmouth and Other Stories of Horror, The
Shadows on the Rock (Cather)
Shadowy Thing, The (Drake)
Shafirkin, Simyon
Shakespeare, Mlle
Shakespeare, William
“Shambleau” (Moore)
“Shambler from the Stars, The” (Bloch)
Shaw, George Bernard
Shaw, Joseph T.
Shaw, Lew
She (Haggard)
Shea, J. Vernon
Shea, Michael
Shehan, Edmund L.
Shelley, Mary
Shelley, Percy Bysshe
Shepherd, Harry
Shepherd, Wilson
Sheppard, Alice
Sheridan, Richard Brinsley
“Sheridan’s Ride” (Read)
Sherman, Sidney
Sherman, French & Co.
Shiel, M. P.
“Shining Pyramid, The” (Machen)
Shining Pyramid, The (Machen)
Shiras, Winfield
“Shop in Go-by Street, The” (Dunsany)
Short, Charles
Short Story, The (Hall-Langland)
Shreffler, Philip A.
“Shunned House, The”
Shunned House, The
Shuttered Room, The (film)
Shuttered Room and Other Pieces, The
“Sideshow, The” (Hart)
Siegel, Jerry
Sign of Fear, The (Derleth)
“Sign of the Dragon” (Eddy)
“Silence—a Fable” (Poe)
Silver Clarion
“Silver Key, The”
Sime, Sidney H.
Simmons, William J.
Simon & Schuster
“Simple, Percy”
“Simple Speller’s Tale, The”
“Simple Spelling Mania, The”
Simpson, Wallis
“Sin-Eater, The” (Macleod)
Sinclair, Upton
“Sir Thomas Tryout”
Sitter, Willem de
“Skull-Face” (Howard)
Slater Avenue School
Slayer of Souls, The (Chambers)
“Slaying of the Monster, The” (Lovecraft-Barlow)
“Sleepy Hollow To-day”
Smith, Alfred E.
Smith, Charles W. (“Tryout”)
Smith, Clark Ashton; as artist; and R. H. Barlow; HPL on; on HPL; HPL’s letters to; and HPL’s work; and Samuel Loveman; and pulp fiction; writings by
Smith, E. E. “Doc”
Smith, Mrs. J. G.
Smith, Louis C.
Smith, Simon
Smith, Sir Thomas
Smith, William Benjamin
Smith, William H.
Smollett, Tobias
Snow-Shoes and Sledges (Munroe)
Society for the Preservation of New England Antiquities
“Softly, Edward”
“Solar Eclipse Feature of June Heavens”
“Some Causes of Self-Immolation”
“Some Current Motives and Practices”
“Some Dutch Footprints in New England”
Some Imagist Poets
“Some Notes on a Nonentity”
“Some Notes on Interplanetary Fiction”
“Some Repetitions on the Times”
Somerville, William
Something about Cats and Other Pieces
Sommer, William
“Song of the North Wind” (Jackson)
Songs at the Start (Guiney)
“Sonnet Study”
Sonnets of the Midnight Hours (Wandrei)
Soper, Cleveland C., Jr.
“Sorcery of Alphar, The” (Rimel)
“Sorrow of Search, The” (Dunsany)
“Sors Poetae”
Soul of Love, The (Toldridge)
“Soul of Man under Socialism, The” (Wilde)
Souls of Black Folk, The (Du Bois)
Southey, Robert
“Space-Eaters, The” (Long)
Space Vampires, The (Wilson)
Spanish-American War
“Spear and Fang” (Howard)
“Spell of the Blue Stone, The” (Rimel)
Spence, Lewis
Spencer, Truman J.
Spencer, William Browning
Spengler, Oswald
Sphinx, The (Loveman)
“Spider, The” (Ewers)
Spink, Helm C.
Sport of the Gods, The (Dunbar)
Sprenger, William
Squire, J. C.
Squires, Richard D.
Stanley, John H.
Stapledon, Olaf
Staples, William Reed
Star Atlas (Upton)
Star Rover, The (London)
“Star-Spangled, Banner, The”
“Star-Treader, The” (Smith)
Star-Treader and Other Poems, The (Smith)
“Star-Winds” (Fungi from Yuggoth)
Starrett, Vincent
“State of Poetry, The”
State of Rhode Island and Providence Plantations at the End of the Century (Field)
“Statement of Randolph Carter, The”
Static Electricity
Station X (Winsor)
Stedman, Edmund Clarence
Steele, Joel Dorman
Stein, Gertrude
Stephen Daye Press
Stephens, Ann Sophia Winterbotham
Stephens, James
Sterling, George
Sterling, Kenneth
Stern, Philip Van Doren
Sterne, Laurence
Stevens, Francis
Stevenson, Robert Louis
Stickney, Corwin F.
Stockwell, Dean
Stoddard, Richard Henry
Stoddard, William B.
Stoker, Bram
Stone, Lee Alexander
Stormonth, James
“Story, A” (Whittier)
Story of Atlantis and the Lost Lemuria, The (Scott-Elliot)
Story of Exploration and Adventure in the Frozen Sea, The (Holmes)
Story of Philosophy, The (Durant)
“Story of the Last Trump, The” (Wells)
Story of the Stars, The (Chambers)
Strange Case of Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde, The (Stevenson)
Strange Eons (Bloch)
“Strange High House in the Mist, The”
Strange Manuscript Found in a Copper Cylinder, A (De Mille)
Strange Stories
Strange Story, A (Bulwer-Lytton)
Strange Tales
“Stranger from Kurdistan, The” (Price)
Straub, Peter
Strauch, Carl Ferdinand
“Street, The”
Street & Smith
Street Strolls around Charleston, South Carolina (Wilson)
Strength to Dream, The (Wilson)
Stross, Charles
Strysik, John
Studies in Pessimism (Schopenhauer)
“Suggestions for a Reading Guide”
Suhre, Edward H.
“Suitable Surroundings, The” (Bierce)
Sullivan, Jack
Sully, Genevieve K.
Sully, Helen V.
“Summer Sunset and Evening, A”
Sunday, Billy
Sunlight and Shadow (Gough)
Sunshine of Paradise Alley, The (Thompson)
“Supernatural Horror in Literature”
Supernatural Horror in Literature
Supernatural in Fiction, The (Penzoldt)
Supernatural in Modern English Fiction, The (Scarborough)
Supernatural in Romantic Fiction, The (Yardley)
Supramundane Stories
“Survivor, The” (Derleth)
Survivor and Others, The (Derleth)
Suter, Paul
Sutton, David A.
Swan Point Cemetery (Providence, R.I.)
Swanson, Carl
Sweeney, Ella
“Sweet Ermengarde”
Swift, Augustus T.
Swift, Jonathan
Swinburne, Algernon Charles
Switch On the Light (Thomson)
Sword of Welleran, The (Dunsany)
Sylvester, Margaret
Symmes, Mrs. William B.
“Symphonic Ideal, The”
Symphony Literary Service
Système du monde (Laplace)
Taft, William Howard
“Tale of Satampra Zeiros, The” (Smith)
Tale of Terror, The (Birkhead)
Tale of the Body Thief, The (Rice)
Tales (Library of America)
Tales of Magic and Mystery
Tales of Mystery (Saintsbury)
Tales of Soldiers and Civilians (Bierce)
Tales of Terror
Tales of the Cthulhu Mythos (Derleth)
Tales of the Folio Club (Poe)
Tales of the Grotesque and Arabesque (Poe)
“Tales of the Marvellous and the Ridiculous” (Wilson)
Tales of Three Hemispheres (Dunsany)
Tales of War (Dunsany)