The Bow Wow Club
Page 3
‘Ruby, wait!’ He tried to catch her but she was soon lost amongst the throng of shoppers.
– Chapter Ten –
‘Ruby, what on earth’s the matter, my pet?’
She was sobbing against Margaret’s ample breast. A fire was roaring in the grate. Bert, the old lady’s partner, was snoring in the armchair. ‘Wankers!’ he suddenly shouted and twitched. ‘Shut it, you silly old sod.’ Margaret whacked him with a folded newspaper.
Ruby didn’t even flinch. She had actually first met Bert when he was a tramp. He was, in fact, a very clever professor who had lost himself and taken to the streets. Margaret had kindly taken him in, initially for hot tea and the occasional bath, but over the tannin and bubbles, love had blossomed.
‘I met that man - you know the one who helped me when my bag was stolen. And he was really nice and we got on really well and I actually think I fancy him. But then it started snowing.’
‘Ruby, you’re not making any sense, darling. Why has the snow upset you?’
‘Because the night George realised he was in love with me and drove all the way to the Lake District to tell me - the same night he called his wedding off to Candice - it was snowing. And it reminded me so much of when I kissed him and I just couldn’t do it.’ She started to sob again.
‘There, there, duck. It’s all right. You won’t ever forget George, none of us will. And you are going to have so many moments like this.’
‘I know. Poor Michael. He’d done nothing wrong. He’s going to think I’m completely mad.’
‘No, he’s not. If he cares for you, he will understand. And if you are going to take things further it will be a long hard road for you both. But, if it’s meant to be, love will conquer all, darling.’
‘I will always love George.’
‘I know, but you’ve got to start loving yourself a bit more too now.’
Ruby walked across the road from Margaret’s. It was a relief that the snow had subsided. She cranked the heating up and ran herself a hot deep bubble bath in order to have a good soak and think about the day’s events.
She really must text Michael and explain. By the time she had dried herself, he had already texted.
You OK Ruby? Here for you if you need a chat x
Bless him, he really was so nice. She really couldn’t face explaining everything to him right now; she needed to wallow.
I’m so sorry Michael, it was me, not you. I’ll call you tomorrow x
She climbed into bed and turned on the television to find that Love Actually was on. It was the bit where the adulterous one was buying the necklace for his young lover.
Ruby leaped out of bed and rushed to find her handbag. She never could wait when it came to presents. She pulled the gift bag out hurriedly and a tiny red jewellery box fell to the floor. She snapped it open and couldn’t believe her eyes. For there, sitting proudly on the black velvet, was a platinum wedding band engraved inside with the words Rubes & George forever.
He had missed the kiss off the end but Ruby would never ever tell dear sweet Michael that.
Feeling happy, sad, guilty and confused all at the same time, she sat back in bed and grasped her knees.
– Chapter Eleven –
Slightly perturbed by Ruby’s behaviour, Michael snapped open his laptop.
My first novel –by Michael Bell - TITLE - TBD
Chapter 4: It was Christmas Day, and Michael knew that Ruby would have opened her gift by now. He had trawled the streets near where she had been mugged looking for it, but to no avail. He knew how happy it would make her if he found it so he did the next best thing, bought one and got it engraved just as she had told him. His feelings for her had already intensified; meeting her earlier had made him realise she really was a special lady. He wasn’t quite sure why she had rushed off from him, but knew he would have to try and understand her quirks if he was to be with her. In the New Year he would research bereavement further. It would enhance his book too, he was sure.
He had been checking his phone every hour: she would text and say thank you, he just knew it. After all, he had already sent a Happy Christmas text first thing this morning. Just as he was about to check his phone again, he heard footsteps coming up the stairs. He hurriedly put his phone into his jeans pocket.
‘So, darling hubby…’ The pretty blonde pulled him towards her.‘It’s surely time for my Christmas present by now?’
– Chapter Twelve –
‘Happy Christmas, sis,’ Sam greeted Ruby at the door of their mother’s house in Reading. ‘You smell nice. Now, let me guess… Prada of some sort?’
‘Damn, I didn’t think you’d guess as it’s a new one on the market.’
Ben, Sam’s guide dog, nuzzled against her legs, his tail wagging furiously.
‘Wow, dinner smells good, where’s Mum?’ Ruby dumped her bag at the bottom of the stairs.
‘I’m here, darling, slogging over a hot stove for you all as usual.’
Ruby went through to the kitchen as Sam plonked himself down in the living room to listen to the TV.
Graham, her mother Laura’s partner, was stirring the gravy. He gave Ruby a kiss on the cheek.
‘How you doing, sweetheart?’ asked her mum.
‘Better this year than last that’s for sure,’ Ruby said, giving her a big hug. ‘God, I’m starving.’
‘Well, that’s a good sign, darling.’
‘Yes. Being really skinny doesn’t suit you, Rubes,’ Sam piped up, sticking his head round the door. Ruby smiled. Even though her brother had been blind from birth he didn’t miss a trick. His sense of touch, smell and taste had always been heightened, and despite being nine years her junior, he had been a massive support when George had died.
‘Where’s Beth anyway?’
‘She’s with her parents today in Oxford - she’s coming over tomorrow.’
‘Isn’t it time you made an honest woman out of her?’
‘Ruby, shut up.’ Adulthood had not altered their sibling banter or spats.
Laura Matthews piped up, ‘Ooh it would be lovely to have a wedding to look forward to. Imagine it - my number one son walking down the aisle.’
‘Leave him alone,’ Graham chipped in. ‘He’s got plenty of time to get serious.’
‘Thanks, Graham, a voice of bloody reason at last. Now come on, Mother, where’s my turkey? There’s a good film starting at three.’
‘Queen’s Speech first, Sam, you know that.’
‘Really?’ Sam looked to the sky as Ben grunted and put his head on his master’s feet.
Beep! Back in the sitting room, Ruby scrabbled in her bag for her phone as she heard the unmistakable sound of a text message.
Happy Christmas Rubes. Hope you liked the present
Ruby gulped. George always called her Rubes and she wasn’t sure if she wanted anyone else to do so.
She had been overwhelmed by the fact that Michael had taken it on himself to replace her wedding ring. It had only been in her purse the day that she got mugged as she was taking it to the jeweller’s to get it made smaller. She had lost so much weight since George had died, and ironically she was terrified of it falling off and losing it.
She took a deep breath.
‘All right, sis?’ Sam picked up on her anguish.
‘I think so.’
‘What is it? Tell me.’
‘Look, Sam, don’t tell Mum ‘cos I know she’ll probably give me a lecture, but I’ve met someone and I actually really like him.’
‘So, what exactly is the problem? George isn’t coming back, as much as we all want him to, and you have to move on, you know that.’
‘He - Michael, his name’s Michael - bought me another wedding ring, sort of pretending he’d found the original.’
‘What a decent bloke, I say - how bloody thoughtful. I wouldn’t think to do that. Go with it, Rubes, he obviously likes you. You don’t have to rush anything.’
‘But I still love George.’
br /> ‘Why would you not still love him? I expect you always will. He was a fucking great bloke, we all loved him, but he’d be kicking your arse if he knew you were still moping.’
‘Thanks, Sam’ She kissed her brother on the forehead and started to text.
Cannot believe you found it, thanks so much! Have a lovely Christmas
Within seconds she got a reply.
Seek & ye shall find. Call you after the festivities. Have fun xx
– Chapter Thirteen –
Ruby was just sewing on the final button to a New Year’s Eve creation when her phone ringing made her jump. She loved her work so much that she quite often got into a complete zone and the outside world seemed far away. It had really helped her as it allowed her not to think about George every minute of the day.
‘Hi, Ruby, it’s Michael. How you doing?’
Just the sound of his soothing voice made her heart beat slightly faster. However, she remained cool.
‘Hello,’ she said. ‘I’m OK actually. Did you have a good Christmas?’
She tried hard not to think about the kiss incident as he carried on, ‘Oh, you know, the usual - rows over the television, my sister’s kids screaming. In fact, I’m glad to be home.’
‘I sort of know what you mean, but being back home makes me feel a bit lonely when I’ve been with company for a while.’
‘Well, we shall have to put a stop to that, won’t we? Look, I wanted to ask you what you were doing on New Year’s Eve.’
Ruby gulped. New Year’s Eve with a man who wasn’t George was just too much to contemplate.
‘I’m sorry, Michael, but I’ve already got plans,’ she told him.
‘Oh, OK. Well, that’s good. Would hate to think of you sitting on your own. What are you doing?’
‘I’m seeing my friend Fi and her boyfriend James - we’ll probably just go to the wine bar at the end of my road. I’m not a big fan of New Year’s Eve, to be honest.’
‘I can imagine how hard it must be. Well, if you change your mind and want someone to give you a tall hug when Big Ben strikes, let me know.’
‘I’m here.’
‘I just wanted to say thank you so much for going back to find the ring. That meant such a lot.’
‘I aim to please.’
‘And… ’ Ruby paused. ‘I really would like to see you again. It’s just…’
‘You don’t have to explain - I understand. Now take care of you, enjoy the night with your friends and I will see you next year.’
‘Goodnight, Michael, and it’s so lovely that you’re being so cool about everything.’
‘Goodnight, sweet girl.’
Ruby hung up and smiled. Sweet girl, eh? Aw, he was so nice. But this whole situation was bittersweet. She was excited to see him again but also had this awful underlying feeling that she was betraying George.
She looked up at Patrick, her much-loved moggy. She was sure even though he was stuffed that he changed his expression daily.
‘What do you reckon then, old boy?’
– Chapter Fourteen –
Michael pulled open his laptop on his desk/dining table and pushed some letters to the floor to make space as it was so cluttered. How he wished he could afford to get out of this one-bedroom high rise. His dream was that this novel would help him to do just that and so much more. He sighed and began to type.
My first novel – by Michael Bell - TITLE - TBD
Chapter 6: Michael hung up. He was more than disappointed that Ruby didn’t want to see him on New Year’s Eve, but also quite relieved as he wasn’t sure at all how he would have sneaked off from the party he was going to down the road from his house in Clapham. He realised how much he had missed her quirky sense of humour over Christmas. Stupid really but this felt different somehow. Sexy, but comfortable too. Just hearing her voice again made him yearn to see her, to hug her and just make her feel safe and wanted once more.
‘Michael. What are you doing up there?’
‘Just finishing off a chapter, darling.’
‘Damn you and that bloody novel. I never get to talk to you. We’ve got to be at the party for eight and you need to shower.’
Michael raised his eyes to the ceiling. Why he had got involved with this self-centred woman he’d never know.
– Chapter Fifteen –
‘You look amazing!’ James Kane exclaimed as Ruby walked tentatively up to him and Fi in the busy Putney bar.
‘You don’t look too shabby yourself. I love a man in black tie.’
‘Hands off, he’s all mine.’ Fi laughed and kissed Ruby on the cheek. ‘And bejaysus you do look a picture. Did you design that dress yourself?’
‘I did. Love a bit of emerald-green satin, you know that.’
‘Well, it suits you - and do you know what? It’s lovely to see you looking so radiant. It’s been too long. I’ve missed you.’
‘New year, new start and all that.’ Ruby smiled, but still felt like crying inside.
‘Now special ladies, what’s your poison?’ asked James.
‘Surely it has to be fizz all the way as it’s New Year’s Eve,’ Fi hollered above the now cranked-up music.
Two bottles of champagne later and James and Fi were already singing along to every tune they even remotely recognised. The bar was heaving and Ruby was not short of admirers. She made small talk but wasn’t really in the mood for socialising. She felt drunk but not happy drunk. In fact, she was dreading the countdown, and at thirty-five years of age, she still didn’t know the words to ‘Auld Lang Syne’ anyway.
At ten to midnight she came out of the toilet. James and Fi were laughing and smooching at the bar. Never had she felt so lonely in a room so full of people. She looked to the door, closed her eyes briefly and made a wish that at the first stroke of midnight George would walk right through it with his East End swagger. He would flash his cheeky grin and swing her round as if nothing had happened.
Reality hit her with a thud as the first DONG of Big Ben resounded out across the room. The big screen in the corner of the room showed Trafalgar Square. Screams went up and revellers started to shift towards the centre of the bar.
Ruby couldn’t stand it any longer. She ran to the door and barged it open. She had to breathe, she needed clear air. The pouring rain ran in rivulets down her pained expression. DONG! Big Ben continued to strike his race to midnight. She carried on running, then CRASH, her four-inch heels caught on a drain cover and she went flying on to the pavement. Her hands were bleeding all over her now ripped satin dress. The contents of her bag were strewn all over the road.
The strong-handed man reached down and helped her slowly to her feet. He took off his coat and wrapped it around her shoulders. He used his scarf to wipe off her bleeding hands and then just held her as close as he could whilst she wept. When her sobbing had subsided he pulled away, put both his hands on her wet cheeks, pulled her towards him and planted a slow, soft tender kiss on her trembling lips.
‘Happy New Year, Ruby.’
‘Are you an angel?’ Ruby blubbered.
‘I’ve been called many things,’ Michael smiled.
‘And, what on earth are you doing here?’
‘Ssh now. Too many questions. Let me pick up your stuff and get you home and in the warm.’
Ruby nodded. ‘I’d better text Fi, she’ll be worried.’ At that moment, Fi herself came charging up the road.
‘What the feck, Ruby? You frightened the bleeding life out of me. I turned round and you weren’t there, then some bloke said he’d just seen you lying in the road.’
‘I’m fine, honestly.’
‘And who are you?’ Fi looked up at Michael.
‘It’s fine, he’s a friend. He’s going to walk me home.’
‘Ruby, you’re drunk, are you sure?’
‘Fi, you’re drunker and I’m very sure.’
‘OK darling, then make sure you ring me in the morning. Happy New Year, Rubes.’ She hiccup
ped and steadied herself on Michael’s arm. ‘Happy New Year… friend - and make sure you fecking look after her right.’
‘I will, and nice to meet you too,’ Michael grinned at Fi’s outlandishness.
Back at Ruby’s flat, Michael put the kettle on as Ruby went to the bathroom to wash her sore hands and get out of her wet, ripped dress. He noticed the wedding photo and it made him feel sad and a bit weird at the same time. They looked so young and so happy, and George was without a doubt a very handsome man.
‘I’m sorry, Michael.’ He was sitting on the sofa waiting for her when Ruby appeared in black jogging bottoms and a black T-shirt with a pink heart on it. ‘Every time I see you it’s like a disaster zone. And just look at the state of me. I’m too drunk and hurting to make an effort.’
‘Hey, come here. You look beautiful and who wants mediocre anyway? Never a dull moment with you, that’s for sure.’
Ruby just stood in the lounge doorway looking awkward. Taking a deep breath, she went on: ‘And I’m sorry I ran off the other day when you went to kiss me. It wasn’t that I didn’t want to, it’s just…’
Michael stood up and put his big arms around her. She looked up to him and felt lost in his tender hazel eyes.
‘I’m glad I met you, Michael Bell.’
And then they kissed. A kiss that Ruby didn’t want to end. A kiss that made her toes curl. A kiss that she never ever thought she’d experience again.
‘Wow.’ She came up for air.
‘And how glad am I that I met you, Ruby Stevens.’
‘I can’t make you any promises,’ Ruby said quietly.
‘Promises are for wimps,’ Michael smiled.
‘Stay with me.’ Ruby put her head to the side and looked at him quizzically.
Michael knew he might have to wait quite a while for the three little words he really wanted to hear, but for now these would do just fine.
– Chapter Sixteen –
Michael flinched at the strength of the words he was typing.
My first novel – by Michael Bell - TITLE - TBD
Chapter 8: ‘What do you mean, you got fucking arrested?’ Emily’s eyes were glaring. ‘And why is there blood all over your scarf?’