A Desire for Revenge

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A Desire for Revenge Page 5

by Sophie Newsome

  "Go topless," he says. "It'll help me cum".

  Sighing, I unbutton my blouse and take it off before removing my bra. I lean towards his crotch and gently take the tip of his penis in my mouth, licking the shiny skin for a moment before I carefully let my lips brush against his flesh. I go deeper, feeling his member dipping in between my teeth as his tip rests on the back of my tongue. For the first time, I can feel his pulse in the large vein that runs along the underside of his shaft. Somehow this all feels wrong, as if it's just a mechanical act designed to give Duncan some brief satisfaction. There's no passion here, or intimacy.

  Deciding I want to get the whole thing over with as quickly as possible, I start blowing him as fast as possible while cradling his balls with one hand. Fortunately, it only takes a couple of minutes before his cock erupts in my mouth. I wait until I can feel the spasms of his cock start to die down, and then I slowly remove his cock before swallowing his cum.

  "That okay?" I ask.

  He nods. "Did you swallow?"

  "Yeah," I reply, re-buttoning my shirt and standing up. "Is there anything else you want tonight?"

  "No," he says, looking a little shocked. "That's all good".

  Smiling awkwardly, I hurry through to the bathroom to wash my hands. Looking at myself in the mirror, I can't help but notice how tired I look. Maybe it's the harsh electric light in here, with makes me look totally washed out, but I feel that all this international travel really isn't doing me much good. Finally, I dry my hands and go back through to the bedroom, to find that Duncan has fallen asleep on the bed.

  Picking up his clothes from the floor, I carry them through to my room and throw them onto the bed. I call housekeeping and arrange for someone to come up and get Duncan's things so that they'll be washed overnight and ready for him first thing in the morning. As I put the clothes into a bag, I feel something in one of the pockets. Taking it out, I find a piece of folded paper. As soon as I unfold it, I feel my blood run cold.

  It's the file.

  It's the Ide file.

  The file that Duncan couldn't find back at the meeting. I was certain I'd put it in the folder, and now I find it stuffed into Mark's jacket pocket. Is this a mistake? Did he take it out, read it and then just fold it away like this before forgetting about it? Or did he do this on purpose? Did he hide the file and then accuse me of losing it? I don't want to believe that he'd set me up like that, but at the same time there's a little voice in the back of my head, telling me that I can't trust Duncan.

  I put some chewing gum in my mouth, hoping to get rid of the taste from when Duncan ejaculated. Walking over to the window, I look out across Tokyo's late night skyline. It's a beautiful city, but I feel like I'd rather be back in London. Technically I could walk out of here but, as Duncan pointed out, I'd struggle to get back home. It'd be so good to be back home, hanging out with my friends, but here I am on the other side of the world, trapped with Duncan. Once we leave Tokyo, we're heading straight to Bangkok, and then on to a dozen cities including Dubai, Riyadh and Monaco. We're not due back in London for the rest of the month, which means I'm basically stuck with Duncan for a few more weeks.

  Suddenly there's a knock at the door. Realizing that it must be housekeeping, I grab the bag filled with Duncan's clothes and head across the room. Just as I reach the door, the bag splits and Duncan's trousers fall to the floor. I kneel down to pick them up, and at that moment I feel a sharp pain in my knee. The wound from when I fell over in London has started bleeding again, probably from when I was sucking Duncan's cock just now. I quickly re-bag the clothes, open the door and hand the bag over to the housekeeper, before going back to the bed so I can clean the blood and fix myself up. Looking over at the Ide file, I can't help wondering why Duncan set me up to look stupid like that. It's pretty obvious by now that he's got some kind of problem with me, but at the same time he's dragged me to the other side of the world with him. Suddenly, sitting alone in that hotel room, I start to worry that perhaps I'm walking wide-eyed into some kind of trap.

  I should get up and leave right now. I should tell him to fuck off. I should just accept that there's something very wrong with Duncan, something I can't fix. But maybe the real Duncan, the old Duncan, is still in there somewhere; maybe I can make him tell me what's changed, and how I can help him put it right. I have three weeks left before we get back to London... Three weeks to find out why Duncan seems to suddenly hate me, and then to put things right and save him from whatever darkness has enveloped his soul.




  "I still remember the first time I met Duncan," says Anastasia, pouring me a glass of wine. "He'd just arrived in Hong Kong and he seemed so..." She hangs me the glass. "Angry, I suppose is the right word".

  "Angry?" I ask. "About what?"

  "You tell me," she says. "He seemed to arrive here with so much rage already in his soul. I could never work out why, but it was strong enough to make me want to avoid him. I looked at him and saw nothing but an accident waiting to happen. And then something strange happened. Gradually he seemed to get all this fury under control and... well, you know the rest".

  "Not really," I reply, sipping from my glass. "The last time I saw Duncan was in London ten years ago. He seemed normal, maybe a bit subdued but not pissed off or angry. Now you're telling me that a few weeks later he turned up in Hong Kong filled with rage. Something about this whole situation doesn't make sense. What happened in-between to make him change so much?"

  She shrugs. "But here we are, two adult women with interesting lives, in one of the most fascinating and diverse cities in the world, with money and time, and what do we do? We stand about talking about a man". She smiles. "Do you think the men ever stand around obsessing about us in the same way?"

  "I don't think Duncan ever thinks about anyone except himself," I say.

  "Exactly," she replies, walking over to the window that overlooks the city. "If the roles were reversed, do you think Duncan would stick around if you'd treated him so badly?"

  "He'd tell me to fuck off," I say.

  "Then why haven't you told him to fuck off?" she asks, turning to me. "What keeps you with him, traveling the world in his shadow?" She pauses for a moment. "Don't tell me you're in love with him. Don't tell me you've made that mistake".

  I take a deep breath, not sure how to respond. "I -"

  "Don't worry," she continues. "It's one thing to fall in love with someone. It's quite another to be ready to admit such a thing to others. Keep it locked up inside for now". She steps over to me, looking deep into my eyes. "I don't think it's something you should let out into the world just yet. Keep it in and hope something changes".

  "Something has to," I reply.


  Bodies in Motion

  (A Desire For Revenge book 2)

  Having accepted a job as Duncan Blake's personal assistant, Amy finds herself enjoying a jet-set life as they fly all over the world. But she soon discovers that Duncan has some very particular ideas about her role... Ideas that force Amy to reconsider her own sense of identity.

  As she struggles to come to terms with the deal she made with Duncan, Amy starts to uncover some disturbing secrets about his past. How exactly did he rise to become one of the world's richest men? Does he want a second chance, or simply to take his revenge by crushing her? And how will he react if she decides to test the limits of their relationship?


  Alone Again Together

  (A Desire For Revenge book 3)

  Deciding that she needs to know where she stands with Duncan, Amy resolves to push him as far as possible. To this end, she embarks upon an affair. But as she waits for Duncan to react, she starts to wonder whether he cares about her at all.

  Soon, however, things start to turn nasty. It becomes clear that Duncan isn't in control of his anger, and Amy finds that those around her are starting to pay the price for her be
havior. Finally, she's forced to confront Duncan, at which point she learns the truth about why he came to find her.


  Charlotte's First Night

  (Tales From the Billionaires' Club book 1)

  Charlotte has no man, no job and no money. She's getting to the point where she might have to leave New York and go back to live in her parents' basement in Kansas. But then, in desperation, she answers an advert and finds herself hired to work as a waitress at an exclusive club for some of New York's richest men.

  On her first night at the Ravelier Club, Charlotte meets two enigmatic men. James is friendly, funny and smart, and he's soon charming Charlotte into submission. Mark Kincaid, meanwhile, seems dour and permanently angry. As Charlotte gets to know not only the club's clients but also her new colleague Sara, it quickly becomes clear that the club is a place where passions run strong and still waters run deep.


  Bound to a Billionaire:

  The Complete Series

  When her wedding day ends in disaster, Rachel finds herself whisked away by handsome billionaire Grey Lockhart. Things quickly heat up between them and, after a whirlwind romance, Rachel finds herself married to the man of her dreams. Or at least, that's what she thinks...

  Rachel quickly learns that Grey isn't quite the man he appears to be. Willing to use his wife as a pawn in his business deals, and unable to satisfy his lust for other women, Grey starts to reveal his true colors In return, Rachel becomes embroils in a series of torrid love affairs. Finally, just when it seems that things can't get any worse, Grey reveals his most shocking secret.

  Also includes two bonus books: Accidentally... a Prostitute (book 1) and Starstruck.




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