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Blood Lust and The Slayer

Page 5

by Vanessa Lockley

  "I want a true kill Drake."

  "Oh? Well who do you have in mind?" he asked.

  "I don't know, I have this urge to get revenge on my brother, and bite him." She replied.

  "Hmm, sounds natural. How strongly do you feel this?" he asked

  "Very strongly," she said, looking up into his eyes.

  "It's your choice." He reassured.

  "I know. But what you do think, bite him or not?" she asked

  "I personally think you should. At least try." He replied.

  "Alright, I'll do that. Could you help me this first time?" she asked him. "I am feeling a little weak."

  "Of course my lady of darkness." Drake replied, kissing her hand and leading her off to the town where her brother had gone.

  Sequin was walking to the nearest restaurant to get a bite to eat, but for some reason, there didn't seem to be too many people out on the streets that night. He shrugged it off and forgot about it. He went down the back alley, thinking it was faster, when he happened upon something he didn't expect.

  His sister…

  Chapter Nine: Lovers First Bite

  "Uh… What are you doing here sister?" Sequin asked in a nerves tone. "I thought you would be with that vampire, Drake." He backed up as she came forward toward him. He could her hear black leather boots scrape on the cobble stone as she walked father forward. He looked at her eyes, they had Slightly Dark Rings around them and she looked almost… Dead.

  "Oh, I and Drake are just in town getting a 'bite to eat' that's all." She replied as she came closer, with an almost death look in her eye.

  Fearing for his life, he turned to run, saying "I bet." And started to run in the other direction, only to run into Drake. Before he could start back the other way, Drake grabbed him in a lock and held him there as Jaqulin came closer. Sequin struggled, of course, but Drake's grip was as hard as steel and he whispered "Quit struggling, it will only hurt worse."

  "NO! YOU TRAITOR!" Sequin yelled at his sister as she came so close, he could see what little K-9 teeth she was showing.

  "No, Sequin, no, you were the traitor. You had to hurt Drake, even though I loved him so deeply. Now, you must pay for your insolence." Jaqulin said in a demanding tone as she came so close that he could feel her hot breath on his skin.

  Even though she was a vampire, and even though she was probably about to kill him, and even though he thought that he probably deserved it for hurting Drake when there was no need to. He still loved Jaqulin. As a sister, as his own flesh and blood. The kind of bond that they shared was one that could never be broken by the other being killed, and ultimately resurrected as a blood sucker.

  She came up to him, so that she kept eye contact making him weak, she asked in a softer tone, a sister like tone, "Any last words?"

  "Yes Jaqulin, I-I'm sorry. For hurting Drake. For hurting you ultimately. I truly am sorry. And even though your about to kill me, and even though you're a vampire, I still love you with all my heart, my sister, my flesh and blood." Sequin replied, never breaking eye contact with her. He doubted he could do anything to stop her from killing him the way she was about to, but at least he could let her know he still loved her no mater what form she took.

  For a moment, it looked as though Jaqulin wanted to cry, for what she was about to do. She came closer, so that her teeth were right where they needed to be to bite him, but first she whispered into his ear "I'm sorry, as well Big Brother." Then softly soothed the skin of his neck and bit down.

  Sequin found that it only hurt for a moment, and didn't hurt as bad as he thought it would. Slowly, the pain eased and he found himself drifting in a fog of peace. Then, sudden blackness. He knew that he was still in his own body. But had no control over it. He was dead, he concluded, from the bite and everything. He, for some reason, felt so at ease with everything. With his sister, with her killing him like she did, with most likely becoming a vampire himself.

  He then felt his body being moved.

  After biting her own flesh and blood, Jaqulin gently laid Sequins body on the ground and felt his soul's presence in his body. He would be just like her, with a soul. But first, before she could stop them, she started to tear up some. Drake came over and held her close saying "Its alright dear, I'm here. I think he sort of wanted you to do what you did."

  "Why would he?" she asked between quiet sobs.

  "Because, he knew that he deserved it in some degree. Now, where would you like to put your brother?" He asked then.

  "Well, back home we have a castle. There should be a place down in the basement to put a nice casket and put him in it. Then I want to leave a woman victim for him to bite so he will survive. I want to see him again." Jaqulin replied as she regained her composer.

  Drake noticed that her mascara was running, so he whipped up a little of it with his finger. She smiled as she took his hand in both of hers and said "thanks,"

  He smiled and nodded. Then picked up Sequins body and started to carry it away. "Lead the way my beautiful princess of darkness." Drake said as he let her lead the way back to her... well, Sequins castle now.

  When they got there, Jaqulin found a Red and Silver casket that fit Sequins personality to a tee. Drake helped her carry it down to the chamber, sat it down on a stone table, and then put Sequin in it.

  Before Jaqulin could ask Drake to do it, he brought down the woman that they had captured and tied in chains, and anchored the chains at the base of the casket, right where Sequin could easily find her when he woke.

  The young lady whimpered and cried, but Jaqulin knew that was to be expected. But the way she was, Jaqulin doubted that Sequin would leave her for dead. Oh on the contrary, he would probably want to keep her with him for a while, at least.

  "Please, don't leave me here." The young woman whimpered.

  Jaqulin came down to her, when she came closer, to the lady, she didn't seem so alien. "Don't worry; you shall be fine with my brother. He will take good care of you."

  "He shall kill me." She sniffled.

  "Maybe so. But he will see to it that you are taken care of. And besides, how do you know you won't like him?" Jaqulin asked.

  She shook her head and said "I don't."

  "So give it a chance." Jaqulin reassured, and then saw to it that the chains weren't too tight, but they weren't too lose either.

  Feeling that her mission was accomplished, and her deed to her brother was done, Jaqulin got ready to head for her new home with Drake. She looked up to him when she came out of the door into the cool night air, and said "Alright, let's head home." Drake smiled and kissed her softly. "What was that for?" she asked just as softly as he had kissed her.

  "Oh, for being my princess." He replied, then kissed her again, saying "and that one was for how kind you are." After that he kissed her once again and said "And that one was for how well you took care of me when I was hurt." Then once more he kissed her saying "and that's for anything I may have missed."

  She looked up to him, smiled and asked "Oh, so that's how you like it huh?" He grinned and nodded. She smirked and said "alright, in that case you can't have me." She then strode away, letting her whole body wiggle, taunting him as she moved.

  "Of course you realize, this means war." He said as he came up behind her and started tickling her.

  "Ahhh! That tickles." Jaqulin wined as she laughed. Drake kept tickling Jaqulin all the way home. Only stopping for a moment to pick her up, and carry her into the castle.

  "Oh my Princess, shall we get to bed now?" Drake asked as he began to carry her up the stairs.

  "Yes, I'm feeling quite tired." She laughed, knowing that Drake was just using the metaphor of 'going to bed' as something else, and played along.

  He nodded as he grinned from ear to ear and got her up into the bedroom in record time.

  The lid to the casket finally squeaked open as a hand appeared. The young woman, who was still chained to the base of the stone table, started to move restlessly, for she knew what came next.

p; Sequin sat up out of the casket and stretched yawning. "What a wonderful sleep." he muttered. Then for the first time saw the young woman trapped at the base of the table. "Why, my dear; what in heavens name are you doing tied to this table?" Sequin asked as he jumped out of the casket. He knew what he was now, and knew that she was left for food for him. But he wasn't quite sure he wanted to just bite her and leave her for dead. But he was hungry.

  "T-hose people d-dragged me h-hear." She stuttered, betraying the stone features she was trying to portray, telling Sequin she had been crying.

  Sequin put the palm of his hand on the side of her face, she jerked away for a moment, but then settled down at the surprising warmth as he said "My dear, I know you have been crying, and there is nothing to cry about."

  "B-but you are g-oing to kill me." She stammered.

  "No, not yet at least." He replied, he knew he was hungry, but he couldn't let such a beauty worry herself into death without offering some comfort before the end came for her so quickly, and life came crashing back to a new start.

  It was then that he noticed she could hardly move because of the shackles, so he took them off of her, confident that he could run her down just in case she happen to escape. "T-thank you." She said, then relaxed quite a bit.

  "Your welcome." Sequin said, then after talking with her and calming her mind. He slowly sunk his teeth into her and drank. He was so hungry; he could have sucked a horse dry. But as he finished he felt renewed and took care of the young woman, whom he had come to now as Elizabeth, by holding her close until she woke. And took care of her hunger and needs.

  Chapter Ten: The Final Dance

  "Oh Drake." Jaqulin Moaned in approval as he rubbed her back, and other places. Drake had quickly striped himself down to his boxers, in attempt to be 'ready for bed' and had stripped Jaqulin down to the under part of her dress. Then lay in bed with her and started rubbing her.

  All of sudden, Jaqulin pushed him over and got atop him, straddling his stomach in the most intimate of ways and his hands settled at her hips, binding them together.

  She smiled at how he looked beneath her. Caged and tamed for the moment. She knew that his spirit was just building up the strength to break the bonds, and the seducer would become the seduced.

  She started kissing at his navel, where a trail of hair disappeared beneath the waist band of his boxers, and went up his abs, and then up to his chest. Her hair Night Black Hair fanned out and covered his chest, teasing and tickling his bare nipples as she planted a trail of kisses up to his neck and then found her way to his lips.

  Then, when she had kissed him, she let her hair trail back down the way it came, and sent shivers down his spine. And made his hands clench. "You're such a good tease." Drake commented.

  She came up to kiss him, but said "Hmm, I'm an even better lover." He took her word for it for the moment, and relaxed. Waiting for his chance to become the seducer and kept his hands planted on her hips. She let her mouth trace the same trail as her hair, and gently sucked on one nipple, then the other.

  "She is such a good tease." He commented to himself. He waited patiently for her to drop her guard, and was rewarded when she started kissing his neck. He knew it was his chance to flip her over, and straddle himself across her. So he put his hands right at her sides, pushed, and they both went tumbling together. Only this time, she landed beneath him. "But I'm a better seducer." He said to himself as he looked at her, helpless beneath her. He had this sudden urge to play vampire with her. He opened his mouth like he usually would with a victim, and set his mouth down on her neck. But instead of biting her, he just sucked on her neck and kissed her neck.

  She cringed a little, but then relaxed to his touch, as he stroked her. He moaned in approval at the succulent taste of her neck, and started a trail of kisses down to the center of her chest, then over to each breast. He licked at one of her nipples, teasing it slowly just as she did him. And then wrapped his mouth around it, sucking gently. She laced her fingers in the hair on the back of his head and held him there as he started to suck harder.

  She felt the press of his hardened length to her heat and let him make his way over to the other nipple, and give it the same treatment as the last. He lifted his head up, his hair was messed up. And she saw a kind of desire in his eyes. The kind of desire that comes with true love. She smiled at his silent request. And started to lower his boxers in answer.

  He moaned as he sprang forth, and she wrapped her hands around him. She moved her hands down him to the base and pulled him to her. They were face to face, nose to nose, as he started to unbutton the buttons of the underlay of her dress, with his mouth.

  When he reached her navel, he started unbuttoning with his hands, and came back up to kiss her. When the underlay was finally free, he pulled it off of her shoulders and down her until it was free and thrown on the floor. He then tended to her underwear, which he removed with ease with a simple tug and they joined the other garments on the floor.

  He slid into her swiftly and she took him down in to the base. They started to move together, but it ended as him taking over. "Oh Drake." Was all that she said before he took her mouth with hers in a claming kiss. They finished together and when they finally found a moment to relax and breath. Both found out that both were breathing just as raggedly, and their hearts were beating just as fast.

  "When has any man even offered this to me? When has any man taken me in like Drake has?" Jaqulin asked herself "Never." Was her answer to herself. She smiled and wrapped her arms around his neck, which he quickly put to his chest and wrapped her up in his arms, where they both slept the rest of the night under the covers of the large king-size bed.

  After the quick meal with Elizabeth, Sequin took her back to the castle and asked "So, still feeling weak?"

  "No, just a little tired. Thank you" she replied.

  He smiled and said "my pleasure. Please, its time for bed anyway. The sun will raise soon Lizzy." Sequin had grown so fond of the woman, that he took to calling her Lizzy sometimes. His name for her for Sweet Elizabeth.

  She smiled at the name and actually liked it. Because there was no casket for her yet, she joined Sequin in his. Where he wrapped her up in his arms and cape, and kept her warm. She fell to sleep rather quickly and knew that he defiantly wouldn't let go of this young lady. Absolutely not.

  "Maybe, just maybe stopping at that castle wasn't such a bad idea after all." Sequin mumbled to himself.

  "What?" The young woman he called Lizzy asked.

  "Nothing Lizzy." He said, kissed her forehead and said "Sleep, sun will rise soon. We must sleep."

  She nodded and closed her eyes. Soon they both fell to sleep. But Sequin did decide that he would have to go see his sister some time. To thank her for reuniting him with life. When he woke after she bit him, he realized that a life on the road fighting vampires was no life at all. And when he saw the young woman that they had left for him for food. He was determined to take her as his significant other. But he would thank his sister one way, or another.

  It was early in the morning when Jaqulin finally woke up and was gazing into the eyes of her lover. Drake had obviously been awake for some time. So she asked "Waiting for me are you?"

  "Of course I am." He replied and then kissed her good morning. "That was wonderful last night Jaqulin. I couldn't ask for anything better. I couldn't have even asked for that."

  She smiled and said "oh, but I know you loved it." Again, she was teasing him. And doing a fine job of it. She just kissed him, and when she sat up she saw a shadow in the window. It was her brother. She covered herself up and asked "Sequin, what are you doing here?"

  "To see you and… to thank you." He replied, "May I come in?" He asked. Jaqulin remembered that Vampires can only come in if they are invited and was deciding on weather to let him in or not.

  "Very well, you may come in." She finally said.

  He smiled and jumped down out of the window and to the floor. "Thanks." He said, then came ove
r and said "I want to thank you for what you did. I never realized what a horrid life it is to travel and slay vampires. In fact, doing that isn't much of a live. And it took you doing what you did, then me seeing that beautiful woman you left for me to bite for me to realize most of this." He stated.

  "Really. Well, I guess burring the hatchets are in order. Right?" she asked

  "Of course." He said with a smile, hugged his sister, and said "I mustn't stay. Lizzy is waiting for me."

  Jaqulin smiled, and knew then she made the right decision.

  The End




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