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Finding Home

Page 5

by Ali Spooner

  “It’s not polite to assume anything,” Nat said with a mischievous grin.

  Marissa flung open the door and called to Gyp who trotted politely into the cabin and came to rest in front of the warm hearth. Marissa dipped out a large portion of pot roast, vegetables and gravy for Gyp, breaking off chunks of corn bread and mixing it in with the rest. She carried the full bowl over to Gyp and sat it down in front of her and Gyp licked her hand in warm appreciation for the meal.

  Nat and Marissa finally sat down to another hearty meal, sharing little conversation while they ate. Nat ate until she was stuffed and then watched as Marissa ate more than her usual small helping thinking she did work up an appetite stacking the firewood.

  “Thanks for another great meal,” Nat said as she sipped the cool water.

  “You are quite welcome,” Marissa said as she stood to clear the table.

  “How are you set for meat?” Nat asked.

  “Since my husband passed I haven’t eaten that much meat and what I do I usually buy in town,” Marissa said. “We have a great smokehouse, but I just don’t have the skills to hunt or the knowledge of curing meats,” she admitted.

  “Well it just so happens that your new neighbor is an expert at both and if you will allow her, she can teach you,” Nat said rather brazenly.

  “I just hope she has the patience of Job,” Marissa fired back.

  “I think she can manage one student,” Nat said as she smiled at Marissa.

  “I was hoping to do some hunting tomorrow afternoon if you would care to join me,” Nat suggested. “I have seen signs that there is a rather large buck in the area that would put a large amount of meat in your smokehouse for this winter,” she continued.

  “I do miss the taste of venison,” Marissa admitted and she accepted Nat’s offer to join her in the hunt.

  “The first vat of water should be plenty hot enough to start your bath,” Marissa said. “Why don’t you dump it into the tub and then get a fresh vat warming over the fire while the hot mixes with the cool and I will clean up from supper.”

  Nat stood and followed Marissa’s directions to the letter and then disappeared behind the makeshift curtain, stripped off her clothes and lowered her body into the hot water. Nat slipped completely under the water and emerged with her black hair draped along her neckline and began bathing as she listened to Marissa bustling in the kitchen.

  “Are you ready for some more hot water?” she yelled from the kitchen.

  “Yes, please whenever you get a chance,” Nat responded then once again ducked under the water to rinse her hair.

  Marissa went to the hearth to retrieve the water and stepped quietly behind the bed sheet drape. Nat made no effort to hide her nakedness and Marissa blushed profusely when Nat caught her gaze as she looked down at her body. Marissa poured the hot water slowly to mix with the warm water left in the tub and asked, “Would you like me to wash your back?”

  “That would be lovely,” Nat responded and handed Marissa a soaped cloth.

  Marissa stroked the cloth across Nat’s back in large circular motions and Nat felt herself relaxing fully under Marissa’s caresses. Marissa finished her task and handed Nat back the cloth.

  “You know there’s plenty of room for one more in this tub,” Nat suggested with a hint of challenge in her voice.

  Marissa stopped dead in her tracks. “Excuse me,” she said.

  “I said there is plenty of room if you would care to join me,” Nat said a little louder to tease Marissa.

  “A nice soak would feel good,” Marissa said as she turned away from Nat. “Are you sure you wouldn’t mind?” she asked.

  “Not at all” Nat replied with a sultry smile.

  Marissa stood with her back to Nat as she began to unbutton her dress and then allowed it to fall from her shoulders and down her body. Nat’s heart raced as the fabric dropped and Marissa’s milky white skin and soft curves were revealed. Nat could feel a stone choking off her voice as Marissa pulled her blonde hair up into a knot and then turned and stepped into the tub. Nat caught a glimpse of full breasts and the light down that was nestled between Marissa’s thighs as she slowly sank into the hot water.

  Marissa eased her body into the water and tried carefully not to crowd Nat’s much longer body. Nat witnessed her distress on where to rest her feet and legs and softly told Marissa, “You can rest your legs on mine.”

  Marissa gingerly lowered her legs onto Nat’s and then laid her head back against the tub. “This does feel wonderful,” Marissa stated as she allowed the warm water to enclose her body with its caress.

  “A welcomed reward after a long day of hard work,” Nat replied as she watched Marissa’s body relax. “I bet your feet ache something miserable after standing on them all day,” Nat said as she tenderly placed Marissa’s right foot between her large hands, massaging it gently. Nat’s strong thumbs kneaded the sole of Marissa’s foot as she moaned softly and once again closed her eyes.

  Nat watched the pulse throb wildly in Marissa’s neck as she slowly lowered her mouth to softly kiss the tips of Marissa’s toes. Marissa gasped as she felt Nat’s warm mouth on her foot and her eyes flew open. Nat watched as her eyes clouded over with pleasure, each subsequent stroke of her tongue and lips bringing undeniable desire to Marissa’s gently quivering body. “Are you chilled?” Nat asked innocently.

  “Oh for God’s sake no,” Marissa stammered as she looked deeply into Nat’s dark eyes. “Can you not possibly know how you are affecting me?” she asked in a whisper.

  “Tell me,” Nat instructed as her lips encircled Marissa’s big toe.

  “Your touch makes my body burn with desire,” she admitted. “A desire that is said to be unnatural between two women and yet I find myself drowning in need to be touched and caressed by you. You must think me crazy,” Marissa stated with concern.

  “If it is madness then it is one that we share together,” Nat said. “Since our eyes first touched, I have wanted to take you in my arms and hold your body close and I ache to feel the touch of you against my skin,” she added.

  Marissa stared in shock as Nat described exactly how she felt, better than any words she could use to describe her own feelings. Marissa once again shivered, this time truly because the water was rapidly cooling. “We need to dry off before we catch a chill,” she said as she stood and stepped from the tub.

  Nat stepped from the tub and was wrapped in a thick, warm towel by Marissa who had dried and had a towel tied around her body. She reached for an edge of the towel to dry Nat’s hair and then combed the thick black hair away from her face. She led Nat over to stand in front of the fire place to take the chill from her body and felt a schoolgirl awkwardness threaten to overcome her.

  Nat reached down to take Marissa’s chin in her fingertips, raising her eyes up to meet her own. The need in her deep blue eyes urged Nat forward as she bent down to place her lips against Marissa’s. Nat’s head spun with the excitement of her first kiss and her mind began racing wildly as Marissa parted her lips and encircled Nat’s tongue with her own.

  Marissa’s moans vibrated deep into Nat’s body causing her to shudder with spasms of need as her inexperienced body shook with pleasure. The kiss lasted for what seemed hours as the two women softly probed each other’s mouth while their hands began to caress as they explored the other’s body.

  Marissa broke the kiss and took Nat by the hand leading her through the small cabin into the bedroom where she pulled back the heavy covers on the bed. Her hands removed the large towel from Nat’s body, dropping it to the floor as she stood admiring Nat’s strong body. She gently guided Nat back onto the bed and then dropped her towel and crawled into the bed beside Nat.

  Nat rolled onto her side propping up on an elbow as her eyes caressed Marissa’s body. Marissa watched patiently as Nat slowly surveyed the curves and valleys of the body that was so different from the hard edges of her own. As Nat bent down, the bear claw lightly grazed Marissa’s skin raising goose bump
s on her flesh. Nat’s fingers traveled down Marissa’s excited body from her face, down her neck and chest and further down her body to the extent of Nat’s reach, the path of Nat’s fingers burning a trail of fire blazing in Marissa’s body.

  Marissa pushed Nat back onto the bed as she covered her mouth with a slow sensual kiss. Her fingers began to explore the firm angles of Nat’s body from her strong chin down to her small but muscular chest to the flat, ripples of muscles across her abdomen. Nat’s body ached to be touched down in the hot, wet space between her thighs, the exact spot Marissa took painstaking care to avoid with her soft caresses. Instead, Marissa’s fingertips brushed lightly over Nat’s hardened nipples as her kisses threatened to steal the breath from Nat’s body.

  Marissa’s body trembled as she moved to lie partially on top of Nat’s warm body and Nat could feel the excitement rushing through Marissa’s body. Nat’s hands brushed through Marissa’s hair and down her back as Marissa kissed her way down Nat’s face and neck until her soft lips were only inches from Nat’s erect nipple. She could feel the hot puffs of breath on her sensitive skin as Marissa approached and covered her small breast with her warm, soft mouth. Marissa’s hand slipped between Nat’s thighs as she slowly suckled Nat’s breast and her fingers played in the soft wet curls.

  Nat’s breathing became more labored with each new movement from Marissa and when she finally touched her there, Nat feared she would faint from sheer anticipation. Marissa’s fingers traced the same trail that Nat’s had followed as she discovered her blossoming womanhood, but the combination of Marissa’s mouth on her breast and her fingers caressing her wetness were beyond anything Nat had ever experienced.

  Nat could feel the tremors growing uncontrollably, deep within her as Marissa’s fingers parted the soft hair and her fingers slid deep into Nat’s wetness as her teeth nibbled on sensitive nipples. Combinations of moans echoed through the small bedroom as Marissa’s movements brought Nat to her first climax, her muscles convulsing in violent spasms as her mind reeled with pleasure.

  Marissa removed her fingers slowly and traced her lips with fingers damp from Nat’s wetness. Moving back up her body, Marissa covered Nat’s mouth with another slow gentle kiss sharing the taste with her lover for the first of many times to come. Nat could feel the need vibrating through Marissa’s body as she rolled over on top of her and using Marissa’s example, slowly explored the soft, contours of her lover’s body. Marissa’s screams of pleasure at first scared Nat who feared she was hurting the woman but soon enough her screams became music to Nat’s ears as Marissa exploded in orgasm.

  Nat lay beside Marissa and watched as her breathing slowed, her eyes communicating to her what Marissa’s lips were unable to speak. Nat softly kissed her exhausted lover on the lips and then turned her on her side. Nat pulled the covers up over their bodies and then wrapped her arm tightly around Marissa’s body holding her close as they quietly drifted into sleep.


  The next morning, Nat awoke to soft lips on her neck and she stretched her arms above her head and engulfed Marissa in her arms. Marissa moved on top of Nat’s body and her lips softly caressed Nat’s as she welcomed her lover awake. She traced the outline of Nat’s lips with her tongue, teasing her as her hips began to grind into Nat’s body. Nat placed her large hands on Marissa’s ass and held her close as her hips began to undulate with her lover’s rhythm. Nat’s tongue reached out to meet Marissa’s tongue, tip to tip as their arousal continued to mount.

  Marissa’s hands moved down between their bodies and her fingers tugged gently at her nipples as they grew hard and her moans began to resonate. The heat generated by their bodies made Nat begin to sweat and she kicked the covers from atop their bodies as Marissa kissed down Nat’s neck and her mouth covered her right breast. Her tongue swirled around her arousal darkened areola as her nipple twitched with excitement. Marissa’s right hand cupped Nat’s breast and she squeezed the small mound of excited flesh as Nat’s body began to writhe underneath her.

  Marissa was enraptured by the sensations of making love to Nat and she knew this time she would taste her lover. Her mouth blazed a trail of desire down Nat’s body and when her tongue reached the inside of Nat’s thigh, she caught the scent of desire and her need to taste her grew unbearable. Marissa used her fingertips to part Nat’s soaked lips and closely examined the soft folds of exposed flesh as she looked upon a woman for the first time. The tender touches of her fingers were driving Nat’s body wild and the small bud normally hidden between the soft folds had grown erect with blood and Marissa stroked the top of it with her tongue. Nat’s hands grabbed the bed linens as Marissa’s warm breath teased her body and her tongue lavished attention on her body.

  Marissa moaned at the alluring taste of Nat’s desire and her body hungered for more. Her tongue stroked the damp edges of Nat’s entrance making her tremble with delight and then her tongue probed deeper, entering the well of Nat’s wetness. She buried her face between Nat’s thighs as she feasted on her lover and violent convulsions ripped through Nat’s body as she felt the most unbelievable sensations of her life. She gasped for breath as Marissa continued to drink greedily from her body. Nat’s body erupted again and she coated Marissa’s face with her juices.

  Nat pulled Marissa back up her body and tasted herself for the first time when their mouths locked again in a fevered kissed. She rolled their bodies on the bed until she rested on top of Marissa’s body and she could feel the heat and the wetness as she pressed her body between Marissa’s thighs. She was eager for Marissa to experience the overwhelming pleasure she had just felt and as slowly as she could she kissed her way down her body.

  When Nat’s mouth hovered above Marissa’s mound, she groaned with anticipation of what was to come. She spread her thighs wide and invited Nat to take her. Nat spread her soaked lips with trembling fingers as she gazed at the beautiful flower that opened up to welcome her. She bent her head forward and traced the outer ridges and moaned loudly when the sweet taste of Marissa exploded in her mouth. Her tongue explored every inch of Marissa’s outer folds and when she slid her tongue inside her wetness, Nat felt the silky lining inside Marissa and her mouth pressed deeper as her teeth grazed the swollen bud that was throbbing with pleasure. Marissa’s body erupted, soaking Nat’s face as she ground her hips onto Nat’s waiting mouth. Nat’s tongue continued to explore the depths of Marissa as her thumb brushed over the swollen bud and Marissa’s body continued to writhe in ecstasy, gasping for breath as Nat brought her to peak after peak of pleasure. Marissa finally reached down and placed her hands on either side of Nat’s head and lifted her mouth from her sated body.

  Nat lay beside Marissa, the grin on her face making her dark eyes shimmer as she looked at her lover.

  “That was incredible,” Nat said as her fingers slid up Marissa’s body raising goose flesh in their wake.

  Marissa shivered from the softness of her touch. “That was the most passionate I have ever felt,” she admitted. “There is something about you that draws me to you and I want to touch and kiss you all the time,” Marissa said with a deep blush.

  “Well I don’t mind if you do,” Nat said feeling suddenly very giddy and mischievous as her fingertips drew small circles around Marissa’s left nipple as she licked her lips.

  Marissa’s breathing quickened as watched her and her heart was racing in her chest as she observed as Nat’s eyes devoured her body. Nat looked up into Marissa’s blue eyes and smiled as her hand crept down her body and her fingers slowly entered Marissa’s body. Marissa bit her lip to keep from crying out as three of Nat’s long fingers sank deeply into her body and touched a part of her that had been abandoned for so long. Her fingers moved slowly in the velvety liquid coating her fingers and she watched Marissa’s eyes glazed over with desire as she thrust her hips to meet Nat’s fingers.

  Nat’s fingers drove faster to match the movement of Marissa’s body and her cries of pleasure spurred Nat on until Marissa’s body s
huddered and her climax soaked the bed linens. Nat kept her fingers inside Marissa’s body as they shared a kiss and she could feel the muscles deep inside wrap around her fingers as her climax lingered. The slightest movement from her sent waves of pleasure through Marissa’s body and it was several more minutes before her body relaxed enough to allow Nat to withdraw.

  “I will not be able to walk if we don’t get out of this bed soon,” Marissa said as she rolled over on top of Nat.


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