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Angelstone: Dark Angel #2 (Urban Fantasy)

Page 3

by Peach, Hanna

  The prophecies were wrong about that. She had fallen for him... he had not quite fallen for her. Only a week ago he had agreed so easily to being just friends. If he had loved her, he would have protested against it, raged against it. He would have grabbed her shoulders and kissed her and ordered her to reconsider. But he didn’t. He had just sat there, placid as the soulglobe between her fingers, and accepted “friends”.

  A sudden rush of sadness lashed through Alyx’s chest, making her gasp for breath. She flinched, her fingers fumbled, and she dropped the soulglobe. It landed with a thwack on the wooden floorboards and rolled towards the wall. Alyx let out a small sigh and leaned forward to retrieve it. It hit the floor molding and made a hollow noise. A hollow noise? Alyx frowned and her pain was forgotten for the moment.

  Alyx picked up the globe, put it back on its holder and turned her attention back to the molding, a section now partly coming away from the wall. Alyx pried the molding away.

  There was a small hollow in the base of the wall. Alyx peered closer. There was something in it.

  Moving away small cobwebs, Alyx pulled the item out of the hollow. It was a bunch of Threads, small scraps of material rolled and twined together.

  Dearest Yael,

  I waited just as I said I would. But you did not come. Instead Do’hann came. He said the most horrible things... I don’t believe him, not for a second.

  Then a group of lightwarriors came for me. I had to flee, my love, I could not stay.

  What happened to you? Did they detain you? Are you hurt?

  Oh my love, I cannot tell you how my heart aches for you. I pray that no harm has come to you. I will wait every day at our meeting place for you to come.

  I don’t know how I could get this Thread to you but it eases my heart to imagine you reading these words.

  Love always,


  Five Threads, all letters, from someone named Siana to Yael. Could this be… Yael Ostin?

  Alyx’s mind brought forward an image of Yael, her old lightwarrior rival, rude and brash and rough. He had never made her life in Michaelea easy. And after she had fled, he had almost recaptured her.

  Alyx stared at the Threads and ran her hands across them again.

  She couldn’t imagine anyone ever loving Yael. Or Yael ever loving anyone back.

  She heard Jordan calling for her. This mystery didn’t matter anyway. She was leaving Tara now.

  Alyx returned the Threads back to their hollow in the wall and replaced the floor molding. She put out her hand to Mini, who was standing at the top of the bed drawing invisible lines on the wall and mumbling.

  “Come on, Mini. We’re going to a place called Aradale. It’s safer there.”

  Mini had more questions in her eyes than she could communicate, but she took Alyx’s hand. Alyx’s heart tightened at the wordless trust of this little girl.

  They joined Jordan and Israel on the grass in front of the farmhouse. Marin had still not returned.

  “He’ll be alright,” Jordan had said. “He just needs to be alone. He’ll go back to Aradale when he’s ready.”

  The sun was just falling under the horizon. Israel was walking without his limp now, but Alyx could tell from the slight tension between his brows that he was hiding some pain. Why did he feel the need to be brave all the time? Why couldn’t he just let anyone help him?

  “If you wrap your arms around my shoulders from behind, it’ll be easiest for me to carry you,” Jordan said to Israel.

  Israel shuffled, obviously uncomfortable. “Why do you need to carry me?”

  “Well you can’t fly, and you obviously can’t walk all the way to Aradale. We also have Mini to think about. I suppose if you felt more comfortable, I could carry Mini and Alyx could carry—”

  “No. No, no,” said Israel. “I’ll hang off you.”

  Alyx’s heart clenched with rejection, but she kept a nonchalant look on her face. I’ll show you that I don’t care.

  Jordan nodded at Alyx and she moved towards Mini, crouching beside her and speaking softly to her. “We’re going on a trip and it’ll be better if you go to sleep, little one. Go to sleep and when you wake we’ll be there.”

  Alyx felt the pulse enter Mini’s body. Her little eyes closed and Alyx eased Mini into her arms.

  Within minutes they were in the air.

  Dearest Yael,

  I have met a Rogue out here. His name is Lukas. He is friendly, and he claims that this is what he does to help new FreeWalkers when they first become Rogue. He can help you, too.

  Lukas tells me that the Rogues have sanctuaries out here, my love. Hidden communities scattered across the globe. Some of them are even nestled among the mortal population! Imagine that − living among mortals!

  They have leaders of each community (chiefs, they call them), but they are elected by the Seraphim. Out here, everybody is equal. There is no class system, no Elders, no Castus, no warrior class. We could have a happy life out here, my love. Happy and fulfilled.

  Lukas wants to take me to Aradale, the nearest Rogue community, but I have said that I won’t leave without you.

  Please escape. Please escape, my love, and come find me. Without you, I have nothing.

  Yours always,


  Chapter 5

  In Samyara’s den, the stench of the collective Darkened was choking to Passar. He pressed further back into the corner, into the polished mahogany wall panels, as if doing so could make him disappear. It didn’t work.

  Before him Samyara slumped in his chair, surrounded by his favorites like he was some kind of maharaja. Samyara’s eyes opened and he straightened up. “This isn’t working,” he snapped, frustration evident in his voice. “Israel is too closed off from me. He’s too aware. I can’t whisper into his mind.”

  Samyara roared in displeasure. The Darkened around him flinched. Things are not good when the boss is angry.

  “What do we do now, huh? How do we find him?” Samyara glared at every Darkened around the room in turn.

  “Maybe,” Adere piped up, a hopeful smile on her face, “I can get through to him again.”

  “Wrong. Wrong, wrong, wrong. You tried that and it failed.”

  “Only because of the Seraphim,” mumbled Adere.

  A thought came to Passar’s mind. For a moment he hesitated to speak up… but if Samyara found out that he had hidden things from him…

  “Can… can you only whisper into the minds of mortals?” he asked.

  The Darkened between him and Samyara parted and he was exposed. He almost wished he had stayed quiet.

  Samyara narrowed his eyes. “I can whisper into anyone’s mind, but they have to be open to it. The Seraphim are too closed off for it to work with them. Mortals are easier because they aren’t aware. Why?”

  Passar paused. Could he endanger an innocent? Elijah’s voice seemed to echo accusingly in his mind. Anything. You said you would do anything for me.

  “There was a girl,” Passar blurted out.

  Samyara leaned forward. “What girl?”

  “She was locked in the Hollows as well. A mortal. Alyx insisted on rescuing her.”

  “What was Michael doing with a girl locked up in the Hollows?”

  “I don’t know. But I bet she’s still with them. Could you whisper to her?”

  A grin began to creep across Samyara’s face. “A girl.”

  Chapter 6

  Nordlingen was an old town an hour south of Saint Joseph. From above, Alyx could see the intermittent street lamps spotlighting off the buildings that seemed to circle out from the stone cathedral, marking the town center and the highest point of this town. Some streets were so slim that Alyx doubted that the mortals could fit their cars down these cobbled lanes. It looked like a toy town.

  At the edge of the town near a forested area, Jordan indicated towards a sprawling building that enclosed a square courtyard and branched out in several wings. They swooped over the surrounding wall of this propert
y, and Alyx felt the familiar pop of breaking through a MirageWeaver ward.

  “Welcome to Aradale,” said Jordan as they touched down on the thick grass of the front yard.

  Alyx took in her surroundings. The thick walls of irregular-sized stones rose up on either side of the gate and stretched for some meters until they reached the corners of the block. On the right corner rose a small turret with a capped roof and a menacing spike on top. A lookout, perhaps? Cut into the base of the turret was a door. Inside, Alyx could see a stone circular staircase leading up.

  The sign above the arched entranceway read backwards from where they stood. It took her a few seconds to figure out what it said. “Aradale Asylum?” Alyx spluttered. “Your sanctuary is an asylum?”

  “It was,” Jordan said. “It shut down some years ago and we took it over. It has been a FreeThinker community ever since. The mortal community still thinks it’s a working asylum. Hence, the neighbors don’t bother visiting.” Jordan grinned. “Come on. Tobias is waiting for us.”

  Inside, the beige walls of the corridors stretched out left and right with wooden floors made dull by years of traffic. Wooden stairs with smooth handrails and metal balustrades twisted up towards a second floor. Someone had tried to make this place homier by placing small wooden tables along the corridors and dressing them with vases containing orange and yellow gerberas. Framed pictures had been hung up along the walls.

  There were a few Seraphim milling around, their stares curious.


  Alyx turned to see a youngling about eleven winters, wild sandy hair, grin to his ears, flying towards them. The youngling flew into Jordan’s grasp, his thin arms winding around Jordan’s neck. Jordan laughed, returning his enthusiastic hug, then setting him down and rubbing a hand over his head. “Staying out of trouble, young Ky?”

  “Never,” Ky said while ducking away from Jordan’s hand.

  Jordan laughed again and grabbed the boy to plant a quick kiss on his head. “Ky, I want to introduce you to some people. This is Israel.”

  Ky pulled away from Jordan and stared at Israel. Ky squinted. “He’s not Seraphim?”

  “No,” said Israel. “Just a human.”

  “Cool.” Ky put his hand on his chest and did a little bow. “Pleased to meet you, just a human.”

  Israel smiled as he placed his own hand on his chest and bowed. “Likewise.”

  “Ky is Lukas’s and Ana’s son,” Jordan explained to them. “And Ky, this is Alyx.”

  “Who’s that?” Ky’s eyes widened at Mini still lying asleep in Alyx’s arms.

  “Ky,” admonished Jordan.

  “It’s okay, Jordan. Ky, this is a lost little girl we found. She doesn’t have a real name, but we call her Mini.”

  His chocolate eyes were wide as he continued to stare at Mini. “She’s pretty.”

  But Jordan wasn’t ready to let it go. “Ky, don’t be disrespectful to Alyx. She’s one of our fiercest warriors. Greet her properly or your mother will hear about it.”

  Only then did Ky give Alyx any attention. He placed his hand on his chest and bowed his head towards her before puffing up his chest and announcing, “I shall be a great warrior one day, too.”

  Alyx smiled. “Well, young warrior. Perhaps if your mother will allow, you can come practice with me.”

  Ky gasped, then his face broke into a grin. “Do you think she will, Jordan?”

  “Ask her now, Ky.” Jordan nodded towards a seraphelle floating towards them. She was long-limbed, pleasant-faced and moved through the air delicately. Her expression eased into a smile as she approached. “Ky, there you are.”

  Ky flew to his mother’s side, his body becoming animated as he spoke rapidly, “...and she is a great warrior and she’s going to teach me to be a great warrior too but only if you say that it’s okay, oh please say that it’s okay, Mama?”

  Ana looked over to Alyx, then to her son. There was something in her eyes that caught Alyx’s attention. Was it... apprehension and... fear?

  “We’ll see, Ky,” Ana said.

  “Good to see you, Ana,” Jordan said. “This is Israel. And Alyx, who young Ky here is getting worked up over. This gorgeous seraphelle is Ana.” Jordan grinned.

  A smile broke through the tension in Ana’s face. “Jordan, you know your charms don’t work on me.”

  “One can always hope, dear lady.” Jordan’s grin widened, and he lifted Ana’s hand to his lips. Turning back to Alyx and Israel, he said, “Ana is our physician.”

  Physician. Alyx’s thoughts went to her belly. If anyone could tell her whether a child was growing inside her, Ana could. But could she trust Ana to keep her secret?

  Alyx smiled at Ana, hoping to dispel some of the apprehension that was still in Ana’s eyes when she looked at Alyx. “So lovely to meet you.”

  “You’re a warrior. Which city did you defect from?” Ana asked.

  Alyx was not expecting this question. “Michaelea. Why? Did you come from there?”

  Ana’s face looked haunted for a moment. “A long time ago, yes.” She grabbed Ky’s hand. “Come, Ky. Let these people get on their way and settle in. I’m sure that we are just in their way.”

  “No, no. Not in the way at all,” Alyx started to say, but Ana was already pulling Ky along behind her as if she couldn’t wait to leave.

  Strange, Alyx thought. Before she could ask Jordan more about Ana, a booming male voice called out, “So, our prodigal son has returned. And who has he returned with?”

  Alyx turned her head towards the voice. A seraph, tall and olive-skinned with sparkling brown eyes was floating towards them. His features were of an older seraph, but his eyes gave him a sense of the child-like, of youthful exuberance. His smile radiated life and warmth and kindness. Alyx felt herself liking him already.

  A wide grin spread across Jordan’s face. “Tobias. It’s so good to see you.”

  “And you, Jordan. You have been missed these last few weeks. It seems the place is falling apart without your skilled hands.”

  “You exaggerate too much.”

  “I only do it to help you out with the ladies.” Tobias winked at Alyx. “Lord knows you need all the help you can get with them.”

  The two seraphs clasped in a long and deep hug. As Jordan pulled back, he indicated as he spoke, “This is Alyx, the one I was telling you about. And Israel. And little Mini.”

  “And you’re letting her carry all the weight? Jordan, what have I taught you?” Tobias chastised good-naturedly. Jordan pulled Mini from Alyx’s arms into his own, and Alyx mouthed her thanks.

  Tobias turned to Alyx. She placed a hand on her chest and bowed her head to greet him. “I am pleased to meet you, Tobias. Jordan has spoken so highly of you.”

  His grin broadened. “Come now, we shall be good friends soon, so why not start now?” Tobias surprised her by pulling her into his arms for a hug. Alyx found herself up on her toes. His larger, strong frame was an instant comfort. She found that a smile was beaming across her face as he let her go.

  “You too, young Israel,” Tobias said as he enveloped Israel in his arms. They had a similar build and height, so Israel didn’t have to tiptoe like she did. Alyx could tell that Israel was uncomfortable with the proximity to this seraph from the crease between his brows and the way he gingerly patted Tobias’s back.

  With the introductions over, Alyx tried to pull Tobias aside. “I have a few questions.”

  “I’m sure you do,” Tobias said, interrupting her gently. “But there is plenty of time for all of that later. Let me show you to your rooms, get you settled in.”

  Jordan walked ahead, with Tobias leaving Alyx and Israel walking side by side. Alyx tried not to appear uncomfortable walking next to him, but the silence hung awkwardly between them and caused Alyx’s throat to stick.

  “I am so sorry about Zia,” Jordan said to Tobias. “We came as soon as we heard.”

  Alyx could see Tobias nodding. “It is sad news. Something must be done. I h
ave called a meeting which I hope the three of you will attend.” This last sentence was directed over his shoulder to Israel and Alyx as well.

  “Of course,” Israel and Alyx both said.

  They kept walking through the corridors, Alyx noting the curious stares of the other Seraphim who passed them.

  “What do you think Samyara wants with me?” Israel asked in a hush.

  Alyx bit her lip. “Because of your part in the prophecy. He probably wants to turn you, get you on their side. Tip the balance in their favor.” Guilt began to bloom in her chest for not telling him about what she suspected.

  Now is not the time, she said to herself. Later, after I have confirmed with Ana about our child.

  “But what’s my part supposed to be?”

  “I… I don’t know.”

  They stopped in front of two open doors on opposite sides of the hallway, which Tobias motioned to. “These are your rooms. I have also allocated a smaller room next door for the girl so you can be close to her as well. Your room and Mini’s room have a door between them,” Tobias said to Alyx.

  “I’ll lay her in her bed now,” Jordan said before he disappeared into Mini’s room.

  Tobias took a step closer to Alyx and Israel and lowered his voice. “Jordan has told me of your Guardian-bond and of your part in the prophecy.” He nodded towards Israel. “I have suggested to him that we keep this knowledge under wraps for the time being. It’s not that I don’t trust the Seraphim here, but Seraphim can talk and we want to avoid any information leaking out. If the Darkened or the Elders find out that you’re here, it puts Aradale at risk. Does this make sense?”

  Alyx and Israel nodded. Jordan reappeared and shut Mini’s door.

  Tobias took his leave, asking them to make their way to his office in half an hour for the meeting. He promised to spare some minutes for Alyx as well.


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