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Angelstone: Dark Angel #2 (Urban Fantasy)

Page 13

by Peach, Hanna

  “Yes, but understand, Israel, that ridding the body of the demon does not completely sever the ties between the host and the demon. Once the demon has consumed you, it is easier to return to that dark place. It is likened to being a recovering alcoholic. Every day you must resist the temptation toward anger, rage, bitterness, hate… all these things can actually feel good. Every day is another victory.”

  Israel watched Vix and Xiang as they lapsed into silence. Israel felt that there was more to their story, both of their stories, but he didn’t dare ask them about it.

  “So I must kiss Adere?”

  This time it was Xiang who spoke, “I do not think that it was the kiss exactly but the whole of Vix’s actions towards me. Most people, when faced with someone filled with hate and anger and violence, will usually react in kind. Except Vix. She sought instead not to condemn me, but to continue to see the beauty in me, the truth of who I really was. She fought for a way to bring me back to myself instead of just killing me. This was her act of love, the greatest act of love I have ever had the blessing to receive. And I fell in love with her for it. I still love her for it and will do so until I die.”

  Israel jolted. As he watched this mortal and this Seraphim together, Israel was filled with the greatest sadness. Their love story would one day end. This was something that he and Alyx would have to face one day also.

  “So you will still die,” he exclaimed at Xiang, then immediately regretted his outburst. “I’m sorry, I did not mean to…”

  Xiang waved a hand to him. “Pray, no need to apologize. It is something that Vix and I know is inevitable for us. But we live in the present. Today, we have each other. We are lucky. Some on this Earth never find what we have.” Xiang’s voice became quieter. “After I die, I know that Vix will never forget me. But she will find another love after I pass and she will be happy again. She knows this is what I wish for her.”

  But the look in Vix’s eyes told Israel differently. He felt the pain that he saw in Vix’s eyes sharp in his own heart. Israel understood. If he and Alyx were ever granted a lifetime together and Alyx were to die, he wouldn’t be far behind her. He would follow her to Hell if he had to.

  “Will you help me save Adere?” Israel spoke quietly.

  “Why do you wish so badly to do this?” Vix apparently wasn’t going to consent to help him without knowing his reasons.

  “If I can save Adere, if I can finish this unresolved thing with her, then maybe… maybe I will deserve to be with the one I love.”

  Xiang’s face became animated. “Oh, love. Oh yes, it makes sense now. Love. Vix, we have to help him.”

  Vix gazed at Israel. “Deserve? That is an interesting word you use.”

  Israel shrugged. “I suppose I could have easily chosen another.”

  Xiang’s mouth circled in an “o” and she began to nod in agreement at Vix. Israel began to think that there was something he was missing.

  “After you vanquish this demon, then what?” Vix asked. “Will that be enough to prove you are worthy? Or will there be another dragon to slay?”

  Israel opened his mouth to retort but froze. Would it really be enough?

  Alyx will still be an angel, an inner voice said to him. You’ll still be just a demon-mortal half-breed.

  “Everybody deserves love, Israel,” said Vix. “You do not need to do anything to deserve it.”

  Israel stiffened. The anger that was simmering under his skin spilled out as the bitterness in his voice. “Easy for you to say. You’ve had a worthy and meaningful life as a warrior.”

  His tone didn’t faze Vix or Xiang. In a calm voice Vix replied, “I am far from perfect. Believe it or not, I have a darker past and more blood on my hands than water in the Namsto Lake of China. My sins trail back like blackened breadcrumbs far longer than you or even your grandparents have been alive.

  “It would be easy for me to feel like I had much to repent for. It would be easy to just say that I didn’t deserve love. It would be easy for me to just give up on it and Xiang. But Xiang accepts me and loves me regardless. Through her love, I strive to be a better person, but it is a daily task and one that is never complete, for there is always something. Even after all these years, there is always something. But isn’t that the point?”

  Israel stared at this blond-haired warrior and the lithe Asian woman beside her. From them, he had a sense of speaking to eons of wisdom, to the collective knowledge of a faraway people. Looking at them, he could begin to sense that they were all a part of something bigger.

  This glacier of unworthiness that he carried around was still there, deep in his soul, but a piece, a small piece of it, melted away in that moment. Just a piece, but a piece was enough to start with.

  “So,” said Vix, finally. “Do you have a plan?”

  Chapter 19


  She jumped. “Jesus,” Alyx let out in a whisper. She closed Israel’s door and placed her hands on the smooth surface as if in a surrender, trying to calm her beating heart. He still hadn’t returned.

  “It’s generally not a good idea to go around scaring people, Dianne,” Alyx hissed. She turned around to face the taller woman.

  “I didn’t intend to scare you. Or perhaps there is a reason you are so jumpy at the moment?”

  It was then that Alyx noticed the sly tint to Dianne’s eyes. She didn’t like it one bit.

  Alyx sighed, trying to reign in her dislike for this seraphelle. “What the hell do you want, Dianne? Don’t you think you’ve caused enough trouble for one day?”

  “Don’t you think you’ve lied enough for one day?”

  “What the hell are you talking about?”

  “Tell me, did you find out that your boyfriend was a demon before or after you slept with him?”

  Alyx’s heart leapt into her throat, almost causing her to choke. “I don’t know what you’re talking about.”

  Dianne smiled. “I think you do. Tell me, was it fun slumming it? Do you think Jordan will still want you after he finds out about your shameful little secret? Do you think you will still be welcome here?”

  Alyx had to restrain herself from punching Dianne in the face. Her hands ached to crack that snub nose of hers in two. “You’re wrong about everything.”

  “Really? Because I saw something interesting when I shifted through your boyfriend’s memories of the Darkened earlier.”

  No, she couldn’t possibly have seen... how could their night of passion be connected in any way to the Darkened?

  Dianne continued, “Israel, it appears, has an ex-girlfriend who went Darkened. Adere. Did you know about her? It appears that she visited him in a DreamScape... did he tell you about that? Did Israel tell you that he all but admitted to Adere about being in love with you? Did he also tell you that in that DreamScape, when Adere asked him about you, Israel thought of you? Did he tell you that in that moment he remembered calling you his dark angel?”

  Dark angel. Israel had whispered those words to her on that night. Alyx didn’t move, she didn’t dare breath. This wasn’t happening. This couldn’t possibly be happening.

  “I copied that whole memory of Israel’s and now hold it in my memory.” Dianne tapped the side of her head with two fingers of her left hand. “Think it may be something that Jordan would be interested in watching?”

  Alyx was rattled to her bones, but she couldn’t let Dianne see just how shaken she was. There was no other way than to play her game. Alyx forced her voice low. “What do you want, Dianne?”

  “Now we’re getting somewhere. What do I want? Hmmm, let me see.” Dianne tapped a finger at her lip. Then her face screwed up in contempt. “I want you and those two disgusting half-demon creatures out of here. Leave Aradale and never come back.”

  “But the Black Stone...”

  “All I care about is keeping Aradale safe, and it was perfectly safe until you,” Dianne shoved an accusing finger in Alyx’s face, “you and that ignorant demon-boy came and caused us all this tr
ouble.” Dianne’s voice dropped low, and Alyx was startled to see what looked like tears in her eyes. “Zia died because of you and him. I want you both gone. Now. And take your demon-girl with you.”

  “But what will I tell—”

  “I don’t care. Make up some excuse or just leave in the middle of the night.” Dianne drew herself up and blinked rapidly, the moisture in her eyes making them glisten. “If you’re still here tomorrow, I’ll tell Jordan and anyone else who cares to listen everything.”

  * * *

  Alyx spluttered every curse word − mortal and Seraphim − in her head as she sped through the forest around Nordlingen. This was all Dianne’s fault. If Dianne had just left it alone, then things between Israel and her wouldn’t be like this. And how dare Dianne try to blackmail her.

  The tips of her fingers felt like they were on fire. The anger burns you. She deserves to burn for what she did. The FireTwirler bloodink sang to her softly in a whisper as an image of Dianne in flames flittered across her mind. Fury radiated off her so intensely, Alyx felt that it may ignite the leaves that brushed past her. Let it burn her instead.

  Alyx shook her head. This was dangerous business. She had to get her anger under control. Dianne wasn’t her enemy. Alyx began to let the wind brush off the anger that enflamed her.

  A noise beside her snapped Alyx out of her thoughts. The movement was too small to be Seraphim. It was too quick for her to make out exactly what it was. Some kind of bird? The movement chirped at her. And again. The way this creature chittered made it sound like it was talking at her.

  Alyx remembered the full Animale bloodink from the hidden tattoo on her side. This wasn’t an emergency, but surely using a little bit wouldn’t hurt?

  The creature who was still keeping up with her twittered again, this time sounding impatient. Alyx drew upon the Animale. The magic drew through her body like a wave of whispers. Suddenly the squawking beside her turned into something she recognized...

  ...strange looking bird.

  “What did you say?” Alyx asked.

  You’re a strange looking bird. Wingless.

  Alyx laughed. She supposed she would look like a strange wingless bird to a bird.

  You might be bigger but I am swifter. Oh, a cocky bird.

  “Oh really.”


  “Prove it.”

  Bring it.

  The movement quickened and darted out ahead. Alyx grinned as the thrill of the race rushed through her veins, cool and fresh, as if washing away the embers of her anger. She focused on the forest ahead and her vision closed to a tunnel.

  Soon she was neck and neck with the bird again.

  “Still here,” Alyx said with a challenge in her voice.

  The bird darted up through the canopy. Alyx followed, holding her arms in front of her to keep the dense blanket of leaves from slapping her face. Alyx flinched when a few stray branches flicked across her cheeks, but she stayed her course. Finally she broke through the top of the canopy.

  Racing off along the open air above the tree line was a dark bird with long graceful wings calling behind him, Is that all you got?

  Alyx laughed and followed. As she sped along the top of the trees, the wind was cool on her face and the sun was warm on her back. Slowly she caught up to the bird.

  Alyx glanced down, something having caught her eye. She saw a large dark shadow falling across the treetops. Alyx glanced up just as the large eagle made its move and swooped down towards Alyx’s new racing friend.

  “Look out,” she cried, launching herself forward and putting herself between the eagle and the bird. The eagle’s talons scratched against Alyx’s neck. The predator gave out an angry cry and pulled up towards the sky. The little bird squeaked when it saw the eagle swooping above, searching for another attempt at him. The bird ducked down into the canopy. As Alyx followed him through the canopy, she could hear the eagle cursing her for getting in the way of his kill.

  Down in the safety of the forest, Alyx stopped near where the bird was twittering nervously in the leaves of a small tree.

  “Are you okay?” Alyx asked.

  Only thanks to you. It was almost all over for me. The bird hopped onto a branch and looked up at Alyx. Alyx could now see that this bird had a small white patch on his chin and a forked tail. I owe you my life. I am in your debt, Great Wingless One.

  “Call me Alyx.”

  Alyx? The bird tilted its little head. I’ve never heard of an Alyx before.

  Alyx decided not to bother correcting the bird. After all, how would you describe what she was to an animal?

  “It’s okay. You don’t owe me anything.”

  The bird began to hop on the branch in an agitated way. No. You must let me repay my debt. You must.

  “Alright, okay.”

  There must be something I can do for you.

  An idea came to Alyx’s mind. “Maybe there is something…”

  Chapter 20

  Sparrow’s hands were burning in the hot soapy water as he scrubbed the large purple pants. He could fit himself inside just one of these pant legs. He sighed. Only six more pairs to go.

  A movement in the bushes some way off caught his eye. An animal, perhaps? He liked animals. Even the wild ones. They never wanted him for anything or yelled at him or hurt him. They were just there. Sometimes they would let him pat them. Sometimes he would feed them crumbs from his meager meals. When the RaceKeeper remembered to feed him.

  Well, whatever it was, it had gone.

  No, it was back. And it wasn’t an animal. It was a face. She had dark hair like midnight, green eyes like emeralds.

  Sparrow recognized the lightwarrior named Alyx and his heart pattered a little. She had come back to visit, as she said she would. She actually came back.

  Sparrow let the pants drop to the ground. Then he tipped the bucket over.

  “Oops,” he said to himself. He picked up the bucket and started to float towards the trees.

  “Hey, where’re you going?” a guard yelled out as Sparrow moved past the front of the tent.

  “Ran out of water,” Sparrow said, without looking back. “I’ll be back.” He floated away from the tent. As he passed by her, he forced himself not to look in her direction. He moved through the forest hoping that she would follow him.

  Finally, when he felt that he was far enough away from the tent, he stopped moving.

  “Hi,” Alyx said as she appeared through the trees and approached him.

  “You’re back,” he said.

  “I said I’d come visit you, didn’t I?”

  He shrugged.

  “It looks like they’re feeding you better?”

  “A little.”

  “Are they being good to you?”

  “No one’s hit me lately, if that’s what you’re asking.”

  Alyx frowned. “I guess that’s a good thing. I can’t stay long. I just came to give you something.”


  “You’ll see.” She whistled, a sound that looped from low to high.

  From out of the trees, a dark winged object flew down to perch lightly on her outstretched fingers. It was a bird.

  Sparrow stared for a moment longer at the creature in her hand and then at Alyx. “A bird?”

  “His name is Piki. He’s a swift.”

  The bird named Piki chittered as if to confirm what Alyx had just told him. Sparrow just stared at it.

  No one had ever given him a gift before. Sure, he had been given food, scraps of it, and clothing if someone else didn’t want it, but he had to work for them and he was always told he should feel damn lucky that anyone was even bothering to feed and clothe a little rag like him. But never a gift.

  Sparrow felt tiny pricks at his eyes and a warmth in his chest. He was confused as to why this gift would have such an effect on him. He didn’t like this unknown feeling. It was better to stop this rubbish. He clenched his fists tighter and gritted his teeth. “I don’t get enough food – you
‘spects me to share it with him?”

  “Piki is very adept at finding food for himself. You won’t have to feed him.”

  He wasn’t expecting this answer. He frowned, still suspicious. “What’s he for?”

  “Piki said he would stay with you and look out for you for me until the winter when he will go south. If you’re ever in any trouble or need to talk to me, let Piki know and he will find me and relay your message.”

  Sparrow was so stunned he forgot for a moment that he was supposed to be angry. “Piki can talk?”

  “He can’t talk how we talk, but he can understand a little of what we say and I can understand him with Animale magic.”

  Sparrow watched the swift who had taken to tilting its little head at him. Then he remembered himself and straightened up. He hoped Alyx hadn’t seen the wonder that he knew had been shining from his eyes. It was dangerous to let others know that you wanted something.

  He took a step back. “You mean to spy on me.”

  He could see the hurt in Alyx’s eyes that his accusation caused. A part of him wanted to kick himself for being such an ungrateful sod. The other part protested. When did anyone do anything nice for you without wanting something in return?

  “No,” Alyx said. “I just wanted to make sure that you have a way to get in touch with me if you need my help. Plus it’s always nice to have a friend. With Piki here, you’d never really be alone. That’s all, I promise.”

  “Why are you doing this then? What do you want? You want me to spy on the RaceKeeper for you or something?”

  “No. I don’t want anything from you. Look, you obviously don’t want Piki to bother you. I’ll tell him to keep his distance. You won’t even know he’s there. But he’ll be close by just in case you ever need him.”

  “No thanks.” Sparrow folded his arms across his chest. “No one ever gives you things without wanting something in return.”

  Alyx was still for a moment. Sparrow began to feel a smidgen of guilt. Then Alyx held Piki up close to her mouth and whispered something to him. Piki chittered and rubbed his head along Alyx’s nose before flying up into the trees nearby.


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