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Uninvited Visitors_A Riverton Crossing Novel

Page 8

by Savannah Maris

Nathan nodded. “Yeah.”

  “I’ll let you know something as soon as I can. Hang in there.” Thomas patted Nathan on the shoulder then disappeared into the room.

  When Thomas walked in, a nurse was cutting away Vanessa’s blouse. The sedative had taken effect by the time Thomas had put on gloves and made his way to Vanessa. He examined the wound and saw the bullet was small but went straight through her shoulder. That was a good sign. Jamison flushed the hole, and he made sure no fragments were left before he closed the wound internally and externally. While he was finishing up, another nurse took pictures of her busted lip and the bruising on her arm and face for her file. Thomas was grateful the injuries weren’t worse, but she’d be sore for a few days.

  “Make arrangements for her to stay overnight for observation. Let me know what room they’re putting her in.” Thomas disposed of his gloves and walked out to find Nathan.

  He didn’t have to go far because Nathan was standing right outside her room like a sentinel. Thomas laid his hand on Nathan’s shoulder. “Let’s go talk.”

  They moved toward the same room where Thomas had met with Judge Bishop and Sheriff Cahill about eight weeks ago. “Can I get you a cup of coffee?” Nathan nodded as he stepped into the room. Thomas poured two cups and walked toward Nathan.

  “Is she alive?”

  “Yes, but she’s sedated right now. You won’t be able to get her statement until morning.” Thomas held Nathan’s stare. “We’re keeping her overnight for observation. I’ll check on her before I leave at seven to see if she’s staying another night.”

  “Can I see her then?” Nathan quietly asked.

  “Yes, and you can take her statement then if she’s not in too much pain. She’s going to be sore for a few days.”

  Nathan opened a notebook. “What can you tell me for my report?”

  “The bullet went through her shoulder. It was a clean pass through.” Thomas watched Nathan write the information in his notebook, but knew he wasn’t going to like what he was about to hear. “There’s bruising on her arms and face, and her lip is busted. We took pictures and cleaned up her mouth.” Nathan’s hand clenched the pen harder, and Thomas thought it was going to break.

  “Nathan, right now she needs a friend. Be that friend.”

  “I know. I couldn’t be more than that anyway. I wouldn’t move in on a married woman, no matter how attracted or worried I was. I’m not completely controlled by my dick.”

  Thomas nodded but wondered if Nathan was trying to convince him or himself. “Where’s her husband?”

  “His ass better be in lockup. I’ll find out when I leave here.”

  “She safe tonight, Nathan. I’ll text you her room number as soon as I get it.”

  “Thanks, Thomas.”

  The two men left the room. The door opened, and a gurney rolled out when they passed the room where Vanessa was. She was pale but breathing. As the bed came by, Nathan touched her hand.

  “They’re putting her in room 304, Dr. Gregory,” Jamison said.

  Thomas nodded and walked Nathan to the front doors. “You heard that, so no need for me to send you a text. I’ll see you in the morning.”

  It was close to one in the morning when Thomas laid down on the cot in the doctor’s lounge. He’d changed out of his bloody scrubs and just wanted to rest his eyes. Closing his lids felt so good. He even welcomed the sting that followed.

  The more his mind drifted from the visions of a bloody Vanessa Harper, the more visions of Cat entered. Cat. His body started to relax as his mind brought up the last time they were together. She rarely initiated sex, but that morning she had. The more he thought about it, the more he realized it wasn’t just desire driving her, it was need and fear. She needed him to comfort her fears. As he laid there, he felt himself harden. Every time he thought of her, his body reacted the same way. He was focused on Cat’s face when a hand rubbed over his cock.

  What the…

  His eyes flew open. “Nurse Moore, what are you doing? You’re not supposed to be in here.” He gripped her wrist.

  Jamison’s eyes widened. “I thought I’d help you out with this,” she sweetly said, dropping her gaze to his crotch. “I’ve helped Dr. Michaels in the past, and thought since we’ve, um, you know, kinda been flirting that you’d, maybe like to fool around while we had the chance.”

  Thomas narrowed his eyes and removed her hand from his body. “You need to understand that I don’t care if you’ve helped Dr. Michaels with anything, I don’t need your help.”

  “B-But I thought…” she stammered.

  He raised to his elbows. “You thought what? That I was looking to get laid?”

  “Well, yeah, since you and your girlfriend broke up. I thought it would be a good way to work off the extra energy after the case we just had.”

  Thomas took a deep breath. “Jamison, I don’t do casual sex. Cat and I may be taking a break, but that doesn’t mean I’m looking for a hook up right now.”

  “It looked like more than taking a break from where I was standing.” She shrugged. “You know where to find me when you change your mind.”

  He watched her stand and walk out of the lounge. “Fuck,” he whispered as he dropped his head back to the cot. He had to find a way to see Cat this weekend.


  Thomas was getting off work at seven o’clock Wednesday morning, so Nathan made sure he was at the hospital by six forty-five. He hoped the attending doctor had made his rounds and Vanessa could be discharged.

  The door of room 304 was pulled almost closed, but not quite. Nathan raised his hand to knock but stopped short when he heard Vanessa speaking with someone.

  “Call me Vanessa for heaven’s sake. You saved my life.”

  “Okay, Vanessa, in light of the events from last night, have you thought about your living arrangements?”

  That was Thomas’s voice.

  “I can’t tell you what to do, but I know you’re smart enough to see where this is headed. Your weight has been a concern for a while, but in light of last night’s events, you need to gain not just weight but also muscle. And you need to have a bone density test done because I’m sure your bones are undernourished.”

  “I have, but—”

  “I’m sure your husband will go for arraignment this morning. I don’t know what will happen, but with Chief Riverton and Officer Cox as witnesses, I’m sure Mr. Harper’s bail will be denied,” Thomas said. “Vanessa, just so you know if the police need them to make their case, they’ll subpoena your medical records, and the hospital will have to give them over. There isn’t anything we can do. It’s going to come out.”

  “I’m sure it already is out, Doctor.”

  “Call me Thomas.” There was a long pause. “Look, I’ve known Chief Riverton my whole life, and Officer Cox is just like him.” Thomas chuckled. “Those are some of the most protective men I know. You can trust them.”

  There was another stretch of silence. “I don’t know. I was promised to Charles when I was sixteen. My father promised me the Harpers were good people and look what that got me.” Vanessa’s voice was weak.

  “Can I ask you something?” Thomas said.


  “I know this is none of my business, but I’ve got a gut feeling there’s more between you and Officer Cox than you’re willing to admit.”

  “I’ve never cheated on Charles!”

  “I never said that, but I’ve seen the look in his eyes when he talks about you. I saw how he was last night.”

  “I don’t know, but I’m different when he’s around. I actually laugh. It’s nice.”

  “Then listen to me. Officer Cox is a protector. He’s fiercely protective of those he cares about, especially women. You would be wise to accept his friendship because no one will mess with you when he’s around. He’s safe. And let’s face it, the man is huge,” Thomas said through a soft laugh.

  “He is.” Vanessa giggled.

  “Well, if he’s not here alread
y, he will be soon. He’s going to want your stateme—”

  Nathan tapped on the door. “Knock, knock. Can I come in?” His eyes went directly to Vanessa, and he was relieved to see the smile on her face. “You look well. How are you feeling?”

  “Better now, but Dr. Gregory assures me I’m going to be sore for a few days.”

  Nathan shook Thomas’s hand. “Is she well enough to give her statement?”

  Thomas flashed a friendly smile. “She’s fine. According to her attending physician, she’s still on some pain meds, but as long as she feels up to it, I don’t see a problem. But don’t overtire her.” He patted Nathan on the back before turning his attention to Vanessa. “Do you have someone to pick you up?”

  “I’ll take her wherever she wants to go, thanks.” Nathan smiled at Vanessa.

  They watched Thomas walk out of the room and close the door. Nathan pulled a chair as close to Vanessa’s bed as he could get it. His hand reached out to touch hers, but he pulled it back when hers slightly moved away.

  Nathan cleared his throat. “You look better than you did last night. Some of your color has returned.” He shook his head trying to get the vision of her on the gurney out of his head. “You lost a lot of blood.”

  “Thank you for all you did.” Her gaze moved to some spot in space. “Where’s Charles?” she quietly asked.

  “County lockup awaiting arraignment.” Nathan looked at his watch. “Court starts at nine, and I’d like to be there. I want to make sure he’s not getting out anytime soon.”

  “I see…”

  “Vanessa, can you tell me what happened last night?” he quietly asked.

  Tears filled her eyes. “He was in a bad mood when he picked me up from the library, so I guess it was my fault. I should have known better than to say something to him about his mistress, but when I was gathering laundry to take to the cleaners, I found a shirt with lipstick marks on it.” Her gaze never left her hands fidgeting in her lap.

  “I showed it to him and asked if it was Linda’s. He got angry and hit me in the mouth.” Tears rolled down her cheeks. “He told me that I was never to speak her name and it was my fault they weren’t together anyway.” She paused and took a breath.

  “By this time, he’d had a couple of drinks, so I knew it was going downhill from there. I’d thought he and Linda had an argument, but at dinner, he’d told me his father had called. Anyway, I knew he kept a handgun in the desk drawer. I never mess with it, but last night he just seemed angrier than I’d ever seen him, so I went to make sure it was still there.”

  She looked at Nathan for the first time. “He caught me and asked if this was what I was looking for as he waved the gun at me. I was scared and didn’t know what to do, so I reached for the phone and dialed nine-one-one. I didn’t know what to do, Nathan. He’s never pointed a gun at me before. I guess I pushed him too far.” She sobbed into her hands. “What have I done? He’s going to kill me for sure.”

  “He’s not getting near you again, Vanessa.” Nathan closed his eyes and took a deep breath. “Can you tell me what happened next?”

  “The emergency operator picked up the call, but I never really spoke to her. I was crying for Charles to put down the gun, to calm down. I apologized for saying Linda’s name, and that’s when the gun fired. I can still smell the smoke from it. I saw Charles unplug the phone and the next thing I remember was him yelling at me for causing the police to come to the house.”

  She looked at Nathan then out the window. “I didn’t know what he was going to do with me lying there bleeding. I guess let me die.” She covered her face with her hands again.

  “Are you going to press charges? We’ve got enough without you. He threatened you in front of three police officers as well as threatened me. We’ve got the gun, and we’ll get your medical records.” Nathan was trying to remain in business mode. If he wrapped her in his arms like he wanted to do, Evan wouldn’t let him stay on the case because he’d say Nathan was too close.

  “Nathan, I’m scared.”

  “Do you have someplace safe to stay?”

  “Yes, but it’s not here.”

  “Where do you want to go?”

  “My family’s beach house.”

  “Okay, I can drive you there. What are you going to do, Vanessa?”

  “I don’t know. Please understand, Nathan, I was promised to him when I was sixteen. I never even dated anyone else. Truth be told, I never went on a real date with him either.” Vanessa looked at Nathan with a tear-stained face.

  “What does that even mean? There aren’t arranged marriages anymore.”

  “I’m afraid some still exist,” she whispered.

  Before Nathan had a chance to respond, a knock sounded on the door, and a nurse walked in. “I’m here to unhook your fluids and help you get ready to leave.”

  Vanessa wiped her hands down her face while Nathan moved to get out of the nurse’s way. “Did you bring her fresh clothes?” she asked Nathan.

  “Um, no, ma’am. I can run pick her up something, though.” What size would she wear?

  “Oh, well that’s okay. I’m sure we can find her a pair of scrubs around here.” The nurse tried to keep the situation light. “Mrs. Harper, you can’t take a shower today, but the bandage Dr. Gregory put on your shoulder will allow you to shower tomorrow. Do you have someone to take you home?”

  “I am,” Nathan said.

  The nurse nodded. “Officer Cox, will you please wait outside while we get Mrs. Harper dressed?”

  Nathan looked at Vanessa once more before he nodded and stepped outside. Bloody hell, she looked so small in that bed. In his heart, he wanted to be the one to dress her. He wanted to be the one to take care of her. He wanted to be the one to bathe her and fucking feed her.

  Nathan flexed his hands to calm down because he needed patience now more than ever. She was so timid around him… He wondered if he’d ever have a shot at making her happy.

  While he waited, he hit Evan’s speed dial number.


  “Court still scheduled at nine?”

  “Yes, are you at home?”

  “No, I’m at the hospital getting Mrs. Harper’s statement.”


  “Evan, I know what I’m doing. Mrs. Harper wants to go to her family’s beach house. I’m taking her since she doesn’t have any family, and that asshole, I mean Mr. Harper, didn’t allow her to cultivate friendships.”


  “I’ll be back in time for my shift at seven.”

  “Have you gotten any sleep?”

  “Not really, but I’m good. I’m too keyed up to sleep anyway.”

  “Drive your patrol car and let me know when you get back. Make sure we have a way to get in touch with her.”

  “Ten-four,” Nathan said as the hospital door opened. “I’ve got to go.”

  “Officer Cox, if you want to pull your car around, I’ll roll Mrs. Harper to the front doors. You can pick her up there after she signs her release documents.”

  “Thank you.” He turned to Vanessa and smiled. “I’ll see you in a few minutes.”

  The women were giggling when Nathan rounded the front of his SUV and helped Vanessa into the front seat then buckled her since she wasn’t moving too well.

  When they pulled into traffic, he asked, “What was so funny back there?”

  “You have an admirer,” she said. “She thinks you have a cute butt in your uniform.” Vanessa smiled.

  “Oh, well she’s not the admirer I was hoping for.”

  “Nathan, please…”

  Nathan held a hand up. “I’m sorry. I shouldn’t have said that. Until you decide what you’re going to do, I shouldn’t entertain any idea of a possible future for us.”

  Vanessa stared out the passenger window. “I don’t know what I want.”

  Nathan rubbed his hand over his hair trying to get his head on straight. “How long are you going to stay at the beach?”

  “I don’t know. I have several weeks of vacation saved, so that’ll hold my job, and I have my trust fund so I have access to money plus there’s some cash at the house.”

  “What about a car to get around?”

  “I don’t have a license. Charles would never let me get one so he’d know where I was at all times,” she quietly answered.

  That controlling son of a bitch. He needed to know where she was so he could run around on her. The more she spoke of her life with Charles, the more Nathan saw red.

  When they pulled into the driveway at her house, Nathan walked around to help her out.

  “Will you come in with me?” she asked.

  “Of course. Don’t touch anything in the area Evan and Rodney would’ve marked. Do you mind if I look around at what they found while you pack?”

  “That’s fine.”

  Nathan helped her into the house. While she walked toward the back of the house, he walked into the living room. He was looking at the blood stains on the cushions when she appeared beside him. Tears formed in her eyes, and a shiver ran through her body.

  “It’s okay, Vanessa. I can come back and get this later if you want.”

  Thirty minutes later, they were on the road heading toward the coast.


  Cat woke with a knot in her stomach.

  She looked at her phone while she drank her coffee then sent a quick text to Thomas.

  “Good morning. I miss you.”

  Food wasn’t happening. She was nervous and dreaded this day unfolding. She had lunch with people all the time—clients, co-workers, friends. Why was today any different?

  Because it’s the first time you’ll be seen in public with Buck. Shit, shit, shit!

  She threw her coffee back up and wondered if she was strong enough for this. After brushing her teeth for a second time, she drank a ginger ale to help settle her stomach and give her some needed sugar.

  As hard as she tried to slow the day down, it felt as if fate was trying to speed things up, even the drive to work seemed fast. She took the elevator because it always moved slow, but not today.


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