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The night she got lucky sfdg-2

Page 26

by Susan Donovan

  Lucio! he heard Ginger scream.

  Jason! he heard Josh scream.

  Police sirens were wailing louder and louder.

  Do not let go of my boy, Larry said, his arms seizing Lucio around the waist and slowly, carefully pulling him back over the rail.

  Here! Josh said, offering Jason his other arm. His brother grabbed it.

  I've got him now, Larry said, once Lucio was upright. Lucio watched Larry grab Jason's other wrist while simultaneously grabbing the boy by the shirt collar. Josh and Larry had done itJason was saved. His mother was holding him and crying with relief.

  Just then, the pain slammed into him. Lucio staggered backward. Larry grabbed him by the shirt as he began to fall and slowly lowered him down into Genevieve's waiting arms.

  She cradled his upper body as he lay on the balcony floor. You've been shot, she said. Oh, my God, Lucio. Don't die!

  I'm not going to die, guapa, he told her, hoping to God he was correct. The entire right side of his body throbbed. He was on fire with the pain.

  You can't die, she whispered to him, stroking his head, kissing his hair.

  I will not leave you, he whispered, feeling his strength begin to fade.

  You can't leave our baby, she said.

  Lucio tried to sit up but his body seized in agony. What? he gasped, pulling Genevieve down closer. A baby?

  Yes, Lucio. I just found out. I'm pregnant. The night of the earthquake

  Lucio's body was racked with pain and joy at the very same instant. All he could do was pull Genevieve to him and kiss her. I am so happy, he whispered. You have made me so happy.

  Oh, shit.

  The flatness in Larry's curse made Lucio's blood run cold. He raised his head enough to see what had happened. Jason was fine, sitting on the concrete on the other side of his mother, Josh holding him. Larry was standing near what used to be the sliding glass door. But Piers was standing on the thin iron railing, arms stretched out to his sides, precariously balanced. He stared down at Lucio with crazed grief in his eyes.

  Please don't, Lucio croaked out.

  Do you know what Sylvie said to me just before she died? Piers asked, his eyes wild, his balance growing unsteady.

  Come on down, Larry said. We'll figure all this out. Don't do this.

  If you come an inch closer I will jump. Piers glanced down at the sea of emergency vehicles pulling up to the apartment building and let out a bitter laugh.

  Picture this, my charming friend, Piers said, staring directly at Lucio. It was the middle of the night. The lights were off. It was just Sylvie and me, in the glow of all her machines. I hadn't slept for three weeks, at her bedside every day, all day. Her eyes suddenly opened. I moved up to put my face next to hers. I put my lips against her cheek. And do you know what she said to me?

  Josh had left Jason and was crawling across the balcony floor. He got a few feet behind Piers and went into a crouch, ready to spring.

  What did she say? Lucio fought to hold on to consciousness, trying to keep him talking.

  Piers got a peaceful look on his face. Lucio had seen that look one other time, when he had sat on this very same balcony with him, talking of Sylvie.

  My wife looked me right in the eye. She smiled and whispered to me, her husband‘Is that you, Lucky? Have you come back to me?'

  No one breathed.

  And then she died, Piers said. He began to sway. Tears rolled down his face.

  Piers, please. No, Lucio said.

  You left me nothing, Montevez. I have nothing.

  Josh leaped to grab Piers's legs, but he'd already begun to fall backward, eyes to the sky. Lucio watched Piers extend his body in a graceful arc, offering himself to the nothingness.

  Then he was gone.

  No, no, no, Lucio moaned.

  Instantly, Larry was at Lucio's feet. Listen to me, Montevez. Larry's eyes were steely behind their swollen lids, and a deep frown of concentration dominated his face. Your friend is gone. But we've got another problem right here and I'm afraid it can't wait.

  Larry's face began to wash out as Lucio's vision faded. He turned to Ginger. The last thing he saw was her beautiful hazel eyes, filled with fear and love. The last thing he heard were the words femoral artery and the sound of his jeans being ripped to shreds.


  Ginger took one last glance at herself in the full-length mirror and grinned at what she saw.

  She was big as a house. Her cheeks were chubby and her ankles had morphed into cankles and she was happier than she'd ever been in her life. Lately, she wasn't sure the world was big enough to hold all her happiness.

  Today was her wedding day.


  Ginger looked up to see Josie sticking her curly head in the door. Are you ready?

  Ginger nodded.

  Are you okay?

  Ginger nodded again.

  Are you sure?

  She held out her hand. Josie came to her, arms outstretched, and hugged her tight. They both began laughing.

  We have to stand five feet apart to hug these days, Ginger said.

  Between the two of us, we're twelve months' pregnant! Josie separated from her friend and smiled at her, touching her cheek. Ginger, I have never seen you more beautiful.

  She reached for Josie's hands. I remember the first time I did this, I was a nervous wreck. It was such a huge production. My mother and my father had to be separated because they hated one another. Larry was hungover from his bachelor party. I'd practically starved myself to squeeze into my wedding gown. I couldn't get my hair right. It was raining and I was supposed to have an outdoor reception

  Josie grinned. But this time?

  Ginger glanced to the French doors that looked out over the snow-covered vineyard. This time I'm just happy. That's it. I'm not worried about anything. I'm forty and pregnant and getting married in a freak snowstorm and I'm happy about it!

  Josie went to the dressing table to retrieve Ginger's bouquet just as there was a knock at the door.

  You decent in there? Bea asked, sticking her head in before Ginger could answer.

  I'm an unwed mother, but other than that, sure, Ginger said.

  Bea laughed. Just for another ten minutes or so, babycakes.

  Roxanne came in next, smiling broadly. Everything's ready in the main house. Mrs. Needleman is getting antsy and your mother is still hitting on Lucio's dad, who doesn't understand a freakin' word she's saying but sure seems to like looking down the front of her dress.

  Bea snorted. Maybe she's finally found her ideal man!

  Please, please don't make me laugh, Ginger said, holding her belly.

  So you don't ruin your makeup? Roxie asked.

  No! So I don't wet my pants! Ginger said. My bladder is the size of a raisin these days.

  Tell me about it, Josie said. Just you saying that and I've got to hit the powder room again. Don't leave without me!

  Before Josie toddled off to the bathroom, she tossed the bouquet to Roxie, who looked like she was going to keel over in horror. She stared at the red roses in her hands for a second, then flipped them to Bea.

  Remember the last time we were all in this room? Roxie asked cheerfully, making sure no one said anything about what had just happened.

  Absolutely. Ginger's gaze drifted to the guest room bed. You guys were worried that my honor was being compromised.

  Silly us! Bea said with a snort.

  Josie's voice echoed from the bathroom. Compromise can be a good thing! Sometimes all it takes is a little compromise to make your dreams come true!

  Roxie rolled her eyes. We better get moving, she said. Lucio shoveled the walkway so you wouldn't get snow on your shoes, but if we wait much longer he'll have to do it again.

  Ginger sighed. That was sweet of him.

  Josie, would you hurry up in there! Bea walked through the dressing room and toward the bathroom. We don't want Ginger's kid to be born out of wedlock, do we?

  Coming, coming.

nbsp; Josie opened the door and waddled past Bea, shaking her head. You're such a bossy thing.

  Bea's hand flew to her mouth and her eyes bugged out. Then Roxie did the same. That's when Ginger saw what they found so hilarious. Josie had tucked the back of her maid-of-honor dress into her pantyhose.

  Hey, Joze, Bea said. You know how you're always telling me to mind my own business?

  Josie spun around. Yeah. She spun back around when she heard Ginger and Roxie snicker. What's so funny?

  Look, I hate to ‘butt' into your personal affairs. Bea could hardly contain herself. But you should know that your entire booty is exposed.

  Josie fumbled around behind her and gasped.

  I'll get it, Joze. Ginger yanked up on the ruby-red satin until it was unhitched, then smoothed it out to where it fell at mid-calf. She smiled at her friends. You all look gorgeous, she said. Thank you for being my bridesmaids. Come here a minute.

  Ginger motioned for everyone to stand with her in front of the huge mirror.

  With her dark hair and pale skin, Roxanne looked stunning in the three-quarter-length-sleeve wrap dress. Bea looked downright sophisticated. She was even wearing small diamond stud earrings and a touch of lip gloss! Josie looked adorable, with her pink cheeks and all those glossy curls brushing her shoulders. Ginger had asked the seamstress to adjust the cut of the dress to accommodate Josie's growing bump, and the result was perfection.

  Maybe Josie was rightmaybe Ginger had never looked more beautiful than she did right then. She wore an ivory silk sleeveless dress that fell just above her ankles. The retro style of the gown was accented by elegant elbow-length gloves. Ginger's hair had been pulled back into a French twist, and she wore her mother's matching pearls and earrings.

  She looked like a knocked-up Holly Golightly.

  We're four of the hottest babes in all of Northern California, Bea said, giving Ginger a gentle squeeze around her waist as they stood before the mirror.

  Maybe five, Ginger said.

  Whoops! Of course! Bea bent at the waist and whispered into Ginger's dress. Sorry, sweet cheeks.

  Josie cleared her throat.

  Right, Roxie said, leaning down close to Josie's tummy. Maybe even six!

  The women laughed and pulled each other tighter. Ginger noticed that tenderhearted Bea was almost ready to burst into tears.

  All right, let's get me married. Ginger held out her hand to Bea, who transferred the bouquet to her grasp.

  The women walked to the door, and filed down the guest-house steps. Bea held Ginger's elbow and they hustled her down the covered walkway to the main house. The women stood at the front door, peeking through the window.

  Ginger gasped. The great room at Samhain Ranch had been turned into a lovely chapel, decorated with red and white roses and sprays of greenery. A fire roared in the fireplace, sending golden light through the room. Candles were lit everywhere. About forty people were seated in a half circle of chairs.

  Ginger peered closer. There were her boys, so handsome and tall in their tuxedos. How proud she was of the men they were becoming! And there was her mother, wearing a dress that advertised her latest boob job, rubbing against the arm of Lucio's father. And there was Larry's latest girlfriend, sitting by herself in the last row. Ginger had met her. She liked her. She was a teacher, with two grown daughters. The woman was forty-seven.

  She knew why Larry was not sitting next to his girlfriendbecause Lucio had asked him to be a groomsman. He wanted to honor Larry for saving his and Jason's lives, and Larry had agreed.

  Will wonders never cease.

  Lucio entered the great room. She could barely detect a limp as he strolled between the divided chairs and stood to the left of Mrs. Needleman. He kissed the old woman's hand, which she obviously loved, and then he clasped his hands behind him. Rick, Teeny, and Larry fell into place at his side.

  Lucio looked elegant and masculine and just slightly nervous. Ginger felt a sting in her throat at the sight of him, her sexual panther man, her six-alarm lover, a man who had turned out to be as brave and sweet as he was spicy. She thanked God that his arm was completely mended, and it was icing on the wedding cake that Lucio had stopped needing his cane just last week, four months after his gunshot wound. Everyone who had been injured that day had healed fine. And they'd all helped Lucio deal with the suicide of his friend.

  Ginger took a deep breath and blew out the sorrow. It did not belong here. This moment was about celebration. It was about hope.

  I've waited my whole life for this, she told her friends. I don't want to wait another second.

  The Spanish guitar soloist paused, and started the melody Lucio and Genevieve had chosen for her walk down the aisle'Lagrima by Francisco Tarrega. It was a tender piece of music, simple and romantic.

  Lucio's hands fell to his sides. He tried to regulate his breathing, but was failing. Bea came first, taking long strides through the room out of synch with the music, smiling big and winking as she took her spot. The Amazon Woman came next, and Lucio was surprised at how lovely Roxanne looked. She was one of those women whose bitterness could suck the beauty right out of her own skinbut this evening she seemed more relaxed and happy than he'd ever seen her. The red satin suited her as much as the breastplate and spear. Lucio smiled at her and gave her a nod.

  Josie came next. She beamed. She glowed. She giggled. It had been a real pleasure getting to know her, and Lucio was grateful that she and Ginger had each other's counsel during their pregnancies. Lucio heard Rick mumble something to himself, and turned to see his friend blinking back tears.

  I told youno crying, Teeny hissed. You know I can't handle that shit, man.

  Lucio decided to check on his father, who was smiling softly and nodding his approval, not overly concerned with the aggressive advances of Ginger's mother. Lucio had no illusions. Rebuilding a relationship with Isidro Montevez would be a monumental task, but his agreeing to come to San Francisco for the wedding was already a miracle in itself. Now if his papa could only escape the clutches of the glamorous Teresa Barr, former beach-blanket bimbo

  For Lucio, everything and everyone else fell away as Genevieve entered the room. Her cheeks were flushed from the cool air. She walked slowly and delicately down the center of the room, the firelight playing on her skin, her smile wide and pure. A collective sigh went through the room. She was radiant. She held the bouquet of roses at her belly, but it did nothing to hide his baby inside. Of all the miracles in that room on that Valentine's Day, his child was the most breathtaking.

  After all this time, after all these detours, Lucio was being offered the one assignment he had thought was out of his reachthe chance to be a husband and father.

  Genevieve arrived in front of Mrs. Needleman. Lucio moved to her right side and took her soft hand in his. He knew the ceremony would be brief. That had been his only request.

  I know I will forget if there are too many words, he had explained to Genevieve. My tongue and my brain will be all jumbled. They had agreed to say one simple thing to each other by way of vows.

  Mrs. Needleman read a short poem about the mystery of love. Genevieve looked over to Lucio and gave him a crooked smile. He wished they were alone. His bride was so delicious and round that all he wanted was to roll around with her, naked, skin on skin, breathing her and tasting her and singing to their little baby boy or girl. He was so in love with his bride that he didn't know if he could survive the ceremony. He was so in love with his baby that he didn't know if he could survive the three months of waiting.

  I promise to give my heart to you without reservation and without doubt, Genevieve was saying. She'd already handed off the bouquet to Josie and had turned to face him directly. I promise to believe in you, laugh with you, find the joy in every small thing we experience together. I have been waiting for you forever, Lucio. I am so glad we found each other.

  He nodded, painfully aware that it was his turn to speak. The Host! He had forgotten what he planned to say!

Just wing it, Teeny whispered over his shoulder.

  Lucio let go with an embarrassed laugh. He took a breath. So much has happened, my love. Everything that has taken place in my life has led me to you, to this day, to my child, to a world so full of happiness that it sometimes shocks me.

  Genevieve's eyes went big.

  I have seen so much of lifethe tragedy and the greed and the most spectacular creations of God on earth. But nothingnothinghas prepared me for what I see today. I have a wife! I have two wonderful young men at my side. Lucio nodded to the boys in the front row, who were grinning shamelessly. I have a life rich in friendship and laughter, and a sense of belonging.

  Lucio felt himself choke up. He decided to let it come. In a broken voice he said, Even my father is with me today, after a lifetime of of the word?

  Alienation? Teeny offered.

  Separation? Larry suggested.

  Discord? Rick asked.

  The entire room laughed.

  Anyway, all that matters is that my father agreed to come, and it marks a new beginning. He looked briefly to his father. Gracias, Papa.

  After taking a deep breath, Lucio brought both of Genevieve's hands to his lips and pressed them tight with a kiss. I love you, pelirroja, he whispered. I will be a good husband to you. I will not let a day go by where you do not know how I treasure you, how I thank God that everything went wrong in my life so that everything could finally be made right.

  Mrs. Needleman cleared her throat. We've rented this joint by the hour, she said, to great laughter.

  Ah, I have said enough, yes? Lucio released Genevieve's hands and reached behind toward Rick, who handed off the ring.

  Please marry me, Genevieve. Please be my wife.

  She smiled. I will.

  Lucio slid the platinum band down her lovely finger. He knew he was smiling like a fool.


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