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The Dragon Warrior (Lochguard Highland Dragons Book 4)

Page 14

by Jessie Donovan

  “Yes, that was my first thought,” Arabella drawled.

  “Oh, come on, love. It is a bit amusing. Fate has a sense of humor.”

  Amusement danced in Arabella’s eyes. “In more ways than one.”

  With a growl, Finn kissed his mate and whispered, “Despite your cheekiness, I love you, lass.”

  “You should. The cheekiness is thanks to you.”

  As they smiled at one another, Layla’s voice broke the moment. “Sorry to interrupt. But I thought you might want to hold all of your children before we deliver the afterbirth.”

  Finn reluctantly released Arabella’s hand as Logan deposited one blue bundle and then another into Arabella’s arms. Layla brought the pink bundle and laid it on Arabella’s chest and Finn kept her in place with his free hand.

  He laid his cheek against Arabella’s as they stared at their three children. From this moment forward, their lives would never be the same. But Finn wouldn’t have it any other way. Arabella had given him a family. Since both he and Arabella had lost so much, it was just the fresh start they needed.

  And fuck any Dragon Knights or anyone else who tried to steal away their happy future.

  Chapter Fifteen

  Faye checked her mobile phone yet again. She still hadn’t heard anything from bloody Grant.

  Her dragon spoke up. He will respond as soon as he can. Besides, Bram has people going to help guard Arabella.

  I know, but I feel as if either Grant or I should also be there. Cat doesn’t need us plus Iris and the DDA security team to watch over her, provided she stays inside our accommodations.

  Then just tell Iris you’re going and leave. Grant will understand.

  He probably would, but Faye still didn’t want to make such an important decision without his knowledge. He is head Protector and if I start breaking the chain of command, others might follow suit and compromise Lochguard’s security.

  Her dragon huffed. This is different. You used to be in charge. You know when to bend the rules.

  She decided how to respond to that since technically, it was true. Being a former head Protector gave her a unique perspective on things.

  However, Grant’s authority needed to be absolute, except for the clan leader’s say. Maybe next time he can designate me as in charge. Then we won’t have this problem.

  Faye’s phone beeped with a message. It was from Grant: I’ll be there soon.

  She’d been cryptic in her earlier message, but the fact he trusted her and didn’t question her urgency meant more to Faye than she would ever say. She was starting to think she and Grant might work out, after all.

  What about the frenzy? her dragon asked.

  So now you’re open to him again?

  I didn’t say that. But he is proving himself. It’s a start.

  Faye sighed. Let’s not argue about this right now. Kissing Grant is the last thing on my mind, at least until we know Arabella is safe and no one is about to attack Lochguard.

  We only just received word from Mum that Ara had two boys and a girl. Even if the Knights have someone working at the surgery, it would take time to mobilize.

  You seem to forget that we still have to fly back.

  Someone knocked on the door and Faye answered it. Cat stood there and studied her. “Are you okay? They’re serving supper here tonight, and you’re usually the first one to round us all up and head downstairs.”

  Faye motioned for Cat to come inside. Once the door shut, Faye answered, “Arabella just had her babies.”

  Cat looked at her askance. “That should be wonderful news, so why aren’t you happier about it?”

  She lowered her voice. “Because we might have a situation.”

  “Does that mean we need to leave?”

  Faye loved the fact Cat asked that question without any hint of disappointment or disgruntlement. “You should be able to remain here with the other participants. We need all of the good publicity your event should bring this evening.”

  “What aren’t you telling me, Faye MacKenzie? If it’s classified, I understand. But if not, I’d love to know what’s going on. I may not be a soldier, but I’m sure there’s some way I can help.”

  “Thanks, but your place is here. Your presence and interaction with the media will do the most good.” Faye paused and then added, “As for what’s going on, I promise to tell you as soon as I can. Just know that it has nothing to do with anyone here.”

  “Okay, that’s a bit cryptic, but I trust you. Would you like me to bring something up for you to eat? It’s not as good as my mum’s, but it’s passable.”

  Faye smiled. “Nothing is as good as your mum’s cooking, except for maybe mine. But anything will be great. If you could nab some for Grant, too, that would be perfect.”

  Cat opened her mouth to reply, but a furious pounding on her door interrupted her. Faye said, “Come in.”

  Grant rushed into the room but paused a second when he saw Cat. “Cat.”

  Cat smiled. “I was just leaving.”

  As soon as Cat was gone, Grant blurted out, “What’s going on? Your message only signaled that something was happening back home, but that it was immediate.”

  Faye filled Grant in on the situation with Arabella and the threats before adding, “No one has attacked Lochguard yet. Although Bram is sending a few of his Protectors to help us out. We need to decide which of us is going back to Lochguard to oversee security until the threat is no more.”

  Grant didn’t hesitate. “Both of us. Iris can handle things here.”

  “Are you sure?”

  “Of course I’m bloody sure. Don’t start second-guessing yourself now, Faye Cleopatra.”

  She narrowed her eyes. “I’m not second-guessing myself. I’m not in charge anymore. Unless it’s common practice for anyone to defy you and make their own rules, I thought it best to wait for your order.”

  “You shouldn’t have to. Once things settle down, we’re going to talk about sharing the responsibility of being head Protector.”


  Grant could’ve picked a better time to share his plans for Faye, but the words had spilled from his lips before he could stop it.

  Faye’s eyes widened a fraction before she whispered, “Truly?”

  “Yes, bloody woman. We can hash out the details later. For the moment, we need to make preparations and head back to Lochguard.”

  Faye shook her head. “Leave it to you to make a grand announcement and then dismiss it. We’re going to have to discuss your timing.” She reached out and touched his arm. “But before we leave, did you learn anything from your father?”

  The warmth of Faye’s hand on his arm helped ease his tension a fraction. “Michael shared some valuable information, but it’s not anything that can’t wait.”

  His dragon spoke up. You shouldn’t be so abrupt with her.

  Time is of the essence, even with Faye.

  However, Grant didn’t want to completely dismiss Faye and have her take it the wrong way. He covered her hand on his arm with his. “Once things settle down on Lochguard, I promise to tell you everything, lass.”

  She smiled. “You’re just worried about our home, which is as it should be.”

  As Grant stared into Faye’s brown eyes, he wished he had time to hold her close and tell her how bloody wonderful she was. She understood him on a level few would.

  Unfortunately, head Protector meant putting his personal desires to the side when needed.

  His dragon added, Hopefully not for much longer.

  Grant agreed. He nodded at Faye. “Aye, so let’s get going. I talked briefly with Iris before I came to your room. She’ll handle Lachlan, so we’re free to leave straight away.”

  Faye moved to her bed and picked up a satchel. “I’m already packed. Let’s go protect the clan.”

  She rushed past him, and the corner of Grant’s mouth ticked up as he followed. Faye was indeed a leader. The sooner he made her coleadership role official, the better.

; His dragon chimed in. You might want to confirm the details with her first. Faye isn’t the type to like things decided for her.

  Aye, I know, dragon. Let’s sort out all the crap happening as quickly as possible so that we can corner Faye and talk about the future.

  You’re the one being slow. The sooner we reach Inverness Castle, the sooner we can shift. I’m much faster than you.

  He and Faye snuck out of the B&B carefully and had managed to step outside when a voice asked, “Where are you going?”

  It was Max Holbrook.

  Grant turned around. “Clan business. I’m sure you understand.”

  Max’s eyes widened. “May I accompany you? I love flying and don’t have the opportunity very often.”

  Faye replied before he could. “Maybe some other time, Max. I’m sure if you listen to Iris and follow her orders, she’ll offer you a ride.”

  Grant could just imagine the look on Iris’s face if she heard what Faye was saying.

  Max said, “I’m not so sure about that. She thinks we need to stay here and never leave.”

  Grant kept his voice free of impatience. “You can discuss it with her. But no, you can’t come with us. For your safety, go back inside.”

  Faye added, “It’s nearly time for you to leave for the exhibition opening. You don’t really want to deprive all of those people of your wonderful finds, do you?”

  “You’re right. It’s my duty to share.” Max turned back toward the house. “But I’ll remember your words about Iris. I’m going to fly again by any means necessary.”

  The human went back inside. He was glad that Max wasn’t his problem.

  Grant took Faye’s hand and gently pulled her down the pavement. “Let’s hurry before he changes his mind and tries to follow us.”

  As they jogged toward Inverness Castle, he squeezed Faye’s hand in his and she did the same. He knew she’d have his back. Always.

  His dragon sighed. We still need to ask and make it official.

  Even if for some strange reason she wants to delay the frenzy, she will always still have our back. If you question Faye’s loyalty, then I wonder if you’ve paid attention.

  Of course I trust her. But I want the right to protect her as our mate. I’m impatient.

  Then help me secure the clan as fast as possible.

  Faye’s voice prevented his beast from replying. “I wouldn’t underestimate Max. If he’s managed to stay out of prison this long despite his illegal digging, he has some sway somewhere.”

  “I don’t bloody care. I just want to reach Lochguard as soon as possible.”

  “And we will. You need to learn to multi-task.”

  Faye released his hand and rushed ahead of him. With a growl, Grant pushed himself to catch up. Even though Faye was shorter than him, she’d always been quicker.

  His dragon spoke up. I’d love to chase her when there’s no danger.

  Aye, so would I. So let’s rid Lochguard of any threats and we can work on it.

  Someone’s changed his tune from a few days ago.

  Taking care of the traitors may involve a more long-term plan. As long as we can ensure the clan’s safety from the Knights for the foreseeable future and put our plan into motion, Faye may be open to some kissing.

  Then hurry up and run faster. I can’t do anything to help us succeed until we shift.

  He smiled at his beast’s impatience. Not that Grant didn’t feel the same.

  However, as he watched Faye’s body move as she ran, he rather enjoyed being a second behind her. The view provided him with motivation to finish their current task as soon as possible.


  Finn swapped his daughter, Freya, for his youngest son, Declan. Careful to keep his tone light, he said to Fergus, “What are the latest reports?”

  “So far, the forest is quiet. The loch, too, looks free of invaders. Our biggest concern is that drones will suddenly appear and attack everyone,” Fergus answered.

  Arabella’s voice was tired as she said, “Is everyone inside?”

  Fergus nodded. “Aye. But we can’t stay this way for long. Even with most of the cottages now having a bomb shelter stocked with supplies, we can’t live this way long term.”

  As Declan squirmed a second in his sleep, Finn quietly cursed the Dragon Knights. He should be enjoying time with his new family, not worrying about a possible attack.

  His dragon chimed in. It’s better to be cautious than to lose more people.

  Finn looked down at Arabella holding both Freya and their oldest son, Grayson. Despite everything going on, he took a second to memorize the love in Arabella’s eyes as she stared at one of their children.

  His beast spoke up. We fight for them.

  Finn looked to his cousin Fergus. “You can go back to monitoring contacts with the others. Although, when you have the chance, could you bring one of Ara’s computers here?”

  Fergus frowned down at Arabella. “Ara just gave birth.”

  Arabella smiled. “Believe me, I would rather be sleeping in a big bed with my mate and children, but I can’t do that until the clan is safe.”

  “You’re a strong one, Arabella MacLeod.” With a nod, Fergus left them alone in the delivery room.

  Finn sat at the edge of Arabella’s bed and looped an arm around her shoulders. “Are you sure you want the children to only carry my surname?”

  Arabella glanced up at him. “You want to discuss that now? I thought we decided weeks ago to give them Stewart.”

  “Aye, but it feels wrong for them not to carry a piece of their mother’s name.”

  Leaning her head against his shoulder, Arabella said, “We’ll discuss it later. As it is, I’m glad we had two boys and a girl. That simplified naming rights.”

  He and Arabella had each picked out a male name. Finn had selected Declan and Arabella had wanted Grayson. Freya had been the only female name they’d both agreed on.

  Finn lifted Declan and kissed his youngest son’s cheek. “We’ll get you home soon, wee Dec. Your uncles Fraser and Fergus promised a surprise.”

  Declan scrunched his nose as if he knew the surprise would be outlandish. At least his children would be initiated into the MacKenzie family antics from the get-go.

  Arabella’s voice filled the room. “I hope by the time they’re old enough to walk, the Dragon Knights will be a distant memory.”

  “Me too, love. Me too.”

  Finn gently switched Declan for Grayson before whispering into his oldest son’s ear, “But even if that’s the case, you’re the oldest, lad. It’ll be up to you to look out for the others.”

  Grayson didn’t so much as move a finger.

  Arabella adjusted her children so that they lay on the bed to either side of her. “I need to take a nap, no matter how short, Finn. Make sure the babies don’t roll off the bed?”

  He smiled down at his mate. “Never fear, Gray and I will keep watch.”

  “Gray and Dec,” she murmured. “I already see the twins getting into trouble with you.”

  Her eyelids closed and Arabella was asleep before Finn could say anything.

  As he took in each member of his family, Finn whispered, “I will keep you all safe, no matter the cost. Your dad will never allow harm to come to you.”

  As his three bairns and Arabella snored slightly, Finn only hoped he could keep his promise.

  His dragon chimed in. Of course we will. The Knights are sloppy. We can defeat them.

  Just don’t underestimate them.

  His beast fell silent, and Finn enjoyed what precious moments he could with his family. Shit would probably hit the fan soon enough.

  Chapter Sixteen

  Faye and Grant had decided to take the less direct approach to Lochguard by flying apart but close enough they could call out to each other. That way they could survey some of the past hiding spots of the Knights, if they were indeed there.

  So far, Faye only saw the usual cottages, trees, and animals in the late evening sunshine.
Thanks to it being early summer, the sun set late. That would work to Lochguard’s advantage. Large groups could easily be spotted. If there were enemies, they definitely were moving in small groups under the cover of the trees.

  I can’t wait to hear an update from Cooper, Faye said to her dragon.

  We’re nearly there.

  The landscape below told her they would arrive in a few minutes.

  Ignoring the growing ache in her wing, Faye tried to tamp down her excitement. Not for the threat to the clan, but rather at seeing Finn and Arabella’s children. She’d loved being auntie to wee Jamie and looked forward to putting ideas into the heads of Finn’s kids. She could then sit back and watch it play out.

  Her dragon spoke up again. You might want to be careful. Whatever you do to the others’ children, they will retaliate with our own.

  Faye’s wings missed a beat. You’re getting ahead of yourself, dragon. I haven’t even kissed Grant. Let’s see how that goes before you start plotting out our future.

  A kiss is all it will take. I hope you remember that.

  She was about to reply when Faye noticed a quick, bright flash of light in one section of the Naver Forest. Since the forest was partially along the Strathnaver Trail, which was a series of stops related to local history, the light could’ve been a camera flash. But Faye wasn’t taking any chances.

  Gliding down, she scanned the road for parked cars or motorcycles. There weren’t any.

  That most likely ruled out tourists.

  Faye wanted nothing more than to land, shift into her human form, and check out the light herself. But she wasn’t naïve. Since no one knew her exact location, she needed to land on Lochguard and set things in motion there.

  She turned and quickly flew across Loch Naver toward Lochguard’s rear landing area.

  Grant was already on the ground in his human form when she arrived. He spotted her in the air, moved to the edge, and Faye slowed her descent until her hind legs touched the ground.


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