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The Darkest Whisper lotu-5

Page 30

by Gena Showalter

  Sabin was still at the van, a group of Hunters now holding shields and pushing their way toward him. Clearly they’d come prepared for anything. Still trembling, and fatigued beyond imagining, Gwen lifted Aeron and took off at a run.

  Before she reached the forest’s edge, a bullet pierced her left thigh.

  She cried out, dropped to the ground. Aeron grunted, but didn’t wake, and blood gushed from her. Damn it! An artery had been hit. The trembling became almost violent, but she pushed to her feet. Black winked in and out of her vision. Keep going. You can do it. She surged ahead. Took her ten minutes this time, but reaching the finish line had never been sweeter.

  Again, both Danika and Ashlyn were waiting for her, doctoring Paris there in the foyer while Maddox and William rushed to get them whatever they needed.

  Gwen dropped Aeron beside his friend, too weak to be gentle this time. When she stumbled to the door, Danika grabbed her arm.

  “You can’t go back. You can barely stand.”

  She jerked loose. “Have to.”

  “You won’t make it. You’ll faint on the hill.”

  “Then I’ll drive.” ’Cause there was no way she was staying here. Sabin was out there, needed her.

  “No.” There was steel in Danika’s tone. “I’ll drive you. Just let me get the keys.”

  “William,” Maddox called.

  The warrior sighed. “I know what that means. I’m supposed to do the driving.”

  Still Danika rushed off. Ashlyn stepped up and placed two fingertips at the base of Gwen’s neck. “Your pulse is too fast,” she said on a sigh. “Breathe slower. That’s the way. In. Out. Good girl.”

  She must have closed her eyes because the next thing she knew, her leg was bandaged and William was at her side, grabbing her hand and ushering her toward the door.

  “Danni gave me the keys. If we’re gonna do this, let’s do it.”

  “Be careful,” Ashlyn called.

  Once they were settled in the SUV, William peeled out, burning rubber through the forest. Gwen was thrown against the door, and her temple slapped into the window. That’s gonna leave a mark, she thought dizzily.

  “You holding on?”

  “Yes,” she said, the word weak, even to her own ears.

  “Hey, listen. Thank you for bringing Aeron and Paris home. Anya loves them and would have been devastated if they’d been killed. Much as she irritates me, I want her happy.”

  “My pleasure.” And pain.

  When they reached their destination, the battle had already wound down. Sabin, Kane and Cameo were bleeding profusely, cut up and nearly broken, but they continued fighting the stragglers.

  Seeing the SUV, they jumped back, out of the way. Gwen braced herself as William hit the gas and ran over the humans. “Gods, this is fun,” he said on a laugh. The vehicle bounced once, twice. Before it stopped, Gwen threw open her door. Sabin sprinted to her side and dove in. The others claimed the backseat just as swiftly.

  “Go, go, go,” Sabin commanded, and William once again burned rubber. Sabin’s arm wound around Gwen’s waist, squeezing tight.

  Now that he was with her, alive, what little energy she possessed drained away completely. Weakness consumed her, overshadowing all else. Even the Harpy was eerily silent.

  “Gwen,” Sabin said, concern drenching his tone. “Gwen, can you hear me?”

  She tried to respond, but no words would form. No sound would push past the sudden lump in her throat. She didn’t know what to say, anyway. She was still furious with him, still wanted to hurt him for what he’d done to her, still wanted to cry for the way he’d doubted her.

  “Gwen! Stay with me, darling. Okay? Just stay with me.”

  William must have hit another body because Gwen bounced back and forth again. Or maybe Sabin was shaking her. There were two white-hot bands wrapped around her forearms.

  “Stay with me! That’s an order.”

  She’d just saved his life, and he thought to order her around? “Go to…hell…” she managed, then darkness claimed her and she knew nothing more.


  Sabin pressed his wrist into Gwen’s mouth, her teeth sinking deep into his vein. The feel of those soft lips…that hot suction…He was so hard his cock could be considered a dangerous weapon. This was Gwen’s second feeding, and she was healing nicely. She had flat-out refused to take his neck, even though she would have received a better flow of blood and thereby healed much faster. Worse, she refused to talk to him.

  So he talked for both of them. He told her the kids she’d captured were still contained, but comfortable and safe. He told her that her sisters had escaped the dungeon about an hour ago and had once again taken up residence in the chamber beside his. Despite the anger they had to feel, they’d been strangely quiet.

  So had Doubt, for that matter.

  He’d known the demon feared the Harpies. He’d known the little shit retreated deep inside his mind every time Gwen became riled. But now the fiend remained silent even if she wasn’t. Striking distance was all that was required now. Almost seemed as if Doubt, well, doubted itself and its ability to take her in a battle of wills. Poetic justice, if you asked Sabin.

  The demon turned on Sabin every time he ventured away from Gwen, of course, and still sought other victims constantly. But not Gwen, not any longer, and it never dared say anything about Gwen. After the way she’d ripped through those Hunters…The demon had also stopped trying to convince Sabin that he couldn’t have her, too afraid to piss Gwen off.

  A little anger from her wouldn’t have been a bad thing, though. Anything was preferable to the silent treatment.

  Sabin sighed. So badly he wanted to hop a plane and search for the missing warriors. But first, he had to recover from yesterday’s battle. He and the others were no good to anyone right now. What’s more, he knew he couldn’t divide their forces more than they already were. Hunters were still in Buda, and those Hunters had to be dealt with before the fortress fell or the women were injured.

  This morning Torin had pegged one of the new captured with a tracking dye and “accidentally” let him escape, following his every move from his computer and waiting for the bastard to lead the warriors to their hiding place.

  Waiting was difficult, though. He’d tried to talk the Harpies into going to Chicago, had promised them a fortune, but they’d shut their door in his face. He knew they didn’t want money. They wanted him to send Gwen packing. That, however, he couldn’t do.

  He loved her. More than before, even.

  More than his war, more than his hatred for the Hunters, he loved her. She was Galen’s daughter—so what. Sabin carried the demon of Doubt inside him, so like he really had room to judge. Gwen wouldn’t aid her father. She wouldn’t. Sabin knew that soul-deep. And yeah, he also knew that Gwen would be giving up a chance at a relationship with her dad to be with him, which was why he needed to prove to Gwen that he was now her family.

  She was number one in his life. He shouldn’t have locked her away. He should have trusted her, should have allowed her to fight. Hell, he would have lost without her—and he would rather lose than be without her ever again.

  The pressure of her mouth eased, and then she was pulling away from him. He was seated on a recliner he’d dragged to his bedroom—more than taking from his neck, Gwen had refused to drink from him on the bed. She was seated across from him in the other recliner he’d confiscated because she’d also refused to sit on his lap.

  Her lips were bright red and puffy, as though she’d been kissed. “Thanks,” she muttered.

  Thanks—her first word since waking from her injuries this morning. He closed his eyes, smiling as her beautiful voice drifted through his head. “My pleasure.”

  “I can tell,” she said dryly.

  Slowly his eyelids cracked open. She hadn’t flounced to the bed as she had earlier but remained in the chair, her back ramrod straight, peering just over his shoulder, determination pulsing off her. Dread coursed thro
ugh him. What, exactly, was she determined to do? Leave him still?

  “How are Aeron and Paris?” she asked.

  Needed to work up to it, did she? “Healing like the rest of us. Thanks to you.”

  “Thanks to William. I’d pushed myself too far and wouldn’t have been able—”

  “Because of you,” he interjected. “You did more, fought harder, than anyone I’ve ever seen. And you had no reason to do it and every reason not to. Yet still you saved us all. I’ll never be able to thank you enough for that.”

  “I don’t want your thanks,” she said, cheeks heating. Not in embarrassment, nor in desire. But…anger? Why would she be angry at his gratitude? She released a shuddering breath, which seemed to calm her. “I’m healed, my strength almost completely returned.”


  “Which means…I’m leaving.” Her voice cracked there at the end.

  And there it was. He’d suspected that was coming, but was still devastated by the words. You can’t leave, he wanted to shout. You’re mine. Now and always. But he, more than anyone, knew the consequences of trying to control such a fierce soldier. “Why?” was all he managed to get out.

  Jerkily she hooked a lock of hair behind her ear. “You know why.”

  “Spell it out for me.”

  Finally her eyes slid to him. Fire sizzled in their depths. “You want to hear it? Fine. You used my weakness against me, my secrets. You hurt my sisters, forced me to hurt them and lock them away to save you. You didn’t trust me and you almost died for it.” She jumped to her feet, hands fisted. “You almost died!”

  Okay, the thought of his death upset her most. She’d mentioned it twice. Hope flared inside him, and Sabin was out of his chair and tossing her on the bed before she had time to blink. As she bounced from the impact, he pinned her with his weight.

  Rather than struggle against him, she glared up at him. “I could snap your neck.”

  “I know.” Actually, this position left her vulnerable. Left her wings immobile, which drained her strength. Her weakness, the one he’d used against her before. There’d be no more of that. He flipped to his back, placing her atop him. “I thought I was doing it for your own good. I didn’t want you fighting. Didn’t want you hurt. Didn’t want you pitted against your own father.”

  “That wasn’t your choice.”

  “I know,” he repeated. “To be honest, I did it for me. I needed to know you were safe. That was stupid of me. Stupid and wrong. I won’t be leaving you behind again. You’re a better soldier than I’ve ever been.”

  Her legs straddled his waist, placing the heat of her directly above his throbbing erection. He groaned, gripped her hips to keep her still.

  “I can’t trust you anymore,” she said.

  “You can. You can trust me. You, more than anyone.”

  “Liar!” She slapped him, hard enough to crack bone. His cheek exploded in pain, but he didn’t make a sound, didn’t retaliate or release her. Just slowly faced her, ready for anything else she wanted to dish. He deserved it. He’d let her flay the skin from his body if it meant working this out between them. “I question everything you say now, something I didn’t do even when your demon was drifting through my head at every possible opportunity. More than that, I will never truly believe you trust me. After everything you’ve done—”

  “I have weaknesses, too.” The words left him in a desperate rush, quieting her. “You gave me your secrets. Now let me give you mine. To prove that I trust you, that I’ll never leave you behind again.” He didn’t give her a chance to respond. “While guarding the king of gods, I lost an eye. Zeus had to give me another. I can’t see great distances like the other warriors.”

  As he spoke, her shoulders relaxed a little. Her fingers curled in his shirt, bunching the material and lifting it from his stomach. His hope intensified. “You could be lying.”

  “I told you. I can’t lie. I pass out if I try. That’s part of my curse—and another weakness.”

  “You said you wouldn’t use my secrets against me. That was a lie, but you didn’t pass out.”

  “I meant it at the time.”

  She remained silent.

  “I hold two daggers while fighting because I have a tendency to grab my opponent if a hand is free. I’ve lost fingers that way more times than I can count. If you can disarm me of a single blade, you can more easily defeat me.” He’d never told anyone these things. Even his men, though they’d probably noticed over the years. Still, he was surprised by how easily—and willingly—he shared with her.

  “I–I think I noticed that.” Her tone was softer, gentler. “During practice.”

  Encouraged, he continued. “Everyone is sensitive in some place, some way. It’s a weakness, an Achilles heel. Mine is my left knee. The slightest pressure can send me to the ground. That’s why I fight with my body half-turned.”

  She blinked, as if she were reliving their practice sessions in her mind, trying to judge the truth of his claim for herself. A few minutes ticked by in silence. Sabin concentrated on breathing deep and even, drawing her scent into his nose.

  “To be honest, though, there is one weakness that slays me more than any other. Right now, always, that’s you.” His voice dropped, husky, intent. “If you still want to leave, leave. But know that I’ll be leaving with you. Try to lose me, and I’ll just hunt you down. Where you go, I go. If you decide to stay and wish me to stop fighting, I’ll never again fight the Hunters. You are more important. I’d rather die than live without you, Gwendolyn.”

  She was shaking her head, disbelief warring with hope in her expression. “My father—”

  “Doesn’t matter.”


  “I love you, Gwen.” More than he’d ever loved another. More than he loved even himself. And he loved himself a great deal—most of the time. “I never thought I’d find myself grateful to Galen for anything, but I am. I could almost forgive him for every wrong he’s committed because he brought you into the world.”

  She licked her lips, still hesitant to accept his claim. “But other women—”

  “Don’t even tempt me. I am your consort. Not for any reason, even to win a battle, would I turn to someone else. Ever. I’d rather lose the battle than lose you. You are it for me. The only one. Hurting you destroys me. I know that now.”

  “I want to believe you. I do.” Her gaze fell to his chest, to where her fingers rested. Those fingers relaxed their grip, even traced squiggly lines. “I’m afraid.”

  “Give me time. Let me prove it. Please. I don’t deserve a second chance, but I’m willing to beg for one. Anything you desire, anything you—”

  “What I desire is you.” Her eyes met his, pupils consuming the irises. “You’re here, and you’re alive, and that’s all I can seem to make matter at the moment. Let me have you.” She ripped his shirt in half and dove down, mouth suddenly sucking one of his nipples. “I don’t know about the future, but I know that I need you. Show me what you want me to believe. Show me you love me.”

  Sabin’s hands tangled in her hair, and he rolled them over. Joy burst through him. Joy and shock, love and white-hot desire. She hadn’t offered the everlasting declaration he’d hoped for, but this would do. For now.

  He tugged at her clothing, his own. Soon they were both naked, hot skin pressed against hot skin. He sucked in a breath at the bliss. She moaned, her nails spearing deep in his shoulders.

  Sabin kissed his way to her chest, laved his tongue over each of her nipples, kneaded her breasts, and then continued his trail of kisses. His tongue swooped into her navel, and she quivered, writhing against him.

  “Grab the headboard,” he commanded.


  “Headboard. Hold it. Don’t let go.”

  She was blinking up at him in confusion, the scent of desire wafting from her. She was lost in the pleasure, drowning in it, but finally she obeyed. Her back arched, her breasts now high in the air, nipples hard as little p

  “Drape your legs over my shoulders,” he rasped out, reaching up to roll one of those beautiful nipples between his fingers.

  This time she obeyed without hesitation, gasping, trying to grind up against him. When he felt her heels digging into his lower back, he parted the damp folds guarding the new center of his world and bent his head for a taste.

  Her flavor was intoxicating. Addicting. Rich and sweet, the perfection he remembered. He circled her clitoris, teasing it, while he sank two fingers inside her. Her cry echoed throughout the bedroom.

  “I can’t believe I resisted you, even for a second.”


  “Have I told you yet how beautiful you are? How much I love you?”


  He chuckled. On and on he tongued her, his fingers never ceasing their ministrations. Her head thrashed back and forth, strawberry curls flying in every direction, body writhing.

  “More,” she chanted. “More, more, more.”

  When he brought a third finger into play, she immediately began spasming, holding him inside, muscles locking tight. He sucked her clit harder…longer…drawing out her climax.

  Only when she screamed his name, only when she collapsed against the mattress limply, did he release her. He crawled up her body, cock begging to penetrate her tight little sheath. But he didn’t. Not yet.

  Her eyelids blinked open. Luminous amber irises peered up at him, white teeth nibbling at her bottom lip.

  “I’m not going to hurt you, ever again,” he vowed, and then flipped her to her stomach. “Let me prove it.”

  She gasped, instantly reared back to knock his weight off her, but he reached down and flattened his chest to her back, stopping the frantic flutter of her wings. She stilled. Don’t panic on me, darling. Next he flattened his hands over hers, meshing his cock between her lower cheeks, his legs outside hers. He was panting, warm breath trekking wildly over her shoulders.

  “I owe these precious wings a proper apology,” he said, lifting his weight. “Will you allow me to touch them?”


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