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A Buckhorn Summer

Page 16

by Lori Foster

  He was dying to see her, all of her, so while she stayed occupied making him insane, he reached for the front closure of her bra.

  It opened easily, the cups parting to show soft, full breasts and tight, pink nipples.

  Zoey removed her hand long enough to shrug off the bra, leaving her naked except for those sinful panties. Before she could go back to tormenting him, Garrett sat up to remove his shoes and socks, then stood to shove out of his jeans.

  Still on her knees, now in front of him, Zoey said, “The boxers, too.”

  He had no problem with that and shucked them off as well.

  Like a living fantasy, Zoey gave another vibrating “mmmm,” and reached for him.

  A smidgen of reality wormed in past the smoldering lust and Garrett caught her hands. “Hold up a second.”

  Staring up at him, her green eyes big and—damn—hungry, she whispered, “Why?”

  It took a lot of fortitude on his part, but Garrett came down to his knees with her. Getting the words out wasn’t easy, but for Zoey, he managed. “Are you sure about this?”


  Her answer came too fast for him to take it seriously. “You haven’t been in town that long—”

  “I’m ready.”

  “—and I’m rushing you.”

  Laughing, she toppled him backward so that she was on top again, her light brown hair forming a curtain around them. “Are you always this hesitant about sex?”

  “No.” God, no. He loved sex. Always. “I want you to know that you’re different.” As in special, damn it.

  “Really?” Even though she sounded impressed by that, she squirmed on him, shattering his resolve. “That’s sweet.”

  “Zoey.” Garrett curved one hand to her jaw, the other to her ass, trying to keep her still. “I can wait if you need me to.”

  “Well, aren’t you superhuman,” she teased.

  Damn straight, because that’s what it took to be noble with her.

  “The thing is...I’m not.” Zoey lightly bit his bottom lip. “And it’s been a long time for me.” A sweet, barely there kiss on his chest. “And I’m ready now, as in right now.” To emphasize that point, she moved against his straining erection. “Once my mom is here, I won’t have much opportunity for stuff like this.”

  Was she already putting a time limit on their relationship? Like hell. Sure, her mom would need some help, but they’d figure it out.

  “So please,” she said, giving him another little nibble, “no more talking—unless it’s to say something naughty or enticing. You know, to turn me on more.” She trailed her hot little tongue along his ribs, and lower. “Not that I need it, because seriously, Garrett, I’m there.”

  When her mouth teased over his hip, he gave up. Again.

  “Do you have protection?” she whispered.

  He could feel her hot breath. “Yeah.”

  “I figured.” She closed both hands around him, nuzzled against him and he knew, flat-out knew, if he felt her mouth on him, he’d never be able to hold out. They’d have to save that for later, when he wasn’t coiled so tight.

  Catching her forearms, he dragged her up his body so he could take her mouth again, then turned her under him. “My turn.”

  “But I wasn’t done.”

  “Any more of that and I would’ve been.”

  “Oh.” Satisfaction curled her lips.

  Sweet, silly Zoey.

  “I think I’d like that,” she whispered. “Pushing you to lose control.”

  He cupped her breasts. “I’ll look forward to it. Later though, okay?” Lowering his head, he drew in one nipple, pleased with the way her back arched, how her breath caught, the clench of her fingers in his hair. He kept it light, suckling gently before moving to the other side. He drew her in, harder this time, and moved his hand down to her panties.

  She lifted into his touch, her breathing ragged. Finding her panties already damp pushed him dangerously close to the breaking point.

  Insane. He loved to tease, building the pleasure, but now, with Zoey, he felt consumed with the need to get inside her.

  Hoping she was ready, he moved his fingers inside the material, stroking over her, parting her and finding her silky, wet and hot.

  “Garrett, now.”

  “This?” he teased.

  She held her breath when he slowly worked two fingers into her, pressing them deep, keeping the heel of his hand firm against her.

  “Now,” she insisted on a gasp.

  “Soon,” he whispered.

  She clamped around his fingers, and he felt new moisture slicking his hand. “Now, now, now—”

  Her urgency spurred his own. It took him only seconds to snag up his jeans and locate a condom. Eyes heavy, Zoey watched him tear open the foil packet and roll it on. He reached for her hips, snagging his fingers in the waistband of those sexy little panties.

  With more haste than finesse, he tugged them off. She wanted him to rush, but he needed to take a minute just to look at all of her. “Damn, you’re sexy.”

  “Flattery will get you everything.”

  It wasn’t flattery, just truth, but she kept curling her toes and shifting, and he knew she was in the same shape as him.

  He liked that she wanted him so much, that she felt the same chemistry.

  “Garrett?” Her breasts trembled with her broken breaths. “Don’t be a tease.”

  Smiling, he settled between her legs, then said, “Kiss me, Zoey,” doing what he could to hold off, wanting it to last.

  She did, but went one further. When her slim legs wrapped around him, her ankles locking at the small of his back, Garrett groaned his surrender.

  He adjusted, positioned himself...and slid deep.

  On that very first thrust, she cried out. Knowing sounds carried on the lake, he kissed her, and kept on kissing her even while riding slow and deep. She matched him in every way, countering with a roll of her hips, holding him tighter and tighter.

  Given how quickly she started coming, she’d been even closer to the edge than him. Those sweet, internal contractions milked him, her heated scent enveloped him, and she arched hard, putting her head back on a harsh, high moan.

  That did it for him.

  Pressing his face against her neck, he gave in to release, still rocking into her until all his tension eased away.

  He thought to keep his weight off her, but Zoey hugged him tight, so he carefully settled atop her.

  Her long sigh of satisfaction made him smile—until he felt her stiffen. “What’s wrong?”

  “I think I heard something.”

  A second later, he heard it, too.

  * * *

  ZOEY HAD BEEN adrift in utter bliss, her limbs still tingling, the weight of Garrett’s hot, hard body offering a very unique comfort.

  Until a rustle in the bushes to the right pulled them apart.

  She stared into the darkness. “What was that?”

  Eyes narrowed, Garrett said, “I don’t know.” He pressed a hand to her shoulder. “Stay put.”

  “I’m naked,” she reminded him in a panicked whisper.

  “Not like I’d forget.” He handed her T-shirt to her and pulled on his boxers and jeans.

  She watched him. “What did you do with the condom?”

  Even with firelight making the shadows dance, she saw the incredulity in his glance.

  “Sorry,” she whispered. “But I’ve never done this outdoors thing before.”

  Just as quietly, he said, “Tossed it in the fire.”

  “Oh.” Ingenious. As he started to step away, panic set in. “What are you doing?”

  Keys rattled when he pulled a key chain from his pocket with a small flashlight connected to it. “
Checking on things.”

  She said, “Oh,” again.

  Garrett shone the low light over the tall weeds...and they both saw the movement.

  Her heart hammering, Zoey quickly yanked on her panties. “Probably just a critter,” she said hopefully.

  “Not a raccoon or possum,” he said. “Too big.”

  Too big? The weeds moved more, parted...and a pair of eyes reflected off the beam of the small flashlight. She nearly swallowed her heart. “That’s not a snake, right?”

  “Stay still,” Garrett told her.

  She went one further and held her breath...until the dog came slinking out.

  Oh, thank God.

  “Hey,” Garrett said softly to the animal. “Easy, boy.”

  Zoey almost melted. How could Garrett be so freaking awesome all the time? Few men could transition from incredible stud to stalwart protector to gentle caregiver without a hitch. Being so gorgeous was just overkill.

  “He’s limping.”

  Her heart softened more, this time in pity. “Looks a little rough around the edges, too. Poor guy.” Very slowly she got to her feet and pulled on her jeans.

  Watching them both, the dog held back.

  “No collar,” Garrett said, moving the flashlight over the mutt. “He’s loaded with ticks, a few scratches—”

  “And that limp.”

  “Yeah.” He went down to one knee. “You okay, guy? How friendly are you?”

  That Garrett didn’t just try to run the stray off was almost enough to melt her knees. “Will you be okay here with him if I go get some food?”

  “Yeah, but go slow.”

  “I know.” She’d been around animals all her life. A hurt animal might take any sudden movements the wrong way. So she didn’t run, but she didn’t dawdle, either.

  In the kitchen, she snatched a plastic bowl off the shelf and quickly emptied an entire package of bologna into it. On her way out, she turned on the back porch light. It helped only a little.

  Garrett was now within a few inches of the dog, his hand extended.

  If anything, the dog looked worried.

  And desperate.

  She was still a good distance away when he started sniffing the air. Smiling, she held the food out in front of her as she eased closer.

  “Let me,” Garrett said, reaching back so she would hand the bowl to him.

  The big protective lug.

  “I know what I’m doing,” she reminded him. “I’m the expert.”

  “Groomer,” he countered, but he didn’t interfere when she very slowly set the bowl down in front of the dog.

  “Does that mean you want to pick the ticks off him?”

  “Want to? No. But I’ll help.” Taking her hand, they both moved back to let the dog eat.

  He emptied the bowl in a few big, noisy bites.

  Zoey studied him, the small, mostly tan body with black and brown markings, the floppy ears, the soulful eyes. “He looks like a beagle-Jack Russell mix.”

  “Still young,” Garrett agreed.

  Now that the dog had solved one problem, it inched closer, sniffing.

  “No more just yet, sweetie.” With apology, she said, “You’ll get sick.”

  Garrett touched under the dog’s chin, and he let him. As if that broke the ice, the poor little thing limped closer, his tail thumping with hope.

  Tears turned Zoey’s vision blurry. “I’m taking him in.”

  Garrett smiled. “I already knew that.”

  * * *

  TRUE TO HIS WORD, Garrett stayed and helped. It was past midnight by the time they had the dog tick-free, bathed and a nasty thorn removed from between the pads of his front right paw.

  Zoey put out fresh bedding, then put up a gate at the kitchen doorway. “Hopefully I can get a vet appointment tomorrow.”

  “My uncle Jordan will fit him in.”

  She’d forgotten that his uncle was a vet. “You don’t think he’d mind?”

  “He’ll insist.” Crossing his arms over his chest, Garrett propped a shoulder on the wall. “I can meet you there first thing tomorrow morning if you want.”

  So sweet. Smiling at him, Zoey stroked his biceps. She would never tire of touching him. Or looking at him. And hopefully more. Lots more. “If you’re free and want to join us, that’s fine. But if you’re busy, I can handle it.”

  Now that the dog was clean, had eaten again and was given a fresh dish of water, he looked exhausted. After only a few cautious glances their way, he went to the corner of the kitchen where Zoey had made his bed, dug around, rearranged things, snuffled and kicked, and finally, after turning two circles, dropped down with a lusty sigh.

  Garrett’s grin pleased her as much as the dog’s acceptance. She hadn’t planned on taking on even more responsibility, but the dog was here, and she’d make it work somehow.

  “I like your house.”

  Drawn from her thoughts, she looked around, seeing what he saw—cabinets that needed to be sanded and painted, cracked linoleum floors, watermarks on the ceilings.

  His hands settled on her shoulders. “Every old house needs work. That’s part of the fun.”

  She wondered if he really meant that. For her, it would be fun because it wasn’t just a house, it was a new beginning. “I’m looking forward to it. But the kitchen won’t be the first room.” She took his hand and started down the hall. “I’ve already done some work on my mother’s bedroom and bathroom, but I’d love your input on what still needs to be done.”

  The dog slept on undisturbed. He must have really been tired. Thinking of him wounded and all alone tugged at her heart. But never again. She’d make sure he had enough love to recover.

  As they went through the modest house, Garrett offered nice compliments on every room she showed him. Like her, he focused more on the unique qualities of the older home, instead of what needed to be done. She loved that he felt the same as she did about it.

  Midway through the tour he suggested she get a pen and paper so they could make notes and figure out what was needed.

  “You’re sure you don’t mind?” Zoey didn’t want to take advantage of him. He’d already put in a full day, then helped her with the dog. “It’s getting really late.”

  He touched her cheek. “Tired?”

  With him around? “Not me.”

  “Good.” His thumb went under her chin, he tipped up her face and gave her a short, soft kiss. “Let’s make a list.”

  For another thirty minutes they went over everything, and Zoey felt like she had a good handle on which updates were priorities and which could wait.

  Even better, Garrett insisted he’d enjoy helping out as often as possible.

  When they reached her bedroom, he stepped inside and looked around with interest.

  Being there with him, near her bed, meant there was no way she could keep her thoughts on repairs. He’d already given her an incredible orgasm, but now...

  Now she wanted more.

  “The room looks like you.”

  That made her laugh. “Peeling paint and scuffed floors? Gee, thanks.”

  He nodded at the bed. “Soft blankets, everything tidy but colorful.” His gaze met hers. “Inviting.”

  Such a wonderful compliment—though she seldom thought of herself as tidy. “Thank you.”


  “Everything.” Lifting a hand, she gestured at the house, at the pet hair and muddy paw prints clinging to his dark shirt. “For the kind words, the encouragement and advice, and for helping out with the dog.”

  He didn’t move from his position near the bed. “Is that my goodbye for the night?”

  “What? No.” She closed the space between them. Unsure of how bold she should be, wary of chasing him
off, she said, “I was hoping for more kissing?”

  Humor lit his eyes. “Is that a question or a fact?”


  Smiling, he shook his head. “You don’t protect yourself at all, do you?”

  “From you? Why would I.”

  Indecision took him across the floor—away from her—but he came right back again. Determination stopped him in front of her. “You were phenomenal.”

  “Really?” She grinned and lifted a fist. “Go me.”

  “The thing is...”

  Uh-oh. “What?”

  “I can’t be anything more than a friend.”

  They were already more than friends. Or, having had her once, was he satisfied? “You don’t want me anymore?” She must not have been all that phenomenal after all.

  His eyes flared, then narrowed. “Of course I do.”

  “Then what’s the problem?”

  “I’m not looking to settle down anytime soon.”

  Insult, disbelief and incredulity kept her staring at him for far too long. Should she laugh, be indignant? Or just be honest?

  He stepped closer. “Zoey?”

  Honesty won out. “Here’s the thing, Garrett. I just got back to town, right? My mom is having all kinds of health issues. I’m trying to open up a new shop and make enough of a living to support not only me, but her, too. So far as I can tell, a third of the town doesn’t remember why I left, another third remembers but doesn’t care and that last third is still harboring some animosity.”

  “I’m sorry.”

  She waved off the apology. The last thing she wanted was his pity. “Do you really think I have the time or the inclination for a committed relationship?” He started to speak but she cut him off. “Because I don’t. Actually, I’m pretty beat.”

  “I didn’t mean...”

  “And really. Sex once doesn’t lock you into anything.” She tried a cheeky grin. “Sex twice or three times still doesn’t count as a promise, not to me.”

  This time when he started to speak, she put her fingers against his mouth.

  “If you want to be friends, yeah, that’d be great—as long as it’s friends with benefits because I’m too busy to clear my calendar just for an occasional chat or fast food. But sex? At my convenience, and yours of course, now that I can work out. So what do you think?”


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