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A Demon's Debt (The Desdemona Chronicles Book 2)

Page 9

by Cece Rose

  “Fine, I just want to get the hell out of here as quickly as possible,” I snap in reply.

  “Trust me, angel, I don’t want anything more than for you to be gone already,” he snaps back.

  “Don’t call me that,” I mutter darkly, not liking him using Kaden’s nickname for me.

  “Yes, it does seem a little inappropriate for what you are, doesn’t it?” he replies, giving a harsh laugh when my face contorts at the understanding of his words. It’s inappropriate to call a half-demon angel. Why does he have to remind me of that?

  “Can you not just call me Mona?” I ask, already knowing it’s a lost cause, but trying regardless.

  “Of course, I could, dove,” he replies grinning at me broadly, as I glare at him. “But it’s so much more satisfying to watch you squirm,” he adds.

  “I'm sure,” I reply barely resisting the urge to roll my eyes.

  “We're almost there; when we are in the building, or on the grounds remember you cannot say anything to give away that it was I who killed Alastor. Even if you think none can hear us, there are always eyes watching and ears listening. You must stick to the plan,” he says seriously.

  “Yes, I've got it,” I mutter. After I'd gotten dressed in this ridiculous red dress, which I am sure he picked because it matches his stupid eyes, he had explained the plan. We were to attend this demon party, where we would then be escorted into a meeting room, and I would be questioned by some demons. All I had to say was that X had been tormenting me, so I had researched and forged a demon blade. I killed X with it that day, and Adam had shown up shortly after and had taken the sword from me. I hadn't met Adam before then, and I hadn't seen him again since until he had come and asked for me to attend the gathering as his guest. I snort at the thought. Like I'd ever agree to be a demon's guest.

  “Are you sure you don't need to go over it once more?” he questions.

  “I killed X, you showed up and took my sword, then I didn't see you again until last week when you invited me to this damn gathering,” I recite at him.

  “And you didn't meet me before the night X died, Firefly. That part is crucial,” he replies, emphasising the last part with his tone.

  “Yeah, yeah, I've got it. They can't think you played any part in putting the thought into my pretty little head, I know,” I reply rolling my eyes.

  “Perfect. Also, try not to talk to anyone, other than when you are being directly questioned. Just stand there and try to look sexy,” he mutters, casting a dark look at me.

  “Try? What are you trying to say?” I snap.

  “Well, you'd look a lot sexier if you weren't giving people death glares constantly,” he replies calmly.

  “I don't give everyone death glares constantly, I reserve my death glares for assholes,” I retort, and I'm surprised when he laughs in response. I was expecting more threats.

  “Well, there will be plenty of those there. Just try to keep the glaring to a minimum; they're not the friendliest bunch,” he replies.

  “Fine, I'll try,” I concede. I try and force a smile onto my face. I know how pained my fake smile looks, and I try not to cringe.

  “Oh, have some fucking mercy, no. Go back to death glares, love,” he says quickly, noticing the look.

  “You're such a bastard, you know that, right?” I mutter, secretly glad to ditch the fake smile. I’m already having to lie about enough tonight, without also having to fake my facial expressions. We turn onto another road, and I spot our destination up ahead.

  A huge wall surrounds the grand looking property, and the cast iron gate, which is the only visible break in it, is straight up ahead of us. Adam doesn't slow the car down as he speeds towards the gates. I start to panic, gripping the edges of my seat nervously, but the gates just open as we approach. I relax back in my seat, feeling a little silly. Of course, they would just open automatically.

  The mansion we approach is huge, a long stretch of white across the horizon, with two wings on either side. They extend towards the front, framing rounded steps that lead up to the grand looking front entrance. I gape at the freaking horse-led chariot that is currently in front of the steps. The chariot is red, plated with what looks like real gold, and is led by two graceful looking white horses. The occupants are climbing out and heading into the building, whilst a scrawny looking figure climbs in and directs the horses to lead it away. Just as they are walking up the steps, they turn and look disapprovingly at the car. I notice the two's strange attire matches the strange mode of transport. The two men are dressed in tunics, which are belted at the waist with golden-coloured belts. They both wear open purple cloaks over the top of their shoulders, a golden clasp clinches the cloaks on at their left shoulders. Their lower legs are bare, and they're both wearing sandals. I hear Adam grinding his teeth next to me, and then he loudly revs the car's engine until they turn, continuing up the steps.

  “Friends of yours?” I ask sarcastically.

  “Not quite,” he answers with a smirk.

  “Why did we have to drive here?” I ask curiously, it wasn't a particularly long drive, but it would have been much quicker to jump here.

  “You cannot jump within 500 meters of the outside of this property's walls. I preferred to drive the whole way than to jump and have to walk. My shoes might get dirty,” he replies.

  “Lazy bastard,” I mutter quietly. He either doesn't hear me or chooses to ignore me, as he pulls up at the front of the property. A man who's also dressed strangely, in a long, grey tunic shirt and leggings approaches the car. His eyes aren't glowing, so I assume he must be either a halfling or a human. He reaches and opens my door for me, I step out of the car awkwardly, as Adam lets himself out before the man can make his way around to the other side of the car.

  “Not a bloody scratch on it,” Adam growls at the man before tossing him the keys. The man nods mutely and scrambles into the car as quickly as possible, clearly terrified of Adam. I can't blame him, though. If I could drive away in that car right now I would.

  “Do you have to be like that?” I mutter as I follow him up the white-stone steps.

  “Yes, and you'll do well to follow suit, dove. If you want them to class you as higher than a normal halfling because of your magic, you'll have to play the part,” he says.

  “I don't want them to class me as anything. I just want to go home,” I mutter quietly.

  “Well, if you want the rights to leave without fear of being forced to live as the other halflings do, you will have to convince them to class you as higher. There's no way around that, love,” he replies, keeping his voice low.

  “Fine,” I agree begrudgingly. I could go along with this for one night, surely. To save my own soul from ending up stuck here forever, I will have to.

  Chapter 13

  “Will you bloody stand up straighter, you're such a slouch,” Adam whispers furiously in my ear. I shiver, hating him being so close to me, but he's insisting on sticking to me like glue. The soft sounds of jazz music are echoing through the huge ballroom at the moment. The music keeps switching, never sticking to anything for long. A mixture of classical, pop, dance music, jazz, folk, and even some music that I've never heard anything remotely like has played since we’ve entered the room. The room is quite dark, lit only by candlelight. It creates a strange atmosphere within the cavernous space.

  “Well, maybe if you didn't make me wear this ridiculous dress and these stupidly high shoes, I would have less trouble walking, and I'd be less prone to slouching,” I snap at him quietly. He pinches my side, making an exasperated face at me, and then nods in the direction of a demon that was passing us by. The demon is dressed like an ancient Egyptian god. I have to remind myself that he's an evil demon and that it's not appropriate to be staring at his very well-defined abs. Nope, not staring even a little bit. Seriously, could the damn demon not just have worn a shirt? Trying to retain a moral high ground while ogling evil demons, I'm totally doomed.

  “Are you purposely trying to make me look l
ike a fool?” he mutters, while jabbing me in the back to try and make me stand straighter.

  “Yes, I came all the way to the demon realm just to make you seem foolish,” I reply sarcastically. “Can we please sit down? My feet are killing me,” I ask nicely, glancing around there are several tables laid out across the huge room. Some are situated in groups of tables, and others are seemingly sectioned off by themselves. There's plenty of places to sit, why is he making me stand?

  “No, we need to mingle,” he replies as if it is completely obvious that's what we should be doing.

  “Mingle? I thought the idea was I'm meant to avoid talking?” I question, wishing I could be anywhere other than a stupid demon party. I glance around the room again, all the halfling slaves are dressed in grey tunics and leggings, like the one I saw outside. They're serving food and drinks, but they're all skinny as hell. How cruel is it to make starving people serve lavish food to their tormentors? Most of them show signs of abuse between their untrusting eyes, and the bruises that pepper their skin. I feel so sick, I can't look at any of them in the face anymore.

  “Are you even listening?” Adam snaps. I look back to him and shake my head mutely. If he'd just been talking, I hadn't heard a word. “I said that I need to mingle. All you need to do is stand next to me and look pretty. Can you just do that for me, dove? Or is that too complicated for you?” he questions me back, his voice getting snarky.

  “Stand next to you and look pretty, got it. But do you know a spell to stop my feet hurting? I wasn't kidding about the shoes being hell,” I answer. He just rolls his eyes at me and drags me over to where several demons are sitting around a table. As we approach, I begin to feel nervous. All the demons have been giving us a wide berth mostly so far since arriving, only the halflings had approached us to offer drinks. Speaking of, I was sincerely in need of another.

  “Adramelech, you've brought such an interesting plus one tonight,” a rich voice greets as we approach the table.

  “Are you implying my company isn't interesting enough in itself?” Adam drawls, as he pulls out a chair and gestures for me to take a seat. I look up and shoot him a glare. So now he suddenly has manners? Begrudgingly, I take the offered seat, secretly glad to sit down for a little while.

  “Not at all, old friend, but I much prefer the company of women,” he says humorously. Awkward laughs come from the other demons around the table, and I press my lips together tightly to keep in the snarky retort that wants out. Adam takes the seat next to me, shifting it closer as he sits so we are almost touching. Damn, can't he let me breathe just a little bit?

  “As do I,” Adam replies smoothly, once he's made himself comfortable.

  Cautiously, I look up, eyeing the demons that are sitting around the table. Three demons sit across from me and Adam. The one on the left is pale, his porcelain skin almost translucent and I can see his blue veins bulging against his fair skin. His pure white hair is long and worn tied up. His eyes are cloudy and white, with only his slit pupil glowing a pale pink. An albino demon, maybe? He's dressed in an older looking suit, but is probably one of the more normally dressed demons here. His suit reminds me a little of X's style of dress. The thought alone sends a cold shiver down my spine and I look away from him.

  The one on the right is dressed more plainly than any of the other demons I have seen here today, wearing just a white shirt with no tie. I can't see his trousers under the table, but I imagine them to be as plain as the rest of him. His glowing blue eyes and jet-black hair are the most striking things about him, but they pale in comparison to the demon sitting in the centre.

  Tanned skin, short, stylish blond hair, and extremely handsome. He has a strong jaw, full lips, and he's dressed in a black shirt, with a royal blue tie. He catches me watching him and smiles sinfully at me, the look promises all kinds of trouble. He'd seem far more in place at a modern bar in the human realm than here. Demons were meant to be ugly, attractive evil just isn't fair. I remind myself that they can dress up however they'd like, but they are all the same inside. Evil, twisted, and wrong.

  “Does your quiet friend here have a name?” the blond demon in the centre asks Adam. It had to be him that spoke before, didn't it? His rich voice is just as warm and inviting as he looks. Damn it.

  “Love, introduce yourself,” Adam says, kicking my foot under the table to get my attention. I kick his back, keeping my face passive.

  “I'm Mona,” I say simply.

  “It's a pleasure to meet you, Mona. My name is Prince Asmodeus, and this is Behemoth, and Eligos,” he says, gesturing to the left and then to the right. So, the albino demon is Behemoth, and the plain looking demon is Eligos. Prince? There are freaking demon princes? A demonic royal family?

  “Mona, isn't it nice to meet them?” Adam says, kicking my foot again.

  “An absolute fucking pleasure,” I mutter as I roll my eyes. I hear Adam draw in a sharp breath at my words. I seriously need a drink. Asmodeus laughs, and it's as rich sounding as his voice. As if they can read minds, drinks are placed before us by a couple of silent halflings. I look away when they place the drink in front of me. I’m such a damn coward.

  “I like her,” Asmodeus comments offhandedly.

  “I'm so thrilled to hear that,” the sarcastic words slipping from my mouth before I can catch them. Adam kicks my leg under the table again.

  “I can see why you are so charmed by her, what a curious creature,” he replies, speaking to Adam rather than me. Charmed by me? I struggle to keep in the laughter at that one.

  “I would think it has a lot more to do with the fact she killed Alastor,” Behemoth comments. The table goes awkwardly silently for a moment and he huffs. “What? Are we all going to pretend we didn't know that Adam wanted him dead and gone? How long did you have it out for the guy? A thousand years? Two?” he asks, slicking his white hair back with his equally as white hand.

  “Alastor and I had our differences, but I am as deeply saddened by his passing as I would be at the death of any higher demon,” Adam replies, his tone not faltering. I remember what he said about demons not lying and almost choke on laughter as I realise the way he's worded it. He clearly would not be the least bit upset at the death of any of them. Hell, maybe he'd be happy to be the slayer of them all. A smile crosses my face at that ridiculous thought. Adam the demon slayer.

  “What are you smiling about, Mona?” Asmodeus asks. I look at him, my smile instantly dropping.

  “Nothing, just so happy to be here,” I lie, very unconvincingly. The way I dragged out the ‘so’ may have something to do with that. I earn yet another kick under the table, which I again return. I take a sip of my drink, not recognising whatever it is, but knowing it’s alcoholic from the burn rushing down my throat.

  “Not even going to pretend to enjoy my company? My feelings are hurt, and here I was, planning to invite you to my casino,” he replies.

  “You own a casino?” I ask, putting my glass back down on the table.

  “I own five casinos,” he replies smugly.

  “Five casinos? Didn’t know demons were such gamblers,” I reply absently, looking around at the room. The darkened room is fairly full now, more people seeming to have arrived since we sat down. How many damn demons are there?

  “Only two of the casinos lie in this realm,” he explains.

  “You own businesses in the human realm?” I ask quickly, suddenly more interested. Demons owned stuff in our world, too?

  “Yes, you sound surprised? Humans are so easily drawn to the allure of the booze, gambling, and the good time that my establishments offer. My favourite is in Las Vegas, if you'd care to drop by sometime?” he offers, flashing me grin.

  “I’m busy,” I answer quickly.

  “I never said a date or time,” he replies, grinning even wider.

  “I’m just always so busy,” I reply, dragging out the ‘so’ again.

  “Yes, Mona here is always terribly busy, aren’t you, love?” Adam says, giving me a dark look
. What’s his problem? I already said I was busy.

  “What a shame, but I doubt this will be the last time we meet,” Asmodeus says, a glint in his snake-like eyes, as the vertically slit pupil seems to narrow a little more.

  “Eligos, Fleruty requires your presence immediately,” a voice says from behind me. Without a word, Eligos nods at us all as he stands and leaves. A moment later, the demon who spoke from behind me drops into the newly vacated seat.

  “Adam, just who I wanted to speak with,” he greets. Grabbing my glass, I take another sip of the fiery liquid.

  “What do you want, Scirlin?” Adam asks, sounding a little bored. Looking up, I feel my heart thrashing against my chest when I catch Scirlin’s eyes. Orange eyes. They’re an exact match for the eyes I saw that day so long ago. The eyes I have nightmares about. I drop my drink, losing control of my grip. I look down, having expected it to smash, but it’s hovering just above the table. I look across and spot Asmodeus’ left hand outstretched. He moves his hand and the glass rights itself and lands gently back on the table, following his hand’s movement.

  “Mona, you look like you could use some fresh air,” Asmodeus states rather than asks, as he’s already standing.

  “No, she doesn’t,” Adam huffs without even looking in my direction. I can’t breathe, I try to suck in more air, but I feel like I’m silently drowning.

  “I’m quite sure she does. I will keep an eye on her, make sure she doesn’t get lost,” Asmodeus says, but his words sound all wrong. I feel sick as I look back at Scirlin’s eyes, and I can’t move my eyes away again. I feel a hand on my shoulder, another sits on my elbow as he guides me to stand. When did he walk around the table?

  He turns me away from the table, the second my eyes snap away from Scirlin’s, it’s like the spell is broken. Shit, where the hell is Asmodeus taking me? I look back at Adam, but he’s deep in conversation, clearly trusting that his demonic friend will keep an eye on me. I feel uneasy as I walk across the room with this other demon, finding it peculiar that I feel so much safer with Adam, despite him being just the same as the demon who is leading me across the room now. Better the devil you know, I guess.


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